President proclaims that America will now enter a golden age of freedom, prosperity, security, health, enterprise, and creativity. Prominent Democrats remained seated and steadfastly silent.
it was worse then that! they couldn't manage any emotion for a little black kid who survived brain cancer being honored by the Secret Service??!!!! i was sobbing and Debra Wasserman Schultz was wearing her usual scowl. Elizabeth Warren was texting. why did they even bother to come? Robert Reich advised all his followers to boycott watching to not give the President any attention. great idea- cover your eyes, hide under a blanket, plug your ears. even his words might harm you!!!
i've never watched or listened to a presidential speech in all my 71 years before. i was stunned at the really rude, disrespectful behavior
I wish the cameras had given them MORE attention, especially at moments like the recognition of the brain cancer durviv8! The country needs to see the Democrats at moments like that and see how humorless and partisan they are.
Exactly!! Their TDS is making them the laughing stocks of the country!! It will be very hard for them to come back from this, and they're too delusional and sanctimonious to see that and understand that! Which will be a Godsend, as we'll likely have a good 12 years to make America even greater!! God bless their TDS!!!
I watched Cspan's coverage and thought it was, like Goldilocks' porridge, just right. Most of the focus was on Trump and the super-majority crowd's enthusiastic response, with just enough views of the hapless Dems embarrassing themselves in front of the whole country. It was really very artistically don't. I don't know what other networks produced, though.
I watched Fox, and it was pretty much the same as you described. They focused on Elizabeth Warren on her cell phone. And others with their scowling and sour faces. Preceding commentary pointed out that they coordinated a "protest" by wearing pink. I don't know how they thought wearing pink was protesting; after all it's so close to the color RED!! IMO, it was one more way they showed their ignorance!😉😄
Can’t stop remarking…..the 14 yr olds, moving in a group down the hall, dissing those in their way, snide to anyone not gang approved and remarkable in their brattiness……their mothers probably encouraging the behaviors
I was wishing there were victims of Hurricane Helene, from western NC, in attendance, when Trump started to name all of the ludicrous & wasteful spending that was given to other country's ridiculous DEI programs. Many of these poor people have been living in tents since September, while the Biden administration continued to fund these programs. They could have stood up & said, "Millions for thee, but not for me" (or held up placards).
I was just going to reply likewise! I was moved to tears by DJ also (the 13 year old boy you referenced), as well as all the other victims and surviving family of victims that the president highlighted during his speech. And yet the lefties couldn't even stand or clap in support of them!! Their infantile behavior was disgusting and disrespectful to the extreme!!!! Trump even pointed out in his speech that there was nothing he could do or say that could get them to stand or clap. They're appalling and a disgrace to the human race!! They also showed their ignorance by holding signs up saying "save Medicaid". HOW MANY TIMES DO THE REPUBLICANS HAVE TO REPEAT THAT THEY ARE NOT, I repeat NOT, GOING TO CUT MEDICAID or MEDICARE!!!! Their TDS has made them deaf as well as dumb!!! Ya know, as frustrating as they are, I'm now starting to find them humorous. In their desperation, they are making fools of themselves, and the really humorous part is that their sanctimonious self-righteousness won't allow them to see it!! The more they succumb to TDS, the more they become the laughing stocks of the country, the country they almost destroyed, the country they left in shambles for their nemesis to put back together and make great again! MAGA!!!
I'm also 71 and have watched quite a few presidential speeches. I can't remember when the emotionally manipulative practice of dragging citizens with heartbreaking stories in to parade like circus animals started, but it sure works — as exemplified by your sobbing.
He was honoring them and acknowledging their pain and sacrifice, not only caused by the previous administration but ignored by them as well. He was effectively saying that their suffering and the loss of their loved ones was not in vain, by highlighting them during his speech and by taking executive measures to combat the causes and assure they don't happen again. If they had felt like they were being "manipulated" or "paraded like circus animals" they wouldn't have been there. They showed their true heartfelt appreciation to the president and it was obvious.
i laughed as well because some of it was really funny. i bet none of those people felt used like "circus animals" but it sure did serve to show up the democrats' stoney response
It was messed up when Dems cheered sending $$$ to Ukraine, yet were silent when Trump announced Zelinsky was ready for peace. They don't want their gravy train to stop. Look at how Warren smiled when Trump suggested Dems want the war to go on another year. Evil.
