I didn't find it onerous at all to listen to the history and back up to explain Russia's stance on how they believe we arrived to this point. I found it refreshing that Putin/Russia DOESN'T forget their history and their past. They plan 50-100 years out for their country, with a vision for their citizens, while we change directions every 2-4-6 years depending on elections with no real long term goals and throwing our own history in the trash. Fascinating interview, worth listening to a second time.
yes. One thing another commenter brought out is that Putin seems to genuinely love Russia and love its people. What a stark difference between the leader of Russia and our own leaders who lie to us, call us names, tell us we're taking up space and have unacceptable views, who basically hate us and want us dead.
there was no recognition that when Ukraine was under Stalin's Russian domination they were starved as the food they produced was stolen from them and fed to Russians. Putin's views are definitely cherry picked...he had the nerve to say that Poland started the war even after admitting that Germany made them an offer they refused which caused Germany to attack to enforce their desires. Poland was attacked that is history.
Of course Poland together with Briton started the war .Neither one was interested acting in good faith .or talks .England and France declared war on Germany ,staring W.W.2 .
A worthwhile read for you would be: Pat Buchanan's: "Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary war." I think a curse should rest on me — because I love this war. I know it's smashing and shattering the lives of thousands every moment — and yet — I can't help it — I enjoy every second of it.
I don’t think you understand the facts about how the Nazi leaders in Kiev, placed in power by the US in 2014, were bombing eastern Ukraine ( Russian speaking citizens ) for about 8 years.
Putin was very reasonable and patient in his demands which included no NATO missiles on his border and equal treatment for Russians under the law.
He said he tried to negotiate a peace treaty but Biden was against it. 🤔 Makes one wonder why. Ukraine & American oligarchs must be benefiting financially.
There's an old STUCK mindset in the heads of a lot of people in DC that can't seem to let go of the idea of taking Russia down, at virtually any price. Remember when old Joe even let that slip on stage? Oh, they had to reel back that one! - It's the multiple intelligence agencies, the State Dept. and a list of other agencies and public/privates that run this country (along with other unknowns). The people have so little say, it's pathetic. I imagine a day if we're actually threating Russia's very existence, those in the know will agree with Russia sending its missiles this way. They have the right to exist EQUALLY to our same right. DC has become the Soviet Union of the 60s and 70s.
willfulknowledge demonstrates that the situation in the usa is WORSE than I realized. Hunter seen this coming: The downward spiral of Dumbness in America is about to hit a new low.
Cui Bono? In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.
Good observation. For some time I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy making arm of the government.
I am on my fourth. Imagine any US President or UK Prime Minster saying so many complex and interesting things without any handlers or script writers or interruptions.
He made western leaders look pathetic by comparison. And as another said, he cares about his country, unlike western leaders. It's no wonder we're going down the tubes. We vote for these scoundrels, we deserve it.
I was speaking of the population of Western countries collectively. Not the tiny minority of less than 10% who see through this obvious BS from the beginning. Of course we don't deserve it, but we'll go down with the great masses who drown us out and DO deserve it. Of course I'm glad more are waking up that something was wrong with our COVID response, but the late awakeners don't really get it. Anyone fooled so easily will be easily fooled again - they lack vital substance.
Trump actually talks without a script. He isn't well informed though. Ron Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Bernie Sanders, RFK jr, Vivek... we have a lot who can talk off script and are informed and interesting but they are all just marganalized by our controlled media and political parties. The Tucker Carlson interview with MTG was very interesting. She went over in detail her election and why the GOP hates her so much. It wasn't her position to win. She isn't supposed to be there. Most Americans are completely unaware how controlled our politicians are.
"Russia" started in Kiev. If y'all are such believers in historic settings why should we have Kiev ruled by Moscow which wasn't part of "Russia" until later??
Pooties did not mention Stalin starving 9 million eastern Ukrainians and then COLONIZING it with other Russians. Yuh think maybe this is a reason for unrest between Russian speakers in Eastern Ukraine and the rest of the country?? How many troops, materiel, and money did Pooties spend supporting those separatists?
Read up on the Holodomor.
They plan 50-100 years in advance? That almost scores at the top for hubris and arrogance. Humans simply can't do that SUCCESSFULLY. Maybe not even with AI. What is the point of their plan? What has actually been accomplished through that planning? Seems to be one disaster after another. Maybe worse than America.
Totally agree. Especially liked Putin's comment as to what Summer stated about sending Americans to Russia to fight if we fail to send another $66 billion to Ukraine to keep the war going when America has enough of its own border problems. Summer needs to remove himself so we don't end up in WWIII.
In thinking about the relationship between Russia and the U.S., one should not forget that Putin maintains himself in power by killing his political opponents, often by having them poisoned.
It was a great pleasure to listen to such an accomplished and articulate world leader as Pres. Putin. What a gift for the Russian people. How sad that our leaders in the US are so incompetent and actually evil. Lord Jesus help us!!! Thanks to Tucker Carlson for a job well done.
Ahh yes. The world leader with the most puppet media and gubmint officials threatening the west with Nukes after invading a peaceful country TWICE not to mention Georgia, Moldova, and other areas and lying about how it is NATO expansion that is dangerous. How many talking heads and gubmint officials in the west have been threatening to nuke Russia?!?!?
Read up on the Holodomor. Pooties wasn't involved, BUT, he has successfully used the aftermath to run a Russian speaking separatist movement to give him a reason to invade Ukraine.
Putin is so competent that his vaunted military was unable to subdue a nation less than 1/3d its size that was woefully under-armed at the beginning of the invasion.
That's what warmongers think. Putin could have eradicated Ukraine if he wanted to just like Israel and the US bombing Gaza into the stone Age and committing genocide. Putin did not want to do that, he has higher moral character than the bloodthirsty West.
One thing I found telling was that, when talking about the Minsk Accords, Putin did not bring up the fact that Angela Merkel publicly advised that this ‘agreement’ was solely a ploy to allow the west to continue to build up and train the Ukrainian military, for the eventual conflict. Putin is a lawyer, intelligent, reasonable ,etc. I have heard his speeches before, and found this interview very interesting. I believe that he went through the entirety of Russia’s history with Ukraine, as he is well aware that most Americans have no idea about any of this. Tucker should not have become ‘impatient’ with this history lesson. After all, we have seen that when some Americans are asked who Washington DC was named after, they do not know the answer. I suspect that Putin felt a bit of education might be helpful to some Americans.
Merkel’s comment was made well after February 24, 2022, after the conflict began. The German and French duplicity, I felt, was basically about their denial in upholding the Accords that they had signed on to and were meant to enforce. But Merkel’s statement went a step further, indicating that the Accord itself was fraudulent, and only a ploy to gain more time to militarize Ukraine.
OK, y'all are distorting my mind. Why is it necessary to be honest with a blatant aggressor??? Pooties was repeating the story of dozens of insurgencies run by the Soviets all over the world. Find a group with a chip on its shoulder and instigate it to separate/revolt and then provide it with money, weapons, supplies, propaganda services... Pooties was totally in the wrong in Ukraine from the beginning.
Read about the Holodomor and how the stage was set during the Soviet era for this to become an issue.
I would like to remind you that ‘Soviet’ has nothing to do with ‘Russia’. Of course, the powers that be want you to continue to think about Russia as if it was the USSR. Putin was not in power while the USSR existed. And Russia existed for centuries, well before the USSR was ever conceived. Putin’s entire speech about the history of Russia and Ukraine was an attempt to educate people as to the history of this region. Forget about ‘USSR’….it no longer exists.
From your comments it looks like distorting your mind is not very hard to do.
