Twitter Blocked Vaccine Injury/Death Hashtags to Boost Acceptance
Study Indicates Social Media Content Moderation Drove 2021 COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign
Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
I have always wondered about how many people rely on hashtags to search for topics on social media and whether they have any impact.
The use of hashtags was first proposed by American blogger Chris Messina in a 2007 tweet.[3][4] Messina felt that "they were born of the internet, and owned by no one".[5][6] Hashtags became entrenched in the culture of Twitter[7] and soon emerged across Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.[8][9] In June 2014, hashtag was added to the Oxford English Dictionary as "a word or phrase with the symbol # in front of it, used on social media websites and apps so that you can search for all messages with the same subject".[10][11]
Meghana and Chavali studied vaccine sentiment over time and found that Twitter was actually suppressing tweets with certain hashtags in order to influence public perception of COVID-19 vaccination. You could imagine that sentiment has a balance, some people feel benefited and others are harmed. If those harmed have their hashtags blocked then the overall profile of vaccination would look favorable.

Based on this report, I can tell you I am not excited about using hashtags in the future. They seem like they are easy targets for censorship and content moderation. Let me know what you think.
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
Regardless of #'s, I know that I was silenced talking about vax injury, including the death of my mother. I was silenced on talking about how the genetic vaccines worked, made to delete completely true tweets. I tweeted under a permanent shadow ban. I've been off twitter now for nearly a year.
I don't need any convincing on the manipulation, bias and silencing on twitter, whether or not one uses #'s.
I wish that I had access to twitter so I could access my tweets with all the references, statements and pictures that I can't find on the internet anymore.
Re “Study Indicates Social Media Content Moderation Drove 2021 COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign”.
The drive to make people submit to the Covid needles in 2021 was INSANE!
Peter McCullough was copied on much of my correspondence pleading for voluntary informed consent to be defended, pleas which largely fell upon deaf ears.
And now here we are, with who knows how many millions/billions injected, without being properly informed, and coerced and even mandated to submit to the injections to maintain livelihoods and participate in society…it’s absolutely shocking!
The wretched, treacherous medical profession did this, they collaborated with coercive and mandated medical interventions, the worse than useless Covid jabs.
How could the medical ‘profession’ do this, be swept along with this travesty, and destroy medical ethics?
Again, no-one was properly informed and allowed to make a truly voluntary decision about the Covid jabs…there is NO VALID CONSENT!