I'm not a member of any party, and have no desire to be, but I've certainly never been a fan of the Democrat Party because they've always been too inclined to treat Americans like brain dead livestock. And now control of that party has been seized by utterly toxic authoritarians who clearly aren't mentally well. They are absolutely repulsive.
Re: "What is peculiar about today’s Democrats is how rarely any of them express encouragement or approval for the prospect of American taxpaying citizens doing well."
I do not expect that I will ever forget, for the rest of my life, all that Jab Crow crap. I'm not a fan of the Republican Party, either, but the Dems sailed off the cliff of basic human decency and sanity a long time ago.
I think many in the Democratic Party have booster brain. They clearly lack the ability to control their emotions and think rationally. It's just bizarre, an I see it in my liberal friends. They get completely exhausted if yo give them pertinent information. Some just can't do it. They cannot leave negative mode.
It’s exhausting. I don’t even try to engage anymore. Facts are Kryptonite. “I don’t believe that” or “It’s time to move on”. They just regurgitate the NYT or Atlantic and deny everything that their eyes and ears tell them. It’s amazing.
Chiadrum the last time I listened to NPR (years ago) they were repeatedly saying something like, there's so much information out can trust us that we'll sift through it all and give you the facts. As I said that was the last time I listened to the propaganda outlet. Oh and remember how we were mocked for, "doing your own research?"
It's all an act. Everything. Their sulkiness and Trump's promises for a golden age. It's all to suck people in who are absolutely fed up to the back teeth with politicians.
I agree; I like Trump's platform, whereby he is the mouthpiece for what We, the People, are thinking and feeling, especially about prosperity, peace, Government waste and abuse, and child sex trafficking (Epstein List). Still, if no one is held accountable for these heinous crimes, it is just a lot of talk!
I forgot to mention the shrieks of fascism, as every single one of these fools knows a dozen or more people who have been seriously ill or died since the “vaccine” was mandated and destroyed endless lives and permanently shut down 70,000 minority owned businesses. Plenty of equity to go around when financial destruction is the goal. I have many reservations about Trump and his team, but he did explicitly call for a balanced budget last night. Regarding mRNA for cancer, please toss my salad.
Democrats aren’t a swamp anymore, they’re a sewage tank, that needs pumping. Old and pure evil, every last one. My fear is their offspring and what they will become, obviously those demons should never raise children.
Please disinfect the whole area they sat in, so’s it doesn’t contaminate others.
Hysterical to watch the “childlike behaviour of those seated Democrats that call themselves “Americans”. Better description might read, psychologically damaged in need to counselling??
In order to understand the state of mind the democrats are in, you would have to read, listen to, and watch the media that they are consuming for a few weeks to really understand where they are coming from. We would all be stressed out and turning our social media profiles into a Ukrainian flag if we watched what they watched and opened our minds to it over the last several years. They are constantly being brainwashed by a very sophisticated machine powered by algorithms.
Sadly, most republicans are having this same experience but from a different point of view. Trump gave 500 billion to develop AI and mRNA “cancer vaccines”. 500 billion. (*Mimi corrected me that this was not government funds. After looking into it, I found that Trump has endorsed the deal and overturned the original regulations in place*) He put a transhumanist who owns a social media platform and advocates for brain chips, UBI, and an Everything APP, and who owns several other conflicting businesses in charge of the entire US purse. And Trump is trying to create some kind of North American Union. And he’s shoveling money to fight another country’s war. And he’s ushering in digital currency, which can be controlled even if it is not CBDC.
The two party paradigm keeps the tension between the citizens of the country instead of between the citizens and the government.
The republicans just upped the debt limit. They have no plans to cut spending. Massey is correct.
United we Stand Divided We Fall!! The Divided States of America! It is Us (We the People) Against Them, and Them is both sides (DemonRats and RepubTurds) including the Globalist and Media! It's a Big Show with Theatrics and we are the audience!
Trump endorsed the "Stargate" project, but none of that $500 billion is coming from the government. The tech morons had already started the project a year or so ago and Trump thought it was a good idea to allow Larry Ellison to talk about it.
I don't like Musk at all and I wish Trump didn't like him so much.
