mRNA for anything is a recipe for disaster. As Dr. Ryan Cole has been saying for the last 3+ years, your body is not supposed to produce a foreign protein. That they keep insisting on making these products translates to only one thing: they are intent on damaging/killing as many as possible. There is no other explanation.

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Not gonna happen again. No freedom, no life, especially for those who endorse any of these products.

It's high time the perpetrators of 'gain of function' research pay a very dear price. 3+ years have passed since the sinister cabal (Fauci, Daszak, Collins, Hotez, Gottlieb, Baric) were found to illegally performing GOF. then concurrently developing an mRNA vaccine to safe the world they infected. Its time to erect the gallows for the creeps and the University Medical Heads who are also in on the take $$$, UPenn being foremost.

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"sinister cabal (Fauci, Daszak, Collins, Hotez, Gottlieb, Baric)"---Yes a very good start for the gallows.

We as a society and as civilized human beings need a NUREMBERG 2.0 as attorney Reiner Fuellmich had begun planning and putting together before he was so rudely attacked and jailed by proto nazi scum from the hidden 4th Nazi Reich...now rearing its loathsome head in Europe, Davos Switzerland and elsewhere.

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By Frank Bergman March 31, 2024


One of the world’s leading microbiologists has testified that Covid mRNA shots are “life-threatening” to humans and warns that pushing the injections onto the public only benefits “infinitely evil” global “elites.”

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi issued the warning during testimony before lawmakers in the German Parliament.

“The vaccination turned out to be the greatest blessing for the money and world’s elites, for the pharmaceutical industry and politics,” Bhakdi declared.

“They could pursue their own interests, under the common slogan ‘Everything for public health,’ ‘everything for the well-being of the general public.’

“To achieve this goal, they created the WHO [World Health Organization].

“These non-democratically elected people, basically a private association that is in the process of gaining power over the healthcare system in the 190 Member States.”

“[World renowned genomics pioneer] Kevin McKernan discovered that this crucial step of removal of plasmid DNA had not been carried out conscientiously,” he continued.

“Huge amounts of plasmid DNA have been found in packaged form.

“This ensured their successful delivery to the cells,” Bhakdi explains.

“Kevin’s discovery has now been confirmed in several other laboratories, also in Germany.

“Large amounts of DNA contamination were found in all 27 batches examined so far.

“Four weeks ago, the Canadian medical authority even confirmed the discovery of plasmid DNA.

“However, the authority does not see this as a sufficient reason for to withdraw the approval.

“By the way, a question for the interested public – has the responsible German authority, the Paul Ehrlich Institute of the Federal Ministry of Health carried out reliable scientific measurements?

“Question, answer – no. Not to this day.”

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We are free now from these vile diseases and machinations of the "elite"

This beautiful father/son duet celebrates our newly found freedom...ENJOY!

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Yes. Been watching this develop over the past three years with the American Veterinary Medical Association fully captured and doing the bidding of Faux-ci and his minions. My profession is complicit.

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NotAMushroom...thanks for this information...I had no idea. Does that mean that animals are receiving mRNA "vaccines" routinely. I got my cat vaccinated for Rabies so I could take him on an airplane.... is it in the rabies shots?? OMG....I adore my old cat I have had him for 20 years.

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Also, I can’t forget to mention that while attending a veterinary conference, one of the pharmaceutical reps told me that it was all about the vaccines for the big Pharma companies. That was years ago and I didn’t quite understand what he was talking about but since the scales have fallen from my eyes these past several years, I get it now. They run all of this stuff through veterinary medicine before they dump it on people. Of course, turnabout is fair play, as many drugs that don’t make it in the human market are marketed to veterinarians. Couple of examples are gabapentin and the cox-2 inhibitors. Do you remember Vioxx?