You can clear your mind by not reading propaganda but reading what happened in 2014 and Victoria Nuland. The neo-cons like Ukraine and have made sure that over 500k have been killed and maimed.
I think Tucker is used to "filibusters" by our politicians, Trump is great at that, and he felt like Putin was doing it to not answer the question. He came to realize there was more to it than that.
Yes, I believe that perhaps in hindsight, Tucker realized that in order for Americans to understand the Russian perspective, they needed to understand the Russian history in the region.
In a short video post-interview, and in fact, I believe also in the quick opening video to the interview, Tucker mentioned that he had grown impatient and probably shouldn't have. At least, that's how I interpreted his comments.
Yes, I saw that too. Aside from that, I did think that Tucker kind of lost a bit of track at about the 1:40:00 mark, was kind of distracted by his ‘intense’ facial expression, and quite curious as to why Putin had the interpreters earpiece on, waiting to answer while he listened to the translation, yet Tucker had no visible earpiece on and seemed to continue the conversation without any hesitation. I also wonder whether some of Tucker’s questions, and the slight air of antagonism now and then, was not meant to ward off some of the hysteria we have seen regarding the prospect of this interview.
It seems that Pooties is going revisionist on the 1997 NATO agreement. Yeltsin signed the NATO agreement that explicity stated NATO's expansion was not to be interfered with. Pooties was part of the Yeltsin regime. Pooties then made noises like he would like to be in NATO. Two problems with that. You must ASK to get into NATO. Pooties has never formally requested to be added. Your Military must have civilian control. The Russian Military answers ONLY to Pooties, kinda like a Dictatorship. So, whether there were VERBAL suggestions of NATO never expanding to the east ended with a signature in 1997 of the Russian head of state whom Pooties worked with.
Here’s a question for you. How about the Chinese army install installations in Mexico. What do you think the US would do? The situation is the same, with NATO coming into Ukraine. And the Minsk Accord indicated that Ukraine was going to be neutral, which supersedes anything that was agreed to before. By the way, Yeltsin did NOT agree to NATO on the Russian border.
Or maybe just an MSM ignoramus? I’ve seen videos where they ask people on the street, ‘Who was Washington DC named after?’, and they don’t know the answer. LOL.
The interview is long and detailed and requires careful listening. It's somehow dissimilar from the pomp, pablum and propaganda we get from our own leaders, where Biden is posed against an ominous black and red military backdrop for example. I was astonished by the great, thoughtful care Putin took to put forward his side of the story. There were several times when Tucker asked a pointed question and Putin steered the conversation in another direction, and I suspected dishonesty. On the whole it was an important history lesson and a pointed critique of the US approach of doing something outlandish and then urging all of us to forget it had happened--even as we were suffering the consequences. I applaud Putin for repeatedly urging us to consider cause and effect first, and ideology second.
You were right to suspect dishonesty. I speak Russian fluently, have been following Putin's trajectory closely, and I know history. Putin has never been one to be trusted, and now is not the time to start... For example, he says that it's the West that isolated him. Now after the war, yes. But back in early 2000's it was HE who very intentionally and deliberately took steps that would isolate Russians from the West, such as SHUTTING DOWN exhibits that portrayed America in a positive light... And he says he has no plans to attack anyone. Which is EXACTLY what he said regarding Ukraine to push through a deal that removed nuclear weapons from Ukraine... This interview IS A PSY-OP to help him win the war. I do not know if Tucker is a Russian asset, but he is acting like one...
Apparently you are listening to my favorite Right Wing or conservative bloviators. I am still gobsmacked at how consistent it has been in its support of the lying, murdering Pooties. Oh yeah, in spite of the criminal west's dribbling armament to Ukraine, enriching the military industrial complex as much as the scam pandemic did for the medical industry, Ukraine is nowhere near being defeated. Russia is burning through equipment so fast the term meat assault is the standard instead of the exception. No I am not predicting a winner. Who knows what these insanely arrogant evil rulers on both sides have in store for us? Another 100 year war??
We live in a Plutocracy not a representative republic. Tucker is fighting against that like Trump. Quoting a psychopath like Hilary shows that you chose the blue pill
After the interview, I was not sure if Tucker is a Russian asset... But then I read his commentary, where he said that Putin can be trusted about not having reason to attack Poland because he has "enough land" already. Are we supposed to forget Russia's land grab of 1939 (the Molotov accords) -- when they had even more land? I do not believe Tucker's knowlege of history is THIS bad, so the only alternative is that he is working for them.
Putin has a pretty sordid history. His rise to power is littered with assassinations, incarcerations, and extortions of his rivals, both in his politics and his business dealings. I agree that he was provoked into invading the Ukraine with NATO expansionism, but I’m not ready to lionize the man. I have libtard friends who assert that Putin is “a bad man.” I tell them they’re right, but for the wrong reasons.
Hey Andy….I can’t think of a country anywhere with a “sordid history” that comes even close to the USA. All is carefully swept under the table, and what isn’t is lied about by politically controlled media.
The same way we became aware of our own gubmints criminality. It certainly wasn't the Lamestream Enemedia that used to glorify Stalin and Russia and then switched to Pooties when he first became ruler. The switch from praise to condemnation for at least the US Media was between the Clinton's Uranium One scandal and Hitlery's using Russia, Russia, Russia to attack Trump. Of course, after Hitlery seemingly drove the switch we did get already known info in the Lamestream Enemedia.
I would think you would show how the US has killed millions over the last 50 years around the world. The US has over 800 installations to do such death and destruction.
Besides talking about invading the neo-Nazis in Ukraine where else has Russia invaded. Tell us how many countries the US has caused coup 'd tats since the early 50's? Read about Victoria Nuland and Ukraine. It is interesting reading.
Hi Marilyn--our country’s sordid past doesn’t mitigate Putin’s sordid past. Everyone’s gushing over him after his interview with Tucker. Meanwhile ost of his former business and political rivals are dead or in jail. I still agree with his stance on the Ukraine situation, but I won’t be charmed by him.
Take some time, try to find some honest research material (not sure if this is possible anymore) on both USSR and USA. The west has always painted Russia as something horrid and fearful, often to buck up their own misguided actions. Every story has two sides. When you see how easily the whole world was controlled by propaganda based fear during COVID farce. Don’t underestimate same tactics and propaganda when it comes to planting distrust and hatred for other countries.
Comparing the USA to Russia has nothing to do with my argument. That said, I lived in Baku during Heydar Aliev’s post-USSR, kleptocratic reign. It was nothing like the USA--corruption, poverty, human trafficking, were rampant and overt. At the orphanage I visited, the women who worked there would steal the candy we gave to the kids. Aliev was Putin’s mentor in the KGB. These are not kind men. They are smart and cunning (unlike Biden). In his interview with Tucker, Putin seems to be speaking honestly, but these days, for the USA, honesty is the most damning language. My simple point is, Putin deserves credit for what he says in the interview, but I repeat: I won’t be charmed by him.
Corruption….your government in US, and mine in Canada currently take first prize on corruption…..they’re just a wee bit more discreet than some countries. Poverty and human trafficking are rampant as well. The movie, “Sound of Freedom” gave us some shocking insight! I worked in southern Sudan several years back. The poverty and corruption there was no different than here….just a bit more out in the open and a fact of life there. Like it or not, it’s all around us here in both our countries. A city in southern Ontario just declared a national emergency due to drug overdoses, homelessness and crime. Subscribe to The EpochTimes…it will bring you news that’s dead on truthful. I don’t just dream up what I’ve said here.