Thanks for that correction. I did a bit more reading about it and while you are correct that the 500 billion didn’t come from Trump, the details are alarming me even more than what I originally thought. Trump overturned the regulations for it. Looks like Musk is an investor, no surprise and that seems like lots of conflicts of interest while he is slashing the rest of the government.
If I were to guess, money from the government will probably be flowing towards this technology in one way or the other.
I think one of the reasons Trump encouraged this is to keep it out of China. He stated as much in the announcement he held with Larry and the other two AI giants. It's such a powerful industry that he wants us to control it rather than China and as much as it concerns me too, I can't disagree with him on that. As far as mRNA technology, it's very flawed as Dr Malone, one of its inventors, stated, or tried to before he was censored and had his character and professional career defamed when labeled as one of the "disinformation dozen". It's my hope and prayer now that Trump reinstated freedom of speech and prohibited censorship, that the truth of mRNA technology will prevail and its future use will be banned. There's already legislation in many states to ban the COVID mRNA shots. I think it's foreseeable that we won't need to worry about mRNA cancer "vaccines" or any other mRNA shots.
I think that the fact that Trump de-regulated it is not a good sign for citizens rights.
Also, the mRNA is troubling, but oddly, Trump is still very proud of it. China didn't use it on their citizens, curiously.
But really, it's the AI combined with the mRNA that's really got my attention personally. I assume this is a biological monitoring system, like the internet of bodies kind of thing. And I assume they are using cancer as the target because it's a very real threat to massive amounts of people around the world. It will likely garner significant support for that reason.
I do see your point that it's going to happen so why not try to control it. I just don't trust Trump to be the one to make this work for the citizens and not industry after what he did during the "pandemic". He gave lip service to important ideas and principles but he basically did everything the WHO wanted, (lockdowns, Operation Warp Speed, restricted access to early treatments, massive spending bills that flooded the economy, shutting down small businesses, suspending property rights, declaring emergency powers, etc).
Anyhow, guess we will find out in a few years how this pans out. My trust in anyone harnessing the power of AI is close to 0%, especially when it's attached to medical care or money. And all the kind of tech people that Trump is surrounding himself with is a hug red flag to me. We don't have a lot of good options though so it will be what it is.
Yeah, you have to make sure that nobody sneaks in funding for it.
If it makes you feel any better, people who know anything about this stuff think the whole project is bound to fail. The CEOS in SV like this kind of trash because they are terrified of dying but they don't understand any of it.
There's a reason why Theranos came out of Silicon Valley. This stuff is mostly fraud.
I see what you are saying but...Operation Warp Speed should have failed by any reasonable measure and we see how that went. Trump championing it and deregulating it feels like another set up.
There's evidence that those shots were already manufactured long before Trump came up with Warp Speed. The numbers that were available would have been impossible otherwise. The problem with Warp Speed is that Trump keeps taking about how great it was.
The problem we have here is that the tech bros know that if they kiss up to Trump, they will be able to get what they want. I voted for Trump because we sure didn't need Biden, but this is one of many things about him that I do not like.
Anyhow, they can't exactly mandate everyone to get mRNA cancer vaccines. Try not to worry about it much.
Yes, I am aware of the decades of preplanning for the "pandemic", which is precisely why I think we are walking into something more than just incompetence regarding the AI and cancer "vaccines". That and the tech bros being handed the keys to the government. And the crypto. And probably other things that we will learn as we go.
I personally do not think that Trump talking about how great his "vaccines" are is a misstep, or an ignorant lie. I think he knows very well that they were a disaster but he is protecting the industry. Many people have given accounts of telling him personally that the injections are very dangerous and are harming people. He has even been booed openly, many times. He knows. This should have made the primary a slam dunk for anyone but him, but the persecution ramped up for him during the primaries just at the right time and drove his popularity through the roof.
You say that they can't mandate everyone to get mRNA cancer vaccines but I suspect that is not the goal. I think the goal is to set up a system of biological surveillance that people will choose out of fear of cancer and most people will get it. And I suspect that anyone who doesn't get it will be out of luck. Maybe? Something along those lines. But maybe this is a big nothing. It's very odd though and the de-regulation of it is notable.
