You cannot be serious at this late date. With all you've witnessed you're STILL attributing to incompetence what - you should know by now - can only be attributed to malice. This is a contrived demolition, order from chaos:
● The divide and conquer strategies of the east vs west, the vaxxed vs unvaxxed, the masked vs the unmasked, the left vs right, the boy vs girl, the gay vs straight
● The weaponization of the corporate owned and controlled mass media against the world's population
● The current and impending massive volume of world-wide vaccine damage and death
● The relentless push for poison vax mandates in order to force inject them into every man, woman, and child on the planet
● The rush to the requirement of mandatory vaccine passports which will quickly evolve into panopticon slave bracelets
● The influx of "migrants" being flown in to cities all around the by the FBI in tandem with George Soros's destroying of the rule of law by refusing to prosecute crimes with his bought and paid for DAs
● The coming hyperinflation as our politicians fully loot the treasury–the conventional last act of a failing empire—followed by the intended consequent CBDC slave protocol
● And the announced incoming cyber attacks/total supply chain meltdown combined with the famine that will bring...
are all a deliberate controlled demolition of the current global order, executed for the purpose of bringing about the New World Order.
To achieve this they are utilizing the Hegelian Dialectic. Planned order from planned chaos: problem – reaction – solution or antithesis – thesis – synthesis.
Like a Phoenix , they must burn the old world before they can purify and revive it from the ashes.
The Big Club: the CEOs all sit on each others boards and attend the same meetings (and pizza parties) at Davos and Bilderberg. What you’re witnessing with the world falling into ruin is their global reset plan in action.
Dear TriTorch, tough to say if malice is the motive of EVERYONE participating in our current system. I suspect that most of those who infest Washington are motivated by a craving for status, recognition, and money. The motive or combination of motives for participating in stupid projects and endeavors would be irrelevant if funding for the projects ended. Regards, John Leake
Dear John and TriTorch— I think you are talking about "apples and oranges" here. The lower level minions in D.C. are just following their Woke/Leftist‐Communist or Woke RINO programming and are probably clueless about what is really going on— they are too brainwashed in their ideology to be able to see because of their "confirmation bias".
It is the highest levels who are pulling the strings . . . the people REALLY at the top that supposedly we never even see and who prefer to stay invisible. There are differences of opinion about how the various players are actually positioned hierarchically, but we have a pretty good idea of who some of them are: Klaus Schwab, George Soros, King Charles, and the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and others involved with the Big Banks and Big Finance and the corporate world, complete with the big NGOs and Foundations. Then the politicians —Trudeau, Macron, Obama, and their ilk, and those on down to the Washington crowd of puppet Biden and members of congress (and SCOTUS's Roberts?).
There are pretty good indications that the upper levels are heavily influenced by some pretty evil entities, and are involved with Satanism, child rape and sacrifice, blackmail, and other forms of serious depravity. THOSE people are NOT just incompetent or stupid. They are seriously evil, and they relish harming and destroying others, especially innocent children. Washington is and has been crawling with sickos and pedophiles (the Podestas, Anthony Weiner, Hunter Biden, Jeffrey Epstein, etc.).
If anyone out there knows the lineup better, I'm "all ears"!
Those are the next circles out, Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Affairs and European and Asian equivalents. Those are the ones whose names we're allowed to know, so blame.
I suspect that there is a great deal of overlap between Bilderberg and the WEF. But the Trilateral Commission is more on the level like Kissinger was at, and the CFR are more the political and corporate types??? An awful lot of people are, or have been, members of the CFR.
Yes, most building out these insane plans are so buried in it that they cannot see it, and participate for their own financial benefits, ego gratification, or submission to their bosses' demands.
But, they should know better!
The doctors & nurses that kept killing the covid patients with a lethal treatment, the medical Nihilism that got them so sick in the first place, the lockdowns, school closures, & endless terrorization of the public, and finally, Governors, FDA, CDC & medical boards preventing Doctors from treating patients!
