The District Judge that found it so easy to dismiss my case that documented harm I suffered at the hands of COVID tyrants, has not found it so easy to persuade the FBI to cough up Seth Rich's laptop. Your investigation may yet bear fruit, but there may be an additional layer of non-disclosure that must be removed.
Short and sweet..... If our nation and it's Constitution are so fragile that it cannot stand the weight of truth and the consequences of revealing it; if right and wrong is determined by money, then the US government is past it's expiration date. I think we the people are strong enough to handle the truth even if Washington DC is not !!
Spoken bravely just before the middle of the night knock on the door. Whatever happened to dmickg? Oh, we think it might have been aliens. Hard to tell.
Positions of power naturally attract pathological narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, etc. so, tragically, we should expect hyper self centered manipulative behavior from more than a few so called "leaders" in places like DC. Deceitful manipulation is symptomatic of their mental disease, along with lack of any sense of remorse or guilt. They in fact very much relish controlling everyone and everything all the time through deceitful manipulation which, incidentally, is why they also always resort to censorship, among other societal atrocities. They can't allow the people they can't fool to shine a light on their true nature and behavior so they silence and demonize them to preserve their control over the credulous masses. If those mentally diseased monsters gain enough power they simply slaughter anyone who resists their control, ruling through domestic terror, as we've seen time after time through history.
BTW, for any lifelong Democrats who haven't noticed yet...they've seized control of your party. And before anyone responds by accusing me of partisanship you should know I haven't been a member of any political party for decades and I couldn't be less interested in mindless partisan politics.
Epstein “files” will never be exposed. Yes he ran a blackmail operation but who he ran it for is why it will never be disclosed. Check out the Martyr Made podcast. He made his 4 part Epstein series free a couple years ago. Be prepared to go back quite a ways before Epstein comes into the picture.
And yes, nobody gets elected to the presidency without at least “one side” in your corner. Hopefully we have the lesser of two evils, and there are at least a few individuals in positions of power who will have the balls to get some positive things done for humanity without getting killed.
And now you know why countries or empires come and go. The corruption becomes so engrained that the only option is to burn it down. These systems become impossible to save.
I believe that Trump and Musk will do a good job of exposing fraud and corruption but changing corruption is almost impossible. Once those exposed or about to be exposed realize the only option left is tyranny and authoritarianism. That cycle brings the end of the system. Europe is experiencing that now; we see the crazy authoritarian stories in the UK and Germany as these corrupt politicians try to salvage their corrupt lives. This is why the EU backs Zelenski, the EU needs war to run cover for all their Marxist decisions. It's all falling apart.
Trump and Musk are part of the cycle of destruction, I don't think they will be the solution. The only way forward is to burn it down and start over. This is how history rolls.
I don’t share your conviction, but it seems a reasonable possibility. The corruption has become quite overt. The whole pointless and endless escalation of foreign conflicts can only be explained as a great grift for theft.
Excellent John. Trump is deep in the Epstein/Mossad Operation which Blackmailed America and caused irreparable harm to us for decades and likely will destroy America. Which country keeps coming up over and over with pardoned Spies, Blackmail Operations and causing wars (Neocons)? Not Ireland or Italy or France but virtually always Israel. Who does Trump, Biden, Congress and the Senate and etc. do the bidding of, because of Bribery and Blackmail, and clap like trained moronic seals for? It's not Palestine or Lebanon or Iraq or Libya who we directly destroyed or gave Israel the weapons, money, etc to do it - It is Israel who caused the worst Holocaust/Genocide in my lifetime in Gaza and now the West Bank and virtually nothing is said in America including on Courageous Discourse - not so courageous on this vital subject. WAKE-UP AMERICA BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE AND IT MAY BE TOO LATE. KNOW YOUR REAL ENEMY. And no it is not antisemitic to speak or write the Truth AND 500 Million Arabs are Semites and only about 5 million Jews are. Antisemitic is a stolen word.
Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews, many Zionists are Christian Zionists. Many of the best Truth tellers against Racist Insane Jewish Supremacy are non-Supremacist Jews such as: Finkelstein, Levy, the Mate's etc. I read their Torah and I read as much of their Talmud as I could get in English and it is Insane Racist Psychotic Jewish Supremacy to the detriment and death or slavery of the Goyim (Non-Jewish Cattle). Do your research.
The problem with "getting to the bottom" of SAR-CoV-2 is that there was no such thing. There was influenza-like-illness as usual, and then there were the injections. That's the reality. People need to face the fact that their need to think of themselves as clever dudes who understand 'science' makes them easy to deceive. The public have been duped yet again. Happens all the time.
I agree that elections shouldn't be dependent on how much money the candidate can amass. Votes should be based on past deeds that the candidate did for his/her country. This would be proof that they are loyal and trustworthy and they could even be normal low income people. Voting would resemble a popularity contest and proof of good deeds would need receipts.
As for the files concerning Epstein, I don' think they will ever come to light. They likely have people listed that still have mileage left to be used for blackmail, or threats. The same is likely true regarding JFK because there are likely family members who are still useful.
We are in a spiritual war and it is difficult to find with spiritual values to fight it.
I am hopeful that the most recent presidential election, in which the loser was reported to have raised 3x more $$ than the winner, might indicate a turning point.
Katherine Austin Fitz asked a group of 100 people at a Christian gathering, "If you could push a red button to instantly get rid of all of the evil controllers, but it meant that all of the comforts and conveniences that they provide would also disappear, how many of you would push the red button?"
Only one person raised their hand, one willing to give up the abundant pleasures provided by the system.
Mick Jagger nailed it in "Sympathy for the Devil".
That’s what it all boils down to: “willful negligence” regarding Covid. Should be easy to litigate in a court of law. The question is, what’s taking so long…
Ah, yes. I tried that. Let me tell you what happened... Federal Courts today misapply Rule 8 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. A valid Rule 8 Pleading need only consist of a simple, concise, and direct statement of a plausible claim. This has been the standard for more than decades. Due to two poor Supreme Court decisions, the courts now believe they can change the standard. They believe they can conduct an ad hoc bench trial to determine if the case goes forward. They do not allow discovery and do not allow cross examination. (They can and do deny ANY oral argument.) In other words, District Court judges render verdicts, on an ad hoc basis, without a valid trial that protects rights. They know that Defendants can perjure themselves with no consequences. That's why you see the huge number of dismissals of "controversial" cases without a presentation of evidence. Federal District Court judges have become wild west rogue judges.
What happened to Rome is happening to the US and so far it has managed to drag the rest or the West down with it but the break is clear for all to see and Europe that has thousands of years of history will bounce back in its usual messy fashion and heads will quite literally roll but I fear that Canada, Australia and New Zealand are already lost to the barbarian hordes.
Those who took over after LIncoln had ripped up the constitution to attack the South had a great little number going and they could have milked the West for far far far longer if only they could have kept their hands out of children's pants. But THAT is their degenerate religion as we saw again with the women's sports vote by the Democrats but you can bet half of the "Republicans" were just twitching to side with them and the other half will vote whichever way the wind happens to be blowing.
As Marx said "I have certain principles and if you don't like those I have some others you may like!" - Groucho ........ That summed up the US political class in his time and 100 years later absolutely nothing has changed.
The US is the one country in the West where this need never have happened of course because it is the only country that has that constitution that shows the country is being ruled illegally and the people have the right to bear arms. But cuddling a gun in bed at night so you can shoot a burglar being screwed over by the same system that is screwing you over is not quite what the founding fathers had in mind.
I’m not so much interested in seeing the Epstein list as seeing convictions and sentencing resulting from said list. Seeing it is just a nothing burger, other than titillating curiosity….
