“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”

― George Carlin

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The average Body Mass Index of most australians exceeds the average IQ

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I don't think stupider is a word - it's - more stupid.

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John Leake! You are an amazing writer. I savored your words - the message. I loved the content, the flow, the cadence. Rock on! I can’t wait to read more.

Read a writer’s piece all the way through, then read the paragraphs bottom up. If it flows, as your piece did, you can pick out the artist. 👨‍🎨


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Hello Wild Flower, this is John Leake replying to your very kind message. Thank you for reading my work, and thanks for your fair words of praise. Your name reminded me of the song "Wild Flower" from The Cult's 1987 album Electric, which I've not heard in over thirty years. Best regards, John

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Exactly the same with the thalidomide scandal, it took 11 years for the truth to surface, I went to school with the damaged children and remember it really well. The difference here is the brain damaged mutants are dying, the effects are beyond hiding anymore, but the genocide continues.

Once I had a more charitable opinion and thought is was just a clusterfuck. Now however I know the true intent is depopulation of useless eaters.

It's not going to stop, best be prepared in every way for the next 'Final Solution'. I have ensured my future is a safe and effective as it can possibly be.......UTRINQUE PARATUS ready for anything......Sergeant Instructor APTC Rick Carey

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Hidden by the medical industry which now injects toxic chemical cocktails called vaccines into pregnant women. We learned nothing from Thalidomide.

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💯 %

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...and the 5G dangers which most do not know can be increased anytime to as high as 10. I have a greedy lying fool as a fake brother who in conjunction with another opted to allow one of those towers to be built on land owned by those two and my son. My son killed the deal by not signing. Sheeple are first stupid and secondly greedy with no regard for the well being of others.

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The experimentation with technology in the name of greed and power is criminal. None of these things are ever tested first to ensure that setting them up is not going to damage human bodies and brains. Does anyone care? Probably not which is why the citizens must.

Science and medicine are tools of vested agendas and science long ago sold its soul to Government and corporations and is devoid of ethnics and integrity. No, you cannot trust what scientists or doctors say because they are more brainwashed than anyone.

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They tried to run a coverup while using it when they already knew? Just a point I want to be clear on.

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Yep; they did.

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And in spite of thalidomide and all the scandals since, most people still believe in the good faith of Big Pharma - or want to believe, which cancels anything that tells them they are badly mistaken. Of course the MSM always maintains the "Pharma good" lie, and there's a story in today's Guardian about "anti-vax" parents "seeing the light". The same MSM must have earned trillions advertising Big Tobacco.

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We are truly in Satan's hands, and most people should realize, they have ecoli DNA circulating and replicating in their cells.........basically shit in their veins....should that become known they may feel differently.....fortunately for Big Pharma the frameshifted prions in their brains have made amyloid of their cerebral neurons.......they are in essence mutants, slowly dying of protogenious infections. That makes me much more optimistic and happy

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Most of us Americans have been saturated with propaganda and social conditioning, most of it from the fantasy worlds served up by Hollywood, Disney and TV, not to mention mainstream news media so skewed to silo us into believing polarized nonsense versions of government ‘news’, since birth. Add textbooks in our schools literally funded and printed by think tanks and foundations like the Tavistock Institute, the Rand Corporation and the Rockefeller Foundation, and it’s a wonder any of us have a grasp on reality at all.

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..your comment should be printed and put in a picture frame ..I wish there was a way to make your comment go viral. lol

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“Amusing Ourselves to Death,” Neil Postman.

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To me the more interesting question, and the much more confounding one, is why can’t people see reality when money isn’t a factor? Most of the people I encounter in my very blue state fall into this category. And most of them are smart and well educated by modern standards. It is easy to see where money(and prestige) are driving someone to turn a blind eye to the truth. And while that may be exasperating for us truth seekers, it is not hard to understand. What is hard to understand is the person that should by all accounts be able to see the obvious but is either unable to or refuses to, and no money is involved for them personally. Isn’t it obvious that the government cannot continue to wildly and recklessly spend money that it doesn’t have, while doing so in ways that are also reckless, irresponsible and in fact against the law. Isn’t $37 Trillion in debt, and a counting, a very bad obvious fact. Won’t this completely destroy the country at some point if it isn’t stopped? Isn’t it an obvious fact that it should be stopped? Isn’t this very apparently what Trump and the DOGE are attempting to do? To stop it? I could go on and on, about the southern border, about letting children pick their gender and confer with surgeons about genital mutilation surgery, with no parent in the room, at age 8, about forever wars that do nothing but kill young men, about releasing criminals and re-releasing them after heinous crimes, about taking medical decision making away from adults….. Isn’t all of this screaming obvious? There is something seriously wrong with the brains of millions of people. Or should I say minds?

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Yes, it’s all “screaming obvious”.

