Feels rather odd to be liking and agreeing with something a politician is doing. Good news. Thanks Tulsi. Thanks for the update.

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Feb 27Edited
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The geoengineering in the skies today in Alberta was completely insane!

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Too bad you can’t show us a picture of it but I believe you they are doing it everywhere and we need to LOOK UP AND TAKE A PICTURE📱🙄👏🏼

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Go Tulsi!!!

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“The NSA pervert ring is further evidence that many people who have been employed in federal agencies don’t have anything useful to do or to contribute to the wellbeing of the republic and should be fired.” My. Thoughts. EXACTLY. That and the well known idea that people who dabble in strange sexual perversions are security risks. Ya think???

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I think all of these agencies that have had massive layoffs were involved in perversions. The truth won’t get out because the ones that pervert own the media. They will not tell on themselves.Since Biden was mentally nonexistent during most of his presidency,

the most evil and wicked of them had total control and switched many federal agencies to places that would make Caligula blush.

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Of course Biden was “out to lunch mentally” for at least 4 years, but can you imagine if he HAD been sane? With he and his entire family’s known “habits and behaviors”, none of us would have a “pot left to tinkle in” (as my mother used to say). I hope Trump and his cabinet will CLEAN HOUSE and that includes Biden and everyone he pardoned to cover his 🫏.

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Remember “lock her up?” Nothing.

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The goal is globalization. Biden was rigged to bring in immigrants to weaken US nationality. I believe they let Trump win to appease the angry masses. In 2016 when Trump won they were not prepared. They rigged it a lot for Hillary but not enough. They wouldn’t let Trump move. They tied him up with foolish lawsuits and blocked most of his agendas.

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My mother had that same expression, except she used the more adult word for “tinkle.”

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I believe they medicated him during his whole presidency. Meaning accelerating his dementia- purposely. The cabinet had a hell of a time- while the cat’s away, the mice did play.

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It’s always about pedophilia.

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And money 💰

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KUDOS, Tulsi!

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I didn't realize the depths of outside infiltration into our government until recently.

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Thanks Tulsi! This sounds like a good whistle blower, but some are in it for revenge and money, 25 to 30% of the fine. In Elgin ND, we have had an AAG who "investigated" our hospital 3.5 years and failed to turn up 3000 felonies and has assigned a patient death to the wrong doc. A little bias and easy pickens?

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I'm thanking the Lord every day for such decisions being made. Thanks to whistleblowers!

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I cannot believe someone is actually holding these filthy people accountable.

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They are not really doing that where are the prosecutions of ALL AT THE TOP? She will not touch them , or they have ALL ALREADY BEEN PARDONED . MASS MURDER from the death shots has not been touched and SHE WILL NOT DO IT.What we are really just seeing is OPERATION WARP SPEED 2.0

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It’s like I’m screaming where is RFK Jr. during this bird flu hoax? Why is he allowing mass slaughtering of chickens for a hoax? He hasn’t said a peep. Rising egg and chicken prices for nothing. Or for a vaccine. Or to weaken China. Where is he??

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He’s been confirmed for a week. Give him time - it’s Biden’s people who are responsible for the chicken culling. Btw, if it’s bird flu why aren’t other birds being affected? Why only chickens? Rhetorical question as I already know the answer.

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I have heard they have targeted the ostrich population as well.

Apparently ostriches possess some kind of viral immunity which may help humans as well. This was being studied and then the wonderful Canadian government decided that ostriches 'tested positive' and needed culling...

Absolutely horrific story. This must be stopped.

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I have a news flash for everyone they are targeting ALL NATURAL , MIRACULOUS LIFE .They are a death cult , that thinks they can HACK and re -engineer all life Go listen to insane Hurari, or Schwab. These monsters are a danger to ALL LIFE.

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They are inbred lunatic psychopaths with criminal chromosomes.

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The engineered food famine is NOT NEW OR CONTAINED TO THIS RECENT BIRD CULLING , THIS HAS BEEN IN OPERATION FULLY FOR DECADES. What do you think GMO FOODS /ROUNDUP /POISON IS . 45 years of creating cancer and death. You do know that ROUNDUP is nearly identical to snake venom dont you .

