When do the hangings begin?

Patiently (kinda, sorta) waiting.

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I, not an American, did not have a firm view for or against the death penalty until Covid, but that has changed drastically since then. I believe the politicians, doctors, scientists, pharma execs, etc., consciously responsible for the Biggest Crime in History should be executed. And actually a few more traitors like the recently designated prime minister Michel Barnier. That means at least 100s, more likely thousands of people.

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Regardless of our personal opinions, the Nuremberg Code specifies hanging for these crimes.

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A French gentleman I like (Alexandre Juving-Brunet, a former member of the "gendarmerie", a military police force), speaking about French perpe-traitors, suggested hanging half of them and shooting the other half, including for example the members of the French Congress. In any case, it's about justice, but not only that: a country, a nation has no future if it allows open murder (prohibiting Covid treatment and knowingly forcing deadly shots on people) and treason (working for the international financial-digital oligarchy instead of for, say, France, as Barnier has done for many years) by its political, medical and scientific "elites" to stand, to be unpunished and rermain an eternal stain on the history of the nation. The number of people executed need not be high, maybe only 10 or 20, but some not to be, for the symbolic value of it. Some perpetrators have international reach and significance, like Gates, and the world hopes America will do the right thing.

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If you are waiting for Nuremberg, you will be waiting a very long time! The U.S. did NOT sign onto it. They planned, even back then, to experiment on the public, prisoners, and the military at will...and they have been!

Some, such as the Polio debacle, Tuskegee experiment on black men, etc. are known. Many have been covered up for decades!

Every time I hear someone touting the "Nuremberg Code, I cringe! You obviously don't know history. But, if it gives you hope, keep on hoping for it.

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By the way, for anybody who understands French and has an interest, here's the short, sharp and to-the-point video where Alexandre Juving-Brunet sends his "Message to all traitors" :


This video is about the drive to involve France in a war with Russia, but Juving-Brunet has been just as outspoken about the Covid Op since it started.

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We could at least get to custard pie the little monster Gates again..but no, he's about to kill children in Gaza with a no doubt experimental "polio vaccine". Milton didn't reckon with Satans in our midst.

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When you are willing to do it why does everyone think someone else will do the dirty work and or the system will prosecute itself.

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I volunteer to pull the levers he they are prosecuted.

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19 was a military operation. Cheap suit Pompeo told us so. The charade of federal government honesty working cooperatively on behalf of its citizenship is long gone. Peter's early treatment protocols would have saved many lives. Instead, Baylor fired him. Woke bullshit.

Remember 45 getting castigated by the legacy media just for mentioning Ivermectin and hyydroxychloroquine?

Yes, the feds are trying to kill us. Classic Marxist manipulation.

Please recall what 45 voiced immediately after the assassination attempt. "Fight. Fight. Fight."

The Fat Lady is singing. Do not let her finish.

From the beach...


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45's unwillingness to call out Fauci's grand deception and disavow the jabs he allowed to be unleashed to the population, makes all his quotable "resistance" against a leviathan militarist bureaucracy merely scripted pages for a stage character.

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It isn’t a particularly good idea for Donald Trump to bring up the subject during a presidential campaign, especially if he wants to win…..

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I’m hoping that’s the reason. If he is allowed to be president again, I’m expecting him to come out and say something about being deceived and call a halt to shit shots. If not, it will surely be a huge disappointment.

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It should not be a matter of political calculation, but supposing it is, chances are Trump could get more votes by admitting he was conned by Fauci et al, that he has learned from the experience, and with RFK Jr's help, he won't make that mistake again, or anything similar.

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What coalition and how would they do that ? Please show us where they have the power to do so under EMERGENCY DECLARATIONS and an ENORMOUS DEEP STATE, under emergency declarations FEMA and Military/DHS are THE GOV. Black Rock, Vanguard , State Street own 85% OF ALL ECONOMIC ACTIVITY on the planet. The global economics now run by A.I.

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I very much doubt it. An admission like that would only give the Democrats and their spouses in the mainstream media more ammunition.

Imagine the Dems campaign commercials:

“20,000 scientists say that Donald Trump is lying, the vaccines are a man made miracle “(brought to you by Pfizer)…..

Then there would be the commercials starring Anthony Fauci (or whatever “scientist” they can get) saying what an idiot that Trump is …… and on, and on, and on.

Now is NOT the time to bring up the vaxx issue.

It certainly needs to be addressed…… investigations, trials, and punishment….. but the Democrats will never, ever do it and it has the potential to derail Trump’s campaign.

For the time being, the only way there will be any justice for Covid is through a Trump Presidency, but he has to become President first…….