No one five years ago could have predicted a novel, poorly tested gene therapy could have ever been realistically mandated for a virus with an IFR that was less than most seasonal flus, but we have all learned a valuable lesson through the last few years of what is possible. Lockdowns? I would have laughed at the thought.
I personally do not believe that the media would allow a candidate to rise in the primaries unless that person was willing to play the game. All presidents lead us down the same path of massive spending and debt and loss of freedom. I do not know for sure what the future holds but I am far more willing to consider the worst case scenario than I was 6 years ago.
At least we haven't gotten to this pre-civil war point where Representative Preston Brooks, a pro-slavery Democrat from South Carolina, used a walking cane to attack Senator Charles Sumner, an abolitionist Republican from Massachusetts (May 22, 1856).
Wait, they ARE arresting Christians for praying (and it took Trump being elected so they could be "pardoned for praying.")
Dems have nothing useful to say. Just like Kamala, who for three months campaigning, never answered a single question. Oh, and yes, they preach "unity." Listen not to what people say; observe what they do.
Respectfully disagree about Trump and 'marked oratorical skill'. I think he badly needs a new speech writer and a speech coach. He has a dreary, monotonous, schoolboy mode of delivery, only occasionally relieved by flashes of his charming wry humour. His speeches are an endurance test for the audience.
it was worse then that! they couldn't manage any emotion for a little black kid who survived brain cancer being honored by the Secret Service??!!!! i was sobbing and Debra Wasserman Schultz was wearing her usual scowl. Elizabeth Warren was texting. why did they even bother to come? Robert Reich advised all his followers to boycott watching to not give the President any attention. great idea- cover your eyes, hide under a blanket, plug your ears. even his words might harm you!!!
i've never watched or listened to a presidential speech in all my 71 years before. i was stunned at the really rude, disrespectful behavior
It’s the TDS, they’re working on a vaccine to cure it…
That would be the first vax they will not take!!
ok, you got a laugh out of me
Maybe just liberal doses of Thorazine. Certainly, it is stockpiled in a warehouse in Hoboken!
Cranial lead injections?
They're too sanctimonious to recognize that they need it!! 😉
The cameras should have never given them airtime. Most of them are criminals. People should have ignored them and given them no attention whatsoever.
I wish the cameras had given them MORE attention, especially at moments like the recognition of the brain cancer durviv8! The country needs to see the Democrats at moments like that and see how humorless and partisan they are.
Exactly!! Their TDS is making them the laughing stocks of the country!! It will be very hard for them to come back from this, and they're too delusional and sanctimonious to see that and understand that! Which will be a Godsend, as we'll likely have a good 12 years to make America even greater!! God bless their TDS!!!
I watched Cspan's coverage and thought it was, like Goldilocks' porridge, just right. Most of the focus was on Trump and the super-majority crowd's enthusiastic response, with just enough views of the hapless Dems embarrassing themselves in front of the whole country. It was really very artistically don't. I don't know what other networks produced, though.
I watched Fox, and it was pretty much the same as you described. They focused on Elizabeth Warren on her cell phone. And others with their scowling and sour faces. Preceding commentary pointed out that they coordinated a "protest" by wearing pink. I don't know how they thought wearing pink was protesting; after all it's so close to the color RED!! IMO, it was one more way they showed their ignorance!😉😄
warren on her cell phone was grotesque! why did she even bother showing up? just to be disrespectful
LOL!! And, Amen! 😂🤣😂
Indeed, and the world was watching…brats all …..Dung beetle !! LOl.
Can’t stop remarking…..the 14 yr olds, moving in a group down the hall, dissing those in their way, snide to anyone not gang approved and remarkable in their brattiness……their mothers probably encouraging the behaviors
they had to keep their membership in the cult going
I was wishing there were victims of Hurricane Helene, from western NC, in attendance, when Trump started to name all of the ludicrous & wasteful spending that was given to other country's ridiculous DEI programs. Many of these poor people have been living in tents since September, while the Biden administration continued to fund these programs. They could have stood up & said, "Millions for thee, but not for me" (or held up placards).
you're right. and hawaii. so many bad/weird things have happened that it's hard to remember them all!
