A third of the Union army during the Civil War were young men volunteers who were not born in the United States. They were not drafted. The riots in New York City were a mob explosion fomented by the Democrats (Secessionists) in response to the initial registration for the draft, not actual inductions. As with the current US Selective Service law, there were two components to the Union draft: registration and induction. No one had been "taken off the boat" yet because the provost marshals were still compiling the registration lists. The "draft" was, in fact, a disguised tax. 207,000 men were drafted into the Union Army, but only around 46,000 actually served. The 161,000 bought themselves an exemption by paying the $300 commutation fee or buying a substitute. The data on fees collected is too sketchy to be trusted entirely, but a reasonable estimate is that the Treasury received $35 million - 11% of the total $319 million in internal taxes (not tariffs) collected by the Treasury from July 1863 (the date of the draft riots) until the end of the war.
If you want to consider a comparison between the American civil war and current events in Europe, you would come much closer to the mark if you used the Confederacy as a measure. The Confederate States of America passed conscription in April 1862, and there was direct enrollment without registration. Total Confederate troops were around 750,000–1,000,000, with conscription providing 20–25%. Total Union troops were 2.2 million, with only 8% (draftees and substitutes) conscripted.
There is another difference. The Irish immigrants were of a similar European culture to the existing US citizen and intended to make new lives without receiving state welfare. The large volumes of young men breaking into the UK are a hostile culture that are attracted by the prospect of free money and to arm them would be folly and dangerous.
From what I understand most British zoomers are not prepared to fight Russians in Ukraine so they would have to bring in conscription and that would not include any of the illegals and/or those awaiting the outcome of asylum claims or those grown men who say they are children but should include those given residency status.
If they try to bring in conscription that will be the end of the British state. Best thing that could ever happen for the British people to be rid of the WEF scum controlling the country. And they can't send the existing traitors in the armed forces as they will need them back in the UK to protect them from the people. Remember StarLink etc etc etc means that the truth will get through however many false flags they commit against the British people.
I don't wish for it, I wish for the opposite. I am telling you what will happen should they be so stupid as to do it. They will of course be so stupid as to do it because they are so totally out of touch with the people and they have gotten away with their criminality for so long they think there is zero downside to treason against the British people. We are where Tsarist Russia was in its final days, he didn't stand with the people either.
No- they wont do shit. No one was ready to go viking during covid. If they can force inject you without people going violent. They will accept their sons sent to war too, as long as they dont get cuts in their pensions.
Socialism, like propaganda. You never see it coming because you did not know you were a target. It’s clever, but not smart, focuses on one’s weaknesses, plays to one’s better graces or faults, then comes the demoralizing loathsomeness, and all of a sudden you are complicit.
Its genetic and common in most people to obey authorities. And this is why we always are a specie in a mess! If people dont start to grow some backbone and acting intelligent and rational - i believe i and maybe our specie will be extinct in 20 years.
Perhaps threatening those unwelcome ‘migrants’ with conscription is a good way to get the to race back to their native countries. I find it unlikely that any migrant would willingly fight for Britain, or against Russia. That is not why they came to the UK in the first place. And considering the actual state of the UK military, it’s unlikely that British troops would be sent to Ukraine anyway. Of course, Starmer has been yammering about an EU army for some time.
Because he composed most of the Psalms which undoubtedly was part of the prayer book of Jesus. But I understand, God is merciful unlike we “stone casters.”
The residents of the Donbas states (Lugansk, Donetsk … correct?) rejected Kiev’s authority by referendum. Same for Crimea. I am in the dark why anyone … other than the Nazi regime in Kiev that wants them all dead … wants to impose Kiev’s authority on folks who don’t want it. Democrats especially. What goes on between their ears? A serious question … I don’t know. Aren’t we supposed to support freedom and self-determination?
Today, second Ukraine connected assassin of Trump Routh will have a Prelim hearing in Court in Florida. Where most likely the defense will plea “insanity”. After Zekenskyy-y-i last Friday threatened President Trump on TV in the Oval Office presser. This week a Florida dude calls 9-11 to get a ride to the White House to shoot Trump and bomb NYC with missiles.