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Small animal vaccines are not mRNA… Yet. Pigs have been injected with the evil stuff for several years now and I believe cows are receiving these injections as well now. As for small animal vaccines, I mean the traditional vaccines, they are vaccinated way too often, which leads to many diseases and infirmities like skin allergies, ear canal inflammation, lymphoma, even ruptured anterior cruciate ligaments among many other side effects of causing inflammation in animals every three years. What nobody ever tells you is that only one rabies vaccine is ever necessary if it’s necessary at all. There was a Substack posted within the last couple of weeks discussing Rabies as another psyop. Half the veterinarians that I know just do what they’re told to do as it concerns vaccinations. They follow the vaccine recommendations of the professional organizations which are most likely infiltrated by big Pharma paid shills. They are no different than the MDs in that they can’t think for themselves. And the amount of shaming and coercion that they inflict upon animal owners is truly disgusting.

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I truly believe ppl use Hanlon’s Razor so often bc they’re lazy, or bc they don’t want to accept that, yes, malice DOES explain more than incompetence does in cases where even a 5 year old can see that it’s a stupid idea. Ppl fall back on “never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence” so they don’t have an enemy to fight. So tired of ppl saying this nonsense to me when I see headlines like “mRNA vaccines for highly pathogenic avian influenza”. This is NOT INCOMPETENCE, it’s highly competent malice.

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you are right, it's not incompetence. i believe it's depraved indifference with malice aforethought.

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Absolutely. Incompetence can’t explain this.

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Sucharit Bhakdi recipient of the highest scientific achievement award in Germany and Dr. Mike Yeadon formerly vp at Pfizer have both stated the mRNA vaccines will cause severe auto immune reactions which could include cancer. This explains the huge increases in cancer after the so-called "covid" injections. BTW highly published scientist/ statistician Denis Rancourt(see his substack) has stated that the actual deaths recorded in EVERY COUNTRY before the "pandemic", during and after the rollout of the covid mRNA vaccines put the increases in deaths squarely at the points where this new injectable technology became available and was used ( in many cases 'mandated')on the unsuspecting public. When do we all start crying MURDER.... Where are the trials?

These "new" vaccines spell the end of humanity as we know it. We are scheduled to die off and leave the earth to robotic inventions that will replace normal people. These inventions will be much easier to control. The New Masters...think they have the plan all sewed up. Do not give these injections to yourselves or your children....unless you are suicidal.

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If you need support/references See CAUSE UNKNOWN by Edward Dowd....he has published all the proof any court would need to charge the perps with murder/genocide.

Easily understandable graphs and charts are irrefutable proof of a terrible crime(s) and an ongoing genocide. Stop playing dumb and don't allow the mRNA vaccines to kill you or your child.

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Agreed, and I’m very familiar with the work of all the ppl you mentioned, as well. Dr Bhakdi was actually the first person I found way back in the beginning of this nightmare talking about the dangers, and then I went on to find others like Delores Claiborne, Geert van den Bossche, etc. As you mentioned, we only have 2 choices at this point : we either believe this is intentional murder and genetic engineering (which I believe is happening myself), OR we believe that they’re so incompetent they don’t know about the vaccine injured, and the dangers posed by the mRNA shots. Now I personally knew years ago why we didn’t have a vaccine for the common cold (I’m a naturally curious person, and once I ask myself a question like that, I can’t rest until I know the answer), and so I was immediately suspicious of this shot. I looked into it and noticed they hadn’t addressed ANY of the concerns, or why the cold vaccines had always failed. I just can’t believe this is mere incompetence for that reason alone—they didn’t FIX ANYTHING, and they have to know this. If I know it, THEY know it.

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Mistakes were NOT made and it was always INTENTIONAL! It's totally naive and wilfully ignorant to be using the word "incompetence" in any context, especially at this stage of the game.

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Do you mean scientist Delores Cahill? She had a website and was trying to gain following/traction in her hometown. She was mercilessly slandered and disempowered. She was fired from her position as professor...I forget which university that was. She put herself and her reputation on the line very early. So courageous. Another one sounding the alarm early on was Dr. Heiko Schoning. who was arrested and jailed briefly. If only people had listened to them....we wouldn't being seeing all this terrible damage today.

