..."We don't know the long term side effects."...which makes it the perfect drug. It fits in with 95% of all other drugs on the market.

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gmos on the clot shot

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Zuckerberg's comments were accurate and reasonable. I made a similar (written) statement in a required legal disclosure to my arbitration clients in FINRA cases for which I was the Chair.. In the disclosure I notified my clients that we did not know the long term side effects and I was PERSONALLY aware of someone who died directly as a result of the injection. Therefore, I recommended we hold a conference to determine if we should go forward in virtual mode or switch to in-person mode, which required participants receive the injection. My required disclosure was CENSORED by FINRA and all my cases were removed, ending my securities arbitration career. The FINRA censorship and mandate exposed securities customers, brokers, attorneys, and arbitrators to a dangerous medical procedure with unknown side effects. In order to have their cases heard or to work on cases, one had to risk injury or death. A Federal District Court (in Texas) dismissed my case, refusing to protect my rights and redress harms. The court instead chose to accept the perjury of FINRA executives. It was such unethical behavior and corrupt courts that caused so many people to abandon caution. Those who participated in the scam should not be forgiven. They stepped well over the Nuremberg red line.

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Taming. Thank you for sharing your information and holding true to your personal values and principles. Wow! I too lost my job of 15 years and am still in disbelief of the biowarfare played on us.

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Zuckerberg understood the dangers and yet CENSORED Americans that had been and continued to try to share these basic truths on Facebook. 😡

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He should face consequences for these actions, which he knowingly undertook.

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Mark may have been coerced.

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Mark Zuckerberg could have chosen to be COURAGEOUS and refused to bow to the Biden administration, the Left, etc. like Elon Musk has and continues to do at IMMENSE personal costs.

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At least he tried to warn his employees. However, his censorship and his meddling in elections harmed a lot of people. To him and whoever owns him, we are just casualties of the forth industrial revolution. It’s all a game. They reinvent themselves like soap opera characters. It’s amazing to watch really. Central casting for sure.

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We don’t like him. He’s a traitor

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Since about 2016… I can’t get on any Facebook platform after posting several links to videos of parents discussing their children’s vaccine injuries.

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And to this day. Algorithms are still a tool in censorship

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He's a CIA asset !

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“I do just want to make sure that I share some caution on this because we just don’t know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA to directly code in a person’s DNA and RNA.”

This is absolutely infuriating! Why? Simply because 1. They knew these “Bioweapon-Transfection-Injections” mess with a persons DNA and RNA and 2. Fauci, that most evil midget of an angry clump of cell-mass said on numerous occasions that “he was concerned about ADE.”

Antibody Dependent Enhancement or ADE obviously wreaks havoc with one’s immune system. Why more people didn’t pick-up on this statement by Fauci is beyond me.

Had more people looked into the effects of ADE more likely, less people would have taken the shot! I believe too many people trusted. There were so many indicators IMO, why I wouldn’t take the shot and why millions of people shouldn’t have either.


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The fear mongering, coercion, mandating and threats from those who forced this upon us was overwhelming for many, who simply went along to get along. Big mistake. Given what we are seeing now that the covers are being pulled back with Trump's administrative initiatives, people will realize their strongest and most important decision making factor in all things health remains: INFORMED CONSENT. Cement this into everyone's mind and make it their #1 priority. No information should ever be withheld, good, bad, or indifferent. We all need to know our options, know the facts, and possible outcomes, including those which fall into the unintended consequences category.

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You’re right Bill. For three years I had to put up with customers constantly & overwhelmingly demanding I follow orders! It was the most frustrating experience in my entire career especially when, as the saying goes, the customers are always right. So I can see what you’re saying. I didn’t have a choice but to abide by my customers demands. Thank you Bill. I appreciate your insight.


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I wonder if people are too trusting or just not thinking. We have been trained to not think

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You’re probably right Simon. I’ve always gone against the grain so I wouldn’t fall into that trap, at least I don’t think I would. Nevertheless it seems crazy why 5.5 billion people lined up worldwide. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Simon. I certainly didn’t think of that.


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People were scared.

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Yes you’re right Jennifer. Along with all the fear mongering / lying / propaganda BS, people were scared beyond belief. Thank you Jennifer. I do appreciate your insight.


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How is it that "Dr. Oelrich apparently believed that most people in 2020 were still capable of thinking for themselves"? In what universe was the good doctor and president of Bayer Pharmaceuticals living??? To some of us it was blatantly evident long before 2020 that nothing could be further from the truth, and clearly those behind the Plandemic were counting on such stupidity and uncritical brain-dead compliance. Sad but true...

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I won’t be satisfied until the day those who force the poison jab on people. My mother is currently deteriorating cognitively since she took 3 Pfizer poison. Every day of my life I cry seeing my mother like this.

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So sorry! My mother in law is in that same peril. Devastating.

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It is a hell no one should have to endure. Find that peace within, connect with the Christ within you, Know that there is no love but the love of God. Prayers, Love and Light.

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Cynthia, pray for strength from Almighty God.

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Therefore, Zuckerberg should not have censored those speaking up.

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Looking back at five years of accumulated information, I submit that those who developed the nonvaccine "vaccines" almost certainly knew exactly the wide range of damage the "vaccines" would do because causing maximum harm was the entire reason the "vaccines" were developed.

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First, I have never used Facebook, and never intend to. I didn't trust Zuckerberg when it first came out and thought his whole operation was bought and paid for by some spook organization.

Second, thanks to my late father-in-law's investigations, my whole family has avoided all shots since my girls were born in the 70s. When the mRNA vaccine was announced, I basically laughed, which I could because I was already retired and didn't have to depend on a job.

It's too bad, and discouraging to read of all the troubles coming upon those who did take the jab, that more persons didn't have the info I received. I and my family did the best we could to inform others, but in many cases, they didn't want to hear it.

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This evil psychopath censored everyone who spoke against the covid injection on Facebook.

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Oelrich essentially said that prior to the fake pandemic, they could not have gotten away with this fraud. Anyone still like buying Bayer products...they also poison us with glyphosate...daily.

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Phony pos

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We have all known this since we were seven years old. Don’t mess with Mother Nature. FAFO.

So what happened?

Imp’s of algorithmic social engineering are so smart they don’t even understand their own Achilles heel is their naïveté. They are wimps so cowardly, their petulance will accept any excuse to continue to be liberally progressive regardless of the collateral damage they create.

Any inquiry to the contrary are merely to CTOA.

Let us think a moment. What other historic figures have either been this nihilistic and or psychopathic as to cause mass murder and malaise?

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mrna is genethrapy

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Innovation is wonderful if it’s not dangerous like the COVID mRNA gene therapy has proven itself to be. No real “honest” studies were done and fear induced mandates seem to have always been the plan. Prison for all involved in the mass deception. If Zuckerberg thought in 2020 that the jabs might not be safe, why the heck did he stop others from saying the exact same thing on his platform? Someone paid him very well to do just that, I’m sure. I’d ask him if he was jabbed!!! I wonder if he’d be truthful?

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I fervently hope President Trump doesn't involve or include Zuckerberg in anything.

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