Women, DO NOT compete with these men. Refuse. Have the courage to say NO.

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Forever more history will ask:

"Why did women team members of both sides' teams not walk off the court, out of the gym, get out of the pool.

WHY did they fail to support others of their kind against oppression?"

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Male athletes should be boycotting, too. The integrity of the IOS is waning fast.

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the integrity of nearly all professional and Olympic, highly publicized and monitized sports HAS waned. . . permanently.

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Yeah—like so many organizations, it needs to be broken up and scattered to the winds!

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They bought the"equity" lies!

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and each one had a damn coach;

and each coach made a decision to guide each girl;

and ALL that guidance resulted in this situation we have today.


HISTORY will be the judge of them.

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The problem being that they would likely get banned as a result - and no doubt monstered in the media as well.

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Everyone has a choice to make - do the right thing or do the easy thing; four years ago, the majority (2/3) chose to do the easy thing and give in, now we are here.

If being banned from a Roman circus and monstered by a Pravda is the price for being on the side of right, then I pray they all stand firm against evil.

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If they stay in the fight, they may be maimed for life. (A woman's body is simply not designed to suffer nearly the amount of trauma that a man's body can endure, and no amount of time in the gym is going to change this.)

When we were at a more advanced stage of society, anyone and everyone in medicine recognized that a woman's skull does not have the thickness that a man's skull has, and would have stepped up to protest such a fight.

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You have described in detail....The perfect warning.

"Not built for punishments."

"Born and built to create humanity."

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Actually, women's skulls are thicker than men's and men are more susceptible to head injuries. But, I totally agree with the rest of your post.

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The bone in a man's skull is thicker than the bone in a woman's skull (even as a woman's skull itself is, on average, thicker); I could have been more precise.

But it's not clear that men are more susceptible to head injuries than women.

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If they're playing men there's only a delusion of competition. They have to leave that matrix. Sad. But they have to leave.

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And eventually the apparent abundance of trannies in women’s sport would simply wind up competing against themselves. I have a feeling at that point it would no longer be fun for them.

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If a critical mass would refuse, problem solved. Absent that, the individual athlete, if she thinks she might be able to win, can hardly be blamed for trying, after all the sacrifices she's made. In these Olympic boxing cases, for example (there are two men), if they don't win gold, whoever beats one of them will be glad she didn't refuse.

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Of course, you are right. But that is at the core of this article; is there a critical mass that has the mind to recognize this foolishness.

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Not likely, that's the problem. On every other issue that matters too, it seems.

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I don't think any woman boxer in the Olympics could ever win against a biological male.

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That's not even close to the truth. I bet every female boxer good enough to make the olympics can beat well upwards of 90% of men the same size. There are weight classes in boxing, don't forget.

So what though. We're not talking about an elite woman fighting an average male. We're talking about an elite woman fighting a fit, trained, motivated male. These aren't elite males, of course, or they wouldn't be picking on women. It's outrageous, I think we agree. I hope that anyone so sick as to think biological men should be allowed in women's sports succumbs to side effects of the jabs they've surely taken.

We'll see if either of these two less-than-elite males are able to win gold against truly elite females. I expect they will not.

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But weight classes do not account for musculoskeletal differences in males and females, which make the critical differences

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Of course not. There are plenty of differences giving a male a big advantage over the same size female. I'm really puzzled how anyone can disagree with anything I wrote. Which is, women can beat men. Jeez, it happens all the time. As a secondary note, I pointed out weight classes make it less unfair than in sports without them. Ever see a picture of Lia Thomas standing next the girls he just beat? Less unfair doesn't mean fair, not sure why that needs to be said.

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That's a bit like trying to quantify pregnancy or sin. Unfair is unfair, just like sin is sin, and pregnant is pregnant; there is no "less" or "more".

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Are you talking a male also on the Olympics?

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Specifically, I am saying the two boxers competing against women in Paris who have XY chromosomes - Taiwan's Lin Yu-ting and Algeria's Imane Khelif, will NOT win gold medals, in my opinion. Anything could happen, of course I don't know for sure. But I expect both will be beaten by actual women.

This is not like Lia Thomas, the male swimmer who slaughtered all the girls. He wasn't near NCAA champion caliber, but he was good enough to be on a division 1 male swimming team. Which makes him very, very good. So naturally, when he took a few hormones and then competed against girls, he smoked them all. Also, no weight classes, which made it even worse. These two guys are not as good at their sport as Lia Thomas, and also have to compete against women their size.

