Fauci doesn't need a security team. He's the predator.

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If only we could have had a security detail protecting us all from Fauci!

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Fauci should be placed on a ventilator -- with arms and legs fully restrained -- and administered the same remdesivir while FULLY CONSCIOUS but WITHOUT any propofol nor fentanyl to sedate him, so he will experience each and every excruciating breath until DEAD, just as he sentenced thousands upon thousands of innocents to be murdered in America's hospitals.

Hanging in the public square, a firing squad, the gas chamber, and the electric chair are much TOO MERCIFUL for him and his ilk. Eff 'em in the worst way.

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Four years ago, just a few words from this demonic creature could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, more likely many millions. But he made a choice TO LIE REPEATEDLY. When I read comments, it's no wonder people ask "how is this mass murderer still alive?" considering all that he has done to humanity.

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Totally agree with this...but only after he spends a year or so in lockdown at Guantnanomo prison being abused by the guards. Fauci is still walking around free while truth warrior Reiner Fuelmich rots in a Nazi prison in Germany

Every single American, European and Australian citizen that was in forced isolation, separated from family, medical advice and with even the schools and churches closed experienced severe trauma.

On the other hand...."eye for and eye....and a tooth for a tooth" are maybe outdated?

I'm confused.

Fact is no punishment or retribution can ever match the suffering and the horror Fauci has left in his wake. But Jay bhattacharya, one of the key founders of the "selective protection plan" has proclaimed his "admiration" of Dr. Fauci in several online publications.

This troubles me. How can any decent and/or reasonable human being "admire" a cold blooded mass murderer.

Fauci well knew the harm that would follow in the wake of these injections.

"Covid virus" was never the target. Every human being who took these injections was in the sites of "Dr" Fauci weapon of mass destruction.

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"Fauci well knew the harm that would follow in the wake of these injections." Agreed!

Fauci, with huge help from the Mockingbird media, had most arguing over natural bat virus versus accidental lab leak (from China, LOL), when "Covid" (whatever it was -- synthetic weapon, toxin, "virus," poison -- take your pick! ) was an INTENTIONAL release ... in multiple locations around the globe ... to commit MASS MURDER via the mRNA not-a-vaccines.

The entire operation under the auspices of U.S. Dept of Defense was a PLANNED CULLING of the earth's population many years in the making.

The shots were NEVER brought in for "Covid." Instead, "Covid" was brought in to launch the experimental (and often DEADLY) mRNA shots. There was NOTHING ACCIDENTAL about it, though many are too afraid to say so, fearing for their salaries and their professional licenses and/or their business ventures.

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When their own children commence "dying suddenly" perhaps those standing in the way of justice will begin calling for it.

However, there is another consideration here. The true purpose of the "covid operation" may not have been depopulation...It MAY have been the destruction and destabilization of our entire paradigm of "democratic and fair" civilization. Our entire military may have been "covid vaccinated"...as have the police and fire departments. There will be no one to stand in the way of the hordes of refugees and criminals that are trying tp leave their own wretched countries and hope to get into the US illegally.

The one saving grace has been stated by Dr. Mike Yeadon who says that a large percentage of the "covid vaccines" are ineffective. I am sure that the new mRNA vaccines will be less "defective" and have full "efficacy" and therefore must be avoided at all costs. It's the mRNA platform that is totally poisonous. Don't be fooled that this can EVER be "safe and effective"

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Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (also in Germany but, unlike Reiner Fuellmich, he thankfully avoided imprisonment) knew mRNA was a terrible idea, and he said so publicly at the beginning.

Dr. Jay has long favored the mRNA shots for the elderly, so he is suspect in my opinion.

While I'm glad Biden/Harris are gone, I don't expect DJT to say anything against the 3 "beautiful vaccines" of which he boasts that he's the "father." No doubt DJT is a much better leader, but he is unable to admit a mistake.

So, I don't think Dr. Jay will say much against the not-a-vaccines now that he has joined the administration of "the father."

And if RFK Jr. is approved to head HHS -- by some miracle -- then I have only the tiniest little bit of hope left that he can do something against many different vaccines. More likely, he'll mandate that an apple be included in every school lunch, and/or ban red dye #3 from Froot Loops, and then claim, "Yay! MAHA! We won." I hope I'm wrong.