He may have been leery of NATO expansion but he wasn't provoked into the invasion by the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO. Both France and Germany were opposed. At one point he even acknowledged the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO. In May of 2002 he said Ukraine was entitled to decide on its own whether to join NATO. http://www.en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/43122
Do you believe Putin had Nord stream pipeline blown up as an excuse to escalate the war, or did the U.S. blow it up to continue funding Zelenskyy repeatedly?
It doesn't matter. Pooties invaded a peaceful country that he had been attacking (providing military assistance and training separatists) for at least 6 years. Getting your assets depleted and depleting your enemies is normal during open warfare.
For useful history look up the Holodomor that provided eastern Ukraine with its Russian speaking "colony" Pooties use and radicalized many Ukrainians to pick Nazis over Communists.
You need to learn a little bit about the US. Ukraine was a peaceful country. Since the coup in 2014 by the neo-Nazis the Ukrainian military has been bombing the civilians in Donbas. There were over 10,000 Ukrainian citizens killed that are ethnic Russian are citizens of Ukraine. Putin said in the interview that Ukraine was planning to escalate the bombings and there is proof of this. So, Putin was correct in saying the war started in 2014.
Explains why the Neocons so love LNG, despite it being extremely wasteful. Blowing up the pipelines allows them to extort both the Europeans and the Americans, thus funding their war.
I will defer to your understanding of the Russian govt. It is no better than any other major power center of the world; they all play "reason" games on the citizens they rule. Seems to me that at this time Putin is in the lead on the game board. The US is showing its weakness.
Oh please. Like all the PHDs completely pulled into the covid scam. A lot of people are waking up to the basic moral compass and decency of most of mankind. I avoided the use of 'common sense.'
Good lord man, why sully the narrative with facts? Of course it's psy-ops and it looks like much of the West fell for it. There are several different motivations for the invasion: 1; A reassertion of Great Power status, 2; a belief that Ukraine is nothing more than a nation of errant Russians, 3; An attempt to forestall the demographic decline of the Slavic population of Russia with the addition of ~44 ( at the time) Ukrainian Slavs, 4; the addition of Ukrainian natural and agricultural resources to the coffers of Russia and lastly in order of importance, and which I believe are of little influence except as a final excuse, the control of buffer borders into the natural lines of ground invasion. Putin has proven to be a master of providing narratives westerners crave.
It would have been difficult to understand Putin's justifications - without the history lesson. I think Tucker's concern was two fold - boring his audience and not having time to cover the topics he wanted to raise - thus the interruptions. Most American's have short attention spans - they want bumper sticker summaries - we have been programed for that. So here is one - You can't go forward without understand where you have been. People need to start putting pieces together and dismiss the accidental theory of history - it is a fraud.
Putin didn't give up much on the topics Tucker pushed in the interview. I admire Tucker for trying to get comments on those topics he felt were important to the west but in the end he had to settle for limited insight so why push so hard.
One thing I thought interesting is that Putin would say what he said in a conversation - but refrained to disclose what the other party said maintaining he was not at liberty to say- instead he told Tucker to ask the person. Most folks that want to win an argument will put words accurate or otherwise in to their opponents mouth - but when you take this strategy - the opponent always has the ability to sway the conversation. He also refused to explain the opponents position or reasoning. Very different in what we see in the US. Also did you notice the physical changes in Putin from the photos - it seemed to occur around 2012. Just weird.
Yeah, he aged 12 years and lost a lot of hair. We have noticed the same in our presidents - the stress of the office is very high and results in premature aging, for sure. Putin has been president for around 20 years now...and he's running for another term.
yes, NATO expansion east of Germany was one of the worst foreign policy mistakes the US and Europe have ever made! The Russian people threw off the yoke of communism! Why didn't we welcome them into the European community, even into NATO. We told Russia in 1991, not one inch east of Germany! We would not expand NATO east of Germany. Guess how many NATO countries are now east of Germany? Thirteen! After we promised them no NATO countries east of Germany, we added 13 countries east of Germany to NATO. The word of the US is garbage. Ask Qaddafi about that.
In 1997 Yeltsin signed an agreement with NATO that gave NATO the right to expand with no limits. Whatever was suggested previously was ended with that signature. Coming along now and claiming promises is simply propaganda. If the promise didn't make it onto the signed paper it was meaningless.
Wise men often tell a story to put the discussion into context. I thought it rude of Tucker to not let Putin tell the story without interruption. I am thankful that Tucker did this interview to give a different perspective on the Russian viewpoint.
How pathetic there are so many comments around boredom with history. That’s how we see a completely dumbed down population with useless leaders at the helm. Putin showed that up perfectly. As usual, most comments focus on the American dollar and how they are screwing themselves over. It’s all about the money, including this ongoing war. End of.
As John wrote, contrast the highly intelligent, informed & articulate President Putin with Alzheimer's patient Joe Biden who in a recent press conference called al Sisi, the president of Egypt, the president of Mexico. And when he was interviewed about his stealing of classified documents, dumped in a garage next to a collapsed dog crate & broken lamp, literally could not remember when he was Vice President. Why is this allowed to go on?!
I was only disappointed that Putin didn't say that during negotiations regarding the reunification of Germany, then Secretary of State James Baker stated that if Russia agreed to this, NATO would not, I quote, "move one inch east." Russia agreed & the US immediately began gobbling up country after country in Eastern Europe, literally right up to Russia's borders. Imagine what the US would do if Russia's military established bases in Mexico! Armageddon!!
I really like Vlad; always have! He gives people NO REASON NOT to like the guy! Putin is thee ONLY 'Adult In The Room', as far as 'World Leaders' go! Over the years, I try to listen/watch ALL of the speeches/talks with Putin. The MAN speaks nothing but TRUTH!!
I LOVE Russia/Russians!
And whatever Putin/Russia NEEDS to do, to stop these Globalist PSYCHOPATHS.....I won't hold it against them! If ya gotta 'nuke' the District of Criminals, Vlad?.......HAVE AT IT! The *cough* 'US' government is NOT AMERICA/AMERICANS government! They're ALL CRIMINALS! (and WAR CRIMINALS, at that!)
Nahhh......you're thinking of the Clinton's, the Biden's and the NAZI Bush Crime Family! Oh!....almost forgot DICK Cheney! And the list goes on, and on!
Being of Ukrainian descent, I found the interview and the history lesson enjoyable. However, aside from a few minor points, there is one glaring issue that needs addressing. At one hour, 30 minutes, and 30 seconds, Tucker posed a pivotal question. Yet, Putin's failure to provide a honest response was profoundly disappointing. When Tucker inquired about Putin’s views on the the identity of ruling class, the elites who control the government, Putin dissembled and claimed ignorance with his response, "I do not know." Had he been forthcoming and articulated the truth, it could have altered the course for everyone, providing direction and inspiration to reclaim our country and institutions. Approximately 40% of people know who they are but as long as they are allowed to operate under the veil of anonymity, they will continue to orchestrate our collective demise with impunity.
“ if you want to know who is in charge, simply look at who it is illegal to criticize”
Are you familiar with the Holodomor? If so, do you understand how it created the bipolar society that allowed Pooties propagandists to sow dissension? If not, PLEASE read about this atrocity the Soviets committed against your people that caused so many of them to embrace Hitler and his Nazism.
indeed. and all the evidence I've looked at points to the CIA being the assassins. 'course you might say it's a bit karmic. How many Latin American countries has the CIA helped overthrow or assassinate their leader? CIA supported or maybe even caused the coup in Ukraine in 2014. CIA had plans to assassinate Lumumba in the Congo but the opposing army did it for them (although the CIA may have helped getting him to leave his UN safe house). So many leaders deposed of by the CIA, so is it surprising that a leader of the US was on their hit list?