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Aug 3Edited

Not sure about your critical mass theory. The man who promoted the debacle at the Opening Ceremony is a leading organizer at the Olympics and the Olympic Planning Team defended the whole mess. A critical mass has complained about Title IX out here and Biden’s team has responded with appealing it in the courts. I don’t know where this mess will end other than removing Marxist/Socialist idealists from our government. Notice, I am careful not to say Democrats because today I can’t figure out who is who anymore. And like a friend of mine said: “Well, you know, there is the right wing and the left wing, but they are still both on the same bird.”

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I see your point. Initially I was thinking I couldn't be wrong, since by definition, a critical mass is the amount required to cause the desired result. If I'm understanding you right, that just having a large majority of the public on one side doesn't guarantee success, especially when the institutions in charge are corrupt to the core, which they mostly are, I totally agree. In fact, that describes most of human history.

So yeah, I was being too simplistic, you're right, thanks!

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They've turned noticing the degeneracy into a hate crime.

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Questions, a whiff of intelligence, or rational thought are domestic terror

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Perfect example people focused on Trans boxers as the country burns

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Well said

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The Educated Intelligent have sadly been captured. They watched the Educated Intelligent media and developed TDS. They blindly supported genetic injections and mandates of such. I don't see any hope for that strata - in fact they are the most lost.

My hope is with the common sense of the Independent Salt of the Earth.

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No matter what evidence I might provide for my “highly educated, science teacher” sister- she clings blindly to dogma. She will NEVER not trust the system. Even if said system slaughtered her family. Ahe will directly contradict me with zero evidence, based only on “conventional wisdom”. She and her cult are a he smart ones. Everyone else is a mental case. End of story. I have totally given up on her.

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She and her cult—right there. I’m so sorry. It’s infuriating to watch people you love behave like this, especially when the horror of it all is so apparent right now.

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My sister is incredulous as to why “EVERYONE suddenly has cancer”. I sent her the evidence- but she will NEVER even glance at it.

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I get it. I have family that do the same. And it’s absolutely amazing to watch. I never believed in mass hysteria. Always thought what a ridiculous idea. Until March 2020. And it’s still going on. You’re not alone.

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Yeah. Like my brother, who died of turbo cancer after being convinced to get injected. Not ONE family member or friend has even wondered about why it happened. It’s as if it never did. I’ve given up on people.

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Same. We lost a cousin the same way. No questions allowed. Just found out about a former coworker who was gone in weeks due to brain cancer- coincidentally happened in 2021. Golly gee what are the chances???

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She probably encouraged her students (maybe others) to vax and can't face the possibility that she's done the wrong thing by them.

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1000%. She admitted as much. “I’m not even saying you are wrong, but it’s time to move on”. Great plan sis. Good luck with the bird flu- your heroes are actively planning for a 50% reduction in the workforce. Nothing to see here. As she rants about cow farts-

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And my teacher-sister, who thought it was cute when her teenage students told her they were getting injected for her safety.

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I was more disgusted when my eight year old niece was almost beside herself because I wouldn’t take it and was going to die.

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Any sign that the eight year old has worked it out now?

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😂 I was just thinking about this earlier.

I’d say definitely so by now. She has had 3 bouts of Covid post 2 vax, and I (who have been immune suppressed for RA for 20 years) have had none.

I was just really angry about the deliberate government psyop to panic the kids. 🤬

The deliberate damage to our children has been absolutely horrendous.

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I was worried the kids would get hand washing OCD, and outraged that parents were being told not to hug them. So sorry an 8yo got two vaxes. If it's any comfort Australian children had very little post-vax hospitalisation recorded in the data - odd - almost like a large % had been given saline.

Interested by your lack of covid infection - were you trying to keep away from it?

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What this boxing lady should have done is walk up to the ring and put up her middle finger to the guy and walk off again.

Do not compete it will never stop if you don't stop competing against guys.

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She will have trained hard and won bouts so she could compete at the highest level. I'm no fan of female boxing and despise what the Olympics have become, but I can see that this will have heartbreaking for her. "Luckily" she wasn't killed by that man. But if this insanity continues someone will be killed.

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How about when he walked over and patted her on the back? Obscene!

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Omg right?! The disgusting happy smirk on his face. 🤢

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Al this training goes to waste for years to come if these same women don't stop competing against guys like this, the ladies will never win again but keep being trampled on made to look like fools, is that what they want for the future of their sport?

