Exceptional analysis of an individual who is corrupt to the bone.

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A request - Can we stop putting "Dr" in front of the names of people who break their oath of "Do No Harm"? Something along the lines of "Jha then said..."

JhaJoke would be good for Twitter, but I do think we should be constructive here on Substack!

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Actually I think "Dr" Jha would work out fine. As long as we use the quotation marks every time we mention him.

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I agree. "Dr." or "Doctor" is perfect - I use it all the time to denote charlatans and quacks.

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Nov 25, 2022
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Nov 25, 2022
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I agree with your position Victoria. There are many great doctors and nurses out there. In my estimation, 98% of all doctors are "doctors", the remaining 2% are doctors, heroes and true critical-thinkers. Groupthink kills. Peace.

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Nov 27, 2022
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Since Dr is a title used by every PhD often to throw some academic weight behind opinion maybe we should just view the letters to designate time in academia free from any Marcus Welby fantasy of MD as a special class of informed, infallible do gooders.

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Or "Fake doc Jha"...

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I strongly recommend watching that critical hearing.

For myself, it was the turning point in my life. I was aghast at “Dr” Jha’s condescending remarks. Please note that he was present via zoom. He was the person who stayed holed up in his home until the vaccine came out. In contrast to the presenting frontline doctors who were actually treating Covid patients.

Oh the irony…

The Democratic co chair of the committee was a piece of work as well. It was very clear at that point that Covid was completely politicized. All other Democrats refused to attend the hearings.

The media response was stunning. My “trusted” news outlets, NYTimes, Washington Post, even the Nation laughed both hearings to scorn. The only objective reporting came from The Desert Review and to my great surprise back then, Fox News radio.

My personal sense of betrayal was devastating. My liberal bubble shattered. I will never trust most of our media again.

Dr. Jha is an outright Liar, a Monster, with blood on his hands. I try to live my life with compassion for others. But no, he gets no grace. In another time, if I were Queen, it would be “off with his head”.

I guess Jha missed this tidbit-


Open Access

Published: 22 August 2005

Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread

Martin J Vincent, Eric Bergeron, …Stuart T Nichol Show authors

Virology Journal volume 2, Article number: 69 (2005) Cite this article

1.15m Accesses

1134 Citations

34304 Altmetric

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Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV). No effective prophylactic or post-exposure therapy is currently available.


We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage. In addition to the well-known functions of chloroquine such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of infection and spread of SARS CoV at clinically admissible concentrations.

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Glad to see your eyes have been opened. The "trusted" corporate media has been controlled by the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) for nearly a century. See chart: https://swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

Allen Dulles, who ran the CIA "Operation Mockingbird", was a CFR director for 40 years. The Meyer/Grahams (WaPo), Sulzbergers (NYTimes), Luce (Time), Paley (CBS), and Sarnoff (NBC) were CFR members.

Katrina vanden Heuvel, owner/publisher of "The Nation", is a lifetime CFR member along with her father, William, an executive assistant to OSS founder and CFR member Bill Donovan. Laurene Powell-Jobs, owner of Atlantic magazine, is a CFR director.

CFR members on the "Biden team" include the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and Homeland Security. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, and dozens more.

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I was aware of the propaganda. Thought I could read through the lines. My use of “trusted” was a bit of a joke. There had been decent coverage of the opioid scam for example. 25 years ago the Nation was an interesting read.

But this latest chapter takes the cake. Despite the biases I naively thought that saving lives during Covid would supersede the BS.

We have front row seats watching the greatest crime against humanity unfold before us. The complete capture is dystopian. We are pretty screwed. That said, I can’t wait to attend the Brownstone Institute event in Miami. Can’t give up!

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It disgusts me how corrupt Asish Jha & the governments worldwide medical cabal really is?!?

I left off putting “Dr.” in front of Asish Jha’s name because I believe he is an empty suit mouthpiece for the corrupt medical cabal & not a real or caring doctor?!

What doctor in their right mind would not try early treatment???

And when the doctors told Asish Jha that they had successfully treated 1000 patients, any ethical caring doctor would want to see the evidence & help other patients survive with early treatment instead of dismissing the doctors claims without even examining the evidence???

