Mistakes were not made; crimes were committed.

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People should be hung. Especially Fauci

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One thing is certain: “If you insulate people from paying the price of being wrong, you’re going to get a lot of wrong things done.” —Thomas Sowell

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truer words never spoken

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Thank goodness, at least masks work - ROFL

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A favorite one of mine is, “There are no solutions; there are only trade-offs.”

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Love this quote.

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Sowell is a jewel!

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How is it that he and his gang of murderers have not been brought to justice yet?

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They knew exactly what they were doing and that they control the media

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Fauci AND Birx. In many ways was Fauci just the public face of this. Behind the scenes ( according to the book by dr. Scott Atlas " A plague upon our House) was it Birx driving the whole shebang.

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That's too light on the little bugger. He should receive the treatment he meted out to the beagles.

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That's right - please check out and share Margaret Anna Alice's great Mistakes were not made Anthem for Justice! https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/wake-up-toolkit#%C2%A7mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-for-justice

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Yes they were!

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it is why the yearly flu-vacc is such BS too. many of us have known about the ineffectivity of shots for nasal infections, why-oh-why are there so few GPs speaking up about this - all captured?!

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Big harma grooms them from med school on until they have no sense.

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apparently. very painful though to realise that :-((

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Prof. Robert Clancy has appeared with Dr John Campbell PhD Youtube speaking on this very topic.

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Indeed! Thank you!!

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And yet myself and many others had to be fired for refusing to take the shots. Where are the apologies? Nowhere to be found. Awful. 3/4 of the people laid down and made every excuse to get it instead of fighting back.

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Hopefully they feel like fools and will remember this in the future.

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Many are feeling the injury and psychological pain and many have gone into a state of permanent infinite unconsciousness known as death.

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Of those who have the psychological pain, I would want to know how many would admit it to being the vaccine vs getting older or some other kind of dismissal.

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Doubtful that cognitive dissonance would be allowed to threaten the ego and sense of self-goodness. “Better to leave that in the past.”

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In my extended family, I am the only one that did not get vaccinated. I've sent information to two members of my extended family and received not a peep in response. Not a one will discuss it. I think it's extremely odd.

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I just give an olive branch of "Check out flccc.net for their "I-Recover: Post Vaccine Treatment" and leave it at that.

To be totally honest I just don't care any more. Even for family and friends. Some are still taking the shots and screeching at me so it's impossible to care. Others may use the flccc.net info but NEVER say anything. Most are scared.

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I'm kinda there too. I mean, my siblings are grown adults (as are parents), so I'm learning to not fret about the things out of my control - the serenity prayer that comes to mind.

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I still care. These people mean so much to me. There's no screeching going on just total silence. Fear probably has something to do with it. As for the other family members, I believe they are uninformed.

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If you were my friend, I'd recommend you not torture yourself. Continue caring from a distance. There's literally nothing you can do for them, and it would seem they're ignoring your efforts. Sometimes a bit of distance is helpful.

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No, actually it’s a disgusting trait called pride. And we know where that leads.

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The misinformed bit is inaccurate. Seven truckloads of evidence would be dismissed. Fear was a component, but not now. These peeps always wanted someone to tell them what to do and get in line, thereby absolving personal responsibility. Evidence never convinced anyone to shift gears. That is the sad reality.

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I don't give a rat's a$$ about any of these idiots who were coralled into taking the Death Shot. They KNOW what they did. They hear the stories. They know they're at a greater risk of death from heart attack, stroke, blood clot and cancers. They are in the numb stage on the way to their total demise.

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Just pray for them and tell them to take all of the vitamins, etc. to help keep up their immune systems. Trust in God/Jesus, as He is in control.

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Fen ben and other antiparasitic protocols can help. I thought this video was interesting.


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Another one of the 🤬 outcomes; permanent destruction of friend and family relationships. Purposeful, or inadvertent bonus?

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Purposeful for the next step.