I was just going to reply likewise! I was moved to tears by DJ also (the 13 year old boy you referenced), as well as all the other victims and surviving family of victims that the president highlighted during his speech. And yet the lefties couldn't even stand or clap in support of them!! Their infantile behavior was disgusting and disrespectful to the extreme!!!! Trump even pointed out in his speech that there was nothing he could do or say that could get them to stand or clap. They're appalling and a disgrace to the human race!! They also showed their ignorance by holding signs up saying "save Medicaid". HOW MANY TIMES DO THE REPUBLICANS HAVE TO REPEAT THAT THEY ARE NOT, I repeat NOT, GOING TO CUT MEDICAID or MEDICARE!!!! Their TDS has made them deaf as well as dumb!!! Ya know, as frustrating as they are, I'm now starting to find them humorous. In their desperation, they are making fools of themselves, and the really humorous part is that their sanctimonious self-righteousness won't allow them to see it!! The more they succumb to TDS, the more they become the laughing stocks of the country, the country they almost destroyed, the country they left in shambles for their nemesis to put back together and make great again! MAGA!!!
The anti orange juice movement show no remorse.
ok, i thought that was gong to be a commercial before the actual video. i couldn't watch it. i was too skeeved out! it's a death cult for sure
Fruit is good money for the truckers.
I'm also 71 and have watched quite a few presidential speeches. I can't remember when the emotionally manipulative practice of dragging citizens with heartbreaking stories in to parade like circus animals started, but it sure works — as exemplified by your sobbing.
He was honoring them and acknowledging their pain and sacrifice, not only caused by the previous administration but ignored by them as well. He was effectively saying that their suffering and the loss of their loved ones was not in vain, by highlighting them during his speech and by taking executive measures to combat the causes and assure they don't happen again. If they had felt like they were being "manipulated" or "paraded like circus animals" they wouldn't have been there. They showed their true heartfelt appreciation to the president and it was obvious.
i laughed as well because some of it was really funny. i bet none of those people felt used like "circus animals" but it sure did serve to show up the democrats' stoney response
you also might be a man and less prone to tears. i don't know
It was messed up when Dems cheered sending $$$ to Ukraine, yet were silent when Trump announced Zelinsky was ready for peace. They don't want their gravy train to stop. Look at how Warren smiled when Trump suggested Dems want the war to go on another year. Evil.
and he called her Pocahontas!! :-)
Loved that!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Dy 🎯
I'm not a member of any party, and have no desire to be, but I've certainly never been a fan of the Democrat Party because they've always been too inclined to treat Americans like brain dead livestock. And now control of that party has been seized by utterly toxic authoritarians who clearly aren't mentally well. They are absolutely repulsive.
John Leake— Many thanks for this.
Re: "What is peculiar about today’s Democrats is how rarely any of them express encouragement or approval for the prospect of American taxpaying citizens doing well."
I do not expect that I will ever forget, for the rest of my life, all that Jab Crow crap. I'm not a fan of the Republican Party, either, but the Dems sailed off the cliff of basic human decency and sanity a long time ago.
I think many in the Democratic Party have booster brain. They clearly lack the ability to control their emotions and think rationally. It's just bizarre, an I see it in my liberal friends. They get completely exhausted if yo give them pertinent information. Some just can't do it. They cannot leave negative mode.
Booster brain. Alas, I see it, too in many people.
It’s exhausting. I don’t even try to engage anymore. Facts are Kryptonite. “I don’t believe that” or “It’s time to move on”. They just regurgitate the NYT or Atlantic and deny everything that their eyes and ears tell them. It’s amazing.
Chiadrum the last time I listened to NPR (years ago) they were repeatedly saying something like, there's so much information out can trust us that we'll sift through it all and give you the facts. As I said that was the last time I listened to the propaganda outlet. Oh and remember how we were mocked for, "doing your own research?"
It's cult brainwashing. I pray for their epiphany of truth, especially those in my family.
It's all an act. Everything. Their sulkiness and Trump's promises for a golden age. It's all to suck people in who are absolutely fed up to the back teeth with politicians.
I agree; I like Trump's platform, whereby he is the mouthpiece for what We, the People, are thinking and feeling, especially about prosperity, peace, Government waste and abuse, and child sex trafficking (Epstein List). Still, if no one is held accountable for these heinous crimes, it is just a lot of talk!
Group think and ulterior motive$.
