I saw that interview. Let's not forget what the AZOV neo-Nazi military in Ukraine did to the Russian-speaking people in the Donbass. Torture. Rape. Murder. Let's not forget Zelensky commanding his military to kidnap young men from the streets and homes to put them on the front lines in the 'meat-grinder'. Let's not forget the deep state orchestrating and funding the whole mess since the Maidan Coup.

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Fake Nazis, fake National Socialists and Putin is complicit along with Trump and Zelensky as they are all highly sinister Chabad Lubavitcher devotees.

Trump officially converted to Chabad Lubavitcher in 2017, Putin is often photographed and video-recorded wearing a Chabad Lubavitcher red thread on his wrist signifying his affiliation with this kabbalist Jewish rabbinical sect that is behind the creation of the Torah-based Noahide Laws today.

The mutual sole true object of these three treacherous dictators is to create a Bigger Israel in Ukraine under the earlier direction of the late Chabad Lubavitcher Chief Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, who stated that war must be created there by means of political chicanery purely in order in reality only to create a Bigger Israel by means of 'ending the line of Slavs' in that area in order that millions of Jews in Israel can then move there onto the purposely vacated land and simply seize it.

But their intention is that this must not be seen to be openly be done by Jews and for a Jewish purpose, so these mass murderers in Ukraine even today shelling Russian-speaking civilians in Donbass to death with US and UK Howitzer shells committing this atrocity since 2014 dress like Nazis, and the co-conspirator Putin also calls them 'Nazis' (and not 'Jews' as they really are) and he and Zelensky both agree to sacrifice their white Christian Slav Gentile troops in their hundreds of thousands in the meat-grinder where the average lifespan on the front lines is a mere 4 hours.

Zelensky publicly states that he wishes to create a 'Bigger Israel' in Ukraine, and run it just like Israel is run today.

Both Zelensky and Putin are fellow alumni of the crypto-Jewish Klaus Schwab's (fake Nazi) WEF, Schwab's real mother was a Jewish woman before he was later adopted, meaning that Schwab himself is really actually a Jew.

Schwab keeps a bust of Lenin in his office, a photo of his office and bust of Lenin together with Schwab sitting there can be seen online.

Lenin said 100 years ago that 9 out of every 10 people in the world can be killed to make the intended Communist world 'revolution' successful. Schwab sweet-talks people with his carbon-reduction deception nonsense with the stated object of 'reducing' 15 people out of every 16 people in the entire world, 7.5 billion out of 8 billion.

Obviously, Jews openly committing mass slaughter by such means would draw bad press, so these Jews dress up as 'Nazis' and Putin, who knows what they really are, fellow Jews, also calls these Ukrainans military 'Nazis', they are all in it together.

What true National Socialist would be fighting and committing many terrorist acts against Ukrainian Gentile civilians themselves to serve a Jewish leader who openly states he wishes to create a Bigger Israel that he intends to run like Israel? Can you see how totally ridiculous and totally impossible that would be?

Besides, Stepan Bandera, the supposed 'Nazi' was actually imprisoned as a war criminal and non-ally by Hitler so Stepan Bandera was never a 'National Socialist at all, and Hitler totally opposed him and his actions, yet misinformed people are still being led into assuming that Zelensky is a 'Nazi' when he is nothing of the sort, he is a Jewish Chabad Lubavitcher terrorist dictator, and that is all he is. But Zelensky likes his military units not to appear as Jewish terrorist units, so he has them all larp wearing fake National Socialist badges on their uniforms.

Read about the similar deceptive tactic of Stalin, Operation Torch Man.

Several senior Ukrainian military are proven Jews, I show them on my site properly identified, and a former senior IDF rabbi is giving a silver award to the head of military services in Ukraine at that time, who receives it from him smilingly, yet in other places that same Ukrainian military leader is shown wearing 'Nazi' insignia, so he is a Jew posing as a non-Jew with deceptive purpose.

This ploy was used by Stalin, actually a Bukharian Jew, who I provide photos of on my site dressed in full Bukharian Jewish dress, alongside other senior Bolsheviks who were openly recognized as Jews at the time, and all are dressed similarly as fellow (Asian) Bukharian Jews, but similarly, the actual Jew Stalin outwardly posed himself artificially then as a mere Georgian Gentile in order that his mass atrocities could not be blamed on the Jews, he bragged to fellow crypto-Jews Roosevelt and Churchill at Yalta that he had liquidated 10 million Ukrainian Christian white Slavs (classed as Second Rome white amalek that the Jewish Talmudic edict says must all be killed throughout the world). This exact figure was stated by Stalin at the time and is the genuine figure.

And then, similarly, vast numbers of Jews moved onto that purposely emptied land in Ukraine then, the exact same MO these perps always use, kill and seize.

