They are intentionally TRYING to infect cattle as we speak. This is the ONLY explanation for testing dairy cattle.

Cows historically have a great resistance to A and B flu strains. This is WELL KNOWN and documented in literature. If a dairy farmer had a problem with his cattle that--as reported--involved slight decrease in food intake and milk production, the LAST thing he would ever test for would be an A strain of Influenza, which is what H5N1 is. SOMEONE set up this testing. This is not what a typical large animal vet would test for in the field.....ever. Someone put them up to this. It was NOT coincidental. No vet went out there and said.....'Hmmm....I wonder if it's SPECIFICALLY H5N1, which has never been found in cattle before? I think that's an economically sound testing option.'

This was a set up....and then, to test the farm worker as well....COME ON.

They went looking for it.

I'm still not convinced the cattle are actually 'infected' though. The diagnosis was made via nasal swab, likely with PCR......I don't believe it.

Oh...and those cows? All fine. That farm worker? Fine.

They are testing the waters to see if we will buy into it again....

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As has been observed ad nauseum, what we are dealing with here is EVIL, PURE EVIL .... the information in your comment is invaluable. Thanks!

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On cue, FDA Commissioner Robert Califf says they are getting ready for H5N1 avian influenza to enter human populations on scale. We called it on Courageous Discourse. https://x.com/McCulloughFund/status/1788351171784049108

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They are actually using SARS-CoV-2 as an excuse to do more of this. They are truly insane!

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Ducks, whatever. Details don’t concern me. The ONE AND ONLY solution is to stop all funding of all biolabs, and destroy and shut down them all. Thanks for nothing, corrupted Congress.

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This article should have the descriptor ‘URGENT’ prior to the title. Shocking this type of work was started after the world had experienced Covid.

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Covid would not be, but for GOF.

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Why don’t we all push back against gain of function research? I am a bird owner of 27 years. He is my baby. He is a Grey Parrot! I have had other birds all of my life and never got sick. Ugh🤦🏻‍♀️

I understand they are targeting mallards, hens and such, but this will trickle down to domesticated birds. Seriously, why don’t we start a petition to eliminate the Frankenstein scientists of the world!!!!


I say petition animal research and , “sorry for saying this as I am not anti-human, but test on prisoners. We need to be aggressive! Maybe we should gain of function research these a-hole scientists that try to rule the world”.

NOT ONE HUMAN CAN PLAY GOD. AND FRANKLY, I AM SO TIRED OF THIS. I WANT PEACE! I ask an avian vet about H2N1, his reply was this is a man-made disease. That was 2011. I looked through the patents for H1N1…and the gain of function research of the swine/bird flu! BS! ITS ALL BS! David Martin should be tested. Who paid him all these years for being an

a-hole at the patent office?!? Oh, wait, I went to his website…evil, vile disgusting person for not letting us know. He claims to hold all patents, (Dr. Judy, has most, like the pcr patent, she bought! I love and believe in her!) WtactualF?!? Martin is another Malone.

I am so angry and I don’t mean to be angry here, but it trickles down to us humans. Someone on here tried to scam me today, next article for my newsletter. Humans are so capable of so many wonderful things, why do we continually have to be negative?!?!?

Exotics are already in danger of extinction, like my Grey and wild cockatoos and parrots in Australia, which pisses me off even more.

We are the caretakers of the animals and we abuse, poach, experiment and hurt animals. I understand that it’s too far in, but really?!?

If my little man and I survived blk mold and aspergillosis,(natural pestilence, killed my dog and my conure) then gain of function is just a bunch of liverwurst. PERIOD.

If it doesn’t work, don’t use it! Like CERN!👍🏼

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Did they succeed in gain-of-function to the point of killing chicken hens directly; USDA "cullers" (mass murderers) not required?

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They cull them, no other help required.

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Thanks for this article. I emailed by Senators, and Representative as well as Rand Paul and Ron Johnson with this message: "Why is this legal? https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/usdachina-doing-gain-of-function. Please stop gain of function research. Why are we creating virulent flus that would NEVER happen in nature in a lab where leaks can occur?"

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Thank you for emailing! That’s awesome. We need to shake this world up and then, pour upside down and let’s see who sticks! All the evil, will fall off and we don’t have to bother with low life idiotic politicians and scientists. One question, Dr. Fauci has a family. I know because his wife is from NJ. What I don’t understand is truly, wouldn’t you want your family to be safe? Don’t people push back and care about their children? Or do these wuhan scientists have AK-47’s aimed at their heads,

to do gain of function? Back in the 80’s I had a friend who worked at “Sandoz” which is now “Novartis”. He had to quit, due to all of the dead monkeys he had to incinerate. He said it was horrible, using shovels to put the monkeys in the fire…that doesn’t scar someone for life! YES IT DOES! 🤬

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Just remember it’s all a ruse. They’re playing games. They need people to believe it’s real or the con won’t work

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All for WHO One Health which is being implemented in other countries. Gof pathogen sharing program. Medicine and vaccine racket err development for created critters. A terror hostage economic planhttps://www.onehealthpoultry.org/

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The public needs to hear you and Dr. McCullough and other independent voices as we face another planned "catastrophe". I'll be paying close attention to Courageous Discourse.

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Gain of Function research is unnecessary and should be banned.

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Gain of Function is badly named purified clones grown in labs at purity levels that NEVER exist in nature. In fact no RNA virus can be cultured and grown because they fail so badly at replication fidelity. It is possible to infect a group locally with these "GoF" clones but the human body will not pass along anything but run of the mill RNA coronavirus because these evil clowns cannot control Nature.. they cannot change the low replication of RNA and cannot pandemic. Only local clone exposure is potent.

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Where is PETA? They should be protesting at these labs.

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Forget PETA. All of these evil labs must be defunded and destroyed.

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This is real life nightmare where all over the world MAD SCIENTISTS compete to see who can come up with the deadliest virus. It is sheer folly to believe they are working on being able to cure it...look at their so called "cure" more harmful than the virus! GOD help us.

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Same M.O. They provoked mass hysteria once, made billions, and have no intention of stopping. Being forewarned is being forearmed, and we are now aware of the rhetoric used to frame a narrative that will 'snow' the public. No excuse this time not to see what is happening, we have the advantage of looking back as a reference that points to the red flags that are noteworthy now.

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To get good GOF research done on chickens, I would suggest using the serum of Washington politicians.

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Good use of DC swampers.

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