You are absolutely correct in your analysis, imo. My wish list includes that Bill Gates is on the Epstein files list multiple times (his wife did so indicate), and that Bill Clinton is caught out in black and white (rumors were that he flew on the Lolita Express 29 times, but who's counting?). However, more than either of those, I just want to see the truth of his client list, and see it out loud in the public square.
The renowned psychologist Kevin Dutton made a top 10 list of the types of jobs that attract the most psychopaths:
1 CEO (Chief Operating Officer)
2 Lawyer
3 TV or radio personality
4 Sales
5 Surgeon
6 Journalist
7 Police officer
8 Clergy
9 Chef
10 Civil servant
As you can see, CEO is the most popular profession for psychopaths. By the way, most members of congress and all judges are trained as lawyers. Therefore, the USA is mostly run by psychopaths.
When Gardiner Morse was senior editor at Harvard Business Review he wrote a 2004 article entitled “Executive Psychopaths”. Here’s an excerpt:
“Chances are good there’s a psychopath on your management team. Seriously. I’m not talking about the “psycho” boss that employees like to carp about—the hard-driving supervisor who sometimes loses it. He’s just difficult. Nor am I referring to the sort of homicidal “psychopath” Hollywood likes to serve up—Freddy Krueger, say, or Brando’s Colonel Kurtz. Neither is, clinically speaking, a psychopath.
"I’m talking about the real thing, the roughly 1% of the population that is certifiably psychopathic. True psychopaths are diagnosed according to very specific clinical criteria, and they’re nothing like the popular conception. What stands out about bona fide psychopaths is that they’re so hard to spot. They’re chameleons. They have a cunning ability to act perfectly normal and indeed to be utterly charming, as they wreak havoc on the lives of the people around them and the companies they inhabit.
"Many of psychopaths’ defining characteristics—their polish, charm, cool decisiveness, and fondness for the fast lane—are easily, and often, mistaken for leadership qualities. That’s why they may be singled out for promotion. But along with their charisma come the traits that make psychopaths so destructive: They’re cunning, manipulative, untrustworthy, unethical, parasitic, and utterly remorseless. There’s nothing they won’t do, and no one they won’t exploit, to get what they want. A psychopathic manager with his eye on a colleague’s job, for instance, will doctor financial results, plant rumors, turn coworkers against each other, and shift his persona, as needed, to destroy his target. He’ll do it, and his bosses will never know.” (end of Morse quote)
The old saying that power corrupts is wrong, in the real world corrupted mentally ill people known as psychopaths seek power and their unbridled ruthlessness insures that they find a way to obtain power.
The mental disorder known as psychopathy became more widely known when Hervey M. Cleckley published "The Mask of Sanity" in 1941. Here’s Cleckley’s description of a psychopath: “Imagine—if you can—not having a conscience, none at all, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you do, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members. Imagine no struggles of shame…no matter what kind of selfish, lazy, harmful, or immoral action you had taken.”
This important issue needs to be taken more seriously. It's the key to understanding why peace and prosperity has never developed globally. Psychopaths keep pushing for more and more power as they reach for full spectrum global dominance.
It seems to me that the only way out of this mess is Direct Democracy where every adult votes on all major decisions at all levels, in businesses, in villages, in counties, in cities, in states, and at the federal level. With Direct Democracy everyone has equal power and the psychopaths are only 1% so they loose their power. Direct Democracy works well in Switzerland where they have avoided wars ever since they voted to form the Swiss Confederacy and continue to make their most important decisions via direct democratic voting. The renowned psychologist Kevin Dutton made a top 10 list of the types of jobs that attract the most psychopaths:
1 CEO (Chief Operating Officer)
2 Lawyer
3 TV or radio personality
4 Sales
5 Surgeon
6 Journalist
7 Police officer
8 Clergy
9 Chef
10 Civil servant
As you can see, CEO is the most popular profession for psychopaths. By the way, most members of congress and all judges are trained as lawyers. Therefore, the USA is mostly run by psychopaths.