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But yes, she’s the one I first heard say this was engineered virus. And she was deplatformed, lost her position, etc. it’s been awful to watch what’s happened to these ppl. I remember the Swedish doctor (I think he was Swedish) who was confined to a psychiatric facility to. It’s great you know all of this as well, I feel like I’ve met another kindred spirit! We have to bear witness, and we can’t allow ourselves to forget.

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Omg, you’re totally right, I quoted a movie didn’t I?? LOL!!

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mRNA "vaccines" seen as mass child sacrifice....wow...good article.

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Exactly right!

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Ominous. They are sure busy in the labs. Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine are supposedly quite effective should the evils ones release it on us...stock up now.

I believe we've seen this movie before.

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They’re definitely going to try to ignite another plague. The election is coming. Climate change is coming.

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I have been disgusted beyond words since 2020....I agree

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You know, of course, there is no climate change....except in the wet dreams of the globalists. They want us to believe that bs so they can go ahead and kill us in the name of "preserving the earth"....which translates into killing everyone else, taking away our farms and food productions, and sterilizing anyone who survives. Klaus Schwab aka WEF has openly admired the Chinese society....A place where the "ruler for life" takes anything he wants and puts dissidents in a "jail" so their organs can be harvested and used for the "elites" who wear their own organs out with the "good" life.

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Yes sadly well aware of that BS too. But try to tell that to most sheeple...

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According to the documents, the harvested organs of aborted babies were part of a university project called the GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project, or GUDMAP. The university requested additional funding for the project, but it is unclear how much it received.

The documents show the University of Pittsburgh sought to “develop a pipeline to the acquisition, quality control and distribution of human genitourinary [urinary and genital organs and functions] samples obtained throughout development (6-42 weeks gestation).” The National Institute of Health classifies a baby’s development as full-term at 40 weeks, while 42 weeks deemed “post-term” or “overdue.

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more from link above:

Warm ischemic time refers to the body parts remaining at body temperature after reducing or cutting off their blood supply, according to the National Institutes of Health. Taking samples at a “warm ischemic time” indicates the body is still warm, though it’s unclear whether this collection method means the heart is still beating or not.

“If the fetus’ heartbeat and blood circulation continue in a labor induction abortion for harvesting organs, it means the fetus is being delivered while still alive and the cause of death is the removal of the organs,” a press release from the Center for Medical Progress explained. Abortion procedures often use digoxin to cause “fetal demise,” and in conjunction with a dismemberment approach, can make tissue intended for donation unusable.

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"The National Institute of Health classifies a baby’s development as full-term at 40 weeks, while 42 weeks deemed “post-term” or “overdue." "

The University of Pittsburgh here in the United States is killing and dismembering ACTUAL LIVE CHILDREN.

This is the most horrifying piece of information I have ever heard....

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I find it disturbing that we refer to these lunatic evil criminals as doctors.

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believe they said the same thing at the doctor's trial in nuremberg.

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yep, operation paper clip. they just moved them here.

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they sure did and one became bayer's first u.s. ceo. they just rebranded i.g. farben.

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Flashback 2005 Rummy flu Redux - two decades of hype

Bird Flu: A Corporate Bonanza for the Biotech Industry

Tamiflu, Vistide and the Pentagon Agenda - By F. William Engdahl

Global Research, November 06, 2005

On November 1, President George W. Bush went to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland to hold a high profile press conference, to announce a 381-page plan, officially called the Pandemic Influenza Strategic Plan.

