Regardless of #'s, I know that I was silenced talking about vax injury, including the death of my mother. I was silenced on talking about how the genetic vaccines worked, made to delete completely true tweets. I tweeted under a permanent shadow ban. I've been off twitter now for nearly a year.
I don't need any convincing on the manipulation, bias and silencing on twitter, whether or not one uses #'s.
I wish that I had access to twitter so I could access my tweets with all the references, statements and pictures that I can't find on the internet anymore.
Re “Study Indicates Social Media Content Moderation Drove 2021 COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign”.
The drive to make people submit to the Covid needles in 2021 was INSANE!
Peter McCullough was copied on much of my correspondence pleading for voluntary informed consent to be defended, pleas which largely fell upon deaf ears.
And now here we are, with who knows how many millions/billions injected, without being properly informed, and coerced and even mandated to submit to the injections to maintain livelihoods and participate in society…it’s absolutely shocking!
The wretched, treacherous medical profession did this, they collaborated with coercive and mandated medical interventions, the worse than useless Covid jabs.
How could the medical ‘profession’ do this, be swept along with this travesty, and destroy medical ethics?
Again, no-one was properly informed and allowed to make a truly voluntary decision about the Covid jabs…there is NO VALID CONSENT!
I wasn't surprised by the fraudulent companies and malfeasant regulators, and genetic invention mess, but I was surprised by the doctors; doctors who would face a vax injured patient and refuse to give them an exemption on the 2nd, or the 3rd, for their mandated livelihood. Pure evil was running.
Madeleine, people should not have to seek ‘exemptions’ to NOT have a vaccination. They’re supposed to be giving their voluntary informed consent to this medical intervention, or declining it if they so wish.
This ‘exemption’ scam has been going on in plain sight for years, e.g. with coercive vaccination of children in countries such as the US and Australia, with an ever-increasing number of lucrative vaccine products and revaccinations. The medical practitioners have gone along with it, presumably a money spinner for the vaccinators.
The medical ‘profession’ is an ethical desert, and largely devoid of critical thinkers…this makes for a very dangerous medical industrial complex, as we have seen writ large with the Covid debacle.
Of course all vaccinations should be voluntary. Of course no-one should require an exemption. But this was a situation - doctors faced with an injured person chose to injure them further, or impoverish them, to save their own careers. Amoral cowards.
Or worse yet, because they did not do their own research and read about the vaccine injuries, “notice” the myocarditis, or pay attention to the 40% increase in all cause mortality that has been reported all over the world. But it is the same with other medications, like Metformin and statins. They have “guidelines” and they follow them or they are censured by their medical group.
I understand the professional body issues - when they follow the guidelines they are protected - if they step off, they are not. But was the evil not a decisive moment for them?
Yes Madeleine, this whole 'guideline' issue has to be investigated... Seems like the medical 'profession' has been conscripted to foist ever-increasing medications on the community via 'guidelines'.
And taking it one step further, the approval of those genetic inventions by the TGA was a human rights violation, in the complete absence of assessment guidelines or adequate study. Allowing them to be used was a human rights violation by ATAGI, making claims about benefits vs harms in the absence of benefit and harm information. All Australians should've been protected from them. Studies emerging in Victoria are reporting no benefit on Death in frail elderly, and this is without including those who died as a consequence, before they even had a chance to test their efficacy against covid.
Elizabeth - I agree with you 100%. No one should require an exemption from any medical intervention or procedure. A simple, "I decline" should always be sufficient. When we seek exemptions, we are in essence endorsing & acquiescing to a policy of potential harm & sealing our fates for more of the same.
Exactly Debra. I've raised the exemption issue with a number of parties, including people who are associated with Children's Health Defense / Robert F Kennedy Jr...and they take no notice...
“The critical thing is that social media did not block such hash tags in the initial stages of spreading misinformation, which must have contributed to the rise of Covid 19 cases.” Let that sink in. A couple of dentists in India and an “Information Technology Applications” company in Livonia are so clueless and arrogant that they make this conclusion while negating the facts that the vaccine did not stop transmission and 72% of fully vaccinated people were diagnosed with Covid and 63% of those vaccinated and diagnosed people were hospitalized. These dentists also don’t seem to know that in India, a “First Aid” box was sent to citizens which included Ivermectin. In one state they completely stopped the spread. Nor did they know that India did not accept the contract by Pfizer because it included immunity from liability, like our 1986 law. Good to know the rest of India is not as dense as these dentists.