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You're correct, Thomas. I remember during Obama's reign that a young girl did research on the presidents' ancestry and came to find that all except one were related to the same king that signed the Magna Carta. Sad to say, we The (REAL) People are on our own. This whole "Make America Healthy Again" is more of a ploy to bring back trust in the system that will enslave us further. I hate to say that I was fooled but something kept reminding me that even RFK Jr. is complicit. More fit bits, more tech in and on our bodies just to see if we slip up in eating our once in a while indulgence in junk food. Remember that Winston Smith had to get up and exercise every morning when the television told him to in 1984? I'm fearing that future right now.

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I COULD SAY a hundred times more about ALL of them cant believe people are still so mind controlled and fooled again[but I do understand the tech now being used to achieve that] the future you fear is now but we must rise above fear and go into action or we go extinct a a species. The cell phone /tower system is the most deadly covert weapon ever created by mankind. I refuse to ever use them .

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Whether or not you use them Thomas you’re constantly bombarded same as the rest of us via towers, wifi, and other users. You can’t live your life in a human sized faraday bag or shield (if those even work.)

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Not completely true at all . I have lived off grid my entire adult life, far in the mountains , with live vortex activated water ,NEVER VAXXED , growing most all food , never owned a TV, or had dirty electricity, or owned or used a cell phone, never eat poisoned processed food , live in a shielded structure , no wifi , and understand how we can eliminate most of this [to a degree] and help others to do so . Im acutely aware of whats going on globally for a long time , geoengineering , and whats in space . So while perhaps its not possible to ENTIRELY avoid , we can protect to a degree , and we can eliminate as much as possible , the human body is an amazing creation, whose potentials we have barely tapped. Our DNA has the potential of immortality and wants to live as well .. Nature will take care of the rest , it always decides who and what will move on to the future . Im NOT BOMBARDED like those living in dense population kill zones , with smart meters , 5G BOXES, dirty electricity , poisoned city water , 98 % jabbed rate, in a designated smart city prison, with everyone on a cell phone. Your incorrect in your statement . Drive around with a EMF TRI METER in those places and then come to my mountain forest and see the difference.

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Okay so i had no idea. I guess ya got quite an edge on the rest of us in this regard then! But the majority of people who live in the modern world do not live like you and dare i say wouldn’t be willing to. Most would probably die off grid and without their phones/TVs in relatively short order; they love their junk food, and gladly have complied with the vaxxes. Since i don’t believe you can help those that don’t want to be helped, what would be your most practical suggestions to help others who may be open to making some changes?

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Am fully aware, TG. 45 should apologize to the American citizens.Pence , sadly, was his C19 chief. Sold out 45 on numerous levels but certainly on C19. Read Scott Atlas' book.

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Sorry with all due respect all this was in motion long before Trump , patents go back to 1999 , I predicted it all in 2011 , If I knew and it was all openly admitted by the global owners and controllers , no excuse for Trump or anyone , that is where they are hiding , and it proves they are controlled opposition Listen to everything from Sabrina Wallace

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How about perhaps the biggest public health scam of all time - the artificial fluoridation of public drinking water supplies?!?!

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Fluoridation has been, since initiation in 1945, perhaps the most successful public health marketing effort built on falsifying and/or suppressing the scientific evidence of fluoride’s toxicity, and substituting the truth with propaganda, with its enshrinement persisting to this day.

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Mass medication without informed consent.

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Dont forget Chlorine and Roundup

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At least the excuse for chlorine is that it is cleaning the water. The only claim of fluoridation promoters is to forcibly medicate people. How much did fluoridation lay the ground work for people to accept that the Govt is entitled to medicate people without their informed consent?

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Excuse is correct term both dumb everyone down , and calcify the pineal gland

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Secondary to aluminum. You ever heard of flocculants, anticaking agents, adjuvants, alumina baking powder, Maalox, etc.?

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Was surprised to learn aluminum was in table salt for anti-caking. Might even be in shredded cheese for all I know, to prevent it from sticking together.

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That’s sawdust.. of sorts.. 😩

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Uuummmm ...I hate to burst your bubble of perceived knowledge, but fluoride IS a byproduct of aluminum. Ya might want to research that. The symptoms of fluoride poisoning and aluminum poisoning are the same.

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As for bursting bubbles and getting the real story, the Fluoride Action Network has more than you’ll ever want to know about fluoridation:


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There are countless poisonings

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Impressive. In April-May 1945, when Hitler shot himself in the ass, never to be seen again, fascism didn't stop there. It moved to the other side of the pond. Let's hope that someday, soon, these people will be indicted and get proper VIP-tribunal treatment.

