There never was a SARS CoV2 virus, or need for masking, vaxxines, or lockdown.

35million vaxxed are dead. Millions of Americans are sick and dying. Millions more are permanently vaxxine damaged for life.

Funeral Directors are ordering 30% more Infant-Child size coffins, up from the 20% last year.

So why is Donald Trump, STILL LYING to the American people and telling them there is a deadly virus and that the genocidal vaxxines are safe and to take them???

Every time he brags about Warp Speed.

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"No virus" is beyond tiresome. Coronavirus is rather large in viral terms. What is it, if not a virus? Some other toxicant in chemtrails?

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Yesterday I was told by a newspaper "journalist" from the Albany Times Union that chemtrails are a conspiracy! He expected me to provide him all the data! I told him it was his job to research not mine. Lol. I'm so fed up with dealing with ignorance, I called him a libtard and told him to wake up!

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SaHIB, Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada which ENDED MANDATES in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.


PS. Its the radiation poisoning from the 5(G) grid that is making the people sick. Radiation poisoning from the 40,000 (FORTY THOUSAND!) satellites launched to complete the 5(G) grid that are now beaming 5(G) radiation down on us, continually.

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I had 5G(Hz) Wi-Fi in my house for 5 years before I came down with Covid on 29 February, 2020, and the outside grid wasn't installed for yet another year.

Daft premise on which to decide such a court case. They may be 30 kilodaltons (very large for a virus other than bacteriophages), but still quite tiny enough to spread more than 6 feet if not in fomite form, and pass through most masks. Where were the UV lights that could have destroyed these viruses? I suspect they were transmitted outside via biotrailing. Early in the morning in low-UV winter, and usually during inversions, or at least cloudy or overcast conditions.

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"5 years before I came down with Covid on 29 February, 2020"

Yes, the big 40,000 satellites 5(G) grid was not activated until December of 2019, in Woohan, China.*

*edited, originally read "2020", but it was December'19.

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from global analysis of all cause mortality

there is no evidence that anything was spreading

but there is plenty of evidence of peaks of iatrogenic death

i.e. death resulting from unusual medical treatment in geographic hotspots

such as Bergamo (Italy) and NYC

there is similar evidence of peaks of death

corresponding with the injection campaigns

the only conclusions from these facts are

there was no spreading infectious pathogen


so there was no 'pandemic'

only a 'pandemic' of PCR testing using a fake test

if you need proof

go to work of Denis Rancourt (among many others)

who have thoroughly analysed all cause mortality


dead men do not lie

this did not need a 'virus'

it was a 'false-flag' terror attack on humanity

achieved by deadly propaganda creating a pandemic illusion

that's all

why was all this done?

follow the money to find the criminals

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See Bill Rice' Substack about "early spread" of Influenza-Like Illness (ILI).


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"why was all this done?"

Pole Shift.

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Something to do with crustal shift, or are you concerned about the movement of the magnetic poles? Does Trumpenstein want the rare earth minerals (neodymium, samarium, etc.) to build a permanent magnetic field?

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Magnetic Pole shift. Every 25,000 years the Earth flips its Magnetic North/South axis.

The Evil do the same thing at the end of every Earth Cycle, they run up the population, herd everyone into the cities, get everyone sick and dying, make a fortune in Pharmaceuticals and War, kill off the herd, shut down their industries, and leave. Before the Pole Shift.

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So which scientist was around 25,000 years ago to tell us about the pole shift?...

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And now-multimillionaire Fauci gets away scot free, with a generous sinecure for his perch at Georgetown University.

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The medical establishment, associations, research, institutes, corporate-medicine... ARE ALL PHARMA WHORES.

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Yet , my family said I was the crazy conspiracy lunatic one for not getting any Covid vaccines!!!!

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Mine is quite divided. Mostly pro-injection, which they think will keep them healthy, despite extensive allergies, eczema, etc. Hey, those conspiracies are all in your head!

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Well this is weird, somebody better tell President Trump and his team because their full steam ahead with more MRNA injections.... I find it really really hard to believe that he doesn't already know this... What gives?

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Aunt Ph, - I know, right? Whenever I comment on this, people accuse me of being a ‘never Trumper’.

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This conversation reminds me once again of statements made by a tiny group of individuals funded ny the Rockefeller Foundation🥰, the Club Of Rome, who famously said that Mother Earth's NO.1 ENEMY is HUMANITY!!

When folks at the Top Of The proverbial global FOOD CHAIN don't want too many polluting eaters to have access to high-quality foods and drinks, is it any surprise that PREDATORS like Bill 'Kill' Gates and another notorios Global MAFIA, BigPharma, PROFITABLY inject HUMANITY with legalised poisons which diminish their natural defenses and as a result, health.

This is the ultimate 'Cash Cow' for the Pharma PREDATORS and guarantees a long-lasting flow of huge profits👹😎!!

Reminder : It was the United States DEFENSE DEPARTMENT 'contractors' who manufactured BILLIONS of experimental NON-CONFORM 'products' that were EVILLY injected into the bodies of more than 5.5 BILLION citizens who were abused by a Military Grade PSYCHOLOGICAL media OPERATION😇.

The canadian Professor Denis Rancourt did some thorough research and revealed that at least 1 MILLION US citizens died as a result of the Snake-Oil jabs and globally, 17 MILLION.

Not to mention the huge number of survivors who still live with health problems.

It might be interesting to regularly invite someone who was interviewed by Robert Francis Kennedy jr., an ex-BigPharma executive Sasha LATYPOVA!!

Bonne journée.


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Thank you to Dr. Nicholas H., and Dr. McCullough and the Foundation and the work they are doing to keep us informed, fight for removal of these vaccines, and providing us with information on what to do to address the toxins in our systems. Thank you!

I only wish I had listened sooner before getting the jabs.

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Why toxins in particular, rather than toxicants generally? For the "no virus" contingent, viruses are etymologically venoms.

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any info on the J&J vaccine? It's called the "one and done vax"

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They’re all bad.

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of course they are all bad, but I have a friend who feels he got the least harmfull, I'd just like to find out if anyone has any real knowledge.

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warp speed may well be coming back check out the james roguski substack for the details

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I just saw that Biden extended the emergency protection act for mRNA vaccines through 2029. Who needs protection from lawsuits for 10 years when their product is 100% safe for EVERYONE on the planet? I know… stupid question, right?

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BiDUMB is a useless fool for the useless tool ovomit. Arrest both and try and execute.

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No executive order to rescind the extension?

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He signed a large number of executive orders, just not a vital one regarding injections. Oops.

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I have 4 dogs, i love dogs but i didnt click on this news story to hear about your dog, your wife, and all your personal issues. I am very busy and searching for truthful news, i dont have any left over time for you.

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I couldn’t finish watching the video because that guy wouldn’t shut up about his dog playing with a squeak toy. Sheesh.

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Nuremberg 2.0 NOW!!!

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Hey Jibber Jabbers! Get another JIBBERJAB into ya! 👍 WOOHOO! Lovn dat juicy mRNA death mmm mmm! We've a whole BUNCH of Darwin Awards to give away today! Are ya ready??? YAYYYY! JIBBERJAB TIME! 🎉🎊🎋

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