What fools make these decisions Either you kill all potential hosts or you let natural immunity take hold.

Never mind there is a preventative treatment using EGCG and theaflavin https://patents.google.com/patent/US8916211B2/en

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Read it and weep, my Boomers.

Who would have thought from a camera and a glass screen of a completely “innocent” TV phenom post WWII would be the genesis of so many false narratives, that lunacy would define the first and only mass generation in American and global history?

As an early Boomer and Nam combat veteran I believe that if America survives the generational self harm done to America by my generation, the division caused by the false narratives that were created by many Boomer followers, and especially by about 8% of their elder pre Boomers (half generation) post WWII, it will be viewed through history as the generation that nearly took down America.

According to the highly educated academic lunatics of DAVOS (WEF/WHO/CCP) and their AI algorithmic analysis, it only takes 8% of a generation to revolutionize a country. Apparently a country of now senior adult Boomers that in 2008 would manipulate the election of a relatively unknown “community organizer” in an election to again attempt to “change bad America”, to spend eight years bowing to enemies of America, cause racial divide worse than the same intentionally tumultuous 1960’s, exacerbated every possible method of self loathsomeness and despicable contempt for America as a whole that took America back to the riots, burning, looting, murder, bombing of the 1960’s where it was first hijacked and manipulated. A Trojan horse of big government Democratic Socialist Party Plantation politics favoring their old friends China and proxy Vietnam, N. Korea, Iran, and anyone with a gripe against America.

Why not then would these same 8% of elder and offspring Boomers that at university in the 1960’s hated on America and anyone in uniform service to her, made Marx popular, and vowed to march through the institutions, not lead their generation into being the most latent, bipolar, self loathing generation of over zealous, over compensating, virtue signaling, apologetic, cross generationally chaotically confused in history. Its cancerous glob’s entire life is a movie, not real, “it does not matter, we will all die by nuclear Armageddon”. After six decades all they talk about is Russia and Khrushchev under ever bed. A generation waiting for someone to tell them what to do, ultimately handing the keys to the asylum to the brilliant lunatics. A generation so fertile post WWII security, they were fooled by the historic hierarchy of academia and medicine’s worst actors, using YES, the TV to denigrate and slander the sane doctors as insane or nefarious to the masses using legacy TV. Nothing has hurt the Boomer generation more over their lifetime than the fake hubris promulgated by Hollywood to New York production of commercial marketing by people that hate their “stupid” customers. People that never fought a war but have big opinions about wars, hate the word soldier (little green plastic men), self defense, but hire private security on your dime because of personal paranoia and defund police from protecting you. With the help of their eugenicists friends, it makes sense to lunatics that collateral damage is a good thing, and run the theory through the historic Democrat Plantation Party that brags “never lets a crisis go to waste” is a joke. From a generation’s 8% of instigators and enemy manipulators we get a strain of influencers.

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Flashback 2005 F. William Engdahl ~ Bird Flu aka Rummyflu

On November 1, President George W. Bush went to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland to hold a high profile press conference, to announce a 381-page plan, officially called the Pandemic Influenza Strategic Plan.

It was no ordinary Bush photo opportunity. This one was meant to be a big splash event. The President was surrounded by almost half his cabinet, including Secretary of State Condi Rice, joined by the Secretaries of Homeland Security, Agriculture, Health & Human Services, Transportation and, interestingly enough, Veteran Affairs. And, just to underscore that this was a big deal, the White House invited the Director-General of the World Health Organization, who flew in from Geneva for the occasion....

Abolishing the Nuremburg Code on Human Rights in Experimentation

Now the Bush Administration is seeking to vastly expand that drug company immunity, using the climate of fear around Avian Flu.

The President, in his November 1 NIH pandemic speech, proposed completely exempting drug makers from being sued for their products. Explicitly he termed it ‘liability protection for the makers of life-saving vaccines.’ Stripped of its nice-sounding noble rhetoric, it means drug makers can produce and promote whatever they choose to foist on the public, whether it be Vistide, Tamiflu or Thalidomide, and fear no legal consequences.

One need only think for a minute about the consequences of removing the gains of more than a Century of bitter battles to establish even minimal controls over what drugs can be sold to the public.


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