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Hitler, everyone's favorite demon. No one is aware of the demons that were Stalin, Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Churchill. What happened at war's end has been censored from memory. https://www.bitchute.com/video/3beXu57EK6tg/

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You forgot 1 of the worst: MAO!

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You're correct. Some of the comments lack insight. After all, the victor always writes the "his ~ story." As John recently wrote ergo conscious vs unconscious evil, I suspect many, many politicians fall into the latter category. Does such unconscious intent erase their evil? The evil oozes from their love of wealth and power (influence) which supplants objectivity. Indeed, even Ike may have been driven by more pure motives--love of country; love of people--but his sight was blighted by machinations of men around him. This is how they work. It's not a uniform blob.

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Really??? Hitler and Stalin were mass murderers. And you think that Roosevelt, Eisenhower, and Churchill were just as bad? Wow……

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You haven't heard the current framing? That Hitler only wanted Poland to protect himself from Russia, and that he was actively trying to stop war declared by Britain (wrote actual letters), but that Churchill was desperate for war. Money lenders/weapons manufacturers. Such that Hitler invaded France to protect himself from Britain. And that after that was done, Churchill flew random bombing raids just to destroy a lot of stuff. I'm not saying that framing (heard in interview with Tucker Carlson) is the true story.

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Wasn't Churchill also a drunken gambler who was financially bailed out repeatedly by the Rothchild dynasty?

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No. Where in the world did you get those particular “facts “?

I suspect that they originated in Joseph Goebbels Propaganda Ministry.

It’s amazing how much BS flows through the internet……

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Haven't heard, but my expertise is limited to that Tucker Carlson interview :)

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Well that should hardly be called expertise

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Thanks for the chuckle!

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I'm not saying it's not true - sharing mind-opening ideas.

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FDR, yes! Churchill & Ike, maybe. There are things Ike did in the WH, the fruits of which are just now coming to the fore. FDR set the stage for a lot of the mess we are seeing in our urban centers today.

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There’s a huge difference between having bad policies and deliberate mass murder. FDR is not a particular hero of mine, but he certainly wasn’t a Hitler or Stalin…..

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Read Hellstorm. Read about the Eisenhower death camps in Other Losses. Hellstorm was made into a documentary you can find on Bitchute. It is up to us to relearn the important events of WW11.

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Anyone with a bit of research can name MANY , but organized Christianity under the unholy Roman CATHOLIC CHURCH is greatest mass murders in all known history , 100 million in the new world alone .

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First congress would have to extract their heads from their a…..

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Wernher von Braun openly "served" "our" space race.

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International Jewry won the war. And they are behind all Wars, profiting from both sides.


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Honestly sometimes the stuff you guys come up with is idiotic!

"He frequently detects very high spike protein antibody levels in patients..."

Antibodies to which spike protein? The synthetic spike protein that the 'poison dart' mRNA/DNA causes our bodies to produce, or the spike protein common to coronavirus such as the virus that causes the common cold? It has long been established that there are significant morphological differences between the two. You should have your facts straight before you write a scare article like this! This is not becoming of your professional and academic levels. If you have not been suckered into taking any of these poison darts, you have not had your natural immune systems damaged and you will not be harmed by any fictitious 'novel' coronavirus spike protein! The whole world has NOT been poisoned!

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What viruses? Any isolated? Ever? Where? When? How? Like Stephen Stills said, "nobody's right when everybody's wrong".

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Disagree with you on the existence of the virus. Agree emphatically with your taste in music! I still play "For What It's Worth" all the time. One of many from that era perfect for these times.

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Trolls and AIs abound!

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Viruses have never been proven to exist. They are figments of pseudoscientists' imagination.

There is no reason to fear viruses. We do have reason to fear inoculations. Brook Jackson's lawsuit proved that there is no policy for adequately testing the current rash of vaccines.

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I'm not yet convinced of Dr. Michael Yeadon's assertion that viruses don't exist. I haven't yet heard any alternative explanation for chickenpox. But who knows, we may learn more about this.

Dr. Yeadon's recent unsupported warnings about Ivermectin (synthetic version of naturally occurring post biotic avermectins) makes me wonder who has got hold of him.

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Viruses do not exist. Dr. Tom Cowan has been searching for any published articles proving their existence. Then he offered a reward to anyone who could produce such. No takers.


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Well at least the presenter is clear about his motivation – to undermine vaccines. Fair enough but unfortunately he goes on to deliver a purely anecdotal argument, which is not an argument at all. Essentially he is saying if a bunch of people come into a building wet and it is raining outside you can't conclude that the rain got them wet. And you can get people together for a chickenpox party and all the kids end up with chickenpox but you can't conclude that there was any 'virus' that originated from the party.