Suppression of free speech, propaganda and various psyops to control the masses. People try to outsmart the algorithms by purposely misspelling words or using graphical characters as words. The same suppression techniques are used by the Xiden administration to suppress political discourse. Be careful of the impact of AI during this election year as fake scandals are sure to be created.
I suppose you could always use "pro-vaccine" hashtags, even on a vaccine injury, or negative vaccine tweet! But I suspect their system might look at certain keywords, and not just at hashtags. It's quite remarkable that the authors of that paper seem to assume that any tweet warning about the vaccine's side effects or about its ineffectiveness, had to be "misinformation." Talk about bias!
You should encourage your readers to peruse the entire "Conclusions" section rather than just the highlighted part. Whoever Maghana and Chevali are, they clearly have no interest in free discourse or rational discussion. The entire piece is steeped in political language and a captive set of assumptions built into their conclusion. I wouldn't let either of these two idiots change the oil in my car.
I believe using hashtags or not is a double edged sword if your goal is to reach new people quickly. Like you said with the hashtag it is like a category instead of an individual post and therefore easier to censor but if they are not used then you are relying on those who alrwady follow you to share to their networks and eventually reach new people. However for you and those who have a substantial following already the organic spreading will happen faster simply based on numbers. So my conclusion would be if the subject is counter to narrative the powers that be want out then for you and other big accounts don't use hashtags but if it is not likely to be censored then new eyes will see it quicker with the hashtag. Also the younger crowd(35<) are more likely to search by hashtags than us older folks in most cases. Just my opinion and thanks for all you do every single day!!!
What if the mechanism of action within the shots IS the mechanism of harm? The body either creates proteins that assist in life sustaining functions or the body creates proteins which don’t sustain health and life. All mRNA shots tell the body to produce proteins which do not sustain life. If the body does this long enough, then the body will die.
There are tons of references showing that the wrong protein or a mis-folded protein will cause disease within the human body.
In the last 3 to 4 years, much of what I have seen in medical and scientific discussions has become the Orwellian observation of "universal deceit" making telling the truth, indeed, "a revolutionary act". The article by Meghana and Chapelli ( is so reflective of an unfortunately large crowd if elitists enamored with censorship tyranny, honestly believing it is for the "better good". Thankfully, the growing crowd willing to "speak the truth" is overcoming the condescending attitude of the elite sheep!
Dr McCullough: The form of censorship on Twitter is just changing.
Despite the presence of Elon Musk (who probably wouldn't take another mRNA jab if you paid him $1 B dollars, they now are adding these Community notes on every Tweet that attacks the Jab with facts.
Instead they are attaching Notes that dispute those aniti-mRNA tweets as False.
Note: As I promised you wouldn't regret continuing with Twitter (X). You should reach 1 M followers soon, though if you were an athletic, you would have had 1 M followers 2 yrs ago. I still believe you and I are not seeing our Tweets amplified. I am now paying for Premium Plus Twitter, but still no amplification of my tweets.
And perhaps, to better answer the question, when I was on twitter I lived on the hash's. If one is calling up tweets on a # is twitter preventing the tweets with that hash from appearing?? Is that what you're saying?
What I saw, in my time on twitter (up to a year ago) was that the tweets I made with that # wouldn't appear in the stream. So was it a question of person not appearing or All tweets not appearing?
If the bad guys only partially block your posts, you are being censored in a particularly evil way. You don't know if you should tone down your protests to keep getting at least something good posted. This results in self-censoring...thus doing the evil guys' work for them. I've seen this in my own posts. Another poster on another forum pointed out this process to me.
Regardless of #'s, I know that I was silenced talking about vax injury, including the death of my mother. I was silenced on talking about how the genetic vaccines worked, made to delete completely true tweets. I tweeted under a permanent shadow ban. I've been off twitter now for nearly a year.
I don't need any convincing on the manipulation, bias and silencing on twitter, whether or not one uses #'s.
I wish that I had access to twitter so I could access my tweets with all the references, statements and pictures that I can't find on the internet anymore.
Re “Study Indicates Social Media Content Moderation Drove 2021 COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign”.
The drive to make people submit to the Covid needles in 2021 was INSANE!