TPTB has removed the mortar in the society's wall.

It will be easier to make it crumble with the lightest push.

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Yep. 😭

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Mar 14Edited

I was intentional. Cults always do certain things and that's one of them.


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They all should be pissed and ready for a revolution. And no, not that good socialism or good communism or good free capitalism revolution. Been there, done that and don't need any more slogans on a GMO cotton toxic sprayed made tee.

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yup, me too. But, if I ask them how their new puppy is doing ~ they are all ears!

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Send them this:

Dr. Shaun Brooks, VAXXED PEOPLE WILL DIE !! Nothing can stop what is coming!


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Incredible! A friend of ours was happy because his wife got jabbed again. He said and I quote: “ We don’t have to worry about her getting sick this winter.” Before the shots rolled out he said: “ I can’t wait to get the shot in me.”

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It's only odd if you think they're brains work in a remotely rational way. That's why they're referred to as "sheep", or "sheeple". They are more like dumb animals than what human beings should be. No offense to our animal friends, they're smart in many ways we aren't, just dumb when it comes to critical thinking skills.

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Animals aren’t “smart,” God preprogrammed them with automatic instincts to react and survive. We are at the highest level of intelligence on earth and in a higher position since we’re created in God’s image and soul. Therefore, it’s most disgusting to see how Humans didn’t question or attempt to figure this thing out. There is basically no excuse for these people, although the most deceptive propaganda was enforced to get this very response. I consider Any who never apologized to me and others afterwards, and who refuse to even discuss this as blatant gutless weenies.

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I agree with everything except your first 3 words. Sure God preprogrammed them with automatic instincts. He gave us plenty of preprogrammed instincts too. Then, we're all thrown into the world to sink or swim. And it's not just instincts that determine how we cope. I spend a lot of time around animals, tame ones and wild ones. They are smart, just in different ways. We'll just disagree on that, who cares? Sounds like we agree on more important things.

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if humans are the highest intelligence why did they take bioweapon jabs! why are they lawless, why are they transgenders, why are they using illegal drugs, why are they murdering living beings, ...🤔

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they are very intelligent, sentient beings. dont be stupid.

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Good attempt at logic, but the conclusion is not supported by the evidence. Asserting pre programming is just that...

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Obviously if I'm concerned I didn't receive a response from the two members of my extended family I sent information to, then I don't consider them steeple. In fact, I know they are not. You're making assumptions.

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nah, simple accurately assessing the behavior whether "yours" or others

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Baa when you say sheeple. Make it each time you see them and say, "there

sheeple here" then the barnyard noise, "Baaaa."

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yes that would work for one of the parties involved

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I hope you can start a trend.

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Suggested reading: The fear of freedom

Erich Fromm

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Brain vacuoles and lesions. They don't know what they no longer know..

Know what I mean?

I'm still waiting for those nice young men in their clean white shirts to be coming to take me away...to their open air concentration camp where life is wonderful all the time.. yes, just wonderful.

Free Julian Assange


No pardons for Big Pharma.

Cue the music, Look on the Bright Side of Life

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It is very hard to admit you fell for it, and were duped.

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theyre pride and fear keep them from admitting the truth. i also think it may have something to do with faith. all these people in the urban and city areas that refuse to look at the truth do not seem to know God. And it seems to me, as though the most blind ones are the ones that have no God. Fear is lack of faith. Does anyone else feel like that because most of the ones I know that refuse to even listen are godless people. One of my best friends is vaccinated and she seems perfectly fine. She has not had any issues. My sister is vaccinated and she is constantly nearly daily complaining about her stomach and my daughter is also vaxxed she already lost a 19 week fetus the end of 2021. I think she is starting to think that somethings up. But she is a nurse, and sometimes they are the hardest ones to convince.😢 God wants us to continue trying, not forcing but if you see an opening insert an article L O L. That’s what I’ve been doing.