Ever hear of the GRU, KGB, and about half a dozen lesser known Russian agencies before and after the collapse of the Soviets?? Same thang as the CIA but worse.
Yes, I'm familiar with that. The secret services of the Russian tsar were tasked with assassinating Rasputin, and I know a little bit about Russian history.
I agree. That’s the first thought I had today: Putin’s intelligence is rather a bad reflection on American leadership; its intelligence and its competence. From both sides of the spectrum, by the way.
I also appreciate you taking the time to distill the key points takeaways from this interesting and important interview. Thank you.
In general, I’ve never followed Fox or Tucker Carlson too closely when he was on Fox, but as I’ve been watching him more frequently lately, apart of his talent for asking poignant questions, I cherish his childlike facial expressions, which to me, show for intent listening, wonder and keen interest in his subjects of interview. Qualities worth keeping even in older age.
By the way, dictators are essential. This view, that democracy is supreme, is an illusion.
Whether organized by democracies, dictatorships or monarchies, humanity is still organized in hierarchies. Suggesting how bad, how awful, how unempathetic and unjust it is, or was in the past, shows lack of knowledge about the underlying mechanics of human nature.
Everything in human interaction is eventually about organized control. You put three people together, it's just a matter of time until conflicts arise, which stem from differing emotional principles and expectations.
It is always easy to look at this or that leader and point the fickle finger of blame at them because the leader constitutes a centralization point which removes from people the need to find responsibility in themselves.
The human species from time immemorial was organized by the tribal imperative. The tribal imperative is hierarchical in nature. It’s where our social classes stem from. This is not something philosophical. It’s predetermined in our genes.
The class system established a certain boundary line.
If everyone could be anyone they desired it would have been chaotic. From the bird's eye view, this imperative was essential for the organization of the human species for the good and the bad.
Democracy, on the other hand, is the rule of the collective. The collective, as a whole of tribes that is greater than the sum of its parts, has been in power only for the last 200 years. With our migration into and the construction of megalopolis cities, it was the only time in human history that the collective became superior to the tribe. The tribal infrastructure began to lose its power.
Now, we’re on the other side of the arc; for the first time in human history we have more people that live in cities than outside of them. This is unprecedented.
Democracy gives the people the illusion that they control who will be in power. We are happy with this because it makes us feel good about ourselves and believe that in principle it is decent and that we have an equal say in the direction our nation is going. But it’s still an illusion.
The harsh reality is that behind closed doors is where humanity is organized. It’s still the tribal infrastructure that governs human interactions. It’s still the glue of every community and every organization. Here's the thing, the family, which is the smallest tribe - the clan - is hierarchical in nature. There's no democracy in it. If it were a democracy, it would have been chaotic. We would not have had civilizations.
This is the crux behind the current human conflict. The conflict is between the New and the Old: between the rule of the Collective and the Tribe, expressed in our world as the tension between globalism and nationalism.
This is what Putin vs. US/NATO conflict reflects.
It's also the underlying value behind the inner conflicts we have in every country. These are a reflection of the change in the larger order. Evolutionary speaking, the world and the planet is moving towards melded consciousness. Our technological development is but a reflection of this.
The caveat Is that it's not for us to experience.
That is why we have this rise in racial tensions, tribal wars and fundamentalism. It’s a backlash effect to the fact that genetic information is disappearing from humanity.
So in a way Putin, as well as other world leaders, such as Viktor Orban, for example, represent the resisting force to the “sterility” and homogenization globalism brings, even though internally they use technocratic endeavors - tools favored by globalists. (My estimation is that no one really understands that they can't escape the direction evolution is going).
People tend to paint these controlling agents (dictators) as a pejorative. To me, it’s a reflection of the forgetfulness of what freedom really means.
Everything in the universe is built on the mechanics of duality juxtaposed: two opposing forces meeting in the middle, maintaining balance. And so here. True freedom is the sliver between two oppositions: desire and self-control. True freedom is the quantum that arises from acceptance of limitations.
Over the years, however, the value behind freedom has morphed to mean one can do whatever they want; the freedom to indulge in the gratification of one’s desires on a momentary basis. And since this is not true freedom but erratic, unexpected behavior, the average human is essentially a trapped beast in a cage.
Dictators, therefore, are essential. They serve as a counterpoint. When you remove dictators, you see how quickly you want them back. Otherwise, we have chaos, looting, murders, rape, the whole Mad Max: Fury Road on one’s doorstep in the name of "freedom".
In this way one comes to the realization that people are not free. Certainly not in democracies. They are given the illusion of freedom by diversion. That way they’re kept under control.
So whether one likes or agrees with him or not, it’s important to view Putin from a larger perspective.
No country on this planet is excluded from the transition and the chaos that looms on the horizon, including Russia. There's no country in the world who’s not going to suffer, because this is a larger movement which talks about a new order.
But in my view, Russia is perhaps much more equipped and resilient to deal with the crises than America - the epitome of “democracy” - because America has long ago forgotten the underlying principle that stands behind true freedom.
In other words, “We the people” has never been a theoretical idea thrown on a society from the top down, in which the individual is merely downsized to a parasite, expecting everything to be handed to him on a silver platter, but a construct based on mutual involvement, rooted in individual self-responsibility, from the bottom up.
You deserve more likes for that well considered comment. Re "True freedom is the silver between two oppositions: desire and self-control."
Interesting that you use 'silver' as the 2 one word anagrams of the word are 'sliver' as in the thin slice when the two oppositions and 'livers' as in life which is the whole point of existence.
Silver is also known as a refiner and able to remove impurities from the gut.
Thank you. Actually, I meant to write ‘sliver’ and your comment made me realize it was auto-corrected to ‘silver’. I corrected it back to ‘sliver’ as to me, freedom as well as anything we revere as ‘good’ is actually the fine line between oppositions.
If you’re mystically inclined, it’s the same place also where Love and Truth are - in the phase conjugate, if you will.
I didn't find it onerous at all to listen to the history and back up to explain Russia's stance on how they believe we arrived to this point. I found it refreshing that Putin/Russia DOESN'T forget their history and their past. They plan 50-100 years out for their country, with a vision for their citizens, while we change directions every 2-4-6 years depending on elections with no real long term goals and throwing our own history in the trash. Fascinating interview, worth listening to a second time.
yes. One thing another commenter brought out is that Putin seems to genuinely love Russia and love its people. What a stark difference between the leader of Russia and our own leaders who lie to us, call us names, tell us we're taking up space and have unacceptable views, who basically hate us and want us dead.
there was no recognition that when Ukraine was under Stalin's Russian domination they were starved as the food they produced was stolen from them and fed to Russians. Putin's views are definitely cherry picked...he had the nerve to say that Poland started the war even after admitting that Germany made them an offer they refused which caused Germany to attack to enforce their desires. Poland was attacked that is history.
Of course Poland together with Briton started the war .Neither one was interested acting in good faith .or talks .England and France declared war on Germany ,staring W.W.2 .
WOW, where did you study history, Hollywood?
A worthwhile read for you would be: Pat Buchanan's: "Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary war." I think a curse should rest on me — because I love this war. I know it's smashing and shattering the lives of thousands every moment — and yet — I can't help it — I enjoy every second of it.
Winston Churchill
Like so many of your kind you are history illiterate ,not worth paying attention to .
SPOT ON! That alf appears to be the one that leaned history from hollywood!
Just what is ' MY KIND '? I can assure you, I am far from being ' history illiterate 'as you so kindly put it.
He loves his people so much that he is willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of its young men to attack a nation that was no threat.