Peter McCullough was copied on much of my correspondence pleading for voluntary informed consent to be defended, pleas which largely fell upon deaf ears.
And now here we are, with who knows how many millions/billions injected, without being properly informed, and coerced and even mandated to submit to the injections to maintain livelihoods and participate in society…it’s absolutely shocking!
The wretched, treacherous medical profession did this, they collaborated with coercive and mandated medical interventions, the worse than useless Covid jabs.
How could the medical ‘profession’ do this, be swept along with this travesty, and destroy medical ethics?
Again, no-one was properly informed and allowed to make a truly voluntary decision about the Covid jabs…there is NO VALID CONSENT!
I wasn't surprised by the fraudulent companies and malfeasant regulators, and genetic invention mess, but I was surprised by the doctors; doctors who would face a vax injured patient and refuse to give them an exemption on the 2nd, or the 3rd, for their mandated livelihood. Pure evil was running.
Madeleine, people should not have to seek ‘exemptions’ to NOT have a vaccination. They’re supposed to be giving their voluntary informed consent to this medical intervention, or declining it if they so wish.
This ‘exemption’ scam has been going on in plain sight for years, e.g. with coercive vaccination of children in countries such as the US and Australia, with an ever-increasing number of lucrative vaccine products and revaccinations. The medical practitioners have gone along with it, presumably a money spinner for the vaccinators.
The medical ‘profession’ is an ethical desert, and largely devoid of critical thinkers…this makes for a very dangerous medical industrial complex, as we have seen writ large with the Covid debacle.
For more background on the exemptions scandal, see this email thread to the Australian Health Minister Mark Butler: Doctor Mark Hobart suspended for issuing Covid-19 vaccination exemptions...but vaccination exemptions should not exist!
Of course all vaccinations should be voluntary. Of course no-one should require an exemption. But this was a situation - doctors faced with an injured person chose to injure them further, or impoverish them, to save their own careers. Amoral cowards.
Or worse yet, because they did not do their own research and read about the vaccine injuries, “notice” the myocarditis, or pay attention to the 40% increase in all cause mortality that has been reported all over the world. But it is the same with other medications, like Metformin and statins. They have “guidelines” and they follow them or they are censured by their medical group.
I understand the professional body issues - when they follow the guidelines they are protected - if they step off, they are not. But was the evil not a decisive moment for them?
Yes Madeleine, this whole 'guideline' issue has to be investigated... Seems like the medical 'profession' has been conscripted to foist ever-increasing medications on the community via 'guidelines'.
And taking it one step further, the approval of those genetic inventions by the TGA was a human rights violation, in the complete absence of assessment guidelines or adequate study. Allowing them to be used was a human rights violation by ATAGI, making claims about benefits vs harms in the absence of benefit and harm information. All Australians should've been protected from them. Studies emerging in Victoria are reporting no benefit on Death in frail elderly, and this is without including those who died as a consequence, before they even had a chance to test their efficacy against covid.
Elizabeth - I agree with you 100%. No one should require an exemption from any medical intervention or procedure. A simple, "I decline" should always be sufficient. When we seek exemptions, we are in essence endorsing & acquiescing to a policy of potential harm & sealing our fates for more of the same.
Exactly Debra. I've raised the exemption issue with a number of parties, including people who are associated with Children's Health Defense / Robert F Kennedy Jr...and they take no notice...
What is going on?
Or refuse to prescribe early treatment with ivermectin and/or HCQ.
Evil and criminal.
“The critical thing is that social media did not block such hash tags in the initial stages of spreading misinformation, which must have contributed to the rise of Covid 19 cases.” Let that sink in. A couple of dentists in India and an “Information Technology Applications” company in Livonia are so clueless and arrogant that they make this conclusion while negating the facts that the vaccine did not stop transmission and 72% of fully vaccinated people were diagnosed with Covid and 63% of those vaccinated and diagnosed people were hospitalized. These dentists also don’t seem to know that in India, a “First Aid” box was sent to citizens which included Ivermectin. In one state they completely stopped the spread. Nor did they know that India did not accept the contract by Pfizer because it included immunity from liability, like our 1986 law. Good to know the rest of India is not as dense as these dentists.
Suppression of free speech, propaganda and various psyops to control the masses. People try to outsmart the algorithms by purposely misspelling words or using graphical characters as words. The same suppression techniques are used by the Xiden administration to suppress political discourse. Be careful of the impact of AI during this election year as fake scandals are sure to be created.