The President began his remarks with the now-obligatory scare-story from 1918: ‘At this moment, there is no pandemic influenza in the United States or the world. But if history is our guide, there is reason to be concerned. In the last century, our country and the world have been hit by three influenza pandemics — and viruses from birds contributed to all of them. The first, which struck in 1918, killed over half-a-million Americans and more than 20 million people across the globe…’

He was remarkably candid about the imminent danger to the American people: ‘Scientists and doctors cannot tell us where or when the next pandemic will strike, or how severe it will be, but most agree: at some point, we are likely to face another pandemic. And the scientific community is increasingly concerned by a new influenza virus known as H5N1 — or avian flu…’

Mr. Bush went on to stress, ‘At this point, we do not have evidence that a pandemic is imminent. Most of the people in Southeast Asia who got sick were handling infected birds. And while the avian flu virus has spread from Asia to Europe, there are no reports of infected birds, animals, or people in the United States. https://web.archive.org/web/20121025210346/https://www.globalresearch.ca/bird-flu-a-corporate-bonanza-for-the-biotech-industry/1190

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It's a good thing they lack imagination and keep telling the same story over and over. The playbook is dog-eared and the print is fading, but we can still read our underground copy.

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Excellent link with valuable historical information.

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Always my pleasure, knowledge is power that multiplies when we pass it on & upside to decades fighting same cabals of dirtbags same recycled scams! :~)

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Wow, big surprise here! ? Not really because the Frankenscientists never stopped with their gain-of-function bullsh*t for a moment and now, fresh from their USDA Poultry Research labs of pseudoscience they bring us the latest version of Covid-2; but not to worry because it was the plan to tailor-make vaccines to combat this "avian flu outbreak" long BEFORE there were signs of any real outbreak...and that, folks, is called INTENTION and not foresight (sound familiar?) again, not to worry because "independent reporting is way ahead on bringing you the truth"?! Well that could be called an overstatement except that it is actually a bare-face lie because no such "reporting" exists, independently or otherwise!

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It should be illegal to start an epidemic. It should be an arrestable offense!

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mRNA vaccines should be illegal as well. They are NOT vaccines at all...they are "gene therapies" and scientists had the same idea a long time ago...using a spike protein to irritate the immune system in order to initiate a response that would cure or stop a disease. The problem is the technology of mRNA does initiate a "response"...but it is a response that will kill you one way or another.

Like a bad genie...once it is let loose in your body you are done for...either turbo-cancer ....thrombosis, almost any disease you can think of. Whatever the weakness is in your particular system it will cause this system to break down. Bhakdi and his associates did autopsies on the corpses of those who died after their covid injections and often they found

that the organs of these people had liquified....Also embalmers have posted about weird and extensive long white clots forming inside the veins making it impossible to ebalm these bodies.

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According to this article what is really going on is that the drug companies are panicking because they are afraid of "lawsuits"...if these "vaccines" are put on the "childhood schdule" they will not have to face damages for all the people they have killed and injured...


They need them on the childhood schedule to keep them “Liability Exempt.” Thank you for shining a light too bright to hid

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Who is going to stop these criminals lunatics of creating virus to vaccinate the population? 😡

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It's up to us. Rand Paul just called on Merrick Garland to do it. He's under the thumb of the highest echelons who are running their own operation with agency puppet heads like Fauci and Collins.

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😂😂😂😂they just won’t quit. More deaths coming folks, keep your eyes open.

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The University of Pennsylvania medical administration has for 150 years collaborated with governmental policy bureaucrats to use veterans and minorities as fodder for medical experimentation, treatment techniques, and “practice” under the guise of “health care”. That’s how they teach their well paying privileged student youth to care for the well connected. These hierarchal medical academics liken themselves to Marxist Academia, leeches gaining preeminence by name dropping under the guise of caring for humanity. They have a covert policy of placing psychiatrists in positions to oversee certain medical specialties that have no connection to procedures but to “cover their asses”. I found their nursing staff to be mostly sweet and professional, but in a kind of comrade environment of “get better or else”.

Together with U of P’s more recent collaboration with the Bribem crime family and his administrations’ connections to the fake lawfare attacks on former President Trump, vice President Bribem’s hidden classified documents, connection to Ukraine corruption, private Bribem personal office spaces, and professorship cutouts for a lifetime plagiarizer and sociopathic liar amounts to be gain of function for U of P legacy connection to a President to be unthinkable, except, there you have it. Bribem claims professorship at U of P. for low info “inclusive” dolts. Today’s ivory towers of administrative academic medicine, like U of P’s medicine are a symbiotic collaboration of hierarchal academia and government fostered Sister Socialist, body sovereignty killing compulsory mandated medicine for the serf’s to thank them for. Nothing would surprise me about this cringe of a university hospital’s administration that oversees policy. But like all the academic institutions these Leftist grifters have marched through, (Gramsci), and captured by complicity and destroyed, it’s not just about following the money, but hierarchal ideology.