By the way, the previous time the NIH sponsored an experimental vaccine program (which was the Hep B trials in 1978-1979), "AIDS" suddenly appeared WITHIN MONTHS in the EXACT same demographic that had volunteered to be the HUMAN LAB RATS in that experiment 47 years ago!

"History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes."

~ Mark Twain/Samuel Clemens (attributed)

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Great quote....old Sam was a clever guy and a GREAT writer.

Thanks for that....

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so hanghim likenurumburg

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The guards at Gitmo don't abuse the prisoners. Send "The Science" to the DC jail where the January 6th political prisoners were/are if you want abusive guards.

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Yah...He is perhaps the Worst Mass Murderer the world has ever seen...Let's not forget his accomplices while we're dol8ng out punishments...

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"... Let's not forget his accomplices while we're doling out punishments..."

🎯 🎯 🎯

Absolutely. It's a long list of accomplices. He just happens to be the lightning rod ... the human face of the EVIL ... and one of the worst on the list, because he enabled it, he could have easily spoken out to stop it, but he lied to keep it going. You're right though he IS the worst mass murderer of all time.

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givehim remdesive and see hin choke

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Fauci would be secure in jail.

Too bad we don't use guillotines anymore - he definitely deserves it!

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Fauci would not last long in jail. Criminals hate people who kill children.

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hanghim nowliketheydid the nazis

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Correction... WAS.

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In addition to pulling the plug on Fauci's security detail, Trump should have the US government pay the costs of RFK Jr's security detail during the election period. Biden's refusal to provide security to RFK Jr, yet pays for Fauci shows how Biden's decisions were politically motivated. Glad there is an adult running the country now.

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BY LAW, RFKjr was supposed to be protected.

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The deep state makes its own laws.

Like, it's okay for BLM to invade the capitol and spray paint the wall inside but not okay to enter when a police officer beckons you in.

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Since when are the Communists - er, I mean the Democrats - concerned with what any law may say?

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You are assuming Biden made those decisions. I don't think he did. I think his commie staff made the decisions.

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A good point.

But I think the moment he decided to let lizards on his staff (including Jill) run things. All decisions they made were entirely his fault (and Jill's). Further, a lot of the fuckery enacted were Executive Orders signed by him--so doubly his fault.

He always struck me as having the ego of a Narcissist and the empathy of a sociopath.

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Biden is brain dead. He couldn't even find the stairs to get off the stage. There is no one home. "Dr." Jill has run our country or were there more sinister still unknown hand pulling the strings?

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HI Lydia. I agree. I'm not sure Biden has made any decisions in the last few years. When I say Biden, I'm meaning the Biden cabal.

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Same diff.

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obama's 4th term

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Maybe Trump can drain Fauci's bank account like Trudeau did to the truckers. On top of that, cut off his government pension to reduce excessive government spending.

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Dream on....they only thing he'll cut is teachers' pension plans.

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He already cut Fauci's security detail, therefore you're already wrong.

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Let Satans offspring fend for themselves!

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Criminal Fraud Fake Fauci can pay for his own security. He has enough $ he has laundered from Citizens World Wide.

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He actually made $$ on every clot shot sold.

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theyal did. 'kickbacks

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Like I said, a few public hangings in the town square would have stopped the skull fuckery a long time ago!

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These are just off the cuff thoughts

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Consumption and demand for Capitalism depends on the individual that doesn’t understand self sustainability!

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Now that’s science you can trust! Go Trump!

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John Ratcliffe , the new CIA chief, just announced "assessment" that Covid leaked from the Wuhan lab. I just edited this post to include the word assessment. Progress.

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thank you for that good news. Finally can acknowledge the truth, no matter what the big guy says.

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we al knowthat leak?????

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right...and I am a space traveler from mars. Yuppo....the pathetically poorly educated public in our country will believe any bs lie from the talking heads....

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That’s only the beginning of his troubles

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and no limo service...how about reviewing his pension too! the worst of the worst

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He won’t let up 😂 it’s laughable ! “Attacks on me are attacks on science”. He’s mastered the art of gaslighting to perfection.

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He has plenty of money, let him use it to protect himself. I am sure he needs it.

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And of course the question: Why does someone who spent their life working for government reportedly have hundreds of millions of dollars?

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That is a very good question.

