Actually, the causes are MI, stroke, clotting, etc., etc. [MANY pages of them, according to U.S. agency publications]; the jabs are the murder WEAPONS. Navalny's card in the old board game of "Clue" would have read, "BNT16b2 in the 'Polar Wolf' infirmary" or something like that ...
I read Armstrong economics blogs. Navalny was. CIA/Mi6 Asset . It’s worth reading his blogs even if you’re not interested in the economic side of his posts. The neocons have been trying to destroy Russia since the early 1900’s . Even the Balfour agreement circa 1914, exposes their double dealing attempt to destroy Russia.
Martin Armstrong is a well connected guy who not only knows his economics, but he also has a pretty good understanding of how the world works. He's also a bit of an historian. The establishment also doesn't like him very much, which is another big reason that I like and trust him.
Nice to know I'm not the only one who thought this. I figured Putin looked so good in that interview someone on our side killed Navalny to remind us "Putin bad. Biden good."
Frankly, I don't care one way or another nor do I trust "leaders". The fact is, we know political dissidents are often punished in extreme ways in Russia. And oh yeah, in America too, only by different means.
When O'Biden starts crowing and posturing about it, I become more skeptical of whatever eventually makes its way out of his mouth.
In a nutshell, I find Navalny irrelevant to the sustained and coordinated destruction of the West.
You should check Navalny's COVID vaccination status.
My son in laws parents both died days after receiving a COVID mRNA booster of... you guessed it, massive blood clots in the heart. Just a coincidence I'm sure...NOT!. Australian authorities also declined to do an autopsy in one case because he died whilst being resuscitated and, in the case of the mother, they would not follow the Burkhardt protocol which would have more likely determined the real cause of death.
So very sorry. Utterly criminal. Australia was beyond insane, as was (and is) Germany, where Navalny would without the slightest doubt have been subjected to Pfizer's BNT16b2.
Next, maybe the intel source will tell us which 💉brand he received as his “voluntary” booster.
Whatever they used in Germany in 2020. Ask Eugyppius.
Thank you for this link. Triple vaxxed ... it does seem likely. And Germany was Pfizer all the way, inflicting Astrazeneca only on seniors.
(sigh) ... I got a screen with nothing but a very polite message: "You don't have permission to view this page."
They can pick any group and keep giving them Covid boosters, or the new vaccine du jour, until they clot up and die.
They can't pick the "Substack Subscribers" group! They'll come after Us some other way(s).
So Clot Shot Death Jabs are now considered natural causes of death? Got it.
That is what David Frum wrote about the sudden death of his 31 yr old daughter. Even parents can't face it.
Denial isn't a river in Egypt.
Actually, the causes are MI, stroke, clotting, etc., etc. [MANY pages of them, according to U.S. agency publications]; the jabs are the murder WEAPONS. Navalny's card in the old board game of "Clue" would have read, "BNT16b2 in the 'Polar Wolf' infirmary" or something like that ...
Unnatural selection, I would posit.
The neo cons will not stop till they have gotten grandpa joe to okay a war against Russia
I read Armstrong economics blogs. Navalny was. CIA/Mi6 Asset . It’s worth reading his blogs even if you’re not interested in the economic side of his posts. The neocons have been trying to destroy Russia since the early 1900’s . Even the Balfour agreement circa 1914, exposes their double dealing attempt to destroy Russia.
Martin Armstrong is a well connected guy who not only knows his economics, but he also has a pretty good understanding of how the world works. He's also a bit of an historian. The establishment also doesn't like him very much, which is another big reason that I like and trust him.
Martin Armstrong is a regular of Greg Hunter's
Oh, vaxxed huh?
I wonder how many mRNA injections he received.
Danny Huckabee
Clot shot?
Nice to know I'm not the only one who thought this. I figured Putin looked so good in that interview someone on our side killed Navalny to remind us "Putin bad. Biden good."
Frankly, I don't care one way or another nor do I trust "leaders". The fact is, we know political dissidents are often punished in extreme ways in Russia. And oh yeah, in America too, only by different means.
When O'Biden starts crowing and posturing about it, I become more skeptical of whatever eventually makes its way out of his mouth.
In a nutshell, I find Navalny irrelevant to the sustained and coordinated destruction of the West.
Vaxx whacked
Lets see the MSM quietly bury this story eh?
Was he COVID-vaccinated, and when? How many shots did he have?
You should check Navalny's COVID vaccination status.
My son in laws parents both died days after receiving a COVID mRNA booster of... you guessed it, massive blood clots in the heart. Just a coincidence I'm sure...NOT!. Australian authorities also declined to do an autopsy in one case because he died whilst being resuscitated and, in the case of the mother, they would not follow the Burkhardt protocol which would have more likely determined the real cause of death.
So very sorry. Utterly criminal. Australia was beyond insane, as was (and is) Germany, where Navalny would without the slightest doubt have been subjected to Pfizer's BNT16b2.
Sooo Pfizer killed him?