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In reply to the end part of your excellent post: Don't forget Steve Kirsch. He's a person who has stood up, spoken out, and spent a serious amount of money for medical freedom. And most recently, hats off to his efforts with the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation weekly livestream:


But it isn't all people with juggernauts of money making a very important difference. In the past couple of days, after making some transcripts-- it so happens from some Louisiana House of Representatives hearings recorded back in 2021-- I got to thinking of some of the people who have been doing the nitty gritty of working with the legislative process. And I don't mean running for or holding office, necessarily. I mean, as a citizen, figuring out how it works, who decides if there's a hearing, who schedules it, when and how the legislation gets proposed and voted on, and how to be there, and be heard, precisely when it counts.

This is is no way equivalent to bellyaching on FaceBook, et al. This does not necessarily take money-- it takes strategy, steady thinking, know-how, elbow-grease, and dogged persistence.

Just four names of the many such freedom activists come to mind for me at this moment: Laura Demaray in Idaho, Jill Hines in Louisiana, Julie Booras in Massachusetts, and Rebecca Hardy in Texas. But if I were to go and make a list, my gosh, it would be a long one.

Because of the censorship many of these people-- heroes really-- are completely unknown. But they have had successes, and they have been, and they are doing a lot.

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In some places, it is possible to make a difference with hard work and dogged persistence, however, increasingly or Orwellian lawfare, interpretations rules, censorship and lying fake media are making it impossible to get anywhere. After a recent primary in Northern Nevada, three out of five Washoe county commissioners refused to certify the election (after a four hour contentious citizen, hearing exposing obvious fraud). Immediately the Secretary of State and AG served lawsuits against the commissioners to force them to certify and two of the three folded. The one who did not was a woman in her 80s.

When you think of the many hours, days and weeks of work so many people put into those campaigns, into the hearings, into analyzing the results, into finally getting commissioners to stand up for change, only to get immediately hammered down, it is enough to drive people to reject the whole process.

When all of the judges in a state refuse to hear election cases, no matter what the evidence, we are forced to rely on individual millionaires and billionaires to try to save us, and wait for inevitable, terrible things to happen, like enough people’s lives being lost, for insane laws to change.

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I hear you, ModelYManiac. I myself used to live in a place like that, where getting involved in politics in any way going against the ruling party was as pointlessly exhausting as trying to push back a tsunami with a teaspoon. That's why I moved-- where I live now there's a bit more of an opportunity to have some kind of an influence.

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That's very hard work and I am in awe of those who can do it.

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Transcriber B - thanks for reminding us what a major role censorship has played in all this.

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Thanks for your comment, Cathleen Manny. I remind myself that there's censorship everyday because I myself tend to assume if I haven't heard something it hasn't happened / been said. Censorship really is powerful.

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What is fascinating to me is that diversity of ideas is not celebrated. Debate, Enquiry, Investigation is what we need – let’s label it D-E-I.

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We have had girls raped in school bathrooms and they hide it move kid to new school so he can repeat it. There is nothing left - women have always had to be diligent but usually sports and schools were a place a girl did not have to worry about being attacked. Sick world we live in. As for people changing or seeing it- the rigid democrats don’t see Kamala as a problem they see her as a way to keep Trump out of White House. So they cannot use critical thinking they are too busy hating- do we are doomed. Musk seems to want free speech but he hires a person to check for hate speech?! There is no such thing as hate speech- it’s an opinion of the gatekeeper of free speech- ironic right? There is no free speech if we have a gatekeeper

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Sadly, half of women in the West, and more in leadership positions, support these self-loathing, suicidal beliefs.

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Jane not seen statistics but your estimate seems reasonable.

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Elon Musk still keeps my account suspended for suggesting ivermectin (the new headache pill) have human use, echoing Jack Dorsey as saying that "advocate suicide". I would not consider that reasonable, or favoring liberty and decency.

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Elon has admitted to not being in full control of the platform when asked if the FBI is still on there. Presumably there are gag orders or national security letters, and other BS that he cannot buy his way past. I’ve found that simply creating a new account, a second account after the first one was shadowbanned into paralysis, has worked.

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Sounds like a bullshit excuse to me.

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Yes. My account is still suspended for talking about being bitten by mosquitos. Twitter called it a "hate tweet" and I can't delete it because I'll have a strike against me for hate speech.

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He's in on all of it. He's still censoring. Still getting patents to put chips in brains. I don't know of he's still sporting his "novus ordo seclorum" (new world order) jacket. He bought and owns twitter but doesn't have control?