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Gorgeous clear stentorian fine commentary.......Thank you ..God Bless..God Speed....M777...

...,most Americans know less than an ashtray about Geinrich Yagoda.....conversely..in 2025..."*Globohomosexual Jew. sadists are firmly on public display both in the gay Jewish disco meat grinder of Ukraine...now ..Jewkraine..the 2nd isreal owned by Rothschild and Larry fink..Trump's dear friend... in Palestine and in Davos..The WEF gay cyborg Jews. Demolishing all the premiere energy sources of life..health..freedom..privacy .free speech. with. reach.....prosperity..Gun Rights..freedom of movement..." etc..

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Frankly, all people who dictate what others should do and think and who oppress them and who cause their deaths are heading for disaster. Only God is qualified to determine what should be done with irreformable tyrants. He will carry out his judgement shortly. Revelation 11:18

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Indeed, but which God?

Exodus 32:27

And he said to them, “Thus says the LORD God of Israel, ‘Put your sword on your side each of you, and go to and fro from gate to gate throughout the camp, and each of you kill his brother and his companion and his neighbor.’”

Matthew 10:34-36

English Standard Version

Not Peace, but a Sword

34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.

The Jewish-created Bible is purely a psyop weapon originally created ostensibly as a link religion to replace all the older religions of all the nations that the Romans had conquered to become the Roman Empire.

This would very understandably not genuinely be purposed to actually elevate those conquered peoples in any real terms, but rather be purposed in reality only to deceive them into actually being continually fearful, submissive and suppressed, actually spiritually ignorant, actually spiritually disengaged from the real God, and even be self-policing. Hitler stated the real truth, that Christianity is actually only a Jewish-initiated form of proto-Bolshevism.

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi states in a video speech that the Torah states that of all the Gentiles in the entire world there are to be "no survivors" and that the Torah states that when all the Gentiles in the world are all dead, that even all memory of all Gentiles ever having even existed will then also be totally erased from the collective memory of all the Jews, who alone will then remain the sole occupiers of this entire planet that they have just seized.

The COVID jab was made entirely by Jewish intent and design as an ethnobomb bioweapon to sterilize and genocide only Gentiles.

An Israeli military intelligence whistleblower has come forward to state that Israel really developed and tested the COVID jab as a bioweapon only on Palestinian prisoners and African Negros in reality, and not really on any 'victim Israeli Jews', though the current propaganda in much of the media desperately tries to shift attention away from the Jewish Tal Zaks and Al Bourla et al of Pfizer and Moderna and onto 'Chicoms' and the 'US DOD' as having really been responsible for any possible deliberate creation of a bioweapon, yet 50% of all military generals in the US are self-stated practicing Jews, thus, America has been totally hijacked by these interloping marauders to become an effective arms factory and slave army for the intended JWO only.

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi also states how 6 to 6.5 BILLION Gentiles are to be KILLED even under just one of the Noahide Laws that Trump as a converted Chabad Lubavitcher since 2017 is a very big supporter of.

Another rabbi states how this will be achieved by means of wars arranged by deception to make the Gentiles simply kill each other, and we can see this very thing happening in Ukraine right now under two factually Jewish leaders on both 'sides'.

Both Putin and Zelensky are Chabad Lubavitcher devotees, and both are alumni of the WEF led by Klaus Schwab, he is another person who is deceptively often stated to be a 'Nazi', who in reality was actually born to a Jewish woman and then later adopted by another woman.

The WEF NWO agenda is a deceptive ostensibly non-Jewish agenda designed to act as a cover for the cohencidentally simultaneous exterminatory Noahide Law NWO agenda officially accepted in the White House by every POTUS since 1991 and now even by the entire UN, that is based on the Torah according to rabbis.

The Noahide Law anti-Gentile agenda is the one that is really being imposed.

The Jewish Lenin stated one hundred years ago that 9 out of every 10 people in the world can be killed to successfully implement their (still)-intended Communist world 'revolution'.

The WEF NWO agenda and Noahide Law NWO agenda both ultimately intend the same thing, and far worse in fact, as even Lenin was not saying the whole truth, as Communism was put forward as being atheist purely in order to conceal the true underlying Jewish identity and motivation of their agenda which caused mass atrocities and scores of millions of deaths in Russia.

Rabbi Stephen Wise stated decades ago that Marxism, also referring to this as Communism, is really nothing other than Judaism.

The Jews alone intend to seize this entire planet by such military means, largely through deception alone, tricking the Gentiles to simply kill each other, whether by fake meds including COVID shots (Bolsheviks gave poison fake meds out even in the Russian gulags), or in very cleverly arranged seemingly 'unavoidable' wars, and by many other means.

