God help us! Mortal men have failed 😞

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The book The Meaning of Malice is an excellent read. John actually lived in the same neighborhood as the psycho that is the subject of this book.

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I was discouraged to hear you & your company is attacking Dr. robert Malone who was one of the first and most effective folks speaking out against the covid vaccines.

This divisiveness you are trying to cultivate is both a cheap shot and NOT helpful especially given big Pharma and Bill Gates attempt to push the mRNA technology to the max & to use it in manufacture of other new money-making vaccines.

I’m not sure of what all is the behind the scenes in your rivalry, but it would be really a good idea if you quit trying to sabotage someone who is apparently a business rival but still a colleague in fighting covid & vaccine tyranny, especially when half the country still mindlessly supports Biden’s message thar the un-vaxxed are terrorists that intentionally want to spread covid

Your actions reflect poorly on Dr. McCullough and the Wellness Company and makes me question if I want to do business with you.

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Neither I (John Leake) nor Dr. McCullough has ever attacked Dr. Malone. Regards, John Leake

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I'm a survivor of the fraudulent pseudoscience drug racket known as "psychiatry". Been studying the SCAMS of PhRMA for decades. Life-long Independent voter. Watched in dismay the rollout of the Covid1984 HOAX. Just heard a few days ago about Malones' legal beef with one of my "heroes", Dr. Peter Breggin. NOW THIS? Looks like another psy-op, to me.... Any comment?....

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I stopped Following Dr Malone when he sued the Breggins for defamation.I was praying that the lawsuit would be dismissed.

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That's not the impression I, and apparently others, got on a recent Dr. Alexander Substack (or two). You may wish to correct the record with Dr. Alexander and/or his followers.

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Agree, Stop the propaganda against J Leake & Dr McCullough, they are beyond reproach. America proud & forever appreciates John Leake & Dr McCullough for their steadfast stand for Truth & Freedom.

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Something you might consider...

Apparently Dr Malone knows something about the mRNA technology.

Why didn't he come out against the mRNA technology sooner if he knew so much when it might have saved some lives?

he seems to be a bit late.

you see, i knew about the space shuttle challenger, so i knew NOT to take the vaccine.

the challenger was safe and effective until one day it wasn't any more.

and that is simple engineering in my guess then making a drug that is going to interact with a person's immune system...

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He did. He, Malone, is one reason I got into the fight early.

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was that before or after Dr Malone got injected while wearing a face mask... or was that image i am seeing photo shopped? Perhaps all that carbon dioxide he was inhaling compromised his thinking ability. Even i knew the masks didn't work 4 weeks after they mandated people to wear masks... if they did should have seen a immediately discontinuity in daily cases. That should have told him that they would lie about other things.

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Ignore Leslie's mendacious distraction. Read "The Courage to Face COVID-19".

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Loved the interview! I love whodunits. Always have. I probably missed my callimg. Glad you did not. Keep searching for and sharing truth, no matter how strange or inconvenient. Kind regards. CJ

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As fore the bickering between commentators about one doctor making claims about another, keep in mind that unless you have personally talked to those involved, perhaps think about the magnitude of the evil we all face. Obviously none of these doctors that make unnecessary comments or charges against one another, if true, has ever been in actual combat facing omnipresent death. I won’t use the “fox hole” analogy because in Nam we did not have fox holes like conventional wars, we were in the enemy’s jungle, his trails, surrounded 24/7, but I can tell you all this. When soldiers are together facing the enemy eye to eye, one does not concern oneself with disagreement's, but stays focused on the enemy, that’s how one side survives. Once that bond is broken, distracted, the battle lost, the evil wins. Grow up. This is way bigger than Covid, it’s about America’s survival and there are a lot of Tory’s out there working with global interest. When it’s gone, there will be zero deterrence for what evil has planned for those making less than a million a year, and once they are done with the Saturday people and then the Sunday people, genocide of pogroms will not care how much money or connections one has.

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Great interview! Truth indeed is stranger than fiction. Thank you @space bastard for pointing me to it. Little long introduction before interview! I missed the point about the serial killer posing as a journo. What happened to him in the end?

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Very interesting Interview. John Leake is a brilliant researcher & writer.

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Pardon my ignorance, where’s this interview available? Link?

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Just click on the pic.

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Thank you! I did that again and then clicked on photo of new page that opened.

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I watched The Third Man tonight for the first time. It was a fascinating movie and a fascinating look at the late 1940s Vienna and some of that culture.

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