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Send them this:

Dr. Shaun Brooks, VAXXED PEOPLE WILL DIE !! Nothing can stop what is coming!


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Quaxed have already died, and continue to do so mostly with turbo cancer

Since the 3rd quarter of '21 there has been a 40% increase in death and disability that has not reduced since. Insurance actuary tables, the healthiest wealthiest demographic ever studied... We are dealing with the total dishonest media and peeps that still drink their kool aid

There are not thousands of "Brooks" the more the better

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they are brainwashed. LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU! ✝️

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For a person who has known the reality of the Vaxs, Quax for over 30 years that behaviour is totally predictable. The issue is whether a person (any of them) will admit a false belief. Very few will, the others have fundamental corruption...

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NOT a "vaccine". Call it a "shot", "jab", or whatever. FACT: It is an EXPERIMENTAL injection.

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Exactly my sisters sentiments. “I’m not even saying you are wrong. But it’s time to move on”. Ummmm NOOOOOOOO, never

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My family also won't discuss it.

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Pathetic. If they are masters of science and sanity, why not have the discussion and put you in your place?

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science contradicts the jabs. they are murdering ppl.

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Or "Well it's over now" LMAO. I then proceed to tell them about the WHO taking over the pandemic response for the country we live in and end with the line "Over? Eye of the hurricane folks. Eye of the hurricane".

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Exactly. But EVERYTHING is a far right conspiracy. Even when documented and covered by MSM

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said the demons.

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its only beginning

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“Better to leave that in the past.”

The same reaction that former Nazis and those who fought for Nazis had in 1946.

The big difference, however, is that the former Nazis were held to account for their malfeasance. Hence the revulsion towards that hideous ideology and their program still remain in place.

For these “vaccines” that did not vaccinate, however, those responsible for pushing them on the market knowing full well that they didn’t vaccinate anybody, and those who pushed mandates on the population and destroyed the health of many people or the careers of many others, are being allowed to slink back behind the curtains of anonymity. Why?

This is a perfect setup for yet another round of experimental products to be released on a public willing to believe anything the authorities tell them to believe.

A few strategic guillotine executions broadcast throughout the world would give notice to those who abuse their positions of authority that there are direct, dire, and permanent consequences for their actions.

Otherwise look forward to another round of mandated Mengele style experiments coming soon.

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stop voting for biden. he is a murderer and a liar, very evil!

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No the former Nazis were all not held to account nor their offspring corporations nor the banksters who made it happen.

See Operation Paperclip, Union Bank. Brown Brothers Harriman, the overt propaganda piece called Time,

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Sure and no one was ever held to account for the red terrors, the gulag, the holodomor, katyn forest, the great leap forward, Armenian genocide, Pol Pot murdering a third of Cambodia. And this is an incomplete list.

No one. Order givers or order followers.

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Actually, the UK and US financial interests and industrialists (among) others) that had sponsored Hitler in supporting that attempt at a global fascist take-over, as well as rescuing from justice various top Nazi's - as well as US and other supporters known to have been trading with the enemy/profiting from slave labour, etc., getting off scot-free - with their ill-gotten wealth - and with various families, such as the Bush family - later entering politics - actively participating in such as Project Paperclip, smuggling Nazi's into US industry and government, bringing Nazi scientists and many of Germany's patents, together with top Nazi Intelligence officers into well-paid jobs, these last-mentioned intended to form the core of what we call the CIA - these perps evidently simply re-grouping and planning a different method of gaining their goals of eliminating 'inferior Life', and now having their dreamt-of predictable and mechanistic world built over the bodies and the history of evolution, democracy, civilisation and unpatentable natural Life.

Crazy-people, indeed... so, the Nuremberg Trials seemed to be more symbolic than anything; almost none, barring a few of the most publicly-notorious names, of the top Nazi officials wound up even being tried, and in documentaries, we (at least, I seem to) hear more about doctors and nurses being hung via that trial, than about any of Hitler's top hench-men. Various of these having been safely smuggled into various countries, to live out their days, too-often with official or 'quiet' and well-paid employment in some capacity or simply funded .