Booster Brain. That got a laugh out of me, which is just what I needed this morning. Thank you. :)
I forgot to mention the shrieks of fascism, as every single one of these fools knows a dozen or more people who have been seriously ill or died since the “vaccine” was mandated and destroyed endless lives and permanently shut down 70,000 minority owned businesses. Plenty of equity to go around when financial destruction is the goal. I have many reservations about Trump and his team, but he did explicitly call for a balanced budget last night. Regarding mRNA for cancer, please toss my salad.
Or the Dems hold up their absurd little signs, as someone said, like bidding on an auction!
What a president. What a State of the Union address.
Thank you Lord.
The Dems looked like petulant children, denied their dessert and annoyed at being banned from the adult table.
Maybe if they could grow up, they'd be happier.
Dumb dumb da de da.
Democrats aren’t a swamp anymore, they’re a sewage tank, that needs pumping. Old and pure evil, every last one. My fear is their offspring and what they will become, obviously those demons should never raise children.
Please disinfect the whole area they sat in, so’s it doesn’t contaminate others.
Exactly; at least swamps are ecologically valuable.
U R 2 kind
Hysterical to watch the “childlike behaviour of those seated Democrats that call themselves “Americans”. Better description might read, psychologically damaged in need to counselling??
Like a snowflake melting…
The political division was on full display.
It seemed the dems were acting like a bunch of petulant children after being caught and exposed for their misdeeds.
Their TDS has literally destroyed their minds.
In order to understand the state of mind the democrats are in, you would have to read, listen to, and watch the media that they are consuming for a few weeks to really understand where they are coming from. We would all be stressed out and turning our social media profiles into a Ukrainian flag if we watched what they watched and opened our minds to it over the last several years. They are constantly being brainwashed by a very sophisticated machine powered by algorithms.
Sadly, most republicans are having this same experience but from a different point of view. Trump gave 500 billion to develop AI and mRNA “cancer vaccines”. 500 billion. (*Mimi corrected me that this was not government funds. After looking into it, I found that Trump has endorsed the deal and overturned the original regulations in place*) He put a transhumanist who owns a social media platform and advocates for brain chips, UBI, and an Everything APP, and who owns several other conflicting businesses in charge of the entire US purse. And Trump is trying to create some kind of North American Union. And he’s shoveling money to fight another country’s war. And he’s ushering in digital currency, which can be controlled even if it is not CBDC.
The two party paradigm keeps the tension between the citizens of the country instead of between the citizens and the government.
The republicans just upped the debt limit. They have no plans to cut spending. Massey is correct.
United we Stand Divided We Fall!! The Divided States of America! It is Us (We the People) Against Them, and Them is both sides (DemonRats and RepubTurds) including the Globalist and Media! It's a Big Show with Theatrics and we are the audience!
Trump endorsed the "Stargate" project, but none of that $500 billion is coming from the government. The tech morons had already started the project a year or so ago and Trump thought it was a good idea to allow Larry Ellison to talk about it.
I don't like Musk at all and I wish Trump didn't like him so much.
Thanks for that correction. I did a bit more reading about it and while you are correct that the 500 billion didn’t come from Trump, the details are alarming me even more than what I originally thought. Trump overturned the regulations for it. Looks like Musk is an investor, no surprise and that seems like lots of conflicts of interest while he is slashing the rest of the government.
If I were to guess, money from the government will probably be flowing towards this technology in one way or the other.
I think one of the reasons Trump encouraged this is to keep it out of China. He stated as much in the announcement he held with Larry and the other two AI giants. It's such a powerful industry that he wants us to control it rather than China and as much as it concerns me too, I can't disagree with him on that. As far as mRNA technology, it's very flawed as Dr Malone, one of its inventors, stated, or tried to before he was censored and had his character and professional career defamed when labeled as one of the "disinformation dozen". It's my hope and prayer now that Trump reinstated freedom of speech and prohibited censorship, that the truth of mRNA technology will prevail and its future use will be banned. There's already legislation in many states to ban the COVID mRNA shots. I think it's foreseeable that we won't need to worry about mRNA cancer "vaccines" or any other mRNA shots.
Well, I hope you are correct.
I think that the fact that Trump de-regulated it is not a good sign for citizens rights.
Also, the mRNA is troubling, but oddly, Trump is still very proud of it. China didn't use it on their citizens, curiously.