Fluoride is added entirely maliciously actually to lower IQ and make people less fertile for instance, and to massively increase cancer rates.

Food is poisoned by the addition of hydrogenated fats that are non-nutritional and are exactly like road tar in our veins and tissues.

Milk is ruined and made toxic by homogenization for instance, that makes large fat molecules into much smaller fat molecules that then unnaturally go directly into the bloodstream and without being first digested, and that fat can accumulate in the lungs for instance where it is difficult to shift from, damaging lung tissue where it can contribute to causing lipid pneumonia, heavy catarrh and caoughing and so on.

Also extremely toxic chlorine is needlessly added to drinking and bathing water when ozone instead was very successfully added in water treatment plants even at the beginning of the 1900's in several major European cites to totally sterilize all water and in a non-harmful way, which killed even all parasitic worm eggs in the water that chlorine itself cannot kill at all.

Using chlorine is also more expensive than ozone, and causes many of the cancer cases seen today, and also causes heavy deposition of rancidized fats on the heart promoting heart disease and heart attacks and strokes, with that further contributing to the development of cancer by restricting oxygen supply to every tissue in the body.

And many other weaponized toxic chemicals are purposely continually injected into the environment and food supply to cause terrible damage to the Gentiles and make them less able to live happily or in good health, this actually being an intentional constant slow torture to a very premature death while still enslaved in fact, until the Jews have extracted everything they want from their slaves and then finally totally eradicate all humankind from the world once we have built everything for them that will be sufficient for them to be able to survive with alone without our help any longer, so they can 'inherit' all this, just like it says in the Bible where they are to 'inherit' the cities built by others.

The Talmud, Zohar and Torah all specifically state that all Gentiles in the entire world are to be enslaved, then ultimately totally exterminated so that the Jews alone can then seize this planet fir themselves alone to occupy.

Many scores of millions of Gentiles have been slaughtered in past centuries to spread 'the gospel of love'. Christians are intended to be filled with terror of being burned alive forever unceasingly for all eternity and thus even become self-policing, self-punishing and self-terrorizing.

The Jewish Piso family would in any case have been vengeful against all the Roman Empire for having tried to suppress Judaism much earlier, and so they craftily made the new link religion one that would really actually contribute to the eventual actual destruction of the Roman Empire.

Besides, the Torah from the very beginning of the toxic Judaism states that all Gentiles in the world are to be exterminated in any instance, so they constantly make up false 'reasons' to steadily attack and kill one Gentile people after another, as 'amalek'.

Christianity was really designed entirely only as a weapon, and Emperor Constantine himself was likely a mentally hijacked person or even a crypto-Jew himself, Christianity is a malevolent psyop to trick people into psychosis and self-destruction and actual further separation from God, as the real God will not consciously bond with the souls of people who willingly agree to the endless burning alive of all others after this life.

The Jew god Yahweh is not the real God, nor did Jesus ever really exist, please read the thorough evidence provided in the excellent book by DM Murdock{

The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold, REVISED EDITION

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It was a great interview! Zelenskyy is evil!

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Glad we finally have a president with a backbone that called Zelensky out!

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He is hiding behind the war! He wants to stay in power and hold no elections! It’s BULLSHIT!!

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G. W. Bush is definitely a moron and a bad guy. The demise of Christians in Iraq is a direct consequence of the US invasion in Gulf War II. No wonder Dubya is inseparable from the Obamas and the Clintons whenever they see one another. Because they belong to the same evil cult.

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Including the most recent coup in Syria. Coptic Christians clearly in the crosshairs of the world. Thanks Brandon, pseudo catholic. He is too stupid to be the antichrist, just one of many bootlicking minions.

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True, sadly they are connected in that global cult of oligarchic people.

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He is also the puppet of Kolomoisky: https://tritorch.com/degradation/RussiaUkraineAmericanJournalistGonzaloLiraLaidOutExactlyHowZelenskyWasManufacturedAndFundedByIsraeliJewishBillionaireKolomoisky.mp4 [6:01mins]

Gonzalo Lira was murdered for pointing things like that out. At the beginning of Zelensky's script, the president loved Russia and called them brother to Ukraine: https://tritorch.com/degradation/ZelenskyOnceViewedRussiaQuiteDifferentlyCalledThemBrothers.mp4 [46seconds]

We're watching and a unwitting participants in a badly scripted reality TV show.

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persecution of Christians - smells like ashkNAZI...

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.. which was why he worked so well with Obiden. Sure hope Musk can uncover THAT fraud. One thing is sure. The left knows how to use war as laundromat for billions and we had them dead to rights via the brain dead son and his laptop. No wonder they were so eager to take Trump out!

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All of it. Though RMN, declared it, it's been only fiat since the Johnson's Viet Nam.