One wonders if some of these Nazi 'rescues', perhaps, initially formed/worked on/ran DARPA, where everything typically seems to have a 'Dark Side' intended, and sometime being Dark-sided all over.

Even if ARPANET did prove to be a two-edge sword, in enabling the global public to do their own research and information-sharing, and making the virtual 'pen' mightier than the sword in alerting that public to various things that they may have come to snicker at, until discovering that many of these laughable 'theories' were actually sickeningly true..

At least, there seem to be rather a lot of old Nazi families and Nazi corporations involved in the WEF, et al, with WEF-infiltrated governments around the globe determined to fund their Nazis against the Russians, never forgiven, I believe, for the citizens/military of the latter country's turning of the tide in WW2 despite massive loss of life, so that the perps first lot of Nazis lost the 1st time.

I also believe it probable that two industrial towns full of people were callously fire-bombed - rather than factories strategically and specifically-destroyed - in Germany so as to try to ensure that all paper evidence of US and UK complicity went up in flames with their victims, by such as these traitors profiteering from death, dispossession and suffering. The US burnt one industrial town alive, and the UK did another. and I expect that the pilots ordered to do so had nightmares forever after, having given such a horrible death to civilians and, likely, slaves held there, as workers.

Just my take - but I do believe had all of the Big Baddies been decisively dealt with, including the wealthy/powerful traitors, at the time, I do NOT believe we'd be dealing with what I regard as a resurgence of the same evil now made worse, and more insanely evil than ever.

Citizens conditioned into tolerating even the most obvious corruption among those of their fellow-citizens hired as public servants, and these ultimately permitted to declare themselves 'above all law' to the point that a large democracy could accept this disastrous absurdity as possible, was all the perps needed.

All are to be equal under rights-protective law in a democracy, and immunity (impunity) is not something that can ever be permitted anyone, as this invariably produces monsters.

THEY say there's no means of getting criminals out of public office, while, in the US, offering a 'choice' of only two corrupt, Parties, neither of which can be voted out for (potentially) better without leaving only one as a monopoly then offering no pretense of 'choice' as a cover - but we know the perps lie a lot...

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The best summary I ever read.

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Perfectly explained , I agree 100%. Without consequence, you may expect the same in the future, maybe worse….

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Yes it is the time in history when world views are being nuked regardless of opinion. Some will not survive.

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doubtful....it takes years of focused effort and desire to repent...discipleship is not overnight immediate gratification run get a jabb and FB banner of virtue to save society socialist BS.

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For the greater good… is actually a communist chant…

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People were manipulated and propagandised by social engineers, psychologists military disinformation specialists and other experts in evil, globally globalist-owned/controlled media endlessly read scary-scary propaganda off of their prompters while Heallth officials lied through their teeth, even while making it plain that, at best, they were unscientific idiots by changing their 'recommendations' on everything from masking, to where people could stand/sit in relation to one another, depending upon whatever seemed silliest at time, as far as I could tell..

Apparently that sort of ever-changing but typically 'Opposite Day' spewing of nonsense was supposed to make us think that WE were the crazed idiots, and not these obviously crazed idiots spouting this unscientific garbage.

Those fortunate enough to have some idea from the beginning that this was yet another scam - and a very destructive one - were insulated by already knowing better than to believe them.

Those unfortunate enough to have no idea, walking into this, having had the wits literally and strategically scared out of them, freaked.

It's not the victim's fault, even if some of them, crazed with fear and ignorance, did wind up hysterically mean.

Apart from anything else, psychopaths in politics typically attempt to pathologize their populations. to normalize their own pathology in order to have their own abuses meekly accepted by their unfortunate population.

(Not to mention the trade-mark tendency shown in online-dictionary changing of/limiting the meaning of words and terms that had previously been commonly understood. This causes misunderstanding and, at least initially, manages to make words and terms the perps use in generally 'Opposite Day' fashion, misunderstood.

