Wonderful. The prime minister of Britain, just last week, said in the Parliament the covid jabs are safe. This despite experts calling for a moratorium of these covid vaxxes due to safety issues. At what point will politicians recognise the truth. The covid vaxxes are neither safe nor effective. This has been known for two years now. Why are politicians continuing to misinform their electorate?

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And power. People have been asking ‘why’ for almost four years now. That’s too long. We all know why. Time to not comply and resist.

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Exactly what I was going to write.

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They won't realise it because they know. They don't want to open the can of worms. Covid was expensive (the Labour government of Western Australia saw fit to spend 13 billion dollars and nothing to show for it) reparations will be more. And that's if we don't just hang them. These are all different leaders and they still won't, because of the precedent. They themselves want to exploit the overreach their predecessors grabbed and they don't want to someday pay for their crimes. And of course they are all in the employ of big pharma one way or another. Better to just do as the CCP does, keep repeating the lie till there's noone left to argue.

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Sunak isn’t blind. He’s comfortably numb, and likely well-compensated to occupy that moral state indefinitely.

Is it harsh to suggest they wish us dead? A preponderance of evidence corroborates that supposition. No one will believe a scheme so vast.

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It was written in stone on the Georgia Guidestons monument, already decades ago, They want us dead,

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Tsk. They may find a general lack of cooperation among those who relish living.

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Because someone forgot to draw and quarter them. (Same for those repeating the "safe and effective" mantra.)

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You’re really still asking ‘why’ at this point?

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Professor Didier Raoult ~ Hero from the beginning.

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Solidly! One of the woefully few, humanely motivated physician-scientists remaining, who serves as a stark reminder that the phrase “health experts” bears no resemblance to honorable men/women exercising a decided preference for the SURVIVAL of the species. I’ll take “dedicated altruist👨🏼‍⚕️” over “baffled expert⚰️” every time.

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Anyone who supports vaccines hasn't done the research needed to open their eyes. Read "Dr. Mary's Monkey" and "Turtles All the Way Down"..and give "The Truth About Vaccines" a try.."Rising From the Dead"..NO vaccine is good. Not now not ever.

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“There’s nothing I like more than blowing up a theory that’s been so nicely established,”

I like him already

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The "Gandalf of Marseille" continues to bring honor back to the medical profession. So grateful for him and others who saw through all the deception, did not abandon their moral compass, and saved so many with early treatment!

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Isn't if fascinating that doctors are prescribing things like Ozempic off label but those who prescribed Ivermectin and HCQ lost their positions and in some cases had their licenses suspended? I have BELOW ZERO respect for this people - SCUM. That's why hospitals are dying - people have had it and would rather die then place themselves in their care

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Amen. I said I would die at home, and I meant it. In New Mexico, USA, the hospitals were paid $170,000 per covid death. Some like incentive to me.

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My 36 year old daughter was vax injured the very week Covid hit by the rabies shots which she had to take. So in my journey to help her I found RFK and Children's Health Defense - even pediatricians get THOUSANDS for vaxing children - Dr. William Thompson from the CDC discovered the link between childhood vaccines and autism - and made him destroy his data. I'm 69 and had minimal vaccines - and we survived. Kids today - tons of peanut allergies, asthma - childhood cancer. It's criminal.

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Professor Raoult can you send this to Trump please

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Err I'm sure he is overworked and badgered and needs US to send it on.

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Well presented post. His wording is easy to follow and comprehend. Still amazes me how many stand by and continue to parrot the lies.

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Metaphorically speaking, maybe it's time to build an ark?

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So simple a 5th grader can understand. What is wrong with science now?!

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Vannevar Bush. The Feddies bought and corrupted it.

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Science is owned and controlled by Big Pharma.

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The name (Professor Didier Raoult) sounds familiar, so I did a search to look at photos of him. I cannot place the face. BUT......in MANY of these photos, that came up in my search, he is wearing a mask!

There is the FIRST STRIKE (no REAL doctor/professor would be wearing a mask, for a 'pandemic' that did not/does not exist!)!

I'll need to further research his individual.

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He was one of the first experts to recommend the use of repurposed drugs to treat covid.

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I highly doubt that (one of the 1st). And I don't listen to 'experts'. When I hear that word, 'EXPERTS', I rightfully CRINGE. One of my Top 5 HATED words. (it has NO meaning)

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😂😂😂the experts in the Uk advised britain to vaxx, mask, lockdown, shut businesses and schools. I cannot disagree with you.

