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And your extraordinary courage is even more amazing given your long tenure as a mainstream cardiologist. That is a group (along with radiologists and surgeons) which characteristically avoids bucking the official medical narrative. I salute you Doc.

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I agree 100%.

I attended the March Against the Mandates following my mother’s death from the vaccine. It had caused sudden onset of Myasethenia Gravis within a month of her booster/flu shot which was given while she was taking immunosuppressants for psoriasis. What followed was 4 hospitalizations and misdiagnosis. Basically, the docs did not even have the possibility on radar that they were seeing an adverse reaction. I was the one to finally diagnose her, but by then they had dehydrated her and failed to give proper nutrition for over a week. When they went to vent her due to shallow breathing (they had said that it would buy time for treatment and her vitals were stable, except for the breathing) she went into cardiac arrest. The attending physician (not the hospitalist who has been in charge of her care-or lack thereof) reported that it was due to hypovalemia. It was my ongoing research, regular review of VAERS and Dr. McCullough’s paper on the impact on the innate immune system that helped me to see what was going on with my mom, whereas the doctors said heart attack (she had had elevated triponins and a blood pressure bouncing all over the place initially—no evidence of an MI so they called it an N-STEMI) and stroke (again, no evidence of a stroke and worsening symptoms). It was like they were then just sitting on ice wringing their hands expecting her to develop COVID (she had aspirated pneumonia due to the swallowing issues that was being treated) because they had an outbreak at the hospital. She never got COVID—I’m not surprised because her immune system was in overdrive attacking the neural junction causing the MG. The paper on the impact of the vaccine on the innate immune system described the likely progression of my mom’s situation—even had an abnormal scan of the spleen (they seemed to ignore that) and she had a fainting episode which was consistent with the spike proteins going to the spleen and then exosomes traveling up the Vagas nerve to the neural junction.

When I last saw my mom, 5-6 days before she died (we were blocked out after my visit due to a COVID outbreak) she reported the back of her head at the base hurt.

Whether she had had subclinical MG or not previously, does not really matter (she had no prior history or diagnosis). It seems the vaccine triggered an MG crisis in the month(s) (symptoms started a month after her toxic cocktail) after her booster. It was a severe adverse reaction which could have been treated if doctors were not being told “safe and effective.” Imagine if doctors were aware being made aware that these kind of effects ARE occurring. How many lives, like my mom’s, would have been saved?!

Had I not diagnosed my mom and insisted a neurologist see her to confirm, she likely would have had stroke as a cause of death on the death certificate. It makes me wonder how many vaccine deaths are occurring in our vulnerable and immunocompromised citizens.

By insisting on the “safe and effective” narrative and silencing some of the brightest and most critical thinking doctors, my mother and others essentially received a death sentence.

The impact of the vaccine and its adverse effects are not being acknowledged. And the excess deaths are occurring. It is criminal and at this point Fauci et al cannot justify continuing with the lies.

I thank God for Dr. McCullough’s work on shedding light on the issues. I wish my mom were still here, and as hard as it is, I’m glad I know the truth of her situation.

I share this paper with my friends who are having strange herpes outbreaks, who suddenly had shingles appear, whose periods stopped, whose elderly relatives are having neurological symptoms, etc.


I am sure there is more studies, etc. that are coming out—the evidence is mounting. But I find this paper to be a hood overview of the things for people to be aware of that may be related to the vaccine.

I am unvaccinated because I did all kinds of research relative to how the vaccine impacts those with autoimmune. I was dismayed that they did not test it on that population but rolled it out and said it was safe and effective. It clearly is not. I also was shocked that the cdc/fda said cavalierly that even if it caused a flare up of one’s autoimmune condition that was better than getting COVID. I was shocked at this. Autoimmune diseases can be deadly and are not something to take so lightly. My dad died after 15 years of battling Wegner’s in May of 2020. My brother has not fully recovered from Guillaim Barre from prior to the pandemic. His life has been destroyed. They told him to get it. He did and promptly got sick. Shortly thereafter they said that the vaccines can cause GB!! Go figure.

I had told my mother before she got vaccinated about my concerns, but remember all the fear mongering and the “no treatment until your lips turn blue” days. She felt damned if you do, damned if you don’t. She chose to follow her doctor’s advice. It cost her her life—-with more than a little help from medical professionals who simply went along with a narrative which someone who was even a little discerning should have realized that certain things made no sense. As a layperson, I could see the gaping holes in some of the reasoning offered. Starting with why would you give a person with an autoimmune history and known rogue immune system a vaccine that teaches its body to make a pathogen to be attacked. For me, I felt like that made NO sense….like you are inviting that person’s immune system to go another round…and view the body as the enemy!