I studied viruses at university and understood that essentially they were carriers of genetic information specifically RNA. This RNA can and does get bound up with our DNA. I am still pretty sure that viruses indeed do exist. That doesn't mean that vaccine technology is effective, useful or even warranted. One thing for sure is that your immune system does not mount a proper immune response to an attenuated or non-replicating pathogen, virus or whatever. It is far too easy of a fight. The virus can't replicate and your body only has to deal with one unique version of the pathogen rather than a whole living variety that is capable of adapting and challenging your immune system in the case of fighting an actual 'virus'. This has a couple of serious implications. For one, the real virus, not the vaccine attenuated version, can easily overcome the immune response your body has made to that one particular non-living, non-replicating attenuated or synthetic facsimile (mRNA) virus of the vaccine. So then you have vaccine breakthroughs resulting in adapted virus variants. Second, and very serious and quite well understood is something called 'antigenic sin'. This is a general weakness and danger, with ALL vaccine technology. This is where your immune system invests and allocates much of its machinery to making a particular antibody that is only effective in neutralizing the particular attenuated virus of the vaccine. This is a PARTICILAR problem with mRNA 'vaccines' because the antigen (spike protein for coronavirus) continues to be produced by your own cells without shut off, demanding your own immune system to continue to produce the same antibody against it! Then what happens is your body encounters an adaptation of the virus or what is called a variant. At this point, your immune system is so heavily invested in producing an antibody that is NOT effective for the adapted actual virus, that it has no further resources to deal with it. Dr. Vanden Bossche clearly describes this phenomenon. The only thing he has wrong is that he thinks the variants are 'SARS2Cov' based when in fact there is no proof or even need of this. All that has actually occurred as a result of this mRNA shot, is that the groundwork has been laid to produce breakthrough variants of the common cold (coronavirus) that the 'vaccinated' cannot deal with because their immune systems have been completely overtaken in the production of a useless antibody with little available resources left to protect the body. This is because the antigen, or spike protein production caused by mRNA doesn't shut off! Therefore your body continues to commit resources to producing antibodies for this antigen that are totally ineffective in fighting living variants that have long bypassed these particular antibodies. This is a weakness of all vaccines, and the particular and devastating weakness of this mRNA failed vaccine technology.

I would say, rather than devote time and energy in trying to prove that viruses don't exist, better for one to spend their own resources, time and energy, challenging the vaccine premise and industry in the first place!

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Dr. Cowan was not trying to prove that viruses don’t exist, he was looking for any evidence proving that they DO exist. In fact, there has never been a case showing there is such a thing as a transmissible disease. I chopped this short segment from a much longer video where he goes into much more detail, but most people don’t have enough interest to spend that much time, so I just posted the “Cliff Notes” version.

Experiments have been done to try transmit blood, mucus, or other bodily fluids from a sick person to a volunteer. There has never been a successful transmission that made the volunteer sick with the same symptoms of the sick person. This was even tried as far back as the Spanish Flu.

And with regard to Polio, most don’t know this. https://www.jchristoff.com/blog/20-things-you-don-t-know-about-polio

If you are interested in more than what you term “anecdotal” you can follow Dr. Cowan here. If you have access to any document that proves viruses exist you can submit it to him for a reward. Good Luck.


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Maybe they do, maybe they don't. As I said above:

But the real virus is Satan, and the real antibody is Jesus. That is the reason that I am spending my time and resources trying to share Jesus, what He did for us and what He is doing for the world right now as we receive Him, one and then another!

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But having said all of this, the real virus is Satan, and the real antibody is Jesus. That is the reason that I am spending my time and resources trying to share Jesus, what He did for us and what He is doing for the world right now as we receive Him, one and then another!

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I agree, but accepting Jesus is not an excuse for remaining ignorant. I know some who claim to know Jesus, but don't recognize Satan when it is Satan that is deceiving them. Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness. Satan thrives on ignorance and weakness. Ignorant people are easily manipulated. Ignorant people line up to take deadly vaccines and worse, give them to their children.

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Agree with you on that-- I happened to see that little clip of an interview. Also, suspect either someone got to him or it was AI. Who knows now, the threats to good people abound in these last several year. Whether or not we can access records to prove an "isolation" does not change the fact that bodies do get ill, either naturally by exposure or by purposeful poisoning. Our biological system manifests this "illness" to expel and fight off invader pathogens, bacteria, toxins etc. I was surprised by that Yeadon clip, and was told by a treating honest Doctor I trust - that Yeadon has lost it. This medicine ( Ivermectin) has been used by billions of people the world over, if there was a signal it would be known about by now.

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Yes indeed Christina!