All these people should know better.
Personally I believe they have been co-opted by a group of lunatics that seek to destroy everything so they can recreate it in their own demented image.
"Demon worshipers" in the old school perspective, but of course the average participant does not understand or see this at all.
To do so we must get back to fundamentals- right vs wrong.
Good vs evil. Truth vs lies.
Morals matter now more than ever, as does prayer, courage and commitment.
"Do unto others as you would have done unto you!" Simple, really.
If people, en masse, begin to exhibit more of these positive traits I believe our situation will improve. If they do not, it will not either.
I'd say mostly the money. If you are a doctor or government beaurocrat making upwards of $250,000 in salary are you really going to jeopardize that for ethical morals? Present company excepted of course.
100 percent. Probably by November our government will order terror attacks on US citizens by illegals (probably Venezuelans). What happened in israel is set to happen here. My sources tell me a lockdown is coming and TSA already has new protocols. I believe the border wall is constructed to lock us in as illegals rape murder and steal.
It's actually a combination of incompetence and malice: the malicious PTB put incompetent puppets in places where competent people would interfere with their ultimate agenda.
Regardless of the ratio of malice:incompetence, I think the last line of the article applies: "Historically, such petulant folly has eventually been corrected by a combination of economic depression and war that kills a bunch of people and sobers the rest."
I just hope there will be enough of a civilization left to "sober-up"......
I think you are spot on with everything you are saying.
I think it is hard for some or many people to believe it, because they can't see the "plan" and the people behind the plan.
I think there is another layer above the CEOs and governments where the instructions are coming from. This is why there is incompetence and malice at work, depending on which layer you are looking at.
I think the people who think they deserve to own and govern this planet as they please are difficult to spot and capture. If you analyse the gaps, the unexplained and the missing factor with everything happening, the result is there is something invisible there.
Based on that principle and some other factors I predict where these people may be located. It's not a third world country. It's outside any conflict zone. It's outside any refugee destination. Refugees can't reach it. It offers large quantities of natural resources. It offers a mostly intact nature environment. It offers a comfortable climate all year round. It offers modern amenities. It offers luxury. There are not too many people, but enough to keep the self crowned rulers supplied and supported. The government there is under their full control, so are the people. It is "politically" pretty quiet there. Do the "math", what country does fulfill all of these criteria? New Zealand, that's my prediction. And based on any doomsday scenario you can imagine, see how things would go in New Zealand. You will realize, this is the best place to be mostly immune from anything that could possibly happen.
You are correct but so is Thomas Sowell because what you know is planned as I also know, is only possible when too many people become incompetent and amoral. The plan is carried out by useful idiots as communists call them. Harsh word use but unfortunately an apt one. An evil plan is not possible with moral people as the founders of our country warned us about. Moral not including social justice warriors because they are too selective with their morality to do anything but divide so we can be easily conquered. (they are part of the plan so being useful idiots)
Deliberate destruction is the plan. I agree there are many very stupid people placed in leadership roles but that too is part of the globalists’ plan. A few are very smart but it’s the huge money/payoffs behind the scenes.
No, we couldn't do that even if we wanted to! It's NOT JUST the PTB's agenda, but also Yhwh God's, albeit for different goals. Yhwh God is giving them the rope with which to hang themselves just now. His plan IS unfolding before our eyes, including the part about "filling the cup of His wrath to its brim", so that3.5 yrs into the 7 yrs of Daniel's "70th wk of yrs" when His wrath is unleashed, no one still here can claim "innocence". It will ulminatein the battle of Armageddon the end of the 7th yr, just after the return of Jesus to lead the Heavenly Hosts against Satan's amassed forces at Har Megiddo.
I’ve had the very same deep in my gut uneasy feeling for a few years now. We can’t rely on our politicians anymore to do the right thing and restore fiscal sanity. Instead, they are bankrupting the country, and lining the pockets of themselves and their rich, well connected friends. I don’t know where they think they’re gonna live when the world goes to hell.