My siblings, who all share our collective medical history relative to autoimmune disease, were all vaccinated. I was the conspiracy theorist. Now, they are all nervous and are not getting boosters. At least in that regard, my mother’s death was not in vain. And I was able to get the rare exemption for my daughters (so incredibly glad, because they are not giving those out in my state very easily).

I salute Dr. McCullough and his work. I feel like Fauci et al have almost purposefully muddied ( and continue) the waters. They are actively destroying the evidence of their crimes by continuing to commit them. At a certain point, it will be unable to trace the effects of what they have done—or it will take years. In the meantime, they silence, censor, weaponize the unsuspecting public against those asking questions, etc.

This has been an epic assault on humanity. And those perpetrating it and the carnage in their wake need to be led accountable. I am a lawyer and I understand fully how it will be a huge task to hold those responsible to account. The narrative has so many twists and turns that I expect now Fauci et al are banking on is being near impossible to untangle the sordid mess. I do not believe this was just misguided optimism by Fauci and big pharma.

I have lost a great deal of respect for doctors (I have or had quite a few as friends) and am angry that they appear to value their jobs and virtue signaling over actually looking more closely at what is happening.

I had to laugh when my daughter went to college this fall. I had showed her the video on ivermectin that Dr. McCullough and others had done. She texted me from campus and asked how hard it had been for me to learn about ivermectin and realize it was not just a horse dewormer. I told her not hard at all. I encouraged her to do a search on it. She then said, “That’s what makes me angry….the information is available, but everyone here is just talking about it being a horse drug.” She went on to say she feels like a spy on campus because everyone is just parroting what the msm says. Our state university requires vaccination.

Not sure we battle the brainwashing…those that are vested in big pharma and all this genetic technology own the press, and much much more.

I expect our only hope is the old fashioned spread the word one person at a time. Plant the seeds. Try not to get discouraged by the name calling and ostracization that follows using your voice to speak to truth. I have lost friends and family who tried to shame me into silence before and after my mom’s untimely death.

Freedoms of speech is critical to getting to the truth and a better path forward.

Thank you Dr. McCullough for stoking the flames of truth! We need more like you.

Please read my comment below after this…IT IS IMPORTANT!

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PS On Kirsch’s VSR presentation last night he featured your talks in TX.

Dr. Malhotra referenced a discussion he recently had with the editor of the Lancet, Dr. Richard Horton. He mentioned that Dr. Horton was on board with the problems in presentation of flawed research.

It caught my attention. The reason why is more detailed in my recent comments on Dr. Malone’s substack.

Here’s the thing….I am good at following the money and the connections on spheres of influence. To my way of thinking Dr. Horton is not entirely trustworthy. Or at the very least I would want to take a closer look.

In 2019, he received from Gates’ IHME the Roux Prize. Check it out. It is an award given each year in the amount of $100,000 to an individual or entity selected as a key innovator in the area of research around disease burden analysis, etc.

I find it rather suspect that Dr. Horton got the award in 2019 on the eve of the pandemic. Look at other recipients….it begs the question as to why. You will likely be able to better assess the situation. As an attorney, I am trained to spot conflicts of interest and recognize the potential impact that results. I do think that is part of how we have gone so seriously wrong relative to our regulatory agencies. But that is a discussion for a different day.

When I learned that Dr. Horton had been the recipient of the Roux prize, I reflected on how it was the Lancet that ran with the bogus study about the ineffectiveness of hydroxychloroquine.

My recollection is that the study and how/where it originated was so bogus it should never have gone to print. Although retracted, it still served to set the tone early on relative to Fauci insisting the EUA and vaccine were our only option.

In my comments in Malone’s substack you can see why I think we not only need to be discerning about the medical research, but also the individuals in the discussions and who or what may be influencing them.

In short, Bill Gates is a master at buying influence. And I fear his proxies are in places and positions that most don’t realize—even you folks trying to fight the narrative. It is critical to understand the science AND how the enemy is operating here.

I’ll put a link to my comments on Malone’s substack below so you can get a sense of what I am talking about. I apologize in advance because it is a bit lengthy, but that is kind of the point….they have been planning the current coup for some time, moving their pawns into place for the final assault when the time comes. Caveat Emptor.

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It is amazing the connections and what you find with a little cross referencing and investigation relative to tracking who is pulling the strings.

Even my research to that effect into the AMA and who and when certain people were placed raises eyebrows—or at least mine!

My advantage in Maine is that it is a relatively small state when it comes to who is who. That makes it easier for me to get leads on where to dig. What I will tell you is the agenda is advancing on all fronts...energy, land grab, education, medicine, finance.

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I am so sorry for your mother's maltreatment and suffering. You tried very hard to save her. Your recognition of blunt narrow minded MDs and calling them out for their arrogant negligence will certainly help save others.

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