the CDC is a crime syndicate. Should be destroyed.

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I'm glad Weldon was withdrawn. Weldon needs that sort of stress like a violent prison sentence.... AND.....

The last thing we need is faith in the CDC restored in the eyes of the public. We need as many scales as possible to fall of the average parents' eyes, because as you have said, Dr McCullough, they have lots of things up their sleeves....

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“Lots of things up their sleeves”, like Arkanciding Weldon or his family, like so many other whistleblowers or people who knew too much.

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Excellent interview, with every point spot on. Peter, your thoughtfulness, courage, and resilience are inspiring!

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The senators believe in money, not vaccines

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As an early Boomer, having seen 15 Presidents and voted pretty much down the middle, I voted for some stinkers. No, I mean thieves, liars, bully’s, blowhards.

Most Boomers were born in the golden age of the Democrat Party as Democrats for six decades programed voters via TV, our go to median for “new” information.

“Vote Democrat, vote America, because America is a democracy”. Ah, NO! America is a unique Constitutional Republic. But, it was not difficult to propagandize and try to destroy America using the unrealized fertile soil of learned faux hubris of my Boomer generation.

It was all supposed to be about education or academic prowess, but individual bias prevailed.

Of course the best kept Democrat secret are the RINO’s. People who are latent Communist using the clever but wisdom less Democrat Party as a backstop, Democrats running as a Republicans, saying all the right things in a vulnerable State formed to be a dependent State, Socialistically biased that elevates hierarchy, “doing good for the good of all” mantra, that captures both the united and virtue bias’.

We Boomers and our offspring were programed (TV culture) to value academic degrees above all else. Academia and medicine have since their beginning of the academies been hierarchal. That was Aristotle’s lesson through Plato but ultimately Socrates who was murdered because he had no Academy to support him.

As the hierarchy has risen in America over six decades, our children are intentionally made sicker and foremost dumber. No, it’s not a conspiracy by the players, perhaps a phenom, but definitely an organized bias being orchestrated by a people more clever and united by propaganda who want this land more than America’s global minded privileged do as a whole, without faith, patriotism, or dignity, all removed during the chaos of crises over six decades. The top tiered Psychiatric programing of mind sciences have been integrated into AI algorithmic processes to gain political power, yet the academics and medical politicians follow each other like pets following and smelling each others scent, bias. The Stanley Milgram electric shock experiment, 1961 Yale, pointed out that 2/3 of people would voluntarily project pain on others at the direction of an assumed authority figure in a white coat. This supports the need for the nefarious to dumb down their useful idiots, and that the fear of dissenting from authority promotes complicity.

Keep doing what you are doing, academic hierarchy, and in twenty years your offspring will be the Uighur’s, without anesthesia so the hierarchy of the “democratic” State Party is extended where voting is expunged forever.

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Can we get someone good in this position thru a recess appointment?

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Linda that's what I was thinking. When congress/senate is on recess, trump can slide them right in there.

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Looks like the legalized bribery lobbying is working great for Big Pharma.

Sadly there's no money to be made on healthy people and no lobbying on our behalf.

Conversely, vaccine injured people are life long return customers and Big Pharma loves that. Especially since they're indemnified from liability for vaccine injuries. Proper testing would ruin the whole scam making those tests horrible for profits, therefor they must be avoided.

Looks like money may actually be the root of all evil.

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It's very discouraging that Dr. Weldon's nomination was withdrawn. I really hope and pray that RFK, Jr. does not back down on studying and bringing to light the adverse effects of vaccines. Also, it should be that ALL vaccines are a choice and NOT a requirement to attend school.

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Michele. Why wld he back down?

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Senator Cassidy is not from Illinois - he is from Louisiana. That's kind of a glaring mistake. A better job of proofreading before publication is in order. Can't blame spellcheck for this one.

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Glaring about what? Typo’s and punctuation. Get real.

Typical fact checker, you missed the point entirely or you intentionally deluded yourself of it to evade the Democrat and RINO condemnation with diversion.

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That's me. I live in delusion when I think basic facts should be correct. I am on board with the essence of the article, for sure. I'm not the enemy. So ease up.

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Elwood be nice. John is not wrong. I too think where a senator is from is extremely important.

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No need to complicate political ideology. One is a Communist, the other, also a thief. They both hate America. You are collateral damage to eugenicists.


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It is not religion but money. In his last election here in Vermont, Bernie Sanders got $1.4 million in campaign contributions .from the drug industry.


I declined the jab and spent well over a year in quarantine. My sister was a true believer and developed progressive bulbar palsy which may be an adverse event.

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Anytime in quarantine is prison, Vermont did that? Get out! I live in a small town in Colorado and I did not get the vax, never wore a mask, walked against the stickers, was out and about in town every day, at the super market one time a manage asked me to wear a mask and I said "no, I won't". I am a 60 year old lady, weigh 115 lbs, so I am anything but scary. The police asked me if I knew there is a mandate to wear a mask and I answered "yes!' The police said "that's all I need to ask you", with a big grin on his face. Once I said to a different policeman "you know this is a huge hoax don't you?" and he smiled and said softly "that's right".

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I am in a satellite cottage in a senior living facility, I have a good scientific education and I knew that that isolating me was silly. Fortunately, I am not an angry sort of person.

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I would keep appointing candidates like Weldon and let them be interviewed by Senate and until the Senate approves one, do the following: temporarily shut down the CDC, lay off 80% of management and 50% of the rest, assign most other remaining employees to assist states with gaps in their health departments. On second thought, do we really need a CDC? Can’t individual states do the work of protecting its public?

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Speaks volumes of how the Big Pharma industry maintains their dominance in healthcare by buying the Congressional seats in DC. The congressman in the senate want to be re-elected and they will not be supported if they voice their opposition to to the profit goals of Big Pharma.

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Then the position needs to remain vacant and have RFK acting directior until such autism study is done. Biden had people as"acting" in many positions ...so they can't say it has to be filled anytime soon.

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