But none of this is connected to the NeoConned Deep State money $$$ laundering proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. Because tWerking Democrats on Tik Tok say so.
It is the patriarchy, not the feminists who send men to war. Feminists have enough sense to sit down together for tea and discuss a way to save their sons.
They're not feminists, they're nihilists in women's clothing. They have zero problem bombing, maiming and starving women and children if it furthers their imperial ambitions.
I'm not a feminist at all but I can understand the attitude since women have been convinced that if they are to earn a place in a patriarchal society they have to act like men.
?? Men dont act like modern feminists - they resembles Nazis more than people who want equality and freedom.
We have now had a shitload of women in Eu for over a decade - now Europe is dieing, on the werge of nuclear war and no one want to take accountability and responsibility -- everything is Russias fault.
Inside women love to use their attributes when it benefits them, and act offended when it benefits them - it make companies literally commit suicide, everyone walks on egg shells - as this so called white supremacists priviliged patriachy - white men especially seems to be legal prey for what ever reasons - if we have kids, they are often used against us - and women can literally just accuse of rape, violence etc - and you wont see your kids for maybe a year!
Then when proven wrong the women - who often gets taxpayer funded legal help btw - dont get even a fine.
We could keep going!
I am a humanitarian - though humans kinda keep making it harder and harder because they are cruel idiots to be honest - and women and men are different, and should not be treated equal, because we are not equal, we are our very own type and must be treated that way -
I absolutely hate feminism as much as i hate male cheuvanists -
Basically i treat people the way i like them to treat me - i would just wish they would do the same, and life treats you that specially women dont want to be treated the way they say at all!! Its like logic and rational thinking is absent --
Oh we have a nuclear war brewing -- must sit on Facebook looking at cats and nails for hours - well let the men go fighting the wars -- well have you ever thought maybe men like me want to stay home, work a field, play with my kids and feed them organic food i made my self?
Agendas - look how feminism now has turned USA into a country where men are basically affraid of women - because one woman can literally destroy your life and all your have been fighting for - depopulation agenda !
Abortion?? - womens health ( not the baby womens health right? ) depopulation agenda and vaccine production and other gene therapy who use stemcells - not to mention the babys organs who are sold as old cars.
Basically satanic agenda.
Climate Change? De industrial agenda = poverty and more deseace and suffering = defarming of lands = starvation = depopulation agenda .
You start to get the picture?? Do i need to mention the vaxxes?
What people should be really fighting for now is our freedom to keep our specie healthy and our race/clan/ genom what ever you call it from being genocided! People love to talk about slavery who happend decades ago - yet dont seem to realise the trap being set up to enslave us all - but by bit, camera by camera, data center by data center, Starlink by Starlink, cbdc by cbdc, leased by leased - you will own nothing and be happy ( like a slave who dont get his bugz if he dont work the 12 hours demanded )
Yes, this was horrific. However, people forget the historical context. Tell me what young women of that time, given the educations they received and the non-existent role they were allowed in political affairs, would even know about war in general and that war in particular. The real lesson from that episode is that people who are uneducated and uninformed are easily manipulated into doing what they would likely NOT do if they truly understood what was happening.
I don't think women started that war but I can see why they wouldn't want their conscripted sons and husbands to be an army of too few participants forced into action.
No. Kier will not conscript recent migrants because it is illegal to do so. Recent migrants have the right to citizenship before they get involved in any kinetic actions necessary for the protection of democracy. And a great percentage of the recent migrants are conscientious objectors to war and killing. So their religious beliefs also prevent them from warfare. Kier respects the customs and mores of all migrants. They are human beings made in the image of God.
Well .. Christians also have tenets. One is the 5th Commandment: Thou shall not kill. Looks like Englishmen have a Religious Exemption just like the new comers.
But ... if the new comers have a Religious Exemption, then why did they kill 70 Christians in a church in Africa? 🤔
The bravest men in WW1 by far were the conscientious objectors because the British state still sent them all to the front as stretcher bearers in no-man's land so they were 100% going to be killed and they were. Those in charge of the British state have always been pure evil. This is where that evil ends.