Can't rely on them anymore? How old are you? The U.S. signed an unconditional surrender to the Nazis in 1952; however they really took control in 1947. "The Omega Project to bring in the Fourth Reich and the New World Order"
WHY are they all so incompetent? Because they are puppets, and those pulling the strings wouldn't want them any other way! God forbid they would actually want to use their own brains, or do something that would be for the benefit of their citizens!
If they are REAL puppets (which they are) they are incapable of thinking for themselves. The Alliance discovered a long list of world leaders who literally had been grown in liquid at Area 51. It took 6 months to house-train them. They believe they are naturally born people--they have no idea that their knowledge and memories are just programs on chips.
I don't believe one bit of that. It would still take decades to "grow" a human body in a tank, and it would not develop in any functional way. And nothing past the age of birth belongs in a "tank" of liquid! That is pure science fiction nonsense! And memories can't be put in "chips".
Biologically, an embryo can be raised in a "test tube" or "artificial womb" through fetal stages and to viability, but it would make zero sense to raise anything past that point in "tanks". And yes, there are interesting things being done with brain chips, including controlling devices by thought alone. But memories aren't of biological origin. They can be triggered because the brain is the interface between the energy field of consciousness where they reside, and the nervous system that is the input device from the physical world to our consciousness of it, and the control mechanism FOR the physical body. A human being HAS a physical body, but ISN'T a physical body. Your memories are non-physical and do not end when your brain dies.
This is why memory is not like a video recording. Upon recall, it is re-interpreted each time, and that interpretation back into something we can relate to from our physically-oriented perspective is not "set in stone" and is maleable. Those memories are NOT digital, physical, bits and bytes. And so they are not amenable to being "put on a chip".
WHAT are you talking about? What "authorities"? Those who know about raising things in "test tubes"? What do you think YOU know about it? That is a rediculous attitude because there will always be somebody who knows more than you do about a certain subject. I think you are just displaying a basic ignorance of what it means to be informed about something. Perhaps you have a problem with "authority figures"?
Don't believe it's about tradeoffs or incompetence. It's nature of the U.S. to give benefit of the doubt and to avoid confronting and speaking of anything negative or of substance; to it's detriment.
Do believe the U.S. Govt. is NOT the U.S. Govt. and infiltrated with Totalitarians to saturation defining the U.S. only another Puppet of The City of London's Committee of 300. Their primary weapons implemented since 1913 revolve around the Rothschild's and the Central Banker Family Cartel leading their Death Cult Mafia STEALING U.S. Capital, wealth, industry, intellectual property and resources.
The Enemies/Criminals Against Humanity and All Life on the Planet have exposed themselves and are more terrified than ever before; thus are now transparent and robbing the U.S. taxpayers blind. They KNOW they have little time remaining to utterly destroy The Constitution already on Life Support and the Republic to further establish, enhance and empower the regression of the world with return to common slavery in 'Slave Quarters as Concentration Camps' called Smart/15 Minute Cities in their New/One World Order.
U.S. remains STUPID to imagine any leadership incompetent as all is PRE-MEDITATED...Completely deliberate and meticulously planned by the Demonic.
I think that using our historical & traditional perspective and understanding of the definition of “competence” does not apply to the current generation of pro-globalist leaders. Remember (or realize) that those leaders were largely “installed” (vs. being legitimately elected) by powers and authorities who are generally not visible to the general public. The leaders who WE see as being incompetent are in fact sufficiently competent to execute the globalists’ plans for moving the world away from prosperous individual sovereign nations and toward a completely authoritarian One World Government.
I ran across a Margaret Thatcher saying this week. "You can vote in socialism but you have to shoot your way out!" I think our founding fathers realized the dangers of socialism and big government a long time ago and provided america with a constitution that provided a solution. They had great foresight.