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If you consider a Biden state department, puppet dictator, maybe! I guess now he’s the NATO puppet dictator

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There is a woman in the UK who has a channel. She reports similarly via her contacts on the ground. There are roving gangs backed by Zelensky who are capturing young males whence this cannon fodder is sent to the front lines. Also Mr Z has canceled elections. Additionally, even Forbes reports vast wealth has been accumulated by this man costumed in fatigues. And how much of this lucre do you think he accumulated playing clubs in Kiev when he was an entertainer ( his previous job)

What are the chances he catapulted into oligarch status like so many have: via corruption?

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**Rurik ...does excellent reportage on the homicidal irrational blood dripping anti white anti Christian gay Jew Satanist

cyborg zelensky....isreal pet..

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His term was up last May. He is not a President anymore. He is nobody. Which is why The US and Russia are going around him, he has no legal authority to approve or sign any peace deal.

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I asked the BBC why they call him "President". No response except an apology for delay in responding.

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Why is it that no one seems to notice or care when Christians are persecuted?! Just recently 70 Christians were beheaded in Congo, and not ONE "news" outlet reported on such a horrific transgression of humanity?! Despicable. Zelensky is illegitimate...Not only was he placed in position by other governments (including ours), but he is keeping himself in place, despite the will of the Ukranian people. I am sure they are incredibly disillusioned with Zelensky as he has done the opposite of what he promised he would do. He is a puppet; he has brought war to the region; he has cancelled elections; and he has persecuted anyone and anything that is inconvenient to him due to their religion/language/culture/politics.

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The reason that persecutions of Christians is aggressively under reported is... THAT JEWS. OWN MASS MEDIA...AND OPPOSE CHRIST ..DESPISE CHRIST..DESPISE CHRISTIANS*Rearm Now**

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Zelensky is toast. Inevitable, really

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Let’s remember that Stalin and his Bolshevik government wasn’t composed by Russian people. Thousands of Russians were killed as the Stalin Bolsheviks destroyed religion there. USSR shouldn’t be referred to as Russian as it was a different ethnic group including from outside Europe involved. Even after Stalin USSR was headed by Ukrainians, Khruschshev, Brezhnev.

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Name The Jews culpable for unimaginable sadistic mass murders..Geinrich yagoda..Lazar Kaganivich..anna oauker ..Bela Kuhn *moshe pijade..* ..leventri beria...."* Josip broz.*"aks. tito.......short list...86, percent minimum of the Soviet communist ruler czar types were Jews..,** Jews were mass murdering all over the Balkans and the baltics...easy to verify..fact check it.....""

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Thanks for adding that.

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It's war. and he is a dictaor. FDR served four consecutive terms. Do you think he was a dictator? Democrats ruled Congress (the House) for 40 years until Newt and Co unseated them and they found all sorts of rule-breaking had occurred. Former Speaker Dan Rostenkowski was facing charges for his behavior and actions. So when someone serves for a long time or in times of stress don't you think this is the way it is? Should Ukraine have held elections in the middle of a war with many of its people overseas? C' mon man!! Where does this madness of thought come from? And what has been the role of the 'church in Ukraine? Has it kept to its own knitting, or has it been politically active? Do you have an answer?

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Greetings Robert, this is John Leake replying. In the United States, including the Civil War, elections have always been held during times of war. President Roosevelt was elected in 1940 and reelected in Nov. 1944. During Vietnam the presidential election of 1968 was held. Dictators in history have frequently invoked the emergency of war to cancel elections, and many people in history have found themselves stuck not only with a dictator, but a dictator who continuously waged war long after the people had grown weary of war. Thanks for reading. Best regards, John Leake

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C’mon man, Brandon! You seriously expect people to take your immense ignorance seriously? Well, you do have 3 troll fans.

Religious persecution is acceptable to you? because of a tinpot scarecrow dictator has been inserted by Brandon’s corrupt CIA.

Thank you for your cogent and factual response below, Dr McCullough.

Keep up the great work🙏

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Sure. Ridiculous comparison if you actually listened to this or know anything about the Ukraine since 1991 beginnings.

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FDR was elected those terms and yes Zelensky is quite the dictator and has to be because the people got conned by lies into voting for him when he said he’d make peace with the east UKR. Also a militia called C-14 ( Hitler) is their head men of the police in UKR. It’s a police state, one of the worse.

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We need to uncover the money Zelenskyy took from the Western World and put into his own bank accounts. Bought mansions across the world. Bought luxury cars. Send the wife on shopping trips to Paris. And more. The Western Taxpayer needs to see all this. It isn't really a surprise, but what will be, is how much money made its way back to the politicians who sent the money. Besides being a dictator, he also runs the largest money laundering operation in the world.

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Claw all of Zelensky is money back to American tax payer s with interest*

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