Wow. I suspect that you haven’t seen/read about migrants being shipped into rural villages, where they actually outnumber the original residents, and what those residents are putting up with in their villages…..ie, drugs, sexual abuse of females, crime, etc. Starmer is not ‘inviting’ migrants in because he ‘respects the customs and mores’ of migrants, particularly as many of them come from the rape capital of the world. Most of these migrants are NOT coming to the UK because they want to accept UK customs and mores.
Once again, Mr. Leake, you broaden the perspective of your audience with cultured awareness. Nothing new under the sun, but we humans are capable of expressing ourselves with more than violence. Thank you.
The Babylon Bee jokes that France's Little "Micron" has promised 3 million French Muslims for the fight in Ukraine. My guess is that Micron better have a helicopter waiting when they storm the Élysée Palace. Maybe he can share a chopper with Zelensky.
Let the European leaders fight for Ukraine if they are so hellbent on it. The same goes for American “leaders”. The wars must end so no more young men and women die for nothing!
Read Fraser Nelson’s article to see that British army recruitment has missed its targets every year for more than a decade. It is massively under strength.
A third of the Union army during the Civil War were young men volunteers who were not born in the United States. They were not drafted. The riots in New York City were a mob explosion fomented by the Democrats (Secessionists) in response to the initial registration for the draft, not actual inductions. As with the current US Selective Service law, there were two components to the Union draft: registration and induction. No one had been "taken off the boat" yet because the provost marshals were still compiling the registration lists. The "draft" was, in fact, a disguised tax. 207,000 men were drafted into the Union Army, but only around 46,000 actually served. The 161,000 bought themselves an exemption by paying the $300 commutation fee or buying a substitute. The data on fees collected is too sketchy to be trusted entirely, but a reasonable estimate is that the Treasury received $35 million - 11% of the total $319 million in internal taxes (not tariffs) collected by the Treasury from July 1863 (the date of the draft riots) until the end of the war.
If you want to consider a comparison between the American civil war and current events in Europe, you would come much closer to the mark if you used the Confederacy as a measure. The Confederate States of America passed conscription in April 1862, and there was direct enrollment without registration. Total Confederate troops were around 750,000–1,000,000, with conscription providing 20–25%. Total Union troops were 2.2 million, with only 8% (draftees and substitutes) conscripted.
Fantastic research, thanks for sharing!
There is another difference. The Irish immigrants were of a similar European culture to the existing US citizen and intended to make new lives without receiving state welfare. The large volumes of young men breaking into the UK are a hostile culture that are attracted by the prospect of free money and to arm them would be folly and dangerous.
I he's so hot for war he should volunteer for the front line himself and take Macron with him.
lol yeah
You know that NEVER happens. From the beginning of time.
From what I understand most British zoomers are not prepared to fight Russians in Ukraine so they would have to bring in conscription and that would not include any of the illegals and/or those awaiting the outcome of asylum claims or those grown men who say they are children but should include those given residency status.
If they try to bring in conscription that will be the end of the British state. Best thing that could ever happen for the British people to be rid of the WEF scum controlling the country. And they can't send the existing traitors in the armed forces as they will need them back in the UK to protect them from the people. Remember StarLink etc etc etc means that the truth will get through however many false flags they commit against the British people.
Yes, but be careful what you wish for.
I don't wish for it, I wish for the opposite. I am telling you what will happen should they be so stupid as to do it. They will of course be so stupid as to do it because they are so totally out of touch with the people and they have gotten away with their criminality for so long they think there is zero downside to treason against the British people. We are where Tsarist Russia was in its final days, he didn't stand with the people either.
The short answer is NO. It will not be them, it will be your run of the mill Englishman.
Then there will be two wars.
No- they wont do shit. No one was ready to go viking during covid. If they can force inject you without people going violent. They will accept their sons sent to war too, as long as they dont get cuts in their pensions.
Socialism, like propaganda. You never see it coming because you did not know you were a target. It’s clever, but not smart, focuses on one’s weaknesses, plays to one’s better graces or faults, then comes the demoralizing loathsomeness, and all of a sudden you are complicit.
