Your concern that Democrats are acting as agents for a foreign country echoes mine. It seems that some have been indicted for that and gone to prison. The Democrats undermined the sitting president of the United States and need to be held accountable. I hope the book is thrown at them. It’s not their sons and daughters being killed in this terrible war. And yes, my memory tells me that Ukraine was reported as a terribly corrupt country until Russia invaded it, and then, it was a brave, sovereign country whose boundaries had been overrun with those terrible Russians. The propaganda was nonstop. We must stop the war..

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Logan Act? Hatch Act? Sedition Act? Espionage Act? Which one? And can we prove it?

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I think treason has become so common that many in government no longer know what it is.

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All of the above.

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Perhaps a few indictments vigorously prosecuted would help?

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Lots of short ropes

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Get real truth out!!!

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the truth will out

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ditto! Remember when they wanted to put a bust of this stupid coke head in the Senate Chamber?

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Do tell us. Got a link?

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Alongside one of Hunter?

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Good grief. Put a pair of red pumps next to that bust. 🙄

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Do we still even have a book to throw?

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So, Russia and Putin are so ethical that they have to murder anyone who disagrees with them. Is that your point?

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They are on payola and that went right up to Joe Biden. That’s why this moral midget was used to calling the shots. Not only was he paying them off, if necessary he could blackmail them. With Trump and Vance he has no leverage.

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Do you think the EU and Great Britain are likewise corrupt, that Russia and Putin are holy Christians that we should venerate? Trump is in it for the money. He has no morals. He's a psychopath.

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Yes the EU and UK are equally corrupt. As of course is Ukraine. Trump is a pragmatist. Putin is a pragmatist. On the back of that, peace can be built.

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Its a money recycling scam

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Aka money laundering

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Yep I knew that but wanted to highlight that it recycles back to the very politicians who are complaining about Trump stopping it, it is their true motivation.. They have never represented us, they represent the corporation..

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I appreciate President Trump and VP Vance for having the meeting live for all of the world to watch. Zelensky was out of order and in no position to give orders to President Trump.

I used google translate to read what words Zelensky called Vance. Vulgar.

сука трахается -

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I translated it also. It was indeed vulgar & had no place in diplomatic talks. Maybe a bar room, but not in the White House while you're groveling for more money.

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bar room clothes too...

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To me the clothes are just part of the act. I mean if he was really concerned about being "tactical" he would be wearing body armor, ballistic helmet, etc and be on the lines with the troops. It's just phony advertising to make him appear he is focused on the war. He is not, he is focused on your money.

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Wow. That little weasel.

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You are too kind.

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I need to apologize to weasels.

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Thanks wouldn’t have had a clue!

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I read a tweet from a Ukrainian (and no fan of Zs) who said what Z muttered was a common utterance of someone who was feeling very frustrated and not intended as a direct insult. I guess like saying "son of a bitch".

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Absolutely 👍🏼

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It was a good opportunity for the world to see that Trump berates and bullies anyone who disagrees with him. The entire EU and NATO supports Zelensky. I trust them more than Putin, that's for sure. Why are people being conned by Trump? He supports Russia and its oligarchs because of the possibility of personally profiting from it. Don't you people get that? Zelensky did not start the war and the reason the people of Ukraine elected him and are fighting for their country is because they oppose the fascist Putin and Russia, which can only get convicts to fight for them. Do you people believe in democracy or what, or just too dumb to understand what is really occurring?

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Sounds like... sedition... with a sprinkle of Logan act.

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And all weekend, the Dems have had the nerve to say that it was Trump and Vance who "engineered" the incident.

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How do you know that a Democrat is lying?

Lips moving.

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Their heart is beating.

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They have no hearts.

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Hahaha. Typical response. Blame the other party for exactly what you are doing.

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"Blame the other party for exactly what you are doing" . Sounds to me like Israel in Palestine

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Amnesia for October 7th and all Hamas atrocious behavior prior.

Also whataboutism.

Weak response, typical Democrat.

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What gave anybody the right to steal (yes steal) land from indigenous people to create a new country? This is exactly what Israel is. I could go on forever on this atrocity. People like you walk on less advanced civilizations and justify it when they push back. Furthermore, even though it's none of your business, my politics have always been right of centre. I just don't blindly follow the policies of any politicians.

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Speak of amnesia or just ignorance: Hebrews/Israelis have been in the Promised Land for like 4000 years. Mohammed the pedophile barbarian that those towel heads venerate was not even born until 1400 years ago 🙄. The religion of pieces.

The fake ethnic group Palestinians were given the opportunity in 1947-8 to split the Promised Land with Israel, turned it down & like petulant children demanded all and in spite the backing of the whole Arab world got their ass handed to them. They have been breaking truces & cease fire agreements ever since. They are slow learners. They are also corrupt and incompetent.

You are welcome to go to Gaza & strap on a suicide vest or live in a Stone Age culture any time you want.

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If someone was taking half of your property would you accept that as fair and reasonable? I suggest you get your head out of your ass!