No doubt U of P has some great doctors, as do or did most hospitals with integral administrative policy, but in my experience with U of P, as a severely wounded combat veteran for 60 years, knowing how they “operate” top down, across the street from the Philly VA Medical center with its own legacy of crony government Socialist lag and rationing, I wouldn’t recommend haughty hierarchal U of P to anyone, especially loved ones, including my dog.

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I posted this on a comment response on the Children’s Defense league posting on LinkedIn. I’ll probably catch some hell for it, but I’ve been thinking this for a pretty long time.

They used to call what doctors did after schooling their “practice”. It seems like they’re no longer practicing but following a procedure mapped out for them and if they don’t, they can’t work and pay off their loans! I want to feel bad for them because so many non-Medical people in the world took the shots because they were gonna lose their job and they couldn’t see any way around it. I want to feel bad for them, but I am not there yet.

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The doctors need to fess up. How can we sympathize with doctors if they’re remaining silent? Common sense and some of my own observations lead me to think many doctors have stopped actively promoting the jabs.

But they need to finish the job, and begin to speak out against the jabs. Their silence can be seen as consent and belief in the jabs as a reasonable therapeutic.

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No, doctors used to be called doctors. They didn’t become “practicioners” until the Clinton uniparty under the Democrat banner hitched Communist China deceit, corruption, and censorship to America’s Van. Then two decades of corrupt bailouts and ballon’s while China took over 90% of all generic, OTC, and medical devices dictating medical policy by extortion as China build nuclear subs. The all in hierarchal academic administrations all cashed in and jockeyed for more power as corporate hospitals and “practicioners” got bailed out with Wuhan Covid American bad debt of $10 trillion that falls on your children that with the influx of 50 M illegals are to homogenize the middle class into one big Medicaid serfdom. Why do you think the 2008 Trojan horse of Medicaid came from nowhere just like Covid. Please stop the virtue signaling, you’re killing us. There should be no quarter for anyone who gives cover for this obvious Sister Socialist takeover of American body sovereignty and far worse to come with these lunatics. Propaganda is not a bear, you won’t see it coming because it targets one’s better graces, then you are captured by complicity (blackmail). The coins of the realm.

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LOL..."practitioners"....PRACTICING GENOCIDE ON US--with their lethal injections that are time released according to your own physiology...everyone has got different strengths and weaknesses--so the damage and the deaths will take place in such a way that it is not traceable to the mRNA kill shots. Highly ingenious --- don't you think?

If only they put so much thought in how to create a society that optimizes and supports the development of human qualities ...such as the arts, pursuit of sustainable technology, the creating of livable cities in which we can live long and peaceful lives. But no--"they" think that by murdering all the "useless eaters" everything will be solved....

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DON'T FEEL BAD FOR!--- THEM GET ANGRY----we need to stop them. They got away with it because we let them. People need to get really mad....especially as their children and babies are dieing from these horrible shots.

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Another repurposed drug that works on all RNA viruses is Nitazoxanide. Ivermectin would work too and apparently, as the doc states here, HCQ. What WON’T work, so do not fall for it, is Tamiflu, people. That was a failed drug for influenza back YEARS ago when I was being asked to prescribe it. The WC may sell it in their emergency kit, but it will not work well at all. I will be taking either Nita, IVM, or HCQ or more likely, a combo of any two of these drugs for H5N1. Stay smart.

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But we do have another choice. Research at the antiviral reset lab at Utah State University shows that erythritol prevents adherence of the flu virus (H1N1). Putting a level teaspoon of this sugar alternative should also prevent bird flu when used three or four times a day.

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