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What did you do to detox?

Also, lab corp does an antidote antibody also. I just wonder why no one is measuring spike protein itself, rather than antibody as a proxy??

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Hi, the detox involved IVM (12mg) 2x/week, Nattokinase, Bromlein. I’ll have to check the exact amounts and circle back. My friend was given a similar regiment by an MD. McCullough’s wellness company has products. MyFreeDoctor.com can also provide guidance.

I am unfamiliar with the “antidote antibody” test. I do know LabCorp has a Covid nucleocapsid test that supposedly indicates if you currently have a Covid infection (vs the Covid antibody test that shows antibody levels from prior infection/vaccination - that’s the one we took FWIW).

Re your question why not just measure spike directly? It has been a while since I’ve seen relevant articles but my understanding is that one can only determine spike protein levels via live blood analysis which is a more intensive analysis conducted by a specialized lab. Not your usual drive thru LabCorp kind of test. Maybe check Substacks by Ryan Cole or Steve Kirsch as they might have discussed it (I recall Kirsch was once in search of this answer for himself.).

I am not a doctor so please don’t rely upon any of this. Just another regular person fumbling through the covid fallout. Best wishes for continued good health!

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