I'm not in favor of any childhood vaccines at this point. It's Russian Roulette. Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak and Turtles All The Way Down are two books that tell the truth.
I agree, mRNA should not be used at all. I saw a hilarious story yesterday. A covid vaccination center in the UK was shut down because two snakes got inside. Yay …
I'm not in favor of any childhood vaccines at this point. It's Russian Roulette. Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak and Turtles All The Way Down are two books that tell the truth.
I agree, mRNA should not be used at all. I saw a hilarious story yesterday. A covid vaccination center in the UK was shut down because two snakes got inside. Yay snakes! But I can't believe people are still taking these shots!
In my "retirement community"...they were still routinely injecting old and senescent people during medical appointments for OTHER issues. In other words if you went into the clinic with a sprained ankle...you got a covid "vaccine"...When I went down there with my disabled husband to get his Guillaine Barre meds...they tried this on him. Needless to say-- I went ballistic and threatened the MD with lawsuits. Next week a sign appeared on the door to the clinic stating they "Do not offer covid vaccines"...heh...it felt good to defend ourselves from the criminal attack on the civilian populations world wide. Like most cowards and bullies...I think they back down quickly when you stand up to them.
Love it! Good for you! In 2022, I think it was, my doctor's office said it was time for me to come in for a check-up. I wrote back and said I would not be treated by a physician who was pushing the covid vaccines. I asked if they had faced reality yet or were they still doing so. In response, I got a link to the hospital's website, with absolute lies about the covid vaccines. Those statements are still there in 2024. Needless to say, I haven't returned to that physician's office.
I'm not in favor of any childhood vaccines at this point. It's Russian Roulette. Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak and Turtles All The Way Down are two books that tell the truth.
I agree, mRNA should not be used at all. I saw a hilarious story yesterday. A covid vaccination center in the UK was shut down because two snakes got inside. Yay snakes! But I can't believe people are still taking these shots!
In my "retirement community"...they were still routinely injecting old and senescent people during medical appointments for OTHER issues. In other words if you went into the clinic with a sprained ankle...you got a covid "vaccine"...When I went down there with my disabled husband to get his Guillaine Barre meds...they tried this on him. Needless to say-- I went ballistic and threatened the MD with lawsuits. Next week a sign appeared on the door to the clinic stating they "Do not offer covid vaccines"...heh...it felt good to defend ourselves from the criminal attack on the civilian populations world wide. Like most cowards and bullies...I think they back down quickly when you stand up to them.
Love it! Good for you! In 2022, I think it was, my doctor's office said it was time for me to come in for a check-up. I wrote back and said I would not be treated by a physician who was pushing the covid vaccines. I asked if they had faced reality yet or were they still doing so. In response, I got a link to the hospital's website, with absolute lies about the covid vaccines. Those statements are still there in 2024. Needless to say, I haven't returned to that physician's office.
correct link here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-k3UrbSkWI
"take this jab and ....shove it"