Thank you Dr. McCullough for helping so many people globally and endeavoring to continue further!

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We in Tennessee started an organization called TN Citizens for State Rights. We have legislation ready to go for 2024 which would create a legal process to invoke Nullification. Nullification is already legal but people just do not know how to go about invoking Nullification. So TN (HB0726) sets forth that process. This legislation will allow the people to hold their TN elected accountable. We have 3 TN Constitutional lawyers on our team. We also have several TN legislators that have signed up on the website. Having the right to nullify any law, regulation, EO that goes beyond the federal governments 18 enumerated but they hesitate to actually utilize the right to nullify. We in TN are serious about this and we are going to do everything in our power to get the legislation passed and then our organization will be the watch dog to make sure the law if followed and that before we submit a Resolution for Nullification that the mandate from the federal government is in fact a violation of their inumerated powers that is why we have the Constitutional lawyers. We have a substack page: tncss.substack.com and a website with a ton of information and we add information all the time: tncss.weebly.com. I hope people will show their support for what we are doing and sign up on the Substack page. It is a free substack.

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This is so exciting to hear! So many times I’ve wondered how on earth so many clearly unconstitutional bills and policies have been allowed to become law. This news is wonderful and I had no idea this was happening until I read your comment (I don’t live in Tennessee, but I’m a neighbor, in Arkansas :). Keep up the great work and thank you for sharing!

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I am thankful to God for you, Dr. McCullough!

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Thank you Dr McCullough for all you have done. I’m looking forward to your Masterclass webinar on the Australian Medical Network in about 8 hours.

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We have all got to keep telling people that the World Health Organisation is now CORRUPTED by Bill Gates's financial INFLUENCES and his insane desire to;

a) depopulate the planet to stop Global Warming and

b) inflate his already obscene wealth with his extremely lucrative investments in (DEADLY) Vaccines.

ONE of many reasons why the WHO Treaty and Big Pharma, along with those financially involved in the dubiously mercenary Health industry cannot be trusted is;

'NO LIABILITY' for any/all adverse reactions or deaths that occur after accepting their potentially dangerous 'MEDICINES' they call 'VACCINES'!!

No need to say any more!

They're corrupt and we'll live a lot longer without their DEADLY (PROFIT MAKING) depopulating CURES!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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He is “The George Washington” of this current revolution. Must recruit an army of freedom loving people who will defend Truth and Righteousness and remember that “Blessed is the Nation whose God is the LORD.”

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ONE of many reasons why Big Pharma and its industry cannot be trusted.

'NO LIABILITY' for anything that occurs after accepting their potentially dangerous 'MEDICINES'!!

No need to say any more!

They're corrupt and we'll live longer without their DEADLY (PROFIT MAKING) CURES!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Malice of forethought vitiates immunity from prosecution. Big Pharma has been shown to have known in the early months of 2021 that the jabs were killing and maiming people.

What did they do? NOT withdraw the deadly mRNA bio-weapons, as required by good pharmacology, and has been the practice for earlier clinical trial Adverse Effect results. They jiggered the data, eliminating the indications of AEs, instead of eliminating the poison! That is proof of criminal negligence.

What remains is to find a court of law that is not immune to facts and will render a decision under existing criminal negligence law.

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Thank you, Dr. McCullough. What you are doing for all of us citizens of the world is of upmost importance. I am so thankful for you.

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Excellent. May you grow the foundation slowly and carefully!

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Wonderful news!

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God bless you Dr M. You are a true Patriot, like one of the “ Loyal Nine” from Boston that fought back the British in the beginning of this great country . They WILL all pay in the end burning in Hell for what they did!

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i wouldn't give your foundation a dime until you come to terms with the fact that we as citizens and a country have no legal ability to rectify the Covid 19 debacle unless our Constitutional Laws are changed. Ms. Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News on substack has outlined all the Constitutional Laws that are in place and that have allowed all U.S. citizens to be turned into enemy combatants by the U.S. government and poisoned with a bio-weapon called a "vaccine". Under these laws the parties involved in the Covid 19 debacle have FULL IMMUNITY FOREVER. You cannot make this up, read the laws work with real brave people who know the score and can pinpoint why nothing will be done...see the International Bank of Settlement who has our country in its grip and why our government sees no way out but to comply with the WHO and WDF. Or maybe the government wants to comply, this is a more realistic scenario since our government has been continually updating these Constitutional Laws since before 1983 but post 1983 is when the go totally evil. Read and weep.

Another foundation away to aggrandize yourselves and garner a nice income but to do any good for the people of our country I think not until you face the truth of the situation we are all in. Read Ms. Watt and weep. Covid 19 was just the beginning of our total enslavement and your pontificating will not save us.

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Jul 22, 2023
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Yes, just think of all the fat cats with their foundations....GAVI/Gates foundation bringing poison to Africa under the guise of humanitarianism via vaccines...Clinton and his sponsoring of young people into the WEF propaganda..a foundation is a tax hedge with no accountability just a way to write off billions as donations and pay yourself for your "work"......Substack folks charging subscribers but they are not satisfied with this remuneration and are now monitizing everything they do via foundations, selling health care anecdotes, becoming the new idolized expert on everything and everybody see Robert Malone. There are some who are truly truth spreaders see Katherine Watt at Bailiwick News and Sasha Latypova Due Diligence and Art. But then look at Naomi Wolf who is monitizing everything and using her poor me pitiful damsel in distress persona to present herself as a form of savior when she will not acknowledge the important Brooke Jackson case, a whistle blower re Covid who was denied standing by the courts...Ms. Wolf is presenting her findings garnered by volunteers that she is monitizing by publishing not in the public domain for everyone to read but on Amazon for a pricey $29. Ms. Wolf is planning to sue the government re "her" findings which were already presented by Brooke Jackson a whistleblower in Federal court but she does not acknowledge this action but presents her finding as original, good luck, you too will find your have no standing. No one will have standing against the Constitutional Laws that have been enacted to give all Covid perpetrators total immunity....This is our taxpayer money put to use to poison its citizens and to keep us under martial law under the PREP ACT until 12/31/2024...Change in 2025? Probably by then we'll have undergone another attack on our personal sovereignty and ability to engage in informed consent or find ourselves in the gulag aka prison camp, quarantined as non "vaxxers" or bio-weapon recipients. We are living in a dystopian world with little hope for change. Stay strong, read widely, do not be duped by substack writers who are now seeking power and influence for their own self aggrandizement. Truth is a rare gift, do not commodify it, it should be available to everyone all the time everywhere.

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Dr. Shawn Brooks, Ph.D., Oxford University; MD internal medicine specialist. Over 23 years experience, sends a chilling warning about the experimental mRNA COVID vaccine. How many more specialists will be ignored? Share far and wide! -- https://www.bitchute.com/video/rBZYG7fBRLp7/

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We have a bill in the legislature to do just this, but, alas, no textbooks. I mean age appropriate but the ages run from 10 - 100. Textbooks mean real teaching, real testing. It can be through any medium, but it has to be well organized and in the language of the appropriate age and "dumbed down". It has to speak to the liberals described by Naomi Wolf and the Republicans described... well, nowhere, just not informed and not participating. So give me the textbooks and I'll give you the state.

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