Psychopaths, devoid of empathy, evidently have no connection to, or respect for, reality or the rights and lives of others. all they can see is their own consuming ego and wants.

(In example, a 'Reform' also once typically meant something good, an improvement, as in "he's a reformed character and stopped drinking and beating his wife" "We've reformed the program, as so many among the public demanded' but in corrupt public officialese, 'a reform' now means having the good sucked right out of something.

So, these psychopathic Globalists and their puppets scramble and abuse the language, just as they do all else, not only to confuse and more easily con people but also to make communication more difficult among the general public.

Remember when Hillary Clinton first stole 'left' and polluted the term, then 'Progressive', and anything else people came up with for self-identification of groups of reasonable people wanting democracy? and we've continued to let the perps take away the language we use to communicate.

This would be why the orginal fascist Nazi Party deceptively termed themselves as 'socialist'. so that people would think they were FOR the people and vote them in, as happened, and even now a surprising number of people still confuse things like the concept of a modern social democracy with it's opposite - fascism.

i see this, more or less, as two opposing types of government/societies, only one of which can properly prosper and last.

Fascism in modern times is essentially a corporate/military State run by one or a few individual(s) who use others, sometimes to destruction, (believing that the public exists only to serve those running the State), but a civilised society (believing that the state and the publicly-funded government exists to serve the public interest) takes care of their own.

This, obviously, without bizarrely sacrificing the rights of any/all individuals forming that society, under the ludicrous claim we hear that somehow all must suffer abuses and restrictions to 'serve the good' of that society, once that society has been denied the rights of all within it. Crazy-people, indeed.

But we ALL do have to start looking beyond the labels, in a time when 'safe and effective' applies to bioweapons passed off as 'vaccines' only as regarding the perps poisoning the world while claiming the immunity for criminality that they somehow give each other makes this deadly scam 'safe and effective' in achieving their sick goals.

Nobody has any 'right' to 'legalize' - for some - the commission of the infliction of any manner of abuses and crimes against other civilians/the country. NOBODY.

Judges ought to be obligated to read their country's Constitutions/Bills of Rights/ Charters/etc. until they know them by heart.

It's the rights-protective principles of democratic law that legitimately forms the basis of a democratic legal system and our hope of survival.

What's being done in the name of 'forever pandemics' and 'climate change' is not legal ANYWHERE that the rule of law is respected.

Those claiming that any 'emergency' somehow can 'legalise' their predation on the rest of us, simply because because more of us have been made more vulnerable by the damage and atrocities enabled by that claim, have revealed their criminality. Yet it's the victims being threatened with fines and sentences for merely speaking out?

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Many won't be here. 40% higher myocardial inflammation than someone not shot up.

Dumb to take something that causes inflammation. Oh well, can't be helped. Remembering what the CEO of Moderna said. This is a genetic therapy but if we called it that, nobody would ever take it

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Good point about taking something that causes Inflammation.

I avoid eating carbs so I don’t have inflammation. Meanwhile others load themselves up with carbs and experimental genetic therapy vaccines.

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In 50 or 100 years, many PhD papers will be written on how and why this deception was allowed to happen and how people fell for it.

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I seriously doubt that.

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I don't care about apologies, if they ever happen, they'll just be self-serving and probably insincere - unlike progressives I don't pretend to be a mind reader, so maybe some WOULD be sincere. Doesn't matter either way. What matters is what they did. We need severe, painful consequences, not apologies.

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Mistakes were NOT made.

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Yes, and what they’re going to do.

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I lost count at one point how many jobs I was turned down for or had to turn down over this bullshit! I was also told I couldn't visit my dying Karate teacher of 36 years! Mistake my Irish ass!

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Wrong on every level.

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apologies? you need to be recompensed by the demon president and his minions. they are destroyers, liars like their father the devil!