When Gardiner Morse was senior editor at Harvard Business Review he wrote a 2004 article entitled “Executive Psychopaths”. Here’s an excerpt:
“Chances are good there’s a psychopath on your management team. Seriously. I’m not talking about the “psycho” boss that employees like to carp about—the hard-driving supervisor who sometimes loses it. He’s just difficult. Nor am I referring to the sort of homicidal “psychopath” Hollywood likes to serve up—Freddy Krueger, say, or Brando’s Colonel Kurtz. Neither is, clinically speaking, a psychopath.
"I’m talking about the real thing, the roughly 1% of the population that is certifiably psychopathic. True psychopaths are diagnosed according to very specific clinical criteria, and they’re nothing like the popular conception. What stands out about bona fide psychopaths is that they’re so hard to spot. They’re chameleons. They have a cunning ability to act perfectly normal and indeed to be utterly charming, as they wreak havoc on the lives of the people around them and the companies they inhabit.
"Many of psychopaths’ defining characteristics—their polish, charm, cool decisiveness, and fondness for the fast lane—are easily, and often, mistaken for leadership qualities. That’s why they may be singled out for promotion. But along with their charisma come the traits that make psychopaths so destructive: They’re cunning, manipulative, untrustworthy, unethical, parasitic, and utterly remorseless. There’s nothing they won’t do, and no one they won’t exploit, to get what they want. A psychopathic manager with his eye on a colleague’s job, for instance, will doctor financial results, plant rumors, turn coworkers against each other, and shift his persona, as needed, to destroy his target. He’ll do it, and his bosses will never know.” (end of Morse quote)
The old saying that power corrupts is wrong, in the real world corrupted people known as psychopaths seek power and their unbridled ruthlessness insures that they find a way to obtain power.
The mental disorder known as psychopathy became more widely known when Hervey M. Cleckley published "The Mask of Sanity" in 1941. Here’s Cleckley’s description of a psychopath: “Imagine—if you can—not having a conscience, none at all, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you do, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members. Imagine no struggles of shame…no matter what kind of selfish, lazy, harmful, or immoral action you had taken.”
This important issue needs to be taken more seriously. It's the key to understanding why peace and prosperity has never developed globally. Psychopaths keep pushing for more and more power as they reach for full spectrum global dominance.
The only way out of this psychopathic mess is direct democracy where every adult votes on all major decisions at all levels, in businesses, in villages, in counties, in cities, in states, and at the federal level. With direct democracy everyone has equal power and the psychopaths are only 1% so they become impotent. Direct democracy works well in Switzerland where they have avoided wars ever since they voted to form the Swiss Confederacy and continue to make their most important decisions via direct democratic voting. The Swiss vote every two to three weeks.
It may take a time to settle into itself but I think what you describe will be (roughly) the way forward. The people are getting progressively more knowledgeable and thus empowered by the internet. Sure, there is a lot of danger to dodge, but eventually people, becoming more savvy, will not fall for it.
...can’t ever quite seem to get to the bottom of the origin of SARS-CoV-2
No, no one can get to the 'bottom' of an epidemic. One could on the contrary say we need to get `to the top of it`. Thats what communicable disease epidemiologist do through fact based statistical analysis.
It is similar to a recession - both are systemic Meta-phenomenon:
Economic data, such as GDP and employment figures, are often released with a delay (e.g., quarterly or monthly). This means recessions are often identified retrospectively, sometimes months after they begin.
Likewise for `epidemics` both have statistical modeled patterns that are analized only after the events.
BTW: There are a handful of researchers that working with these methodologies and coming to some remarkable conclusions, but it often the case that people would prefer thought pre-judgements than retrospective analysis.
I suspect that Democrat Party operatives that few in the party know about murdered both.
The District Judge that found it so easy to dismiss my case that documented harm I suffered at the hands of COVID tyrants, has not found it so easy to persuade the FBI to cough up Seth Rich's laptop. Your investigation may yet bear fruit, but there may be an additional layer of non-disclosure that must be removed.