There are no coincidences in politics, it’s all planned and those deep state puppeteers must be congratulating themselves on how well it’s going.
The kicker is that their whole agenda would fail if only enough people refused to participate and or realised they are being manipulated. One lives in hope that day will come.
There is no incompetence to blame. All of this has been planned. For example, The Club of Rome admitted in their 1991 publication, The First Global Revolution, that they were going to push Climate Change to “achieve their goals (one world government, one world currency, etc)” by getting the entire world on the same side against a common enemy. The European Union, proposed Middle Eastern Union, proposed North American Union, and CBDC are all part of the plan. That is only a sample of the preplanning and widespread lying that the left has been using to “transform”society. When the left quotes Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, know that Alinsky was a satanist and has a dedication to lucifer in his books. Those are the people working behind the scenes. We are living in the End Times.
Your writing is astute and very disheartening for I fear you are correct. As a grandmother I strive to give hope and positive influence to the children who will inherit this country after we are gone. May God help us find a way to make that happen.
You cannot be serious at this late date. With all you've witnessed you're STILL attributing to incompetence what - you should know by now - can only be attributed to malice. This is a contrived demolition, order from chaos:
● The divide and conquer strategies of the east vs west, the vaxxed vs unvaxxed, the masked vs the unmasked, the left vs right, the boy vs girl, the gay vs straight
● The weaponization of the corporate owned and controlled mass media against the world's population
● The current and impending massive volume of world-wide vaccine damage and death
● The relentless push for poison vax mandates in order to force inject them into every man, woman, and child on the planet
● The rush to the requirement of mandatory vaccine passports which will quickly evolve into panopticon slave bracelets
US DHS reveals that Venezuela is emptying their prisons and sending their convicts across the us border:!!!DHSVenezuelaIsEmptyingPrisonsAndSendingDangrousConvictsToTheUSBorder.png [image]
● The influx of "migrants" being flown in to cities all around the by the FBI in tandem with George Soros's destroying of the rule of law by refusing to prosecute crimes with his bought and paid for DAs
● The coming hyperinflation as our politicians fully loot the treasury–the conventional last act of a failing empire—followed by the intended consequent CBDC slave protocol
● And the announced incoming cyber attacks/total supply chain meltdown combined with the famine that will bring...
are all a deliberate controlled demolition of the current global order, executed for the purpose of bringing about the New World Order.
To achieve this they are utilizing the Hegelian Dialectic. Planned order from planned chaos: problem – reaction – solution or antithesis – thesis – synthesis.
Like a Phoenix , they must burn the old world before they can purify and revive it from the ashes.
The Big Club: the CEOs all sit on each others boards and attend the same meetings (and pizza parties) at Davos and Bilderberg. What you’re witnessing with the world falling into ruin is their global reset plan in action.
Dear TriTorch, tough to say if malice is the motive of EVERYONE participating in our current system. I suspect that most of those who infest Washington are motivated by a craving for status, recognition, and money. The motive or combination of motives for participating in stupid projects and endeavors would be irrelevant if funding for the projects ended. Regards, John Leake
Dear John and TriTorch— I think you are talking about "apples and oranges" here. The lower level minions in D.C. are just following their Woke/Leftist‐Communist or Woke RINO programming and are probably clueless about what is really going on— they are too brainwashed in their ideology to be able to see because of their "confirmation bias".
It is the highest levels who are pulling the strings . . . the people REALLY at the top that supposedly we never even see and who prefer to stay invisible. There are differences of opinion about how the various players are actually positioned hierarchically, but we have a pretty good idea of who some of them are: Klaus Schwab, George Soros, King Charles, and the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and others involved with the Big Banks and Big Finance and the corporate world, complete with the big NGOs and Foundations. Then the politicians —Trudeau, Macron, Obama, and their ilk, and those on down to the Washington crowd of puppet Biden and members of congress (and SCOTUS's Roberts?).