Seems to work in all kinds of societys.
Its genetic and common in most people to obey authorities. And this is why we always are a specie in a mess! If people dont start to grow some backbone and acting intelligent and rational - i believe i and maybe our specie will be extinct in 20 years.
Perhaps threatening those unwelcome ‘migrants’ with conscription is a good way to get the to race back to their native countries. I find it unlikely that any migrant would willingly fight for Britain, or against Russia. That is not why they came to the UK in the first place. And considering the actual state of the UK military, it’s unlikely that British troops would be sent to Ukraine anyway. Of course, Starmer has been yammering about an EU army for some time.
Uriah the Hittite is another good example.
Wise old King David wanted Uriah's wife, so he sent Uriah to fight at the front. No muss, no fuss, death by proxy.
I have never understood why David was considered as anything other than scum.
Because he composed most of the Psalms which undoubtedly was part of the prayer book of Jesus. But I understand, God is merciful unlike we “stone casters.”
The residents of the Donbas states (Lugansk, Donetsk … correct?) rejected Kiev’s authority by referendum. Same for Crimea. I am in the dark why anyone … other than the Nazi regime in Kiev that wants them all dead … wants to impose Kiev’s authority on folks who don’t want it. Democrats especially. What goes on between their ears? A serious question … I don’t know. Aren’t we supposed to support freedom and self-determination?
Exactly right Edward!
Today, second Ukraine connected assassin of Trump Routh will have a Prelim hearing in Court in Florida. Where most likely the defense will plea “insanity”. After Zekenskyy-y-i last Friday threatened President Trump on TV in the Oval Office presser. This week a Florida dude calls 9-11 to get a ride to the White House to shoot Trump and bomb NYC with missiles.
But none of this is connected to the NeoConned Deep State money $$$ laundering proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. Because tWerking Democrats on Tik Tok say so.
It is the patriarchy, not the feminists who send men to war. Feminists have enough sense to sit down together for tea and discuss a way to save their sons.
Their worldview seems to change when they obtain positions of power. See Hillary Clinton and Victoria Nuland.
They're not feminists, they're nihilists in women's clothing. They have zero problem bombing, maiming and starving women and children if it furthers their imperial ambitions.
Both of those 'so called women' warmongers, need to be put into sewer tunnels and forever trapped there.
You must be a first wave feminist. today they only know violence and yelling.
I'm not a feminist at all but I can understand the attitude since women have been convinced that if they are to earn a place in a patriarchal society they have to act like men.
?? Men dont act like modern feminists - they resembles Nazis more than people who want equality and freedom.
We have now had a shitload of women in Eu for over a decade - now Europe is dieing, on the werge of nuclear war and no one want to take accountability and responsibility -- everything is Russias fault.
Inside women love to use their attributes when it benefits them, and act offended when it benefits them - it make companies literally commit suicide, everyone walks on egg shells - as this so called white supremacists priviliged patriachy - white men especially seems to be legal prey for what ever reasons - if we have kids, they are often used against us - and women can literally just accuse of rape, violence etc - and you wont see your kids for maybe a year!
Then when proven wrong the women - who often gets taxpayer funded legal help btw - dont get even a fine.
We could keep going!
I am a humanitarian - though humans kinda keep making it harder and harder because they are cruel idiots to be honest - and women and men are different, and should not be treated equal, because we are not equal, we are our very own type and must be treated that way -
I absolutely hate feminism as much as i hate male cheuvanists -
Basically i treat people the way i like them to treat me - i would just wish they would do the same, and life treats you that specially women dont want to be treated the way they say at all!! Its like logic and rational thinking is absent --
Oh we have a nuclear war brewing -- must sit on Facebook looking at cats and nails for hours - well let the men go fighting the wars -- well have you ever thought maybe men like me want to stay home, work a field, play with my kids and feed them organic food i made my self?
Agendas - look how feminism now has turned USA into a country where men are basically affraid of women - because one woman can literally destroy your life and all your have been fighting for - depopulation agenda !