If people really understood Satan's game, they would NEVER play it. They think they have joined the winning side but have no idea that it is a set up, a sting on them! Those who are collaborating and are complicit with these crimes against their fellow man, take Satan's temporal rewards but will find themselves his prisoners in his Hell with NO escape! It is almost hilarious that they think Satan will protect them from their crimes or show them loyalty! These people will not escape death and Satan's Hell. That's right, Satan's Hell, his domain! There will be no bargaining because unlike the Father of Jesus, Satan is absolutely cruel and has no compassion, no human feelings at all.

And understand, I am speaking in general and NOT making any reference to Dr. Yeadon or Peter or John.

"And besides all these things, a great chasm has been fixed between us and you, so that those desiring to pass from here to you are not able, nor can they pass from there to us.’" Luke 16:26 From the parable of the rich elite man and the description of Satan's Hell.

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I think her lawsuit mentions there is no current testing for efficacy and safety at Pfizer for the COVID injectables correct? There is also the historic theories on "how to isolate" as in the Pasteur body of theory. Then - what we are all up against is "what the Industry says is so - is so" fraud. The Industry considered corona virus to be "isolated" in 1965, and from that pathogen whatever it was they were working with - transformed into mutations that they did gain of function work with to make it more lethal., and then The U.S. shared that "work" with the U.K. and off to races to poison humans and create a cash cow that is now estimated to be worth 59-60 Billion and estimated to be worth 3 times that in the next several years. Point is - it is going to take a lot of medical freedom advocates to speak up, and do something about it, clearly at a professional and legal level to lessen the power this money machine has over The House and The Senate., and our Medical Boards. All of us should be saving and or downloading vital documents so the actual research is not "disappeared" once the internet becomes super controlled. Example a recent study on what was in the injectables - peer-reviewed honest report see IJVTPR ( it's online) International Journal of Vaccine, Theory, Practice and Research. It is long 50 pages but a decent report.

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This is essentially a continuation of the 'long Covid lie', something they were recently and mysteriously promoting.

They have done fabulous work, but then they do things like this, why?

Bob Dylan had something to say in his song Precious Angel From the album Slow Train Coming:

"Now there's spiritual warfare

And flesh and blood breaking down

You either got faith or you got unbelief

And there is no neutral ground

The enemy is subtle.."

The best guide for sorting good information from misinformation or disinformation is given by 1 John 4:2, 3:

"By this you will know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and which is already in the world at this time."

Certainly am not saying that Peter or John are of the antichrist! Just saying that if you do not belong to Christ, you cannot be working fully for the Lord because Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

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💯 percent correct. Big dollars to be made from the alternative protocols. Hurry, hurry, hurry, get your life saving protocols from TWC, we'll save ya. BS is BS on both sides.

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The common cold is due to rhinovirus; not coronavirus. Albeit, zinc seems to be effective against both. Are you a troll or idiotic AI?

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There are a number of different viruses that cause the common cold.

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Maybe you are speaking about yourself?


"Coronaviruses are a group of related RNA viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans and birds, they cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. Mild illnesses in humans include some cases of the common cold (which is also caused by other viruses, predominantly rhinoviruses), while more lethal varieties can cause SARS, MERS and COVID-19."

ALL coronaviruses!

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I would say that is ridiculous it has been poisoned by countless things and ways have you followed or done any dark field microscopes nano is in nearly everything tested so far.

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My wife and I are unvaxed (60's). Each of us had Covid once. We heard the stories of people being treated for vax injuries and long covid with Ivermectin that had the surprise benefit of disappearing aches and pains from the anti-inflammatory properties of IVM. My wife has had significant hip and toe pain the doctors said was arthritis. They said her big toe would eventually have to be fused. We started taking IVM twice a week almost a year ago. While it took a few months to really see the benefits, it has been nothing short of a miracle for my wife. She doesn't have pain anymore. I have seen meaningful benefit as well. We both feel great. We have since gotten direction from Dr. Kory's office on taking IVM and feel confident we can keep taking it without issue. Something to consider for all those not feeling right after Covid/Vax!

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It's parasites Geoff, we all have them and need to get rid of them. Ivermectin is antiparasitic.


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You're entirely correct, Kenneth. I noticed that fact very early, i.e., that all treatments which appeared to ease Covid symptoms were anti-parasitical. Thus, the body works in many ways. Chief among them is to rid the body of these microscopic entities people are calling nanotechnology. The body perceives them as parasites first and foremost. The secondary level of intervention may well be electronic or electromagnetic in presence.

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Interesting. I am hearing rumors about IVM treating cancer. Maybe something that deserves to be investigated.

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I searched early in 2020 for ivermectin+ cancer. Lots of promising studies came up. I mentioned it to Dell Bigtree when I met him at a Red Pill Expo at Jekyll Island. He had heard that too.