There is a part of me who wants to see fauci/gates get what they deserve. The main thing, though, is that what they have done to humanity is processed and not allowed to happen ever again.

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It is? Could only wish!

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Yeah, there is a part of me that wants them to suffer in some way, like that might make us all feel better, you know, to see those fella's swing. From a duality viewpoint, they deserve it.

And then my curiosity part kicks in (which, when that happens for me, I am able to drop/suspend my them/us perspective). And I wonder: how can we see that part of us that let this happen? How, if we are going to 'punish' that part of us that allowed such atrocities to so many, are we going to not only imagine what a different 'view of everything' would look like... you know, how are we going to get there?

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I did not "let" this happen. I pursued every avenue available to me to prevent this horrible lie wreck our lives. Speak for yourself.

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You are clearly a decent and wonderful human being and in the part of us that saw the truth and fought hard for it the whole way thru. I'd have to say that I am in that part of us, too!

I have to admit, tho, to having a part within me that has taken advantage of people along the way. It is that part I think we need to 'get in touch with' so we can actually 'heal' (or maybe 'transform' is a better word) that part of us that got us into this mess because of the money/power.

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Abaddon (destruction, great abating) not likely to befall those who repent.

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Just the idea of the fauci/gates part repenting, wowzers.

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well you have to ask the first question any detective asks when examining a crime scene....WHO BENEFITS?

So who benifitted from the COVID CRIME SPREE....Now let me think...

Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca.....the AMA...who else?

And frankly this WAS a crime scene...because as Canadian scientist Denis Rancourt has painstakingly proven in an 8OO page document...there was no pandemic. None.

We were conned, lied to, shafted and bullied. Millions of small businesses went bankrupt and poor kids didn't get their school lunches. Rich kids didn't get to their college classrooms and you can go on and on. In the meantime....our glorious elites were photoed and video taped attending balls, parties and posh events galore...."they" didn't even try to hide it.

I knew "covid" was all a lie from the beginning....I refused to "mask" and was kicked out of the food co-op I had belonged to for decades....I remember waiting in line in the sleet to get into my co-op because they were only letting six people in at a time for the purpose of "reducing contact"...I could go on and on about the ridiculous contortions we were all subject to....I am sure most of you could, too.

It is pay back time.

Didja all forget about DJT and his warp speed "beautiful vaccine"?

I am sure the parents of all those children who are injured or worse--dead-- after their "beautiful vaccine" have an opinion of DJT that is not printable. My husband now has severe guillaine barre syndrome after his "beautiful vaccine"....I never took any. And I refused to sleep in the same room for about a month.

Just writing about all this makes me sick

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The changing of the guard may leave Fauci a bit skittish.

The sound of an empty can dropping on the street behind him during the evening, or getting into his car and finding that it won’t start while alone in an unfamiliar location.

These happenings can give certain types of people the heebie-jeebies.

Guilt can really mess with your mind.

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Just like that…

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but Fauci got a $4OO,OOO annuity. And Christine Grady his wifey darling.. who ran the "Ethics" committee for the CDC is also getting paid A LOT in her "retirement....Look guilt is not enough punishment....Fauci is a seasoned killer who murdered a million gay people with his AZT--one of the most toxic drugs ever devised. He's a stone cold reptilian killer who doesn't care who he harms even if they are cute little beagle pups...or abandoned children in an orphanage...Fauci likes hurting and killing innocent beings. Got that?

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Hmmmmm. Whats he need security for if he is so good and so UN GUILTY? AND SO loved and adored??

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When I left the Navy, I had security clearances, many highly sensitive, but

they did not leave with me because I no longer had NEED TO KNOW

which is the rule

It is unbelievable that anyone who has served in any capacity would still hold

and that includes former POTUS

They no longer have need to know

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EITHER WAY.......FraudFauci is STILL paying for 'security' with TAX-PAYER $$$$$$$!!!!

HOW MANY BILLIONS, of TAX-PAYER $$$$, did he get from the 'CV19' PsyOp?????


Until this CRIMINAL is BEHIND BARS, for LIFE......and ALL of his ASSETS TAKEN, and GIVEN BACK to We, The People........


So, STOP CELEBRATING, as if you've 'won' something!


You're BEING LAUGHED AT.......

'THEY' are LAUGHING.......all the way to the LITERAL BANK!

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True that DawnieR

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