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As long as being called "racist" or "unvaxed" or whatever else the left wing controlled media chooses as the equal of the cross before a vampire then those of us with reasonable ideas will be maligned and they will remain in power. People have to stop allowing words to hurt them and shut them up.

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Excellent commentary.

I will NOT comply.

Trump-Vance 2024 to restore the Constitutional Republic…and international stability.

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Excellent, but it should have included the insanity of the "climate change" hoax. Just today I found a link to this nuttiness from, of all places, the Audubon Society:

"Birds Tell Us That We Need To Act On Climate"


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Wow, so Audubon is finally lost to the lunacy. Sad. Next, they will be openly advocating for Kamala, as every single other environmental organization got behind Hillary and Biden.

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I can find no evidence that Kamala Harris actually tweeted the above text or image on X, Twitter or whatever it is these days. There's nothing like this on her account now: https://x.com/VP. It looks to me like a bogus meme: https://ifunny.co/picture/if-you-vote-for-this-kamala-harris-what-an-impressive-2mWVjbtdB .

This site https://newschecker.in/fact-check/did-kamala-harris-praise-controversial-opening-ceremony-of-paris-olympics-no-viral-screenshot-is-fake/ states that the image is fake. It links to a supposed - and I think actual - capture of a tweet with the image: https://archive.is/XxFlY#selection-453.0-453.56 but they don't link to the tweet itself. Here it is: https://x.com/bringon2024/status/1817248783811358923.

Everyone should cite sources, always. Otherwise everything turns to crap.

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What you write may be true, but “fact checkers” often lie and often have their own agenda to promote. So don’t always believe the “fact checkers.”

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Snopes is 90% liberal hivemind bullshit.

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Absolutely right. But, even they had to admit that what the lamestream media was reporting that Trump said about Charlottesville was taken completely out of context, but lying Biden continues to repeat the lie.

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Yes, I called it a "site".

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She's a communist, wake up

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I wasn't defending Kamala Harris. I was pointing to the evidence that the image in John Leakes' article was presented as if she actually tweeted this, when there is no reason to believe that she did.

It is worse than a waste of time to invent crap and attribute it to the people we should be criticizing for a plethora of substantive reasons. This applies to every Democrat member of congress, or supporter, who hasn't worked assiduously to change numerous Biden administration policies, such as those which allowed a flood of illegal immigrants to enter the country and most of them voting against a bill which would ensure that only U.S. citizens can vote in federal elections: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/traitors-musk-blasts-democrats-voting-against-republicans-election-integrity-bill.

The same applies to the failings of every party and candidate.

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Is it possible that we could see beyond the two party system, and see we are being played? Both sides serve a more powerful agenda, and most likely our so called heroes like Mr. T. and Mr. M.

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Thanks. It was, unfortunately believable because of so much other insanity. And much of the insanity is extremely dark, like the fact that Biden canceled the rapid DNA testing of children coming over the border. It’s obvious that only benefits the cartels and the pedophiles. I couldn’t believe it was true, but it turned out it was.

Most Democrats I point that out to, claim it must be false, but when I show them it is true, they never reply. The fact that they absorb it and yet continue on, may be our biggest obstacle to reaching sanity.

The same people who were frothing at the mouth and got out into the street to protest against “kids and cages“ go silent when the numbers of children disappeared or trafficked under Biden comes up. It is incredible.

For certain there are Republicans in the same situation, with the same limitations.

This is the end result of decades of a rampant and rogue spy state with black budget funding allowed to continue and gradually take over. And I’m convinced that the rigging of the voting machines since 2002 has led to worse and worse outcomes, which would not have happened had voters been allowed to make decisions.

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Thank you for reminding us how deceptive social media can be. This IS important because a single malicious tweet or two, can change ones perception of reality, with consequences. And, as Allie mentions, below, many "fact checkers" are biased. Look to peoples actions, not just what they say.

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My post was in reply to Robin Whitte's observaions, but came in after ModelYManiac's, somehow.

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Aug 2Edited

I don't doubt that the tweet could be a meme (and often what makes a meme work is that it is only a slight stretch of reality--in this case, given Harris's known positions, it could be true). And memes should be stated to be memes. But more interesting is the background of newschecker (since most "fact checking" operations are about as reliable as the 51 intelligence officials who deemed Hunter's laptop to have the "hallmarks" of Russian disinfo). From the Newschecker website:

"Newschecker is an independent fact-checking initiative of NC Media Networks Pvt Ltd, headquartered in Delhi. NC Media Networks is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India as a private company and has the Corporate Identification Number (CIN) U92490DL2019PTC353700 (Certificate of Incorporation). All our details, including our latest financial returns, are available on the MCA website.