To me, it has been since 2020, and I can’t understand how some people are unable to see what they are seeing.

With all that we’ve watched unfold, this might be the most frightening thing of all.

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I get it. It's just too much for many people to integrate that their doctor lied out of his own stupidity and/or cravenness, their own university turned out to be a fascist pit of stupidity and crime, their priest or minister or rabbi is a bought-out asshat and/or dolt, their own family members are marshmallows for dupedom, and so on & so forth. I'm still working on integrating it, and I've had several years now since I had the covid "pandemic" figured out to be a con back in the winter of 2020. Some people will figure it out that they got conned into taking poison, some people never will— the basic information that this was all a lethal con is now out there, it's their choice if they want to take a look at it or not. Meanwhile, I'm getting my own personal crash course on Parameters of Human Nature 101.

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"What is hard to understand is the person that should by all accounts be able to see the obvious but is either unable to or refuses to, and no money is involved for them personally."

Well said! I think the centerpin of your post.

Absolutely terrifying, but one of the basic truths about evil.

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Being that we have a nicotinic receptor in our brains it evidences that we have long relationship with tobacco. Today's tobacco is far different since it has been altered by the big tobacco industry. Tobacco and nicotine do play a beneficial role for schizophrenics in that it calms their nervous system and is not recommended that these folks quit but switch to gum or patches. Additionally, when reading COVID-19 vaccine detoxification protocols nicotine gum/patches are recommended for those who want to help inhibit the spike protein from attaching to the ACE II receptors. It is obvious and easy to vilify tobacco, but maybe the harm comes from the manipulation of the plant to highly concentrated and GMO'd varieties as opposed to the plant in it's natural native state which most likely was used less frequently and for ceremonial practices. Thank you,

Christine Hahn Vertical

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I think that's exactly it. Nicotine, for example from Wild Tobacco Leaves has many benefits, including stopping the Toxic Venoms in V@cinnes from affecting you. There are something like 200 chemical additives put into modern day cigarettes, many of which are well documented to have seriously addictive qualities. Modern day chemical soaked cigs are not the same at all as wild organically grown tobacco. That being said, I think smoking too much of anything has it's downsides.

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Those nicotine gum and patches are poison free, hence is not addictive, so people can detox from the cigarettes. Today’s cigarettes are laden with addictive additives (customers for life. Hark? Where have I read that?). Nicotine is naturally found in foods. I read that these brain receptors are called nicotine receptors because nicotine fits nicely on them and inadvertently bump off other toxins (like Covid) preventing in this case, Covid type flus. Dr Ardis explains it all very well.

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Yes, it is the smoking and chewing of commercial tobacco products with all of their toxic additives to make them more addictive that is the problem. I still don’t think I could stand to be around tobacco smoke; it makes me wheeze and I can’t stand the stench.

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“Much of mankind’s slowness to appreciate Lickint’s observation was the considerable PR problem he suffered when the Nazi Party embraced his research.” -

This is the same symptom of the Trump Derangement Syndrome. Oppose everything blindly no matter the evidence…🤪

Very sad indeed…

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My thoughts exactly.

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Any reading of the history of science and medicine reveals that change is always slow.

Take Dr Ignaz Semmelweiss who saw the harm done by lack of hygiene in doctors to birthing women. He proved his case but he was thrown out and the doctors went back to their filthy ways, of dissecting corpses and then attending a woman in labour, for another half century or so.

There is a saying, science advances one death at a time, meaning that change only happens when the old minds die.

Science is a system of enquiry but since it set itself up as a counter to religion, and fundamentalist religion at that, a couple of centuries ago, it has become, no doubt unconsciously, a religion if not cult itself. And because it sought to counter the most extreme of religious positions it has become extreme itself on the other side with its religion of materialist reduction and mechanistic mindsets.

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A point that few know to this day

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Such a great, but devastating example.

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So sorry your grandmother was afflicted with such a terrible cancer. At the age of thirty-seven my own father succumbed to lung cancer, which may have been caused by his smoking. Or his exposure to nuclear material as a pilot could have had a role. I never considered smoking as anything but a death sentence.

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I'm sorry for your loss. Many people smoke and don't get lung cancer. Many veterans have been exposed to quite toxic materials -- nuclear material, a good example. It's a toxic world we live in. :-(

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Thank you, and it’s true that many can tolerate smoking for many years with no problem.

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Sometimes the pure horror that you inadvertently poisoned yourself is too much accept. The mind just denies any information that suggests that. I am quite certain this psychological response, is true as it relates to those who have taken the Covid injections. This denial response is so powerful that even when someone suffers an adverse physical event, their mind will deny it could have been caused by the Covid injection. This applies if the adverse event happened to you or someone you know.