I left Twitter when Elon Musk placed a World Economic Forum related person in a high position at the company.
I suppose you could always use "pro-vaccine" hashtags, even on a vaccine injury, or negative vaccine tweet! But I suspect their system might look at certain keywords, and not just at hashtags. It's quite remarkable that the authors of that paper seem to assume that any tweet warning about the vaccine's side effects or about its ineffectiveness, had to be "misinformation." Talk about bias!
You should encourage your readers to peruse the entire "Conclusions" section rather than just the highlighted part. Whoever Maghana and Chevali are, they clearly have no interest in free discourse or rational discussion. The entire piece is steeped in political language and a captive set of assumptions built into their conclusion. I wouldn't let either of these two idiots change the oil in my car.
I believe using hashtags or not is a double edged sword if your goal is to reach new people quickly. Like you said with the hashtag it is like a category instead of an individual post and therefore easier to censor but if they are not used then you are relying on those who alrwady follow you to share to their networks and eventually reach new people. However for you and those who have a substantial following already the organic spreading will happen faster simply based on numbers. So my conclusion would be if the subject is counter to narrative the powers that be want out then for you and other big accounts don't use hashtags but if it is not likely to be censored then new eyes will see it quicker with the hashtag. Also the younger crowd(35<) are more likely to search by hashtags than us older folks in most cases. Just my opinion and thanks for all you do every single day!!!
What if the mechanism of action within the shots IS the mechanism of harm? The body either creates proteins that assist in life sustaining functions or the body creates proteins which don’t sustain health and life. All mRNA shots tell the body to produce proteins which do not sustain life. If the body does this long enough, then the body will die.
There are tons of references showing that the wrong protein or a mis-folded protein will cause disease within the human body.
Even insulin is a small globular protein! (,(30%20residues)%20(Fig.)
All of the hormones in the human body, except the sex hormones and those from the adrenal cortex, are proteins or protein derivatives. (,are%20proteins%20or%20protein%20derivatives.)
In the last 3 to 4 years, much of what I have seen in medical and scientific discussions has become the Orwellian observation of "universal deceit" making telling the truth, indeed, "a revolutionary act". The article by Meghana and Chapelli ( is so reflective of an unfortunately large crowd if elitists enamored with censorship tyranny, honestly believing it is for the "better good". Thankfully, the growing crowd willing to "speak the truth" is overcoming the condescending attitude of the elite sheep!
I totally disagree with you regarding trump. He is supposed to be a leader. TRUMP STILL SUPPORTS THE BIOWEAPON JAB!
Stop Idolizing this Narcissist Maniac who blames everyone else but himself for his Cowardly Horrendous Decisions!
He's given up on that a long time ago. He was fooled, along with Steve Kirsch and Dr. Malone, lots of people were fooled. They were all lied to.
I’m old school. It’s either the pound sign or the number sign. I’ve never used it and never will. It’s just stupid.
Dr McCullough: The form of censorship on Twitter is just changing.
Despite the presence of Elon Musk (who probably wouldn't take another mRNA jab if you paid him $1 B dollars, they now are adding these Community notes on every Tweet that attacks the Jab with facts.
Instead they are attaching Notes that dispute those aniti-mRNA tweets as False.
Note: As I promised you wouldn't regret continuing with Twitter (X). You should reach 1 M followers soon, though if you were an athletic, you would have had 1 M followers 2 yrs ago. I still believe you and I are not seeing our Tweets amplified. I am now paying for Premium Plus Twitter, but still no amplification of my tweets.
Very interesting I didn’t know that clicking on a hashtag could send me to the topic
And perhaps, to better answer the question, when I was on twitter I lived on the hash's. If one is calling up tweets on a # is twitter preventing the tweets with that hash from appearing?? Is that what you're saying?
What I saw, in my time on twitter (up to a year ago) was that the tweets I made with that # wouldn't appear in the stream. So was it a question of person not appearing or All tweets not appearing?
If the bad guys only partially block your posts, you are being censored in a particularly evil way. You don't know if you should tone down your protests to keep getting at least something good posted. This results in self-censoring...thus doing the evil guys' work for them. I've seen this in my own posts. Another poster on another forum pointed out this process to me.