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I sued. Judge referred the case to mediation next month.

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Keep us updated will ya?!

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I will

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Apologies are simply inadequate. There needs to be full accountabilty.

Sheep are many, lions few.

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I'm more of a wolf.

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Apologies don't cut the mustard

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And many dead or severely injured. I think people have woken up. Just heard the other day that in CA, Los Angeles I think, they wanted to start again with masks for healthcare facilities. 40,000 nurses said NO. End of the mask madness!

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Bingo. Med school 101. This is why I cannot forgive my colleagues for their complicity in this charade.

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I can NEVER forgive my cowardly colleagues. They denied the scientific method and everything they were taught, their oaths and worst of all their patients health and welfare. They rolled over like doing cockroaches for money. They will NEVER regain the trust, authority and autonomy they have so callously thrown away. Malpractice on a global scale!

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Music to my ears. The silver lining of the COVID era is it awakened many to how unworthy of any respect these people have ALWAYS been. They didn't morph into different people four years ago. And they will never change, their moral failings are deeply ingrained.

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killed my brother,he dropped dead from a heart attack, harmed my sister, my friend went into heart failure, just got a heart transplant by the grace of God. Doctors take blood money and murder us. No one would listen. They called us the cause of covid. how utterly preposterous and foolish. 👹

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Killed my 56 year old cousin; she took an afternoon nap and had a heart attack

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my brother too, suddenly had a heart attack and died. my neighbor went into heart failure and was dying after his dr told him to get vaxxed 3x. My sis got cancer, shingles and long covid after being jabbed 3x. 😭 They wouldnt listen when I said to stay away from the demonic jabs!

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Utterly disgusting.

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Assaulted on a global scale. It was well past the idea of malpractice

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Nasal rinses with saline were suppressed. Vaccines were promoted. Sadists are running the show, aided by useful idiots.

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True, it was only Dr. McCullough and a few others to strongly recommend the nasal rinses.

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Next generation vaccines?? Stop messing with peoples immune systems!!!!

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AMEN!! I hesitate to take ANY sort of shot from anyone ... and I hate that my son & daughter-in-law are so believing and have a brand new baby ..... :-( I worry about him every night

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The next generation of vaccines,already on the way, are self-replicating mRNA.

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That's what King Chuckles III is all about. The species of homo sapiens must be exterminated for the greater good of the planet.

If it seems perfectly logical to the royals it must be true. It's not like there was any inbreeding like those royals of France with Royals of England to make you ever question their sanity or wise decisions like bedding oneself with Epstein's "I like to watch" blackmail operation

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Yes but this was not dreamed up by Prof Clancy in 2022. This had been known for years. This is basic immunology. The corruption of government officials up to and including Fauci who colluded with an evil agenda to force these genetic products onto hundreds of millions is frightening. It means from now on we can never trust the medical profession or public health bureaucrats regarding the safety or effectiveness of vaccines - or any medical products for that matter.

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So it is. I think I can remember Prof Bhakdi (Uni Mainz, Germany) talking like Clancy. Could have been 2021/22.

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I watched his videos many times, because he explained the scientific process so well. He was one of the first to stand up to this, an amazing man. I remember he said something like, if you get the first or second vaccine and don’t get sick, thank God. If you get any more, make out your will. It was pretty shocking and very clear.

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Great comment, many thanks!

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Prof Bhakdi warned of the danger of these reckless, useless ‘vaccines’ from the start, but he was ignored and side-lined.

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Sucharit Bhakdi probably said it in 2020

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Years ago, I realized that many vaccines were killing and making our pets sick, along with the dog food. I was able to avoid those products for my dogs. At the time, I never dreamed that human vaccines are just as lethal. And they know it.

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Read Marc Girardot. His Bolus Theory that all vaccines when they happen to go into a blood vessel cause serious injuries.