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I agree with what Thomas said- the bird flu (hoax) is untouchable. He is not allowed to investigate or he never had any intention because he is controlled opposition.

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I have met this man 3 times , know all family history , former girlfriend grew up with JFK Jr from private prep grade school through Brown U. I learned alot. Kennedy's are AMERICAN newcomer Illuminati.

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Then why were they assassinated? Because they strayed?

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Keep screaming because he will not touch these things , nor does his position really have the power to stop them or UNDUE THE DAMAGE ALREADY DONE , or operations in progress . The mass culling of poultry based on fake bird flu BS is to further enhance the ENGINEERED FOOD FAMINE ALREADY 8/10 THS IN PLACE .He is second level controlled opposition.

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Thank you for being awake and aware now stay safe my friend.

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I could say the same to you, as most people are expecting big things from him and Trump, poor dreamers 😑.It's a sad sad world we live in.

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Couldn't agree more. Has he actually accomplished ANYTHING yet? Much pontificating but little action!

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You cannot "pardon" a murder.

What are figures? How many people have died

from the "jab"?....

It was never "tested"....

There was no "pandemic"...see the work of Dr. Denis Rancourt (substack}

This "vaccine" was created to hurt, to maim and to kill.... See Dr. MIke Yeadon

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Not PROSECUTING is the same as pardoning.

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Im completely aware of that and predicted it all long before it was launched , because it was openly talked about for decades before. Other technologies for total control and enslavement and depopulation have been as well ALL these controlled opposition players are put in to deflect REAL stopping and removal of these operations .

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Exactly. Thats why they floated through the confirmation process. What? Not one was stopped?

They are all controlled opposition. The agenda is so big and so perverted, they will never stop the push for globalization.

Initially it was meant to be little by little so no one would notice. But the internet changed everything and they are going full force.

What do you think of Russia, China and Iran IMO our last hope?

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NO unfortunately, I cant speak to well about IRAN , but they ARE THE MAIN AND REAL TARGET now that American/TRUMP supported GENOCIDE in Gaza is essentially complete and now just a REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT FOR THE EVIL KUSHNER/TRUMP/MOSSAD REAL ESTATE GRABS. Russia and China are promoting and pushing all the DIGITAL GULAG enslavement as well , and of course China is far advanced in that and the chosen model by the globalists. The BRICS development is way ahead, and just positioning to survive the collapse , everybody wants to be TOP DOG in the new arrangement, but all are still moving toward the same goals at this point . I have been to Russia 3 times. But that is NOT to say there is not resistance and development all over NATURE is our best hope , but we must survive its efforts to clean up this mess .

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Russia, China and Iran are the Axis of resistance. Nature will not save us.

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Thank you for being awake and knowing this is all techno fraud operation warp speed 2.0 to turn everything over to A.I control and enslavement. Sure brag about reducing a bloated tyrannical government agencies , you only need one administrator , a computer AND A.I., everyone else now just go to your smart city cubby hole , plug into the metaverse and get your digital vaxx passport for UNIVERSAL GUARANTEED INCOME JUST ENOUGH TO BUY POISON RECONSTITUTED PLASTIC FOR FOOD .

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Great news. Let the firing slaughter continue. They need to make sure they get them all...in all agencies.

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Why am I so NOT surprised....It has been said by those who in are reputedly in the know that we live in a "pedocracy"....meaning pedophiles are running the show....It's a theory...Just a theory.

Makes some sense considering what we have now witnessed.

Eaters of Children: The Pedocracy Exposed: How access to power is ...blah blah...

google to read.

Johnny Cirucci shows a world system of pedophilia that he terms the "pedocracy." It is a system created by devil worshippers that goes back to Babylon

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Not a theory, a fact.

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I once worked with a NSA police officer. He was put on leave for making a comment among these people back in 2010. He told me stuff that would blow this little sex ring away ! There are actually many who have been placed on the NSA payroll just so they can keep track of them ! I would really like someone like Bill Binney to come forward now about this run away DEEP STATE organization that is supposed to be for the SECURITY & PROTECTION of the United States 🇺🇸?

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…. Finally 💥🎯

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Cleaning up all the garbage!

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It's only the beginning. There is a ton more....hidden.

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Tulsi gal!!! I think I love you noble woman!

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