I don’t think you understand the facts about how the Nazi leaders in Kiev, placed in power by the US in 2014, were bombing eastern Ukraine ( Russian speaking citizens ) for about 8 years.
Putin was very reasonable and patient in his demands which included no NATO missiles on his border and equal treatment for Russians under the law.
He said he tried to negotiate a peace treaty but Biden was against it. 🤔 Makes one wonder why. Ukraine & American oligarchs must be benefiting financially.
There's an old STUCK mindset in the heads of a lot of people in DC that can't seem to let go of the idea of taking Russia down, at virtually any price. Remember when old Joe even let that slip on stage? Oh, they had to reel back that one! - It's the multiple intelligence agencies, the State Dept. and a list of other agencies and public/privates that run this country (along with other unknowns). The people have so little say, it's pathetic. I imagine a day if we're actually threating Russia's very existence, those in the know will agree with Russia sending its missiles this way. They have the right to exist EQUALLY to our same right. DC has become the Soviet Union of the 60s and 70s.
They're ALL benefiting mightily. Not just Ukrainian and American oligarchs. The Russian oligarchs are minting cash too.
willfulknowledge Since you are historically illiterate ,you should not write anything here .
willfulknowledge demonstrates that the situation in the usa is WORSE than I realized. Hunter seen this coming: The downward spiral of Dumbness in America is about to hit a new low.
Hunter S. Thompson
Cui Bono? In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
He knew it because it was probably already in place 'way back then.'
Good observation. For some time I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy making arm of the government.
Harry S. Truman
Critical ,don't confuse today's Russia with the Soviet Union .
I am on my fourth. Imagine any US President or UK Prime Minster saying so many complex and interesting things without any handlers or script writers or interruptions.
He made western leaders look pathetic by comparison. And as another said, he cares about his country, unlike western leaders. It's no wonder we're going down the tubes. We vote for these scoundrels, we deserve it.
We deserve better.
I was speaking of the population of Western countries collectively. Not the tiny minority of less than 10% who see through this obvious BS from the beginning. Of course we don't deserve it, but we'll go down with the great masses who drown us out and DO deserve it. Of course I'm glad more are waking up that something was wrong with our COVID response, but the late awakeners don't really get it. Anyone fooled so easily will be easily fooled again - they lack vital substance.
Trump actually talks without a script. He isn't well informed though. Ron Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Bernie Sanders, RFK jr, Vivek... we have a lot who can talk off script and are informed and interesting but they are all just marganalized by our controlled media and political parties. The Tucker Carlson interview with MTG was very interesting. She went over in detail her election and why the GOP hates her so much. It wasn't her position to win. She isn't supposed to be there. Most Americans are completely unaware how controlled our politicians are.
Another westerner buys Putin's fantasies.
Another Nebbish heard from...
Funny how they don't want to debate a single issue, but want to push aside every bit of it with a single sentence.
"Russia" started in Kiev. If y'all are such believers in historic settings why should we have Kiev ruled by Moscow which wasn't part of "Russia" until later??
Pooties did not mention Stalin starving 9 million eastern Ukrainians and then COLONIZING it with other Russians. Yuh think maybe this is a reason for unrest between Russian speakers in Eastern Ukraine and the rest of the country?? How many troops, materiel, and money did Pooties spend supporting those separatists?
Read up on the Holodomor.
They plan 50-100 years in advance? That almost scores at the top for hubris and arrogance. Humans simply can't do that SUCCESSFULLY. Maybe not even with AI. What is the point of their plan? What has actually been accomplished through that planning? Seems to be one disaster after another. Maybe worse than America.
Jeez, why are bothering us with rational thinking?
they don't have a button for laughing so I have to post and tell you I am
Totally agree. Especially liked Putin's comment as to what Summer stated about sending Americans to Russia to fight if we fail to send another $66 billion to Ukraine to keep the war going when America has enough of its own border problems. Summer needs to remove himself so we don't end up in WWIII.
I think it's Schumer? Don't know because I stay far away from someone like him.
In thinking about the relationship between Russia and the U.S., one should not forget that Putin maintains himself in power by killing his political opponents, often by having them poisoned.
Death by poison is faster than putting them in prison for 1000 years like the Biden DOJ is attempting to do to Donald Trump.
It was a great pleasure to listen to such an accomplished and articulate world leader as Pres. Putin. What a gift for the Russian people. How sad that our leaders in the US are so incompetent and actually evil. Lord Jesus help us!!! Thanks to Tucker Carlson for a job well done.
Ahh yes. The world leader with the most puppet media and gubmint officials threatening the west with Nukes after invading a peaceful country TWICE not to mention Georgia, Moldova, and other areas and lying about how it is NATO expansion that is dangerous. How many talking heads and gubmint officials in the west have been threatening to nuke Russia?!?!?
Read up on the Holodomor. Pooties wasn't involved, BUT, he has successfully used the aftermath to run a Russian speaking separatist movement to give him a reason to invade Ukraine.
Putin is so competent that his vaunted military was unable to subdue a nation less than 1/3d its size that was woefully under-armed at the beginning of the invasion.
That's what warmongers think. Putin could have eradicated Ukraine if he wanted to just like Israel and the US bombing Gaza into the stone Age and committing genocide. Putin did not want to do that, he has higher moral character than the bloodthirsty West.
One thing I found telling was that, when talking about the Minsk Accords, Putin did not bring up the fact that Angela Merkel publicly advised that this ‘agreement’ was solely a ploy to allow the west to continue to build up and train the Ukrainian military, for the eventual conflict. Putin is a lawyer, intelligent, reasonable ,etc. I have heard his speeches before, and found this interview very interesting. I believe that he went through the entirety of Russia’s history with Ukraine, as he is well aware that most Americans have no idea about any of this. Tucker should not have become ‘impatient’ with this history lesson. After all, we have seen that when some Americans are asked who Washington DC was named after, they do not know the answer. I suspect that Putin felt a bit of education might be helpful to some Americans.
Putin did actually mention that German and French duplicity, revealed openly in 2022.
Merkel’s comment was made well after February 24, 2022, after the conflict began. The German and French duplicity, I felt, was basically about their denial in upholding the Accords that they had signed on to and were meant to enforce. But Merkel’s statement went a step further, indicating that the Accord itself was fraudulent, and only a ploy to gain more time to militarize Ukraine.
OK, y'all are distorting my mind. Why is it necessary to be honest with a blatant aggressor??? Pooties was repeating the story of dozens of insurgencies run by the Soviets all over the world. Find a group with a chip on its shoulder and instigate it to separate/revolt and then provide it with money, weapons, supplies, propaganda services... Pooties was totally in the wrong in Ukraine from the beginning.
Read about the Holodomor and how the stage was set during the Soviet era for this to become an issue.
I would like to remind you that ‘Soviet’ has nothing to do with ‘Russia’. Of course, the powers that be want you to continue to think about Russia as if it was the USSR. Putin was not in power while the USSR existed. And Russia existed for centuries, well before the USSR was ever conceived. Putin’s entire speech about the history of Russia and Ukraine was an attempt to educate people as to the history of this region. Forget about ‘USSR’….it no longer exists.
From your comments it looks like distorting your mind is not very hard to do.
You can clear your mind by not reading propaganda but reading what happened in 2014 and Victoria Nuland. The neo-cons like Ukraine and have made sure that over 500k have been killed and maimed.
I think Tucker is used to "filibusters" by our politicians, Trump is great at that, and he felt like Putin was doing it to not answer the question. He came to realize there was more to it than that.
Yes, I believe that perhaps in hindsight, Tucker realized that in order for Americans to understand the Russian perspective, they needed to understand the Russian history in the region.