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Yes, and since when is it ok not to aspirate during injections? I think I saw an Asian vaccination on TV with aspiration but ALL the others were insert and inject. Hitting a blood vessel probably makes it worse (but not necessarily safe).

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They knew before the paper was released that the vaccine wouldn’t work.

Not just theoretically but from real life data in June 2021.

The paper is released to setup the next vaccine hunt - nasal mRNA based vaccine.

In other words, to get funding for their best blockbuster drug.

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Nasal mRNA “vaccines” are already in the works. Self-replicating mRNA nasal sprays are the “next-gen vaccines.”

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I’ll take Iodine for the daily double Alex

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And/or colloidal silver.

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The fact that COVID posed no meaningful risk of mortality for the vast majority, as was evident from infection fatality rate data available by mid 2020, nullified the rational for being injected with a radical new technology with no medium or long term track record or testing. Rejecting COVID injection was the only rational choice, which was perfectly evident before the injections proved ineffective and horrifically dangerous in the short term as evidenced by VAERS very early on.

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And a well hidden fact is that the British Medical Authorities dealing with contagious diseases downgraded Covid to just regular flu status. This was just before the lockdowns, and was completely ignored and the governments proceeded, as planned. It was on their website, I believe Dr. Vernon Coleman still has it posted on his. This evil machinery was going ahead, come hell or high water.

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Available BEFORE the lockdowns. Diamond Princess data AND professor lockdown Ferguson testified to the same in court- March 2020

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The whole argument for vaccine mandates to prevent spread just fell on its knees.

This is equally true when the first immune defence systems of the lungs and nasal passages get bypassed by putting the toxin straight into the blood stream by the synthetic version of the pathogen… what could possibly go wrong ??? And equally stupid.

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John Leake -- Dr. McCullough recently published a couple of posts touting statins. The near-unanimous response from well-informed Courageous Discourse readers has been extremely negative. Your readers know that statins are extremely dangerous. The negative effects of these highly profitable drugs are substantial while their benefits are negligible. Reader comments include numerous citations to scientific publications as well as anecdotal reports by lay people, practicing physicians, and scientific researchers documenting the real world devastating effects of this dangerous drug class. Many of us wonder what is going on. Perhaps one of you could directly address those negative reader comments and the substantial evidence showing that statin drugs are neither safe nor effective.

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he was just presenting information as he saw it...truthful. I believe the article stated statistics showed of some benefit for ppl who'd had heart attacks? at least with heart/cardio disease. We're in whole new territory after crazy censorship, needing to question EVERYTHING we've been told to date, so let's not shoot our own while he is doing his job sorting through info as he sees it.

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All is vanity. "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.

"I am the one who bears witness about myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness about me.” They said to him therefore, “Where is your Father?” Jesus answered, “You know neither me nor my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also.” The Word is a lamp unto our feet, a light unto our path. Be in it.

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Mpup, will you join me in fasting and prayer on the 6th day of every month to pray for the redemption of our country and justice and reparations for the J6 political prisoners? You can have all the bread and water you want on that day. As Abraham bargained with God about the city, Sodom, if there are not 50 righteous people in our country, will God not save it? What if there were only 20 righteous, how about if there are only 10 righteous? I think we must have at least that many. But God is our judge.

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With the current state of our "leaders", nations, and the world, we all should be praying. "If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14 and https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Timothy+2%3A1-6&version=ESV God's will be done.

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And God will not be mocked. I fear nothing but Divine Intervention will remedy the evil rampant today. Pray the Rosary for peace.our Mother listens.

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Unfortunately, the minister at my church is still pushing the fake vaccine. I can’t explain it but it’s not my church any more.

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In Truth, it is not your church or mine. It is His. We are the Body, individually and collectively. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Corinthians+12%3A12-27&version=ESV "Ministers" are human just as you and I, we all make mistakes. At the beginning of the Scamdemic our lead pastor's son a physician, recommended everyone to get the jabs, many did. One of the elders in this part of the Body had heart surgery six weeks after taking the jab. His wife required heart surgery a few months later. They still believe it to be "coincidence" "because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead." Acts 17:31 Be in the Word.