At this point I'd actually be surprised if such wasn't the case.
John, rather than democrats, I think what you meant to say was "jewish or israeli operatives"... that would make much more sense.
Seth Rich was jewish as well, I am sure its just a cohencidence.
The bar is closed! Edit please
Short and sweet..... If our nation and it's Constitution are so fragile that it cannot stand the weight of truth and the consequences of revealing it; if right and wrong is determined by money, then the US government is past it's expiration date. I think we the people are strong enough to handle the truth even if Washington DC is not !!
Spoken bravely just before the middle of the night knock on the door. Whatever happened to dmickg? Oh, we think it might have been aliens. Hard to tell.
Positions of power naturally attract pathological narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, etc. so, tragically, we should expect hyper self centered manipulative behavior from more than a few so called "leaders" in places like DC. Deceitful manipulation is symptomatic of their mental disease, along with lack of any sense of remorse or guilt. They in fact very much relish controlling everyone and everything all the time through deceitful manipulation which, incidentally, is why they also always resort to censorship, among other societal atrocities. They can't allow the people they can't fool to shine a light on their true nature and behavior so they silence and demonize them to preserve their control over the credulous masses. If those mentally diseased monsters gain enough power they simply slaughter anyone who resists their control, ruling through domestic terror, as we've seen time after time through history.
BTW, for any lifelong Democrats who haven't noticed yet...they've seized control of your party. And before anyone responds by accusing me of partisanship you should know I haven't been a member of any political party for decades and I couldn't be less interested in mindless partisan politics.
Epstein “files” will never be exposed. Yes he ran a blackmail operation but who he ran it for is why it will never be disclosed. Check out the Martyr Made podcast. He made his 4 part Epstein series free a couple years ago. Be prepared to go back quite a ways before Epstein comes into the picture.
And yes, nobody gets elected to the presidency without at least “one side” in your corner. Hopefully we have the lesser of two evils, and there are at least a few individuals in positions of power who will have the balls to get some positive things done for humanity without getting killed.
And now you know why countries or empires come and go. The corruption becomes so engrained that the only option is to burn it down. These systems become impossible to save.
I believe that Trump and Musk will do a good job of exposing fraud and corruption but changing corruption is almost impossible. Once those exposed or about to be exposed realize the only option left is tyranny and authoritarianism. That cycle brings the end of the system. Europe is experiencing that now; we see the crazy authoritarian stories in the UK and Germany as these corrupt politicians try to salvage their corrupt lives. This is why the EU backs Zelenski, the EU needs war to run cover for all their Marxist decisions. It's all falling apart.
Trump and Musk are part of the cycle of destruction, I don't think they will be the solution. The only way forward is to burn it down and start over. This is how history rolls.
I don’t share your conviction, but it seems a reasonable possibility. The corruption has become quite overt. The whole pointless and endless escalation of foreign conflicts can only be explained as a great grift for theft.
Excellent John. Trump is deep in the Epstein/Mossad Operation which Blackmailed America and caused irreparable harm to us for decades and likely will destroy America. Which country keeps coming up over and over with pardoned Spies, Blackmail Operations and causing wars (Neocons)? Not Ireland or Italy or France but virtually always Israel. Who does Trump, Biden, Congress and the Senate and etc. do the bidding of, because of Bribery and Blackmail, and clap like trained moronic seals for? It's not Palestine or Lebanon or Iraq or Libya who we directly destroyed or gave Israel the weapons, money, etc to do it - It is Israel who caused the worst Holocaust/Genocide in my lifetime in Gaza and now the West Bank and virtually nothing is said in America including on Courageous Discourse - not so courageous on this vital subject. WAKE-UP AMERICA BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE AND IT MAY BE TOO LATE. KNOW YOUR REAL ENEMY. And no it is not antisemitic to speak or write the Truth AND 500 Million Arabs are Semites and only about 5 million Jews are. Antisemitic is a stolen word.
Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews, many Zionists are Christian Zionists. Many of the best Truth tellers against Racist Insane Jewish Supremacy are non-Supremacist Jews such as: Finkelstein, Levy, the Mate's etc. I read their Torah and I read as much of their Talmud as I could get in English and it is Insane Racist Psychotic Jewish Supremacy to the detriment and death or slavery of the Goyim (Non-Jewish Cattle). Do your research.
The problem with "getting to the bottom" of SAR-CoV-2 is that there was no such thing. There was influenza-like-illness as usual, and then there were the injections. That's the reality. People need to face the fact that their need to think of themselves as clever dudes who understand 'science' makes them easy to deceive. The public have been duped yet again. Happens all the time.
I agree that elections shouldn't be dependent on how much money the candidate can amass. Votes should be based on past deeds that the candidate did for his/her country. This would be proof that they are loyal and trustworthy and they could even be normal low income people. Voting would resemble a popularity contest and proof of good deeds would need receipts.
As for the files concerning Epstein, I don' think they will ever come to light. They likely have people listed that still have mileage left to be used for blackmail, or threats. The same is likely true regarding JFK because there are likely family members who are still useful.
We are in a spiritual war and it is difficult to find with spiritual values to fight it.
I am hopeful that the most recent presidential election, in which the loser was reported to have raised 3x more $$ than the winner, might indicate a turning point.
Katherine Austin Fitz asked a group of 100 people at a Christian gathering, "If you could push a red button to instantly get rid of all of the evil controllers, but it meant that all of the comforts and conveniences that they provide would also disappear, how many of you would push the red button?"
Only one person raised their hand, one willing to give up the abundant pleasures provided by the system.
Mick Jagger nailed it in "Sympathy for the Devil".
"Who killed the Kennedys?
After all, it was you and me."
Boom! 💯🎯
That’s what it all boils down to: “willful negligence” regarding Covid. Should be easy to litigate in a court of law. The question is, what’s taking so long…
Ah, yes. I tried that. Let me tell you what happened... Federal Courts today misapply Rule 8 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. A valid Rule 8 Pleading need only consist of a simple, concise, and direct statement of a plausible claim. This has been the standard for more than decades. Due to two poor Supreme Court decisions, the courts now believe they can change the standard. They believe they can conduct an ad hoc bench trial to determine if the case goes forward. They do not allow discovery and do not allow cross examination. (They can and do deny ANY oral argument.) In other words, District Court judges render verdicts, on an ad hoc basis, without a valid trial that protects rights. They know that Defendants can perjure themselves with no consequences. That's why you see the huge number of dismissals of "controversial" cases without a presentation of evidence. Federal District Court judges have become wild west rogue judges.
What happened to Rome is happening to the US and so far it has managed to drag the rest or the West down with it but the break is clear for all to see and Europe that has thousands of years of history will bounce back in its usual messy fashion and heads will quite literally roll but I fear that Canada, Australia and New Zealand are already lost to the barbarian hordes.
Those who took over after LIncoln had ripped up the constitution to attack the South had a great little number going and they could have milked the West for far far far longer if only they could have kept their hands out of children's pants. But THAT is their degenerate religion as we saw again with the women's sports vote by the Democrats but you can bet half of the "Republicans" were just twitching to side with them and the other half will vote whichever way the wind happens to be blowing.
As Marx said "I have certain principles and if you don't like those I have some others you may like!" - Groucho ........ That summed up the US political class in his time and 100 years later absolutely nothing has changed.
The US is the one country in the West where this need never have happened of course because it is the only country that has that constitution that shows the country is being ruled illegally and the people have the right to bear arms. But cuddling a gun in bed at night so you can shoot a burglar being screwed over by the same system that is screwing you over is not quite what the founding fathers had in mind.
