BREAKING--University of Pennsylvania, NIAID, Announce mRNA Vaccine for H5N1 Influenza
Final Publication 2024 Shows Group Working with Clade for Years
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Mallard ducks are largely asymptomatic carriers of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1. The spread of H5N1 clade (specific source variant) may have been facilitated by the USDA Poultry Research Center in Athens, Georgia where researchers have been performing serial passage (a form of Gain-of-Function) experiments in mallard ducks since 2021. However, clade was described back in 2016 by Russian investigators with multiple mammalian cases described in Europe after that time period. Mallards have extensive migration patterns and co-mingle with farm animals, which makes them an ideal wild animal for spreading the virus throughout North America and Eurasia.
Dr. Colleen Furey, Dr. Scott Hensley, and a group of authors including recent Nobel Laureate Dr. Drew Weissman at the The University of Pennsylvania, Department of Microbiology obtained National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) grants Health and Human Services, contracts 75N93021C00015, 75N93021C00016 and grants R01AI08686 and R01AI126899 to develop an mRNA vaccine to this clade.

The authors demonstrated the vaccine was partially successful in mice and ferrets, however like COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, it was non-sterilizing. That means that vaccinated animals still transmit the virus to others.
This development is eerily reminiscent of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak and within days of the announcement of a national and public health emergencies, when Stephan Bancel at Moderna announced they have a vaccine to the novel virus. The difference between the public being blindsided by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Disease X bird flu crisis, is that independent reporting is way head on bringing you the truth. Another infectious disease threat has been openly manipulated by mankind in a lab is now making our livestock sick all with the goal of mass mRNA vaccination of humans.
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
mRNA for anything is a recipe for disaster. As Dr. Ryan Cole has been saying for the last 3+ years, your body is not supposed to produce a foreign protein. That they keep insisting on making these products translates to only one thing: they are intent on damaging/killing as many as possible. There is no other explanation.
Not gonna happen again. No freedom, no life, especially for those who endorse any of these products.
It's high time the perpetrators of 'gain of function' research pay a very dear price. 3+ years have passed since the sinister cabal (Fauci, Daszak, Collins, Hotez, Gottlieb, Baric) were found to illegally performing GOF. then concurrently developing an mRNA vaccine to safe the world they infected. Its time to erect the gallows for the creeps and the University Medical Heads who are also in on the take $$$, UPenn being foremost.