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Like many who need to work in an administrative hospital (especially in France) they walk the walk to a point. In mid 2021, our 19 year old son needed emergency kidney surgery due to a birth defect that placed a major artery in the front of his kidney impinging the ureter. Once inside the exam room the first time we met the surgeon, I impled these masks were useless. Upon knowing where we stood, an Ivy League graduate trained in robotic pyeloplasty pulled down his mask smiling and affirmed our suspicion and we continued the appointment without masks. MANY docs did not face persecution and removal from their profession even though they understood we were being gaslit!

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He probably did that to inoculate himself from the maskers, so that they would support his other ideas, assuming because he wore a mask, he was one of them.

Danny Huckabee

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Yes. Stop the mRNA injections. They are KILLING people. I am terrified just thinking about what poison was injected into ME. When will it kill me?? Furious is what I am. Everyone must GET furious to REMOVE this non-vaccine, this Gene Altering Poison.

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My favorite Frenchman!

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Excellent. Thank you for standing up to these tyrants and politicians. We are many, they are few.

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John and all,

What does a moratorium from a French physician and microbiologist have to do with actually STOPPING THE VACCINE in the 50 United States of America?

How about American doctors and scientists declare a moratorium in America and follow through, actually STOPPING THE VACCINE in all 50 states???

The health of ALL Americans is at high risk now, especially with Disease X on the horizon!

Please God help Americans who need decent doctors and scientists working TOGETHER with Janci Lindsay, PhD and strategic planners waiting to help!

John…How are you helping Peter???

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The Surgeon General of Florida, Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo has called for an end to the vaxx, and people should listen to him!

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Thank you for your comment!

Now we need 49 other states moving in the right direction!

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Every patriotic American would like to be involved in this critical project…

Time to stop talking and do something real for your country!

Who cares about all the murders if you are not going to stop talking and DO SOMETHING THAT MATTERS!

Here is something that matters most in America for 2024…


America falls then so does the world!!!

Please help!

Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Every patriotic American should be involved in this project…

Time to stop talking and do something real for your country!

Who cares about all the murders if you are not going to stop talking and DO SOMETHING THAT MATTERS!

Here is something that matters most in America for 2024…


America falls then so does the world!!!

Please help!

Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Yep. They even have a Covid Sniffer, no not Bidens white House dog that allegedly sniffs everyone's butt and detect 'Covid' No. It's a device you hook to your toilet that sniffs for 'Covid' from your toilet droppings... https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/white-house-secret-dirty-dozen-covid-19-hoax-chief-justice-1 Then, of course, it must alert someone, become now your a danger to society... So, it sends a wifi signal to Bill Gates 'Worldwide Pandemic Alert System" about your poo status, aka Homeland Security... https://www.bitchute.com/video/jcHEhiLSdU8t/ No, I'm not Joking... Then, they can quarantine your entire neighborhood, like they did in Australia when they found Covid in their sewage. Google it. Prove me wrong! They even have a 'smoke detector' that can sniff out a virus from the smell of your poo, too!! Test-Demic 25+ Covid19 Tests NONE Look For A Whole Unique Virus In Nature. They only look for so called 'genetics', antibodies or some side effects of something. Zero, look for any so called virus. https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/20-fake-covid-19-tests-none-look-for-a-whole-unique-virus

February 3rd 2024 Some people say COVID tests are more accurate if you swab your poop instead of your nose. Here's what's going on. Its all fake… https://www.businessinsider.com/swab-poop-covid-test-accuracy-experts-2024-2

August 5th 2021 Chief Justice: 40% agree to Anal Swab to enter 7/11; Bend Over! https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/chief-justice-40%25-agree-to-anal-swab-to-enter-711-bend-over

August 1st 2022 CDC: Doctors to anal rape you with used swabs for fake Monkeypox! https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/cdc-doctors-to-anal-rape-you-with-used-swabs-for-fake-monkeypox

CHINA'S ANAL SWAB COVID TESTING Scientists Say, Fissure This YOUR BUTT'S WAY MORE ACCURATE!!! https://www.tmz.com/2021/01/30/china-anal-swab-covid-test-dummy-video-demonstrate/

Can Anal Swabs Be Used to Test for Coronavirus? https://www.health.com/condition/infectious-diseases/coronavirus/anal-swabs-coronavirus

Value of anal swabs for SARS-COV-2 detection: a literature review https://www.medsci.org/v18p2389.htm

Beijing’s Latest Weapon in Its War on COVID-19: Anal Swabs https://www.vice.com/en/article/7k9m9d/china-is-using-anal-swabs-to-detect-covid-infections

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Good grief.

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