I’m not so much interested in seeing the Epstein list as seeing convictions and sentencing resulting from said list. Seeing it is just a nothing burger, other than titillating curiosity….
You are absolutely correct in your analysis, imo. My wish list includes that Bill Gates is on the Epstein files list multiple times (his wife did so indicate), and that Bill Clinton is caught out in black and white (rumors were that he flew on the Lolita Express 29 times, but who's counting?). However, more than either of those, I just want to see the truth of his client list, and see it out loud in the public square.
A very, very intelligent analysis. Thank you John
The renowned psychologist Kevin Dutton made a top 10 list of the types of jobs that attract the most psychopaths:
1 CEO (Chief Operating Officer)
2 Lawyer
3 TV or radio personality
4 Sales
5 Surgeon
6 Journalist
7 Police officer
8 Clergy
9 Chef
10 Civil servant
As you can see, CEO is the most popular profession for psychopaths. By the way, most members of congress and all judges are trained as lawyers. Therefore, the USA is mostly run by psychopaths.
When Gardiner Morse was senior editor at Harvard Business Review he wrote a 2004 article entitled “Executive Psychopaths”. Here’s an excerpt:
“Chances are good there’s a psychopath on your management team. Seriously. I’m not talking about the “psycho” boss that employees like to carp about—the hard-driving supervisor who sometimes loses it. He’s just difficult. Nor am I referring to the sort of homicidal “psychopath” Hollywood likes to serve up—Freddy Krueger, say, or Brando’s Colonel Kurtz. Neither is, clinically speaking, a psychopath.
"I’m talking about the real thing, the roughly 1% of the population that is certifiably psychopathic. True psychopaths are diagnosed according to very specific clinical criteria, and they’re nothing like the popular conception. What stands out about bona fide psychopaths is that they’re so hard to spot. They’re chameleons. They have a cunning ability to act perfectly normal and indeed to be utterly charming, as they wreak havoc on the lives of the people around them and the companies they inhabit.
"Many of psychopaths’ defining characteristics—their polish, charm, cool decisiveness, and fondness for the fast lane—are easily, and often, mistaken for leadership qualities. That’s why they may be singled out for promotion. But along with their charisma come the traits that make psychopaths so destructive: They’re cunning, manipulative, untrustworthy, unethical, parasitic, and utterly remorseless. There’s nothing they won’t do, and no one they won’t exploit, to get what they want. A psychopathic manager with his eye on a colleague’s job, for instance, will doctor financial results, plant rumors, turn coworkers against each other, and shift his persona, as needed, to destroy his target. He’ll do it, and his bosses will never know.” (end of Morse quote)
The old saying that power corrupts is wrong, in the real world corrupted mentally ill people known as psychopaths seek power and their unbridled ruthlessness insures that they find a way to obtain power.
The mental disorder known as psychopathy became more widely known when Hervey M. Cleckley published "The Mask of Sanity" in 1941. Here’s Cleckley’s description of a psychopath: “Imagine—if you can—not having a conscience, none at all, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you do, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members. Imagine no struggles of shame…no matter what kind of selfish, lazy, harmful, or immoral action you had taken.”
This important issue needs to be taken more seriously. It's the key to understanding why peace and prosperity has never developed globally. Psychopaths keep pushing for more and more power as they reach for full spectrum global dominance.
It seems to me that the only way out of this mess is Direct Democracy where every adult votes on all major decisions at all levels, in businesses, in villages, in counties, in cities, in states, and at the federal level. With Direct Democracy everyone has equal power and the psychopaths are only 1% so they loose their power. Direct Democracy works well in Switzerland where they have avoided wars ever since they voted to form the Swiss Confederacy and continue to make their most important decisions via direct democratic voting. The renowned psychologist Kevin Dutton made a top 10 list of the types of jobs that attract the most psychopaths:
1 CEO (Chief Operating Officer)
2 Lawyer
3 TV or radio personality
4 Sales
5 Surgeon
6 Journalist
7 Police officer
8 Clergy
9 Chef
10 Civil servant
As you can see, CEO is the most popular profession for psychopaths. By the way, most members of congress and all judges are trained as lawyers. Therefore, the USA is mostly run by psychopaths.