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I made the same comment to my husband on Friday. Everything was supposedly all worked out and Zelensky was just going to sign papers. When Zelensky started speaking about ‘more’ that he needed out of the US, it reminded me of the deal President Trump had with Nancy Pelosi regarding DACA. The story I read was that Schumer told Pelosi she couldn’t give Trump that win. Looks like Murphy told Zelensky he couldn’t give Trump/Ukraine this solution. Ukrainians lost, DACA folks lost. The people the Democrats supposedly represent seem to continue being the losers.

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Exactly only this time it was Obama working to deny Trump, and our country, the win. It has been widely reported that Obama’s team including Susan Rice, Anthony Blinken, Victoria Nuland, and Alexander Vindman (a native Ukrainian) advised Zelensky to reject Trump’s deal in violation of the Logan Act before he met with the President.

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Not so sure Trump “took bait”, considering the out come! Think things are about to get truly revealed, at least I truly hope so!

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DJT /JD maybe had an earbud on. Someone whispered this into his ear.

Maybe that's when things really changed. Zyy talked with the left before he came.

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God knows all! People are so gullible and compliant to themselves!

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Listen toTucker Carlson Rich Ukrainians Are Laundering Our Money/Weapons to Drug Cartels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2CYnOE1OU4

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Well done, John Leake, I too, share your intuition about the money laundering going on in the transfer of American tax dollars to Ukraine. The receiving end of these misdirected funds land in the hands of Dems, as I see it, even as millions of people are jeopardized, and thousands are sacrificed. I am told that the Ukraine is actually kidnapping men, and forcing them into the front lines. Is it not treason to undermine the efforts of POTUS? The "bad guys" seem to be the same group pushing jabs into people on one hand, and propagating war on the other, with both hands stuffing tax payer money into their pockets...as if they were ENTITLED to it. Time for some tough justice for the war-monger, jab-pushing, money laundering Dems...and rhinos. Let the poor say "I am rich", and the weak say "I am strong". Goats to the left, sheep to the right. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

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Forget the Democrats.

Zelensky cut a Resource Surrender deal with the UK on January 16, 2025, 4 days before Trump’s inauguration.

What was his offer again?

Being a security patsy for EuroBanker snakes and potentially threatening WWIII the whole time?

Wow. What a deal.

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A real lying 🤥 con artist. But a bad one dealing w Pres T & Vance !

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Where can we read about the Ukraine-UK minerals deal that predates Zelenskyy’s trip here?

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Undermining a peace deal....sounds like 3 years ago.

Chris Murphy clearly wants more war. I like to imagine a quick trial where he is found guilty, banished from the US and welcomed in Ukraine where he is thrown immediately onto the front line.

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I think Chris is on the take.......

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If he is, he could follow former Senator Menendez into the penitentiary.

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& dies a slow painful agonizing death from burns from an incendiary device.

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The United States Constitution provides that the president "shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties --- but undermining a treaty is not one of the senates powers.

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How did Putins “distant” neighboring country get so high on North ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION, radar?

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CIA & other deep state actors here & abroad: M16 , etc.

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please clarify

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Putin is no devil!

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Do some serious digging about all that has been happening over there !!!

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When you dig, you better know where the pipes and electric lines are located.

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Really? Is America the world police force?? !!

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I am trying to understand - what country are you referring to? The U.S. (Dulles & CIA) formed NATO - there used to be a monument in the botanical gardens in Norfolk, VA.

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Geographically speaking, who’s closest to Ukraine? Clear enough?

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That would be Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania (all touching). Bulgaria & Turkey ar near, too.

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If this is true, and the Dems encouraged Zelenskyy to reject the deal, isn't that TREASON?

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I don't know if Treason would stick, but 2020 election fraud would work.

The Dems are furious that sticking Trump with being a Felon (that they mention every time his name was uttered, remember?) didn't stick, attempted assassination didn't stick, and on and on it goes. The vitriol and hatred-to-the-bone will continue.

I find being around Democrats with their signature unceasing TDS so dark, disturbing and low vibration, I avoid them. Even with family members

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Go on keep hating, dig your trenches, by the time all is revealed by Jesus Creator of the universe, we will all feel shame of some sort!

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I don’t see Trump & Vance having anything to be ashamed of regarding this.

Zelenskyy & the Democrats, that’s a different story.

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You know making mistakes is human, plotting evil is Satanic! World Trade Center fiasco, was an evil government plot to obscure billions of dollars of disappeared money!!!! Government money!!

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A Larry Silverstein extravaganza....Larry had recently insured the newly acquired WTC for terrorist attacks....but don't feel alarmed...just another coinkydinky. He collected huge pay offs...not sure how much. He and his gang had taken the morning off and very luckily were somewhere else...as thousands of hapless nobodies met their doom. He's not known as Lucky Larry for nothing....

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It was around if not over a trillion dollars! You know, chicken feed!

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Architects and engineers for truth 911!

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Yes in spades, sadly I myself need Jesus to clarify things for me!

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We all do & to forgive us daily

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Yes sir, that’s the truth, you know they read the Bible in public schools every day I was in school all the way through high school. Then “WE got smart.

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