But really, it's the AI combined with the mRNA that's really got my attention personally. I assume this is a biological monitoring system, like the internet of bodies kind of thing. And I assume they are using cancer as the target because it's a very real threat to massive amounts of people around the world. It will likely garner significant support for that reason.
I do see your point that it's going to happen so why not try to control it. I just don't trust Trump to be the one to make this work for the citizens and not industry after what he did during the "pandemic". He gave lip service to important ideas and principles but he basically did everything the WHO wanted, (lockdowns, Operation Warp Speed, restricted access to early treatments, massive spending bills that flooded the economy, shutting down small businesses, suspending property rights, declaring emergency powers, etc).
Anyhow, guess we will find out in a few years how this pans out. My trust in anyone harnessing the power of AI is close to 0%, especially when it's attached to medical care or money. And all the kind of tech people that Trump is surrounding himself with is a hug red flag to me. We don't have a lot of good options though so it will be what it is.
Yeah, you have to make sure that nobody sneaks in funding for it.
If it makes you feel any better, people who know anything about this stuff think the whole project is bound to fail. The CEOS in SV like this kind of trash because they are terrified of dying but they don't understand any of it.
There's a reason why Theranos came out of Silicon Valley. This stuff is mostly fraud.
I see what you are saying but...Operation Warp Speed should have failed by any reasonable measure and we see how that went. Trump championing it and deregulating it feels like another set up.
There's evidence that those shots were already manufactured long before Trump came up with Warp Speed. The numbers that were available would have been impossible otherwise. The problem with Warp Speed is that Trump keeps taking about how great it was.
The problem we have here is that the tech bros know that if they kiss up to Trump, they will be able to get what they want. I voted for Trump because we sure didn't need Biden, but this is one of many things about him that I do not like.
Anyhow, they can't exactly mandate everyone to get mRNA cancer vaccines. Try not to worry about it much.
Yes, I am aware of the decades of preplanning for the "pandemic", which is precisely why I think we are walking into something more than just incompetence regarding the AI and cancer "vaccines". That and the tech bros being handed the keys to the government. And the crypto. And probably other things that we will learn as we go.
I personally do not think that Trump talking about how great his "vaccines" are is a misstep, or an ignorant lie. I think he knows very well that they were a disaster but he is protecting the industry. Many people have given accounts of telling him personally that the injections are very dangerous and are harming people. He has even been booed openly, many times. He knows. This should have made the primary a slam dunk for anyone but him, but the persecution ramped up for him during the primaries just at the right time and drove his popularity through the roof.
You say that they can't mandate everyone to get mRNA cancer vaccines but I suspect that is not the goal. I think the goal is to set up a system of biological surveillance that people will choose out of fear of cancer and most people will get it. And I suspect that anyone who doesn't get it will be out of luck. Maybe? Something along those lines. But maybe this is a big nothing. It's very odd though and the de-regulation of it is notable.
No one five years ago could have predicted a novel, poorly tested gene therapy could have ever been realistically mandated for a virus with an IFR that was less than most seasonal flus, but we have all learned a valuable lesson through the last few years of what is possible. Lockdowns? I would have laughed at the thought.
I personally do not believe that the media would allow a candidate to rise in the primaries unless that person was willing to play the game. All presidents lead us down the same path of massive spending and debt and loss of freedom. I do not know for sure what the future holds but I am far more willing to consider the worst case scenario than I was 6 years ago.
At least we haven't gotten to this pre-civil war point where Representative Preston Brooks, a pro-slavery Democrat from South Carolina, used a walking cane to attack Senator Charles Sumner, an abolitionist Republican from Massachusetts (May 22, 1856).
Wait, they ARE arresting Christians for praying (and it took Trump being elected so they could be "pardoned for praying.")
Dems have nothing useful to say. Just like Kamala, who for three months campaigning, never answered a single question. Oh, and yes, they preach "unity." Listen not to what people say; observe what they do.
Mediocrity's middle name is envy.
Democrats are dead weight, cut em loose!
Respectfully disagree about Trump and 'marked oratorical skill'. I think he badly needs a new speech writer and a speech coach. He has a dreary, monotonous, schoolboy mode of delivery, only occasionally relieved by flashes of his charming wry humour. His speeches are an endurance test for the audience.
yeah but last night he kicked arse to hi heaven.