It is not just IVM, but also other antiparasitics.

Dr. Merritt had this to say... https://www.bitchute.com/video/X4PFBah1VdSX/

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Not just rumors. Actual studies


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Wish I could figure out the dosage!!

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Ivermectin is the safest pharmaceutical ever made. I take one 12 mg tablet daily. In India the meme is "Sunday to Sunday" for preventing malaria. So once per week.

If you get it in horse paste form, adjust the dosage by your weight.

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Daily or once per week? Or 3 days of the week, for 12 weeks, etc., etc. I’ve seen dozens of dosing suggestions, each one adds to my confusion. I’m not concerned about harm, I’m concerned about being effective & not wasting any!

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I was never jabbed but had Covid twice (I think.. I was never tested but symptoms and proximity suggest strongly that I did have it.). I never got very ill but I did get diagnosed with stage 4 triple n breast cancer last year in spite of being otherwise in perfect health and it’s not genetic.

Thankfully I’m doing fine now and I’m still heavy weight lifting at 58 but yeah I strongly suspect Covid triggered my cancer.

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Covid? How would anyone know...ever?

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NGS of the tumor would display integrated foreign DNA sequences, now easily identified (even reverse transcribed RNA genomes). That’s how. Not difficult at all.

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I know someone who recently developed lung cancer subsequent to an infection that could have been from Covid. (No testing was done.) He plans to have surgery and lymph node biopsies. Might you know if NGS (next-generation sequencing) of his tumor is something he could request as part of that process?

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So far they're only up to a detection testing trial as far as I'm aware - Buchholz in North Carolina - he's being sent pieces of tumour from hospitals. I don't know if he's reported yet.

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There is no way to know for sure but my integrative doc even said to me that most people intuitively know what triggered their cancer and when I connect the dots?


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No. Vaxxes. Or. Spikers.

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I had no mammograms after Covid so no not in my case.

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Quite possibly Karen? I got a very early BC (lobular) 18mos after my Covid diagnosis. One of the first questions my onco surgeon asked me was if I’d been vaccinated. Heavens NO- I have natural immunity, was my honest reply. She looked at me like I had two heads. So was she asking because she was paranoid I’d give her Covid or because she knew the shots were shutting off the cancer surveillance system? 🤔

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I never had any shots either, but I was exposed through shedding... my wife was forced to have the shots or be in violation of her OSAP loan agreement, immediately owing the government $35k. After a simple arthroscopy, I had a massive double pulmonary embolism 6 days post-op in June of 2022, then another clot in my left leg despite this being the leg that had not been operated on, and being active - 10,000-15,000 steps per day and 2-3 gym workouts per week... there are many people who were poisoned by these shots... people who were just in proximity by those breathing, and it was spike protein and mRNA that shed. Some people were shedding for weeks or even many months. There are scientists around the globe who have tested and found graphene oxide in the shots, but in many places they have started using graphene oxide for water filtration, which contaminates the food, water, and spraying has poisoned the air. A regular regimen of nano clinoptilolite zeolite seems to be the only thing that removes these impurities from the body, but we're under continuous exposure... covid caused damage, but there are many facets to the poisonous war being waged on our bodies.


Study that was just published on the nano zeolite product.


Link to purchase above.

FDA has been giving them a hard time, Health Canada has been stopping their shipments, and several other countries, but if you can get it, it's a huge tool to get the toxic filth out of your body.

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I agree with you, because we're all basically symbiotic, so we're all sharing this crap whether we like it or not

and new evidence from the 'fringe' cranks of conspiracy theory suggests that these "vaccines" contain things that are truly OTHERWORLDLY...


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My observations are consistent with what you have written, John Leake. EVERYONE, whom I have known well, who have been jabbed, have, very sadly, aged suddenly. Senescence acceleration was 100% observable and I must say very disturbing to witness. My take is that the cost of maintaining the elderly, the sick, the poor, and the promised pensions made to union members and public servants, along with old age security (ALL UNFUNDED LIABILITIES) has simply and obviously become untenable, and the decision was made to solve "the problem" by killing them off before a payout has to be honored. THE WORLD HAS BEEN DOUBLE CROSSED AND STABBED IN THE BACK. I pity the union members who bought into the scheme...offers of increased wages and pensions in return for VOTES. The lesson here is that making deals with the devil never works out in one's favor...and the Liberals/Democrats are doing the bidding of the devil with zeal. Led by the "globalists", the U.N., WEF, WHO, along with Billy and his foundation, the Sore ass family, and all the investors in the global warming/carbon taxing fraud and the bio-weapons folks, including certain past U.S. VP's and POTUS's, we have a bona fide genocide under way...under the PRETEXT of saving the planet or saving our health. "How long Lord?" Their answer to their problem was to "poison them all, see who survives, then deal with them later as necessary". We have ample evidence and justification to see justice administered promptly. What about 'Rico' (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations)? Seizing the proceeds of crime is not unreasonable. Oh, darn it all, Merrick Garland isn't going to do that to his buddies. Perhaps, alternatively, a letter addressed to the Secretary of the United Nations is in order, to invoke the Jan 12 1951 Genocide Convention. Oh, wait, that cannot work because Antonio Guterres is part of the problem. Maybe we should elect Donald Trump to clean up the swamp. Well, they are still trying to have him jailed...what shall we do?