There are pretty good indications that the upper levels are heavily influenced by some pretty evil entities, and are involved with Satanism, child rape and sacrifice, blackmail, and other forms of serious depravity. THOSE people are NOT just incompetent or stupid. They are seriously evil, and they relish harming and destroying others, especially innocent children. Washington is and has been crawling with sickos and pedophiles (the Podestas, Anthony Weiner, Hunter Biden, Jeffrey Epstein, etc.).
If anyone out there knows the lineup better, I'm "all ears"!
Try the inner circle of Jesuits with their black pipe, the heads of European nankng hoses ( not just Rothschilds), and upper echelon Freemasons.
Right! My list just scratched the surface. Also other "Royal" family bloodlines.
Those are the next circles out, Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Affairs and European and Asian equivalents. Those are the ones whose names we're allowed to know, so blame.
I suspect that there is a great deal of overlap between Bilderberg and the WEF. But the Trilateral Commission is more on the level like Kissinger was at, and the CFR are more the political and corporate types??? An awful lot of people are, or have been, members of the CFR.
Yes, most building out these insane plans are so buried in it that they cannot see it, and participate for their own financial benefits, ego gratification, or submission to their bosses' demands.
But, they should know better!
The doctors & nurses that kept killing the covid patients with a lethal treatment, the medical Nihilism that got them so sick in the first place, the lockdowns, school closures, & endless terrorization of the public, and finally, Governors, FDA, CDC & medical boards preventing Doctors from treating patients!
All these people should know better.
Personally I believe they have been co-opted by a group of lunatics that seek to destroy everything so they can recreate it in their own demented image.
"Demon worshipers" in the old school perspective, but of course the average participant does not understand or see this at all.
To do so we must get back to fundamentals- right vs wrong.
Good vs evil. Truth vs lies.
Morals matter now more than ever, as does prayer, courage and commitment.
"Do unto others as you would have done unto you!" Simple, really.
If people, en masse, begin to exhibit more of these positive traits I believe our situation will improve. If they do not, it will not either.
It is that basic, imho. I pray for us all.
I'd say mostly the money. If you are a doctor or government beaurocrat making upwards of $250,000 in salary are you really going to jeopardize that for ethical morals? Present company excepted of course.
100 percent. Probably by November our government will order terror attacks on US citizens by illegals (probably Venezuelans). What happened in israel is set to happen here. My sources tell me a lockdown is coming and TSA already has new protocols. I believe the border wall is constructed to lock us in as illegals rape murder and steal.
It's actually a combination of incompetence and malice: the malicious PTB put incompetent puppets in places where competent people would interfere with their ultimate agenda.
Regardless of the ratio of malice:incompetence, I think the last line of the article applies: "Historically, such petulant folly has eventually been corrected by a combination of economic depression and war that kills a bunch of people and sobers the rest."
I just hope there will be enough of a civilization left to "sober-up"......
I think you are spot on with everything you are saying.
I think it is hard for some or many people to believe it, because they can't see the "plan" and the people behind the plan.
I think there is another layer above the CEOs and governments where the instructions are coming from. This is why there is incompetence and malice at work, depending on which layer you are looking at.
I think the people who think they deserve to own and govern this planet as they please are difficult to spot and capture. If you analyse the gaps, the unexplained and the missing factor with everything happening, the result is there is something invisible there.
Based on that principle and some other factors I predict where these people may be located. It's not a third world country. It's outside any conflict zone. It's outside any refugee destination. Refugees can't reach it. It offers large quantities of natural resources. It offers a mostly intact nature environment. It offers a comfortable climate all year round. It offers modern amenities. It offers luxury. There are not too many people, but enough to keep the self crowned rulers supplied and supported. The government there is under their full control, so are the people. It is "politically" pretty quiet there. Do the "math", what country does fulfill all of these criteria? New Zealand, that's my prediction. And based on any doomsday scenario you can imagine, see how things would go in New Zealand. You will realize, this is the best place to be mostly immune from anything that could possibly happen.
