Last fall I was invited by Blaze Media to give an interview about my findings for my forthcoming book, Goodbye, Lahaina: The Perfect Firestorm, which will be released on August 9, 2024, the one-year anniversary of the disaster.
I combined the on-location interview with another extended research trip to Maui. My initial intuition about the Lahaina disaster has been confirmed beyond my worst suspicions. The story is a perfect expression of the following themes:
Federal and state governments consistently fail to do daily managerial work because such work does NOT benefit the special interests that drive policy.
With unlimited debt financing always (eventually) made available for state-contracted emergency response and/or cleanup, emergencies always turn out to be bonanzas for players and stakeholders who are well-positioned to exploit them.
Federal and state agencies are now a striking mixture of corruption and incompetence in equal measure. In a corrupt system, incompetence that amplifies disasters is rewarded by the greater sums of state funds allocated for the response. In the case of the Lahaina fire, the cleanup is proving to be a bonanza, with billions being shoveled to contractors who are excavating, testing, and hauling away the ash and soil.
Similar perverse incentives are at play in state responses to financial crises, emerging infectious diseases, and wars. Proper management of public affairs requires skill and diligence, but there is no money in conscientious management for special interests and industries. The payoff—i.e., bailouts, pandemic countermeasures, weapons, and billions of “aid”—comes with the catastrophe.
Please watch Blaze’s brief documentary (no longer behind paywall) and share it with your friends.
Here's what happened:
"So it's just a coincidence that the police chief was the same man in charge of the Las Vegas shooting [author's note: he is also Lahaina's coroner].
And it's just a huge coincidence that property owned by millionaires and billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Oprah, and the founder of PayPal remained untouched while the land of the natives burned only a few feet away—literally.
And it's just a huge coincidence that the island had the largest system of outdoor sirens in the world, yet they decided not to sound them, or alert anybody in any way.
Annnd it's just a huge coincidence that they closed all of the schools, sent all the children home, and turned off the water as soon as the fires started so that people couldn't put them out.
And it's just a coincidence that, under orders, policemen blockaded the exits, didn't allow anyone to evacuate, and forced them to jump in the water to save their own lives.
And it's just a coincidence that the island is set to be the very first to operate on 100% renewable energy, and to do so they must significantly decrease their C02 emissions.
And it's just a huge coincidence the one month prior to the fires the mayor issued a press release highlighting his commitment to the United Nations 2030 agenda of sustainable development.
And it's just a coincidence that Hawaii is the only state to have submitted a voluntary local review which is a framework and goal-set to achieve sustainable development.
And it's just a huge coincidence that BlackRock and the United States Government are two out of the three largest land owners on the island who have been trying to buy up the land from the natives for the past few decades who refuse to sell, and both of them are part of the renewable energy agenda.
And it's just a huge coincidence that the survivors’ homes that are still standing are now being evicted.
And it's just a coincidence that the fact checkers saying that all of this is a coincidence are owned by BlackRock.
At this point if you believe that all of these are coincidences - you are the crazy one. Not me.
Google is not going to come out and tell you what's going on and even if they did a lot of you wouldn't even believe it unless it was from a government or fact checking website.
But guess what, they're not going to tattle on themselves so you need to think for yourself.
We should be absolutely enraged about these fires. We really need to stand up and do something because [if we don't] things like this are just going to keep [happening]." -Unknown Speaker
Excerpt from: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/must-see-presenting-12-unfathomable
It’s pretty clear from the blaze video that the government is responding in a hostile way towards the residents who were burned out and towards anybody who wants to find out what really happened. The Fire, Public Safety, and other state and federal responses appear to be criminal and predetermined. Nothing that you or the reporter state rules out directed energy weapons, and your assertion that it’s likely an old-fashioned arsonist seems to be made of whole cloth. Lahaina was like the northern California fires in Paradise and Santa Rosa. The similarities in fire pattern damage, including the melting of glass, steel and aluminum which all melt only at temperatures about double that of the hottest forest fire need to be explained. The presence of trees and gardens that appear untouched within a few feet of vaporized buildings and cars need to be explained. The body count and the fact that a lot of kids and other victims seem to have vanished without a trace needs to be explained.