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You are entirely correct. Entirely. The charade was first and foremost to rid the world of extremely expensive medical care normally effectuated in the last 5-7 years of anyone's life in a Western technocracy. Why does anyone think these State-Governor buffoons put Covid PATIENTS into long-term care and elderly residential homes? Come on, people!!! Actively sick people into facilities with your most vulnerable population? Think!!! The ponzi scheme is falling, and removing pensions which have been gutted will ease The Blob's strain and purpose. Further proof: if people will follow Mark Crispin Miller's Substack, they'll see the ages of people who have "died suddenly" which he publishes weekly. One of the most recent showed 33 nurses in a week--their age range? Late 50s-early 60s.

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Additional proof - Remdesivir.

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Right on the money, Honeybee. I forgot to mention the fascination they have with preventing replacements in the population...sterilize the women who want babies, abort all you can get away with, then jab all the rest with foreign protein so that these innocents die of cancer. All done with taxpayer's money. They do not seem to want to share the wealth of the world with useless eater...even thought they have more than they need already, it is never enough...they will commandeer all resources for their own use.

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Warp Speed + J6 are stark proof of Trump's capabilities when stepping up to the plate next to the swamp. Grassroots, in trying to save a system rotten to the core by consolidating all their hopes and memes onto one person, is responding to a great psyop.

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Vote for Trump. And go home.

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Are you aware of the work of Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Ana Mihalcea and Ricardo Delgado in these areas? They see Nicotine as a possible agent for breaking up the Nanotechnology that come from not only the Covid shots, but in some of our food and water, and for sure from Dental Anesthetics, surly from Chemtrails, and for some, close contact with other people via shedding.

Here are a couple recent interviews with Dr. Bryan Ardis:

Riccardo Bosi (Australian) and Dr Bryan Ardis - This will Change How You See Everything. (54:04)


Dr Bryan Ardis and Stew Peters - NICOTINE Can Remove Vaccine Nanotechnology (26:32)


Here is his new book:

Moving Beyond the COVID-19 Lies


(Why not drive over to Plano, and knock on the door of his lab; I'm guessing he'd give you a copy for free. A lot quicker than Amazon, I'm guessing.)

And here is some recent work on Nicotine ad Nanotechnology from MD/PhD Ana Mihalcea. She has the advantage of being able to not only treat patients, but also include results in both scholarly and news-oriented (i.e, Substack) publications, including her work with Darkfield Microscopy.

Tobacco/ Nicotine Solution Day2 Shows Significant Inhibition Of Nano Antenna And Microchip Growth Of Pfizer's Enbrel


What Vaccines Are Doing Inside Your Body with Dr. Ana Mihalcea (52:52)


And finally, a couple reports from La Quinta Columna. Remember, it was Ricardo Delgado from LQC who in 2021 FIRST brought the news about Graphene Oxide in the Covid shots. Here's a recent report from Dr. Delgado:

La Quinta Columna.- NICOTINE DESTROYS INJECTABLE NANOTECHNOLOGY (English Subtitles) (14:00)


And a final political question from LQC's Rafa Calvin:

Is this the reason for the WAR ON TOBACCO AND NICOTINE?


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I vape pure nicotine, after giving up cigarettes over one year ago. I’m still dealing with aggressive & sudden aging.. unvaxxed, nobody in my house is, work from home most of the time. Mild flu in the summer of 2021… I’m truly baffled.

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They ABSOLUTELY poisoned humanity with these synthetic bioweapons, both virus and vax. It is tragic, heartbreaking and infuriating to watch and understand. I hate hate hate what they have done.

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Hardly...I refuse to be diminished one iota by anything that Pig Pharma, the government, or the globalist turds do.

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Humans are designed for healing. "The cracks are where the light gets in," (Leonard Coen). A rise in consciousness always unburies wounds calling for acknowledgement and liberation.

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Unvaxxed & feeling rotten!! Everything hurts.. Daily life is now a struggle. I’ve aged a decade, in 2 years… I’m praying for a miracle..