The Leftist corrupt medical cabal doesn’t seem to care about the real “science” or evidence, they just care about selling more of their poisonous Covid shots & pushing their propaganda.

Now we see massive amounts of people injured & killed by their Covid shots, (I refuse to use the term “vaccine” because it is not a vaccine!).

We also have no idea how many people have been killed by the Covid shots because the governments around the world refuse to do autopsies & blame massive deaths on Covid, heart attacks, strokes & blood clots, but don’t seem to care or want to know what’s causing it?!?

Also why is our government run medical cabal ignoring the growing number of Doctors, Nurses, Coroners, Embalmers & Life Insurance agents all trying to show the massive amounts of evidence that shows the Covid shots are dangerous???

Instead our government is trying to push the depopulation Covid shots on our children & force it into their regular immunization program!

I will never trust the government & their medical cabal’s advice again, they are barbaric to me now.

Also I hear the WEF & WHO & UN are trying to incorporate vaccine passports with their digital currency so in the future they can force you to get vaccinated or cut your access to your money off?!?

I feel like I’m living in some crazy nightmare clown world where the evil clowns are about to take over all of the once awesome Free World?

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As a retired neurogist who once consulted on patients with a "new" disease ultimately called AIDS I'm dlsgusted with Jha's dismissive attitudes towards "treating" physicians. Such physicians are the supportive matrix of any healthcare system. Jha doesn't see it but he ultimately is a minor player in conquering an impending pandemic. He should be ignored.

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Thank you for being brave enough to speak out against Jha’s comments which seem so uncaring about early treatment to help more people.

God bless you 🙏🏼

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A 2020 Senate hearing for outpatient treatment for Covid...and this Jha character makes blatantly outrageous statements contradicting the sane, truthful, sensible and widely available, effective treatments for Covid! Every American with any sense ought to be outraged, and frankly at this point, give people like Jha zero credibility. After the ‘shots in both arms’ comment, Americans are way too patient and tolerable of Globalist liars like this Jha character. What a total waste of tax payer money listening to Globalist creeps like Jha.

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You nailed it quite simply. Jha is a suit, a wannabe, an administrator. He never was and never will be a physician. With soo many like him, he can comfort himself in the knowledge that he will be readily replaced by the "public health" bureaucracy when he outlives his usefulness to them.

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jha is no doctor. he is a village idiot who got a job as a pathetic bureaucrat.

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Mr jha is another dangerous gov’t employee who needs to go. Stop wasting time on idiots like him and more time on our courageous researchers, scientists and upholders of the truth.

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Thanks. I appreciate the background info on the psychopath. I admit, I was curious about out from under which rock he had crawled.

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It makes sense to me, Sen Johnson. If HCQ and Ivermectin had been used, then no State of Emergency and no Emergency Use Authorization for the shots. In short, the last two and half years would have been normal.

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Wherefore art thou Dr. Mengele? Oh, yes, you are reincarnated as the latest covid czar.

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Might this have something to do with it?

"With sponsored funding from sources such as "... the Gates Foundation, ..."


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Medicine has turned the corner from doctor practicing it to doctor doing whatever The College of Physicians and Surgeons plus medical institution tells the doctor they must do. The doctor's experience is discarded in deference to 'standard of care' that is not based upon treating the patient with anything but approved processes. It doesn't matter if the approved methods kill the patients, the institution will have been protected and perhaps been quite profitable.

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Nov 25, 2022
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Money tends to influence one's moral compass. We are grateful there are doctors like Peter McCullough who puts the patient first.

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The systems that govern over our lives have all been corrupted by people who do not have our best interests in mind. Society has lost trust in nearly all systems: government, voting, police, schooling, medicine, academia, science and even language (definitions).

But there is hope. This lack of trust can be restored. First we need to be talking about solutions, basic ones that we should mostly all agree on. This starts with transparency, decentralization, rationality, and this:


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It is my conclusion that this man must face trial for his part in this iatrogenic genocide and that the Prosecution must demand the Death Penalty..

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A tool, a fool, the very definition of a non-clinical academic hack for sale, who could only survive in the failing upward culture of DC.

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