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I think you are right. I think there also appears to be a lack of interest in investigating too. So many seem to be in a "soft focus" mode, not able or interesting even to focus their minds and question things. Better to see what's on the news instead. I suppose this lack of mental exertion, could be considered a type of hypnosis in itself. Sad!

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There are two answers to your question. First, nicotine is highly addictive, and once it gets ahold of you, you simply want more. Second, and this remains true today, the power of the mass media to create beliefs is overwhelming. Mick Jagger sang "you can't be a man unless you smoke the same cigarettes as me" sums it up nicely. These days the mass media worked hard to persuade the masses that Trump was a Russian agent, that Russia started the war in Ukraine, that covid came from a market, and so much more.

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Sure, but the question really is, "why do people keep buying it?" Why are adults acting like Charlie Brown thinking Lucy will let him kick the football?

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This is how the MSM has operated since the beginning, that is why the EVIL rich people buy things like Radio stations, TV Stations, newspapers, all types of communications to the public, to control the communications of truth and lies, so then they can sell anything and everything to you, then buy those companies that sell you garbage and sickness products, then those companies make you sick and they they buy those companies that sell drugs, that make you sick, it all stems from controlling communication, controlling TRUTH, so LIES prevail.. They use the money to control people and blackmail people, that was Epstein's and Hollywood influencers jobs who initiate people in sick rituals to control them.. Once they have pictures on these sick politicians, celebrities, whomever they control them and their communications of TRUTH, so these politicians and government people, congress, senate, governors are all blackmailed and censor TRUTH, and speak their LIES.. He who controls all communication, controls TRUTH and LIES and CENSORSHIP..

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Money certainly is mesmerising. That, mixed with fear is a powerful inoculation against morality and common sense. Just look at the last 5 years....

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It's interesting that Germany first detected and then called attention to the potential danger of cigarette smoke.

I say it's interesting, because it seems that while America might have come late to the game, Americans seem to have given up on cigarette smoking long before the Germans (or most Europeans, for that matter) did.

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In the 80s, when I was in my 20s and my friends and I were all getting our first jobs after university, some were lured by big money to work for cigarette companies. I remember seeing some of them on the beach in summer, in P.R. tents while pretty girls handed free cigarettes to the public. These ex-colleagues were 'cool' and had the 'look at me and how I've made it' vibe - the cool car, the cool clothes, etc. What was astounding that day was that they all chain-smoked all day. We all knew then how it caused cancer (the laws hadn't changed at that point). They must have felt the pressure to smoke non-stop that day since the point of the day was to promote their Peter Jackson cigarettes, and they did. So they knew about cancer, they chose to encourage others to take up smoking, and they chain smoked. Presumably all for the money and the prestige it bought them. (I wonder how that worked for them.) I imagine they would have all wanted to fit in and 'do the right thing' re the covid jabs.

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My dad, who is in advertising, says a fair number of the tobacco propaganda experts moved into the food service advertisement industries.

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That explains a lot. LOL.

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The problem with the theory that smoking causes Cancer is that most smokers do not get Cancer and most Lung Cancer patients were not smokers.

I am not saying excessive smoking, particularly of the toxic chemical cocktails of ready-made cigarettes cannot do harm. Of course they can, but not for everyone. Each human is uniquely different and has greater or lesser resistance to the toll heavy smoking can take. And why people smoke also plays a part.

I have one friend, now in late Seventies who was a serious chain smoker for all of his life and may well still be one but his health is fine.

People still smoke and instead of increasing the cost what should be happening is reducing the chemical content and encouraging those who insist on smoking to use organic tobacco and to roll their own in organic papers, which slows down the amount of cigarettes one can smoke.

You do not change people's habits by making them pay more. So why not work with such habits to ensure the product is as natural as possible.

So much time, effort and funding has gone into demonising smoking when far, far more harm is done by prescribed medications which are encouraged. Americans consume most of the world's pharmaceuticals and 98% of painkillers and have some of the worst health in the world. Compared to that smoking is relatively benign.

It is fascinating how the system can get people to fear and hate one potential source of harm to health and then shove down their necks far more toxic things like medications. Interestingly the language used to sell cigarettes before the demonisation began is identical to the language used now to sell medications. Ponder that.

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You've stated it quite clearly regarding a capitalist society (as opposed to mechanisms of direct force whether real or potentiality) in terms of the confluence of money interests fueled by propaganda. So the question is, "why are individuals in a society who are free of overt threat subject to propaganda on a mass scale?" Well, governments have relied on social psychologists for years to understand this and 99.99% of the general population hasn't. We can all come up with the most obvious explanations in general but the criminal controllers have hired teams to study this stuff for decades and they have the biggest and broadest mechanisms for distributing and broadcasting their results ad nauseum in order to achieve their goals. So the question truly is, "how do we sow the seeds of independent thought and personal/moral responsibility for one's actions and choices?" because that, to me, is the panacea to methods of manipulation that will remain ongoing.

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