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They get money from the government. yes and yes 501c3 are when evil walked into our churches, temples and all houses of worship! many people led by there pastor/priest/rabbi/iman etc. became wor-sheep

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I would start praying for one that is Not a 501c3! One that has Jesus as the head. One that has prayer meeting every week! One that is open and sees Jesus working! The Bride is waking up!

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It’s what keeps me going.

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Sounds like a limited hangout, there is zero chance Fauci cares about science, he is a cold blooded killer. Of course the immunological, vaccination and related scientific community understood this information, it has been know for a long time but their voices were silent. I understand they have invested their lives in their careers but this does not lessen my disgust for this group of people. I see their point but I hope they see mine.

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If you read the medical article itself, you will see where Fauci is heading. Not just the normal vaccines, but oral vaccines, nasal vaccines, ocular vaccines, vaccines all the time... the only place he didn't mention is up the butt and in the vagina, but no doubt that will come.

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Australia recently approved an aerial deployed vaccine. How's that for implied consent!

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And don’t forget about putting this poison in our food supply and using mosquitoes to inject you with the stuff. Clinical trials using mosquitoes to deliver dengue “vaccines” have been going on for, at least, the past year. And foolish humans have volunteered to be the guinea pigs for such trials.

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True, I was just referring to shots specifically due to the article. Rrad Habakkuk.

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That is shocking, even in these times.

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Not when you consider it being "end times." Sure is a doozy for the meaning of "consent." And hiw do neighboring countries, marine life, etc. Again, end times.

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Mar 13, 2024
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But it's kinda like a smoking section in a resturaunt. Every border country should be extremely concerned.

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+ Vaccinated food.

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Bingo. He cares about funding and killing people. The end.

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Do we know if Gates and Fauci et al have received the jab?

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If yes, it was orchestrated.

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The frequency of respiratory infections (both due to frequent mutations of such pathogens and the fact that the respiratory mucosa is a primary barrier ) combined with the delicate balancing act of processing and cementing memory to antigens whilst avoiding creating antibodies to self-proteins leads me to believe that the immune system doesn't want to cement a highly specific antibody response but instead rely upon epigenetic adaptations of secretory igA and other mechanisms to deal with such viruses.

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String theory… antigens bind to antibodies.. it’s called precipitin…long chains of synthetic proteins that the body cannot break down… protein overload.. equals clogged circulation.. strokes and heart attacks follow… seeing the dot’s aggregate yet?

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Strokes, heart attacks, AND prion diseases

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I recall hearing that to actually have enough antibodies in the blood to stop an infection would basically amount to clogging the bloodstream. It seems that antibodies are thus more for stray virion cleanup rather than the primary defense. Which would also be why the immune system is focused on barriers (skin, gut, lungs) and has many mechanisms there, rather than just "antibodies".

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Yes the God given immune system is not a one trick pony…it has both attack and defence… as long as you do not veer into auto immunity.. which I suspect multi jabbed people end up in.. a war against themselves.

Keep sticking the needle in .. you get IGG4 .. and the immune system switches off.. not helpful when something unrelated to Covid enters your body.

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For decades before Covid mRNA gene therapy was known as transfection & calling them vaccines is not correct terminology. The only upside to calling them vaccines is adding doubt to the traditional products that are equally fraudulent.

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And for those who saw through the ruse, gut feel or what so ever, are ostracised one way or another, alas, still standing.

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So, Fauci finally had an "AHAH!" moment in November of 2022, after promoting & pushing these useless (& poisonous) injections on the world's population? Give me a break. He knew from before they were even launched that this was the case. This was not some new revelation.

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Here is another scathing indictment of Fauci by Professor Angus Dalgleish....https://principia-scientific.com/covid-conmen-land-top-jobs-after-wrecking-britain/

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