It’s been circulating for many years now. Odds are many of us have already been exposed. Now it’s new variants?

Deer in North America carry Covid and have different variants. Why were they never culled when everyone was pushing the fear campaign?

Deer is too cute to cull? No profit to be made when there is a shortage of deer vs chicken eggs? lol. Idk. It’s hard to take it all seriously anymore after what the government did to us during the Covid response.

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I get what you're saying, but one thing I take seriously is how cavalierly we're viewing the animal "victims" of these bio-engineered health crises. Since when is it perfectly okay to cull enormous numbers of healthy chickens? Did factory farming usher in a complete disregard for food animals? And since when is it perfectly okay to start vaccinating cattle against a bio-engineered pathogen that was deliberately created and deliberately transmitted into the food chain? The whole scheme is clearly evil to its core, but the utter disregard I'm seeing for the innocent creatures in our care is evil in its own right.

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There has been some bioengineering going on - with laboratories tinkering with the genetic material, and then vaccines also contributing to mutations. Thus, the bird flu has been caused to be more dangerous than it would have been due to pharma and so-called scientists and researchers. However, the RNA shots are dangerous and no one should take them. True, it's hard to take any of this seriously after so many lies, but McCullough was never the one lying. He is one you can rely on for treatment information. But if you don't buy from him, keep in mind that he is one of the few who probably has good treatment recommendations, and if you do get sick, make sure you have the number of a knowledgeable telemed doctor and you can get what you need at your local pharmacy. The things he is recommending are tried and true meds and supplements, so get them from him, or get them from someone else but you may need some of this before we're done. It's vaccine manufacturers who are making billions on toxic products that they are selling both by intentionally making people sick and also fear-mongering. I am pretty sure Dr. McCullough and colleagues are not going to get rich selling generic antibiotics or herbal supplements, but they are definitely safer and more effective than the injections and good to have on hand in case needed. If I get sick, I am definitely not going to any hospital - hospitals definitely killed a lot of people.

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Wow Really. Sounds like Dr Fauci in September of 2019 . I’ll rush right out and buy your kit’s immediately instead of getting the shot


Hurry Hurry Step right up get your medicine right now !!!

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It was a sad day when I had at recognize the doctors it TRUSTED , the 'front line doctors' have pretty much all be infected with GREED MIND VIRUS.

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Wrong read…check your agenda.

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Why is it that big pharma can literally make billions and damage people beyond belief with zero liability, but people are so quick to demonize a doctor that has done so much good by us during the Covid era?

Remember he had to fight to keep his credentials and nearly lost everything when they tried to cancel him while he was fighting to expose the truth.

And now, you people that are condemning him for selling a $200 PREPAREDNESS wellness kit! Shame on you! Is the man not allowed to make a living? By attacking him, you're also attacking independent business owners. I'd rather buy supplements and wellness kits from TWC than harmful drugs from big pharma.

He's not asking you to inject yourself or be on forever meds. If he IS correct about his prediction, and you'd rather wait until you're sick and then go begging to the ER to care for you, that's your choice. Suit yourself!

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I agree, he has been such a blessing to me. When no one else fought for me he did. He has helped me with my Long Covid conditions that I’ve been suffering with for 5 years now. He’s so compassionate to work with. I have his kits, I’ll spend the money to be prepared for whatever they throw at us next.

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Sounds like a fear mongering tactic to push more overpriced products from the wellness company. Nothing like destroying your credibility Dr McCullough.

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Bio labs fooling around again?

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I love Dr. McCullough and do not believe he is a snake oil salesman. I believe he is genuinely trying to give people tools to help themselves stay away from big pharma and big medical. However, I do understand the critiques and skepticism here. It’s easy to discount intent when we’ve all been lied to by so many about so much.

Here’s another viewpoint from a surgeon and researcher who I have a lot of respect for: Dr. Lee Merritt. It was her and Dr. McCullough who I first listened to in 2021 and they are why I convinced my family not to take the shots. Both ppl are good intelligent people looking for answers in the right places.

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I thought it was pretty tacky attaching the add for TWC emergency kit. Sounding like Big pHarma with fear mongering so you run out and get their “vaccine,” only, with this, make sure go hurry and by TWC’s emergency kit.

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If this really is a big threat, it makes it even more despicable that people have been turned off by big government and big pharma lies, and will be very reluctant to accept any new vaccines at this point!

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People should not take any RNA vaccines. And anything new these days is RNA.

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We watched your report on Flash Point last evening. Thank you for your truthfulness and for exposing the perpetrators of these crimes agains humanity and nature. We all need to wake up and realize we need to be taking care of ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. These plandemics are all part of the take down of the U.S.A. by the WEF, WHO and others. WAKE UP and PRAY UP. This is war.

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Amen! I agree

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Thank you Dr. McCullough for all you are doing.

So many in the medical establishment (organizations and individuals, government and private, too many to list) have shown themselves BOUGHT OFF. Very thankful for the outliers.

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Vaporize the chicken houses with iodine.

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Buy and Read this book: "Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) Hardcover – November 16, 2021

by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Author) START with Chapter #11. Gives NAMES/Game plans... C19 was actually NOT supposed to hit us until 2025... How THEY have planned to make Billions off mankind's suffering and take control of everyone and everything! Satan's Spawns. Republicans also named.

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I just started reading this

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this is total BS to sell concoctions

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Why? We live in a capitalist economy. Many people on Substack also are business owners. If you don't believe in prevention, you can do what everyone else did during Covid and wait until you get sick then hope your local hospital saves you.

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Sad that this cannot claim no conflict of interest. Do not support the biosecurity state!

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Does this bird flu and its variants use the ACE2 receptor like the COVID virus does ?

Ivermectin blocks the ACE2 and is one of the reasons it's so successful against COVID.

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