In a short video post-interview, and in fact, I believe also in the quick opening video to the interview, Tucker mentioned that he had grown impatient and probably shouldn't have. At least, that's how I interpreted his comments.
Yes, I saw that too. Aside from that, I did think that Tucker kind of lost a bit of track at about the 1:40:00 mark, was kind of distracted by his ‘intense’ facial expression, and quite curious as to why Putin had the interpreters earpiece on, waiting to answer while he listened to the translation, yet Tucker had no visible earpiece on and seemed to continue the conversation without any hesitation. I also wonder whether some of Tucker’s questions, and the slight air of antagonism now and then, was not meant to ward off some of the hysteria we have seen regarding the prospect of this interview.
It seems that Pooties is going revisionist on the 1997 NATO agreement. Yeltsin signed the NATO agreement that explicity stated NATO's expansion was not to be interfered with. Pooties was part of the Yeltsin regime. Pooties then made noises like he would like to be in NATO. Two problems with that. You must ASK to get into NATO. Pooties has never formally requested to be added. Your Military must have civilian control. The Russian Military answers ONLY to Pooties, kinda like a Dictatorship. So, whether there were VERBAL suggestions of NATO never expanding to the east ended with a signature in 1997 of the Russian head of state whom Pooties worked with.
Here’s a question for you. How about the Chinese army install installations in Mexico. What do you think the US would do? The situation is the same, with NATO coming into Ukraine. And the Minsk Accord indicated that Ukraine was going to be neutral, which supersedes anything that was agreed to before. By the way, Yeltsin did NOT agree to NATO on the Russian border.
@Inisfad, KuhnKat = CIA or m o s a a d or?
Or maybe just an MSM ignoramus? I’ve seen videos where they ask people on the street, ‘Who was Washington DC named after?’, and they don’t know the answer. LOL.
The interview is long and detailed and requires careful listening. It's somehow dissimilar from the pomp, pablum and propaganda we get from our own leaders, where Biden is posed against an ominous black and red military backdrop for example. I was astonished by the great, thoughtful care Putin took to put forward his side of the story. There were several times when Tucker asked a pointed question and Putin steered the conversation in another direction, and I suspected dishonesty. On the whole it was an important history lesson and a pointed critique of the US approach of doing something outlandish and then urging all of us to forget it had happened--even as we were suffering the consequences. I applaud Putin for repeatedly urging us to consider cause and effect first, and ideology second.
You were right to suspect dishonesty. I speak Russian fluently, have been following Putin's trajectory closely, and I know history. Putin has never been one to be trusted, and now is not the time to start... For example, he says that it's the West that isolated him. Now after the war, yes. But back in early 2000's it was HE who very intentionally and deliberately took steps that would isolate Russians from the West, such as SHUTTING DOWN exhibits that portrayed America in a positive light... And he says he has no plans to attack anyone. Which is EXACTLY what he said regarding Ukraine to push through a deal that removed nuclear weapons from Ukraine... This interview IS A PSY-OP to help him win the war. I do not know if Tucker is a Russian asset, but he is acting like one...
He's already won the war
Apparently you are listening to my favorite Right Wing or conservative bloviators. I am still gobsmacked at how consistent it has been in its support of the lying, murdering Pooties. Oh yeah, in spite of the criminal west's dribbling armament to Ukraine, enriching the military industrial complex as much as the scam pandemic did for the medical industry, Ukraine is nowhere near being defeated. Russia is burning through equipment so fast the term meat assault is the standard instead of the exception. No I am not predicting a winner. Who knows what these insanely arrogant evil rulers on both sides have in store for us? Another 100 year war??
get a life....Tucker is not a Russian asset you idiot
Then he shouldn't act as if he is one.
Yup, not a Russian asset. Just another useful idiot.
We live in a Plutocracy not a representative republic. Tucker is fighting against that like Trump. Quoting a psychopath like Hilary shows that you chose the blue pill
After the interview, I was not sure if Tucker is a Russian asset... But then I read his commentary, where he said that Putin can be trusted about not having reason to attack Poland because he has "enough land" already. Are we supposed to forget Russia's land grab of 1939 (the Molotov accords) -- when they had even more land? I do not believe Tucker's knowlege of history is THIS bad, so the only alternative is that he is working for them.
Putin has a pretty sordid history. His rise to power is littered with assassinations, incarcerations, and extortions of his rivals, both in his politics and his business dealings. I agree that he was provoked into invading the Ukraine with NATO expansionism, but I’m not ready to lionize the man. I have libtard friends who assert that Putin is “a bad man.” I tell them they’re right, but for the wrong reasons.
Hey Andy….I can’t think of a country anywhere with a “sordid history” that comes even close to the USA. All is carefully swept under the table, and what isn’t is lied about by politically controlled media.
Just out of curiosity, how did people become aware of Putin's shady and murderous past?
Good question. Was it our oh-so-impeccably-honest media, speaking on behalf of our oh-so-moral-and-ethical military industrial complex?
The same way we became aware of our own gubmints criminality. It certainly wasn't the Lamestream Enemedia that used to glorify Stalin and Russia and then switched to Pooties when he first became ruler. The switch from praise to condemnation for at least the US Media was between the Clinton's Uranium One scandal and Hitlery's using Russia, Russia, Russia to attack Trump. Of course, after Hitlery seemingly drove the switch we did get already known info in the Lamestream Enemedia.
I would think you would show how the US has killed millions over the last 50 years around the world. The US has over 800 installations to do such death and destruction.
Besides talking about invading the neo-Nazis in Ukraine where else has Russia invaded. Tell us how many countries the US has caused coup 'd tats since the early 50's? Read about Victoria Nuland and Ukraine. It is interesting reading.
Joseph--What the hell does this have to with Putin’s integrity? Stick to the subject.
The comment shows your lack of understanding of politicians and leaders around the world. I wouldn't assign any of them with having integrity.
Just... Wow.
Hi Marilyn--our country’s sordid past doesn’t mitigate Putin’s sordid past. Everyone’s gushing over him after his interview with Tucker. Meanwhile ost of his former business and political rivals are dead or in jail. I still agree with his stance on the Ukraine situation, but I won’t be charmed by him.
Take some time, try to find some honest research material (not sure if this is possible anymore) on both USSR and USA. The west has always painted Russia as something horrid and fearful, often to buck up their own misguided actions. Every story has two sides. When you see how easily the whole world was controlled by propaganda based fear during COVID farce. Don’t underestimate same tactics and propaganda when it comes to planting distrust and hatred for other countries.
Comparing the USA to Russia has nothing to do with my argument. That said, I lived in Baku during Heydar Aliev’s post-USSR, kleptocratic reign. It was nothing like the USA--corruption, poverty, human trafficking, were rampant and overt. At the orphanage I visited, the women who worked there would steal the candy we gave to the kids. Aliev was Putin’s mentor in the KGB. These are not kind men. They are smart and cunning (unlike Biden). In his interview with Tucker, Putin seems to be speaking honestly, but these days, for the USA, honesty is the most damning language. My simple point is, Putin deserves credit for what he says in the interview, but I repeat: I won’t be charmed by him.
Corruption….your government in US, and mine in Canada currently take first prize on corruption…..they’re just a wee bit more discreet than some countries. Poverty and human trafficking are rampant as well. The movie, “Sound of Freedom” gave us some shocking insight! I worked in southern Sudan several years back. The poverty and corruption there was no different than here….just a bit more out in the open and a fact of life there. Like it or not, it’s all around us here in both our countries. A city in southern Ontario just declared a national emergency due to drug overdoses, homelessness and crime. Subscribe to The EpochTimes…it will bring you news that’s dead on truthful. I don’t just dream up what I’ve said here.