"Newschecker is self-funded and provides third-party fact-checking services to a few social media and messaging platforms. We receive a fee for our services and do not accept funding or work with politicians/political parties and/or organisations linked to political parties. Organisations that contributed to more than 5% of our revenue in FY’s 2020-21,2021-22, 2022-23 include:

"Meta Inc

Mohalla Tech Pvt Ltd

Bytedance Pte Ltd

The directors of the company are:

1.⁠ ⁠Rajneil Rajneil Kamath

2.⁠ ⁠⁠Rajnath Venkatramana Kamath

3.⁠ ⁠⁠Anirudh Balakrishnan

"Rajneil Rajnath Kamath owns the majority stake in the NC Media Networks."

P.S. Note the false distinction between taking money from "social media and messaging platforms" and "organizations linked to political parties." The big social media companies are not only political, but have admitted they followed Federal orders to censor specific accounts.

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“The mass crushes out the insight and reflection that are still possible with the individual, and this necessarily leads to doctrinaire and authoritarian tyranny if ever the constitutional state should succumb to a fit of weakness.”

IMO, this one statement I cut and pasted from this posting says it all!

Possibly not so much as a weakness rather forces who’ve now see the “spec of their advancement window” opening!

Those same players, the “Globalist Elites” have imposed their “narcissistic self-fulfilling agendas” on humanity’s last hope, America!

Yes, there are smaller, western nation alignments, in lockstep with and who are desperately trying to reverse this perversion of their individual societies. Furthermore, we’re all now attempting to power through, overwhelming forces who’ve aligned themselves with the “Globalist Elites”!

As the saying goes

“freedom isn’t free”! There’s an inherent danger within each free society. The levels of which vary, depending on the populace accepted beliefs, which are first and foremost typically masked as “we care about the poor” or “everyone should be equal” even worse, the “collective salvation” of such a good little obeying system of people’s!

Yes, we have or better still, we haven’t pushed back against this “wrecking ball” mentality that somehow, Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab knows better! They know “SQUAT”! Their sole purpose is to “conquer and destroy” forget about dividing, they’ve succeeded there!

Now, today, the free world is facing annihilation! Annihilating “Globalist Elites” who know nothing but believe they know everything and truly care about the all the “useless eaters” of humanity!

Is it too late? Can pushback work now? I think not! Not without a full blown “civil war”! A

“civil uprising” of sorts, should have been happening as each piece of each destructive government’s agendas, were being force fed under the guise of “DEI”! Or, as they say

“We Care about Democracy”!

The only “Democracy” these evildoers care about is the

“end of democracy”! This is how they’ll ultimately succeed in their mission to control the entire planet under an

“New World Order Government”!

Within each nation under the “spell of caring”, have they been successful! Recently in Philadelphia, the RCA (the new Revolutionary Communists of America) organized a parade.

Such a wonderful and thoughtful event, YES? NOT! This is exactly what I’m talking about! When “FREE NATIONS” do not pushback and or ceases to exist, the “cookie jar” is raided or “Ideological Manifestations” become normalized, sort of speak. As we’re watching play out across all Western Countries.

We’re not talking about cookies here anymore! This is the real deal, real life destruction and destructive behavior, being allowed under the guise of

“We Care” false narratives.

Unfortunately, freedoms and lives within, is like a “Ping Pong” match. With every “action there must be an equal and opposite reaction”. When society’s fail to “pong the ping”, this is what can lead to mankind’s demise!

Below are a few paragraphs from a recent article relating to Philadelphia, yes the

“city of brotherly love” and the “Liberty Bell”, to name a few.

“According to Shore News Network”

Philadelphia is a stark reminder of the dangers posed by this destructive ideology. It is time for us to stand up for the principles of freedom, democracy, and individual rights that have made America great, and reject the false promises of communism.

This is just the latest manifestation of an old and destructive impulse that has plagued societies throughout history.

The fact that Communists have always posed as friends of the poor has given them a deceptive appeal, even in modern times.

Russia and China in the 20th century, the war against God’s creation has largely been carried out under the banner of communism.

The end result has been the slaughter of nearly 140 million people, mostly their own citizens.