Skip to 1:25:
Maui/Lanai fits the bill.
You are correct but so is Thomas Sowell because what you know is planned as I also know, is only possible when too many people become incompetent and amoral. The plan is carried out by useful idiots as communists call them. Harsh word use but unfortunately an apt one. An evil plan is not possible with moral people as the founders of our country warned us about. Moral not including social justice warriors because they are too selective with their morality to do anything but divide so we can be easily conquered. (they are part of the plan so being useful idiots)
The "ASSUMPTIONS OF CORRECTNESS" are strong with the Evil ones.
And the best part for them in continuum it's highly profitable and amazingly satisfying too.
The worst part for us is it's becoming painfully clear to a great many with an uncertainty like never witnessed before.
Deliberate destruction is the plan. I agree there are many very stupid people placed in leadership roles but that too is part of the globalists’ plan. A few are very smart but it’s the huge money/payoffs behind the scenes.
No, we couldn't do that even if we wanted to! It's NOT JUST the PTB's agenda, but also Yhwh God's, albeit for different goals. Yhwh God is giving them the rope with which to hang themselves just now. His plan IS unfolding before our eyes, including the part about "filling the cup of His wrath to its brim", so that3.5 yrs into the 7 yrs of Daniel's "70th wk of yrs" when His wrath is unleashed, no one still here can claim "innocence". It will ulminatein the battle of Armageddon the end of the 7th yr, just after the return of Jesus to lead the Heavenly Hosts against Satan's amassed forces at Har Megiddo.
I’ve had the very same deep in my gut uneasy feeling for a few years now. We can’t rely on our politicians anymore to do the right thing and restore fiscal sanity. Instead, they are bankrupting the country, and lining the pockets of themselves and their rich, well connected friends. I don’t know where they think they’re gonna live when the world goes to hell.
"A Republic, if you can keep it..." - Benjamin Franklin
Can't rely on them anymore? How old are you? The U.S. signed an unconditional surrender to the Nazis in 1952; however they really took control in 1947. "The Omega Project to bring in the Fourth Reich and the New World Order"
Super interesting article! Thank you! It’s absolutely amazing how far and wide the rabbit hole is. It’s fascinating!
WHY are they all so incompetent? Because they are puppets, and those pulling the strings wouldn't want them any other way! God forbid they would actually want to use their own brains, or do something that would be for the benefit of their citizens!
If they are REAL puppets (which they are) they are incapable of thinking for themselves. The Alliance discovered a long list of world leaders who literally had been grown in liquid at Area 51. It took 6 months to house-train them. They believe they are naturally born people--they have no idea that their knowledge and memories are just programs on chips.
What is your "Alliance"?
I don't believe one bit of that. It would still take decades to "grow" a human body in a tank, and it would not develop in any functional way. And nothing past the age of birth belongs in a "tank" of liquid! That is pure science fiction nonsense! And memories can't be put in "chips".
Have you investigated cloning and brain implants, or are you going by what the authorities say?
Biologically, an embryo can be raised in a "test tube" or "artificial womb" through fetal stages and to viability, but it would make zero sense to raise anything past that point in "tanks". And yes, there are interesting things being done with brain chips, including controlling devices by thought alone. But memories aren't of biological origin. They can be triggered because the brain is the interface between the energy field of consciousness where they reside, and the nervous system that is the input device from the physical world to our consciousness of it, and the control mechanism FOR the physical body. A human being HAS a physical body, but ISN'T a physical body. Your memories are non-physical and do not end when your brain dies.
This is why memory is not like a video recording. Upon recall, it is re-interpreted each time, and that interpretation back into something we can relate to from our physically-oriented perspective is not "set in stone" and is maleable. Those memories are NOT digital, physical, bits and bytes. And so they are not amenable to being "put on a chip".