He may have been leery of NATO expansion but he wasn't provoked into the invasion by the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO. Both France and Germany were opposed. At one point he even acknowledged the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO. In May of 2002 he said Ukraine was entitled to decide on its own whether to join NATO. http://www.en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/43122
Do you believe Putin had Nord stream pipeline blown up as an excuse to escalate the war, or did the U.S. blow it up to continue funding Zelenskyy repeatedly?
It doesn't matter. Pooties invaded a peaceful country that he had been attacking (providing military assistance and training separatists) for at least 6 years. Getting your assets depleted and depleting your enemies is normal during open warfare.
For useful history look up the Holodomor that provided eastern Ukraine with its Russian speaking "colony" Pooties use and radicalized many Ukrainians to pick Nazis over Communists.
You need to learn a little bit about the US. Ukraine was a peaceful country. Since the coup in 2014 by the neo-Nazis the Ukrainian military has been bombing the civilians in Donbas. There were over 10,000 Ukrainian citizens killed that are ethnic Russian are citizens of Ukraine. Putin said in the interview that Ukraine was planning to escalate the bombings and there is proof of this. So, Putin was correct in saying the war started in 2014.
Explains why the Neocons so love LNG, despite it being extremely wasteful. Blowing up the pipelines allows them to extort both the Europeans and the Americans, thus funding their war.
Stupid comment about Tucker! Did you ever consider he might be attempting to negotiate peace unlike our evil lying cabal
destroying our country.
I will defer to your understanding of the Russian govt. It is no better than any other major power center of the world; they all play "reason" games on the citizens they rule. Seems to me that at this time Putin is in the lead on the game board. The US is showing its weakness.
Just goes to show how important a PHD is in todays world. As for the war it is already won and he doesn't need any help.
Oh please. Like all the PHDs completely pulled into the covid scam. A lot of people are waking up to the basic moral compass and decency of most of mankind. I avoided the use of 'common sense.'
Good lord man, why sully the narrative with facts? Of course it's psy-ops and it looks like much of the West fell for it. There are several different motivations for the invasion: 1; A reassertion of Great Power status, 2; a belief that Ukraine is nothing more than a nation of errant Russians, 3; An attempt to forestall the demographic decline of the Slavic population of Russia with the addition of ~44 ( at the time) Ukrainian Slavs, 4; the addition of Ukrainian natural and agricultural resources to the coffers of Russia and lastly in order of importance, and which I believe are of little influence except as a final excuse, the control of buffer borders into the natural lines of ground invasion. Putin has proven to be a master of providing narratives westerners crave.
probably just out manned out flanked and deficient in history
It would have been difficult to understand Putin's justifications - without the history lesson. I think Tucker's concern was two fold - boring his audience and not having time to cover the topics he wanted to raise - thus the interruptions. Most American's have short attention spans - they want bumper sticker summaries - we have been programed for that. So here is one - You can't go forward without understand where you have been. People need to start putting pieces together and dismiss the accidental theory of history - it is a fraud.
Putin didn't give up much on the topics Tucker pushed in the interview. I admire Tucker for trying to get comments on those topics he felt were important to the west but in the end he had to settle for limited insight so why push so hard.
One thing I thought interesting is that Putin would say what he said in a conversation - but refrained to disclose what the other party said maintaining he was not at liberty to say- instead he told Tucker to ask the person. Most folks that want to win an argument will put words accurate or otherwise in to their opponents mouth - but when you take this strategy - the opponent always has the ability to sway the conversation. He also refused to explain the opponents position or reasoning. Very different in what we see in the US. Also did you notice the physical changes in Putin from the photos - it seemed to occur around 2012. Just weird.
Yeah, he aged 12 years and lost a lot of hair. We have noticed the same in our presidents - the stress of the office is very high and results in premature aging, for sure. Putin has been president for around 20 years now...and he's running for another term.
And the "history" lesson is a bit like listening to George A Custer explaining the Indian wars.
yes, NATO expansion east of Germany was one of the worst foreign policy mistakes the US and Europe have ever made! The Russian people threw off the yoke of communism! Why didn't we welcome them into the European community, even into NATO. We told Russia in 1991, not one inch east of Germany! We would not expand NATO east of Germany. Guess how many NATO countries are now east of Germany? Thirteen! After we promised them no NATO countries east of Germany, we added 13 countries east of Germany to NATO. The word of the US is garbage. Ask Qaddafi about that.
@pimaCanyon or ask JFK.......
In 1997 Yeltsin signed an agreement with NATO that gave NATO the right to expand with no limits. Whatever was suggested previously was ended with that signature. Coming along now and claiming promises is simply propaganda. If the promise didn't make it onto the signed paper it was meaningless.
Wise men often tell a story to put the discussion into context. I thought it rude of Tucker to not let Putin tell the story without interruption. I am thankful that Tucker did this interview to give a different perspective on the Russian viewpoint.
Why listen to Pooties repeat his lies one more time??
Superb public service.
Superb interview.
Bravo Tucker.
How pathetic there are so many comments around boredom with history. That’s how we see a completely dumbed down population with useless leaders at the helm. Putin showed that up perfectly. As usual, most comments focus on the American dollar and how they are screwing themselves over. It’s all about the money, including this ongoing war. End of.
The whole seems like a farce, yet a deadly farce, all about the money as you say.
As John wrote, contrast the highly intelligent, informed & articulate President Putin with Alzheimer's patient Joe Biden who in a recent press conference called al Sisi, the president of Egypt, the president of Mexico. And when he was interviewed about his stealing of classified documents, dumped in a garage next to a collapsed dog crate & broken lamp, literally could not remember when he was Vice President. Why is this allowed to go on?!
I was only disappointed that Putin didn't say that during negotiations regarding the reunification of Germany, then Secretary of State James Baker stated that if Russia agreed to this, NATO would not, I quote, "move one inch east." Russia agreed & the US immediately began gobbling up country after country in Eastern Europe, literally right up to Russia's borders. Imagine what the US would do if Russia's military established bases in Mexico! Armageddon!!
Awesome interview!
The "Thousand Year Gaze" of Russian and Chinese leadership is distinctly different from western "5 year business plans". https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/thousand-year-gaze
More like two weeks if you're lucky.
I really like Vlad; always have! He gives people NO REASON NOT to like the guy! Putin is thee ONLY 'Adult In The Room', as far as 'World Leaders' go! Over the years, I try to listen/watch ALL of the speeches/talks with Putin. The MAN speaks nothing but TRUTH!!
I LOVE Russia/Russians!
And whatever Putin/Russia NEEDS to do, to stop these Globalist PSYCHOPATHS.....I won't hold it against them! If ya gotta 'nuke' the District of Criminals, Vlad?.......HAVE AT IT! The *cough* 'US' government is NOT AMERICA/AMERICANS government! They're ALL CRIMINALS! (and WAR CRIMINALS, at that!)
Only DUMBED-DOWN AmeriKans hate Vladimir Putin!
"The MAN speaks nothing but TRUTH!!"
Too bad you are so sure Pooties isn't lying when both sides lie continuously.
Yeah, Vlad the Impaler. Everyone has to like someone who will kill you if you don't like them...
Nahhh......you're thinking of the Clinton's, the Biden's and the NAZI Bush Crime Family! Oh!....almost forgot DICK Cheney! And the list goes on, and on!