“this march was organized by the new Revolutionary Communists of America (RCA), which recently held its first Congress in Philadelphia. This is just the latest manifestation of an old and destructive impulse that has plagued societies throughout history.

The recent march by a group of young Communists through the streets of Philadelphia, chanting for “class war” and waving the hammer and sickle flag, is a stark reminder of the dangers posed by this deadly ideology.

These young Communists, who appeared well-fed and well-clothed, seem to be oblivious to the dark history of their ideology. The hammer and sickle flag they proudly wave is responsible for the Soviet Gulags, the Great Terror, and widespread famine.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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I have to think they were young people- and so what do their parents think? Why is it we never hear from them? Like Thomas crooks mom and dad- kid lived with them and they knew he was up to no good. Lia Thomas the trans swimmer where are his yes his parents? There is no way a reasonable mom or dad would think these behaviors or whatever we are calling these bouts of insanity were in line with America and its foundation. Not that they could change anything but they could speak out. Btw the virtue signaling makes me🤢

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I almost forgot Cheryl, you mentioned, where are the parents of these 500 or so children, parading in Philadelphia under the guise of “Helping The Poor” or better known as “Communism”?

I’ll tell you where they are, they’re the silent motivators of these brainwashed fools / kids!

Look no further than Kamala Harris’s parents. Both Berkeley College Students on visa’s, Jamaican and Indian. Why does Kamala Harris make Nancy Pelosi look conservative? Because she was raised to “Hate America”! The same way Barack Hussein Obama and Michael were raised! They both, all three, including Pelosi “HATE AMERICA”!

They hate success! They are the exact and maybe have redefined the mental disorder

“Narcissistic Psychopaths”! They are the exact opposite example of everything “good and decent”!

They’re very much in every respect, ”EVIL PEOPLE”!

Thanks again Cheryl for your pointed, clearly articulated perspective.


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I could not agree more with you Cheryl. A minute before I opened your reply, I read an article how an Olympic woman boxer forfeited her match! She as I would not and any reasonable person would not do, is fight against the opposite sex!

This BS happening today, out of nowhere, millions of people have been born in the wrong body is completely abnormal absurdly insane culturally driven behavior to “divide and conquer” the masses! That’s all this is!

Sadly, too few people have “Courage” to stand up against these Globalist Elites who are

“narcissistically psychologically” mentally deranged and quite disturbed individuals!

I salute this woman! She’s the “TRUE HERO” the ultimate winner! Forget about the Olympics for a second, look at what they have done! They’ve ripped the life out of so many people who have worked their entire lives becoming the “BEST OF THE BEST”! IN THE WORLD!

My heart bleeds for her and anyone else who’s forced to compete against the system! Thomas, that POS, literally couldn’t beat an NCAA man so pretends “he is now a she”! AYKM pal? He’s the problem, because if this POS refused to compete against Riley Gaines, these sicko Globalists wouldn’t have a leg to stand on!

Thank you Cheryl for sharing such important information the world needs to wake up too! Wake up and fight back! Otherwise we won’t have any hope of winning this battle for humanity!


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I'm on the actual left in the UK - ie I believe "class issues" are very important. They've been deliberately jettisoned by faux-left parties, the Democrats leading the way into darkness, using insane ID politics to sidetrack the gullibles. In any case, I agree with much being said by those of a right or libertarian persuasion, particularly the latter. We, from across the political spectrum, must unite and try to stop this insanity. One definition of the latter must surely be thinking there was nothing diabolical to see in that boxing match.

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a new party to unite us: the Sane party.

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This is the same phenomenon explained by Dr. Mattias Desmet. It is called mass psychosis formation where at least 30% of the population believes something unreal. Only about 10% up to maybe 30% are able to think critically and reject the unreality. The other 30% aren’t sure and are persuadable. It explains why people bought into the pandemic, the Ukraine war, and the holocaust. It is pushed by propaganda which our government has determined is fine to use against its own people. Until we begin to think critically about everything we are told, we will never escape from this phenomenon.

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Re: the boxing match:

for quite some time now, Disney and Hollywood etc. have been showing us countless examples of strong, stunning and brave women taking on mobs of men in physical fights, and winning!!! The women (in these films) might take a glancing blow or two, but they know all the moves and the men are beaten badly.

In many cases, these fights are filmed to look realistic!!!!!

It's no wonder the world can now accept the notion that a woman against a man in a boxing match is going to be a fair fight and turn out well for her.

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