When Gardiner Morse was senior editor at Harvard Business Review he wrote a 2004 article entitled “Executive Psychopaths”. Here’s an excerpt:
“Chances are good there’s a psychopath on your management team. Seriously. I’m not talking about the “psycho” boss that employees like to carp about—the hard-driving supervisor who sometimes loses it. He’s just difficult. Nor am I referring to the sort of homicidal “psychopath” Hollywood likes to serve up—Freddy Krueger, say, or Brando’s Colonel Kurtz. Neither is, clinically speaking, a psychopath.
"I’m talking about the real thing, the roughly 1% of the population that is certifiably psychopathic. True psychopaths are diagnosed according to very specific clinical criteria, and they’re nothing like the popular conception. What stands out about bona fide psychopaths is that they’re so hard to spot. They’re chameleons. They have a cunning ability to act perfectly normal and indeed to be utterly charming, as they wreak havoc on the lives of the people around them and the companies they inhabit.
"Many of psychopaths’ defining characteristics—their polish, charm, cool decisiveness, and fondness for the fast lane—are easily, and often, mistaken for leadership qualities. That’s why they may be singled out for promotion. But along with their charisma come the traits that make psychopaths so destructive: They’re cunning, manipulative, untrustworthy, unethical, parasitic, and utterly remorseless. There’s nothing they won’t do, and no one they won’t exploit, to get what they want. A psychopathic manager with his eye on a colleague’s job, for instance, will doctor financial results, plant rumors, turn coworkers against each other, and shift his persona, as needed, to destroy his target. He’ll do it, and his bosses will never know.” (end of Morse quote)
The old saying that power corrupts is wrong, in the real world corrupted people known as psychopaths seek power and their unbridled ruthlessness insures that they find a way to obtain power.
The mental disorder known as psychopathy became more widely known when Hervey M. Cleckley published "The Mask of Sanity" in 1941. Here’s Cleckley’s description of a psychopath: “Imagine—if you can—not having a conscience, none at all, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you do, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members. Imagine no struggles of shame…no matter what kind of selfish, lazy, harmful, or immoral action you had taken.”
This important issue needs to be taken more seriously. It's the key to understanding why peace and prosperity has never developed globally. Psychopaths keep pushing for more and more power as they reach for full spectrum global dominance.
The only way out of this psychopathic mess is direct democracy where every adult votes on all major decisions at all levels, in businesses, in villages, in counties, in cities, in states, and at the federal level. With direct democracy everyone has equal power and the psychopaths are only 1% so they become impotent. Direct democracy works well in Switzerland where they have avoided wars ever since they voted to form the Swiss Confederacy and continue to make their most important decisions via direct democratic voting. The Swiss vote every two to three weeks.
It may take a time to settle into itself but I think what you describe will be (roughly) the way forward. The people are getting progressively more knowledgeable and thus empowered by the internet. Sure, there is a lot of danger to dodge, but eventually people, becoming more savvy, will not fall for it.
...can’t ever quite seem to get to the bottom of the origin of SARS-CoV-2
No, no one can get to the 'bottom' of an epidemic. One could on the contrary say we need to get `to the top of it`. Thats what communicable disease epidemiologist do through fact based statistical analysis.
It is similar to a recession - both are systemic Meta-phenomenon:
Economic data, such as GDP and employment figures, are often released with a delay (e.g., quarterly or monthly). This means recessions are often identified retrospectively, sometimes months after they begin.
Likewise for `epidemics` both have statistical modeled patterns that are analized only after the events.
BTW: There are a handful of researchers that working with these methodologies and coming to some remarkable conclusions, but it often the case that people would prefer thought pre-judgements than retrospective analysis.