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Due to long-COVID?

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How can I know?

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The FLCCC website has LOTS of info on long-COVID as well as how to treat it.

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I doubt it! Only had a 3 day mild flu, 3 years ago. But this decline started 2 years ago. I eat all organic. Regularly drink Fiji water, excellent supplements, all organic personal care products etc. Something else is going on & I cannot even speculate at this point.

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Are you around people that received the COVID-19 shots? Dr. Pierre Kory treats patients that are sensitive to "shedding."

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Not many!! I work from home most of the time. Hubby & daughter unvaxxed.. I’m still baffled..

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That is baffling!

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Flu? And about Q disease?

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Gonna try dialing down the milligrams first. Smoke over a pack a day, for about 50 years. The shock to your body is immense…

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Ever since vaccines were introduced, autoimmune diseases have increased spectacularly. Polio vaccines have been linked to cancer, and check this article out. https://www.paho.org/en/news/11-11-2022-number-people-diabetes-americas-has-more-tripled-three-decades-paho-report-says

The correlation with the introduction of mandatory childhood vaccines is hard to deny. Vaccines are all poisons. Pharmaceuticals are mostly poison, all have LD50 measures. The industry tricks doctors into dispensing poison instead of advising natural remedies, like improved diet over center-isle grocery-store poison consumption.

They are spraying other poisons into the sky and have been asked to stop without effect. Aluminum is linked to Alzheimer's. Why are they spraying aluminum? What is aluminum for in the injections?

So, it is undeniable. They want us sick and dead. If sick they make money, dead they achieve another one of their "Protocol" objectives.

You may see this as cynical, but cynical is another word for truth in this day and age. Cynical implies some kind of emotion. Truth is neutral. How we feel when we are exposed to truth is far from neutral, but regardless, truth must be embraced over untruths in disguise. Be true to your own soul.

If you don't know who "they" are, well, if you associate them with their deeds you are labeled "antisemitic." Lawfare has been used by them to fight "antisemitism." They lawyer up and grind you down.

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“The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who do not have it.” -George Bernard Shaw

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What hasn't LD50 measures? Neutrinos and helium? Do you forget Paracelsus (Theophrastus von Hohenheim)?

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There are obviously things in nature that are poisonous. Consuming too much water at one time will kill you. But no one develops pharmaceutical "poisons" without intent to profit and or kill.

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I see you blocked me. It is pretty obvious what you are about SaHiB.

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Please, John, what is the antibody test?

I had severe Covid 3 years and definitely feel diminished mentally and physically now. Moreso in the past 6 months than earlier. I am also 58, so maybe am just getting old. I would like to know more.

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I, too, would appreciate knowing which antibody test Dr. McCullough uses.

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I have the same question. I do not know which test John is referencing, but I spoke with a naturopath who said their practice is using Covid antibody tests as a proxy for spike protein levels (since one cannot easily test for spike protein levels).

You can order tests yourself such as this one, but again it’s unclear if there is much utility in knowing the results.


I did a spike detox protocol and reduced my number by 30%. Am I spinning my wheels? Maybe.

One last note - a healthy (2 jab) friend received the highest score (>2500), while their healthy spouse (boosted) scored substantially less (~140). My friend had tested before commencing a spike detox protocol just so they could know whether they make any progress (still underway so no update).

I am not a doctor and am just sharing this as information not a recommendation. It’s hard to know if we’re just chasing our tails with all these tests and detox protocols.

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What did you do to detox?

Also, lab corp does an antidote antibody also. I just wonder why no one is measuring spike protein itself, rather than antibody as a proxy??

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Hi, the detox involved IVM (12mg) 2x/week, Nattokinase, Bromlein. I’ll have to check the exact amounts and circle back. My friend was given a similar regiment by an MD. McCullough’s wellness company has products. MyFreeDoctor.com can also provide guidance.

I am unfamiliar with the “antidote antibody” test. I do know LabCorp has a Covid nucleocapsid test that supposedly indicates if you currently have a Covid infection (vs the Covid antibody test that shows antibody levels from prior infection/vaccination - that’s the one we took FWIW).

Re your question why not just measure spike directly? It has been a while since I’ve seen relevant articles but my understanding is that one can only determine spike protein levels via live blood analysis which is a more intensive analysis conducted by a specialized lab. Not your usual drive thru LabCorp kind of test. Maybe check Substacks by Ryan Cole or Steve Kirsch as they might have discussed it (I recall Kirsch was once in search of this answer for himself.).

I am not a doctor so please don’t rely upon any of this. Just another regular person fumbling through the covid fallout. Best wishes for continued good health!

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