Nice try though. Have a GREAT day! :)
Being of Ukrainian descent, I found the interview and the history lesson enjoyable. However, aside from a few minor points, there is one glaring issue that needs addressing. At one hour, 30 minutes, and 30 seconds, Tucker posed a pivotal question. Yet, Putin's failure to provide a honest response was profoundly disappointing. When Tucker inquired about Putin’s views on the the identity of ruling class, the elites who control the government, Putin dissembled and claimed ignorance with his response, "I do not know." Had he been forthcoming and articulated the truth, it could have altered the course for everyone, providing direction and inspiration to reclaim our country and institutions. Approximately 40% of people know who they are but as long as they are allowed to operate under the veil of anonymity, they will continue to orchestrate our collective demise with impunity.
“ if you want to know who is in charge, simply look at who it is illegal to criticize”
Are you familiar with the Holodomor? If so, do you understand how it created the bipolar society that allowed Pooties propagandists to sow dissension? If not, PLEASE read about this atrocity the Soviets committed against your people that caused so many of them to embrace Hitler and his Nazism.
This is really worrisome! Are these people engaging in wrongdoing without any way to stop them (NATO + CIA)? It appears that way.
- Luc
One US President fired the CIA director and was considering dissolving the CIA. We know what happened to him.
That would be Kennedy.....CIA are criminal
indeed. and all the evidence I've looked at points to the CIA being the assassins. 'course you might say it's a bit karmic. How many Latin American countries has the CIA helped overthrow or assassinate their leader? CIA supported or maybe even caused the coup in Ukraine in 2014. CIA had plans to assassinate Lumumba in the Congo but the opposing army did it for them (although the CIA may have helped getting him to leave his UN safe house). So many leaders deposed of by the CIA, so is it surprising that a leader of the US was on their hit list?
yes, they , the CIA, appear to be behind most of the evil.
I think CIA should be KIA, Killed In Action in memory of all those the CIA has helped to die.
Ever hear of the GRU, KGB, and about half a dozen lesser known Russian agencies before and after the collapse of the Soviets?? Same thang as the CIA but worse.
Yes, I'm familiar with that. The secret services of the Russian tsar were tasked with assassinating Rasputin, and I know a little bit about Russian history.
I agree. That’s the first thought I had today: Putin’s intelligence is rather a bad reflection on American leadership; its intelligence and its competence. From both sides of the spectrum, by the way.
I also appreciate you taking the time to distill the key points takeaways from this interesting and important interview. Thank you.
In general, I’ve never followed Fox or Tucker Carlson too closely when he was on Fox, but as I’ve been watching him more frequently lately, apart of his talent for asking poignant questions, I cherish his childlike facial expressions, which to me, show for intent listening, wonder and keen interest in his subjects of interview. Qualities worth keeping even in older age.
By the way, dictators are essential. This view, that democracy is supreme, is an illusion.
Whether organized by democracies, dictatorships or monarchies, humanity is still organized in hierarchies. Suggesting how bad, how awful, how unempathetic and unjust it is, or was in the past, shows lack of knowledge about the underlying mechanics of human nature.
Everything in human interaction is eventually about organized control. You put three people together, it's just a matter of time until conflicts arise, which stem from differing emotional principles and expectations.
It is always easy to look at this or that leader and point the fickle finger of blame at them because the leader constitutes a centralization point which removes from people the need to find responsibility in themselves.
The human species from time immemorial was organized by the tribal imperative. The tribal imperative is hierarchical in nature. It’s where our social classes stem from. This is not something philosophical. It’s predetermined in our genes.
The class system established a certain boundary line.
If everyone could be anyone they desired it would have been chaotic. From the bird's eye view, this imperative was essential for the organization of the human species for the good and the bad.
Democracy, on the other hand, is the rule of the collective. The collective, as a whole of tribes that is greater than the sum of its parts, has been in power only for the last 200 years. With our migration into and the construction of megalopolis cities, it was the only time in human history that the collective became superior to the tribe. The tribal infrastructure began to lose its power.
Now, we’re on the other side of the arc; for the first time in human history we have more people that live in cities than outside of them. This is unprecedented.
Democracy gives the people the illusion that they control who will be in power. We are happy with this because it makes us feel good about ourselves and believe that in principle it is decent and that we have an equal say in the direction our nation is going. But it’s still an illusion.
The harsh reality is that behind closed doors is where humanity is organized. It’s still the tribal infrastructure that governs human interactions. It’s still the glue of every community and every organization. Here's the thing, the family, which is the smallest tribe - the clan - is hierarchical in nature. There's no democracy in it. If it were a democracy, it would have been chaotic. We would not have had civilizations.
This is the crux behind the current human conflict. The conflict is between the New and the Old: between the rule of the Collective and the Tribe, expressed in our world as the tension between globalism and nationalism.
This is what Putin vs. US/NATO conflict reflects.
It's also the underlying value behind the inner conflicts we have in every country. These are a reflection of the change in the larger order. Evolutionary speaking, the world and the planet is moving towards melded consciousness. Our technological development is but a reflection of this.
The caveat Is that it's not for us to experience.
That is why we have this rise in racial tensions, tribal wars and fundamentalism. It’s a backlash effect to the fact that genetic information is disappearing from humanity.
So in a way Putin, as well as other world leaders, such as Viktor Orban, for example, represent the resisting force to the “sterility” and homogenization globalism brings, even though internally they use technocratic endeavors - tools favored by globalists. (My estimation is that no one really understands that they can't escape the direction evolution is going).
People tend to paint these controlling agents (dictators) as a pejorative. To me, it’s a reflection of the forgetfulness of what freedom really means.
Everything in the universe is built on the mechanics of duality juxtaposed: two opposing forces meeting in the middle, maintaining balance. And so here. True freedom is the sliver between two oppositions: desire and self-control. True freedom is the quantum that arises from acceptance of limitations.
Over the years, however, the value behind freedom has morphed to mean one can do whatever they want; the freedom to indulge in the gratification of one’s desires on a momentary basis. And since this is not true freedom but erratic, unexpected behavior, the average human is essentially a trapped beast in a cage.
Dictators, therefore, are essential. They serve as a counterpoint. When you remove dictators, you see how quickly you want them back. Otherwise, we have chaos, looting, murders, rape, the whole Mad Max: Fury Road on one’s doorstep in the name of "freedom".
In this way one comes to the realization that people are not free. Certainly not in democracies. They are given the illusion of freedom by diversion. That way they’re kept under control.
So whether one likes or agrees with him or not, it’s important to view Putin from a larger perspective.
No country on this planet is excluded from the transition and the chaos that looms on the horizon, including Russia. There's no country in the world who’s not going to suffer, because this is a larger movement which talks about a new order.
But in my view, Russia is perhaps much more equipped and resilient to deal with the crises than America - the epitome of “democracy” - because America has long ago forgotten the underlying principle that stands behind true freedom.
In other words, “We the people” has never been a theoretical idea thrown on a society from the top down, in which the individual is merely downsized to a parasite, expecting everything to be handed to him on a silver platter, but a construct based on mutual involvement, rooted in individual self-responsibility, from the bottom up.
You deserve more likes for that well considered comment. Re "True freedom is the silver between two oppositions: desire and self-control."
Interesting that you use 'silver' as the 2 one word anagrams of the word are 'sliver' as in the thin slice when the two oppositions and 'livers' as in life which is the whole point of existence.
Silver is also known as a refiner and able to remove impurities from the gut.
Thank you. Actually, I meant to write ‘sliver’ and your comment made me realize it was auto-corrected to ‘silver’. I corrected it back to ‘sliver’ as to me, freedom as well as anything we revere as ‘good’ is actually the fine line between oppositions.
If you’re mystically inclined, it’s the same place also where Love and Truth are - in the phase conjugate, if you will.