In other words, you trust the authorities.
WHAT are you talking about? What "authorities"? Those who know about raising things in "test tubes"? What do you think YOU know about it? That is a rediculous attitude because there will always be somebody who knows more than you do about a certain subject. I think you are just displaying a basic ignorance of what it means to be informed about something. Perhaps you have a problem with "authority figures"?
Don’t attribute to incompetence that which is obviously due to malice.
Or at least, to intent.
Never let a crisis go to waste.
Don't believe it's about tradeoffs or incompetence. It's nature of the U.S. to give benefit of the doubt and to avoid confronting and speaking of anything negative or of substance; to it's detriment.
Do believe the U.S. Govt. is NOT the U.S. Govt. and infiltrated with Totalitarians to saturation defining the U.S. only another Puppet of The City of London's Committee of 300. Their primary weapons implemented since 1913 revolve around the Rothschild's and the Central Banker Family Cartel leading their Death Cult Mafia STEALING U.S. Capital, wealth, industry, intellectual property and resources.
The Enemies/Criminals Against Humanity and All Life on the Planet have exposed themselves and are more terrified than ever before; thus are now transparent and robbing the U.S. taxpayers blind. They KNOW they have little time remaining to utterly destroy The Constitution already on Life Support and the Republic to further establish, enhance and empower the regression of the world with return to common slavery in 'Slave Quarters as Concentration Camps' called Smart/15 Minute Cities in their New/One World Order.
U.S. remains STUPID to imagine any leadership incompetent as all is PRE-MEDITATED...Completely deliberate and meticulously planned by the Demonic.
I think that using our historical & traditional perspective and understanding of the definition of “competence” does not apply to the current generation of pro-globalist leaders. Remember (or realize) that those leaders were largely “installed” (vs. being legitimately elected) by powers and authorities who are generally not visible to the general public. The leaders who WE see as being incompetent are in fact sufficiently competent to execute the globalists’ plans for moving the world away from prosperous individual sovereign nations and toward a completely authoritarian One World Government.
I ran across a Margaret Thatcher saying this week. "You can vote in socialism but you have to shoot your way out!" I think our founding fathers realized the dangers of socialism and big government a long time ago and provided america with a constitution that provided a solution. They had great foresight.
It is better to act the fool and be keenly sharp
Then it is to appear keenly sharp and yet in reality a fool.
Especially if you want to deceive others.
Lord, hear our prayers.
There are no coincidences in politics, it’s all planned and those deep state puppeteers must be congratulating themselves on how well it’s going.
The kicker is that their whole agenda would fail if only enough people refused to participate and or realised they are being manipulated. One lives in hope that day will come.
There is no incompetence to blame. All of this has been planned. For example, The Club of Rome admitted in their 1991 publication, The First Global Revolution, that they were going to push Climate Change to “achieve their goals (one world government, one world currency, etc)” by getting the entire world on the same side against a common enemy. The European Union, proposed Middle Eastern Union, proposed North American Union, and CBDC are all part of the plan. That is only a sample of the preplanning and widespread lying that the left has been using to “transform”society. When the left quotes Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, know that Alinsky was a satanist and has a dedication to lucifer in his books. Those are the people working behind the scenes. We are living in the End Times.
It does look like malice, incompetence should be random, here, no mistakes have been made as we rapidly descend into chaos.
The big question is why, cui bono ?
"The Reptilian Agenda"
Reading "Pirate Money" by Kevin D Freeman, and this very recent book is right on the money about the Great Reset.
Recommended as things are moving fast...........
In order to please the globalists. In return, Biden may get a major war, which would probably help him remain President In 2025
The WEF wants them that way, its like the holy roman empire, weak leaders don't harass the people with real power.
Your writing is astute and very disheartening for I fear you are correct. As a grandmother I strive to give hope and positive influence to the children who will inherit this country after we are gone. May God help us find a way to make that happen.