Abortion?? - womens health ( not the baby womens health right? ) depopulation agenda and vaccine production and other gene therapy who use stemcells - not to mention the babys organs who are sold as old cars.
Basically satanic agenda.
Climate Change? De industrial agenda = poverty and more deseace and suffering = defarming of lands = starvation = depopulation agenda .
You start to get the picture?? Do i need to mention the vaxxes?
What people should be really fighting for now is our freedom to keep our specie healthy and our race/clan/ genom what ever you call it from being genocided! People love to talk about slavery who happend decades ago - yet dont seem to realise the trap being set up to enslave us all - but by bit, camera by camera, data center by data center, Starlink by Starlink, cbdc by cbdc, leased by leased - you will own nothing and be happy ( like a slave who dont get his bugz if he dont work the 12 hours demanded )
Act like a negative male stereotype…my husband perfectly lovely…for a sinner😉
See white feather campaign of WWI
Yes, this was horrific. However, people forget the historical context. Tell me what young women of that time, given the educations they received and the non-existent role they were allowed in political affairs, would even know about war in general and that war in particular. The real lesson from that episode is that people who are uneducated and uninformed are easily manipulated into doing what they would likely NOT do if they truly understood what was happening.
I don't think women started that war but I can see why they wouldn't want their conscripted sons and husbands to be an army of too few participants forced into action.
No. Kier will not conscript recent migrants because it is illegal to do so. Recent migrants have the right to citizenship before they get involved in any kinetic actions necessary for the protection of democracy. And a great percentage of the recent migrants are conscientious objectors to war and killing. So their religious beliefs also prevent them from warfare. Kier respects the customs and mores of all migrants. They are human beings made in the image of God.
Well .. Christians also have tenets. One is the 5th Commandment: Thou shall not kill. Looks like Englishmen have a Religious Exemption just like the new comers.
But ... if the new comers have a Religious Exemption, then why did they kill 70 Christians in a church in Africa? 🤔
The bravest men in WW1 by far were the conscientious objectors because the British state still sent them all to the front as stretcher bearers in no-man's land so they were 100% going to be killed and they were. Those in charge of the British state have always been pure evil. This is where that evil ends.
Wow. I suspect that you haven’t seen/read about migrants being shipped into rural villages, where they actually outnumber the original residents, and what those residents are putting up with in their villages…..ie, drugs, sexual abuse of females, crime, etc. Starmer is not ‘inviting’ migrants in because he ‘respects the customs and mores’ of migrants, particularly as many of them come from the rape capital of the world. Most of these migrants are NOT coming to the UK because they want to accept UK customs and mores.
Unbelievable racism !!
Who will repopulate the country when all the young men die defending democracy?
The most popular boy's name in 2024 for the UK - Mohammad.
🤣 Yeah they are really peaceful!!
Its called the kalergy plan
Appreciate the sarcasm. Kier and his EU beasties are like African green monkey kidney cells for cultivating sarcasm.
Just boots.
They can be air dropped in assorted sizes.
UK news group headlines talk about an extra 150,000 police for rural areas . . . Wonder where they are coming from?
Joan Armatrading wrote a song called "if women ruled the world" explaining, what mother would send thier son's to war to be shot at.
Once again, Mr. Leake, you broaden the perspective of your audience with cultured awareness. Nothing new under the sun, but we humans are capable of expressing ourselves with more than violence. Thank you.
They have reach critical mass on British soil now, and if the UK dares to try to draft them, they will overthrow the government.
The Babylon Bee jokes that France's Little "Micron" has promised 3 million French Muslims for the fight in Ukraine. My guess is that Micron better have a helicopter waiting when they storm the Élysée Palace. Maybe he can share a chopper with Zelensky.
As long as he doesn't try to flee to Varennes in a carriage, disguised as a valet!
Let the European leaders fight for Ukraine if they are so hellbent on it. The same goes for American “leaders”. The wars must end so no more young men and women die for nothing!
Read Fraser Nelson’s article to see that British army recruitment has missed its targets every year for more than a decade. It is massively under strength.
Now go to the army recruitment website and see if you can work out why