Dr. Sabine Hazan and epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher expose how corrupt journals illegally suppress critical research and undermine scientific progress.
This censorship has been going on for decades. I published a groundbreaking article in the jouranl Cancer in 2002 identifying 13 types of cancer for which solar UVB and vitamin D reduced the risk. The critics pointed out that I had not included other cancer risk-modifying factors. I revised the analysis and submitted impoved versions to a total of nine mainstream medical journals during the next four years. Each time the manuscript was reviewed and rejected. Finally, in 2006, the final version of the manuscript was accepted as a conference proceedings paper from a German UVB/vitamin D conference and published in a Greek journal, Anticancer Research. This paper now has 395 Google Scholar citations. Evidently the mainstream medical journals act as part of the advertising arm of Big Pharma and they saw no reason to advertise that UVB and vitamin D reduced risk of cancer. Fortunately, there are journals not controlled by Big Pharma that do publish research findings supporting vitamin D in reducing risk of many types of conditions and diseases.
The whole medical system including big pharma and scientific journals needs to be overhauled.
It is a monumental task and I am hoping RFK can handle the overhaul during his term in office.
There will be huge push back however by using Trumps successful techniques and the truth I think creative methods will bring the medical community back in line with peoples real needs.
Start with the Federation of State Medical Boards. Ban big pharma advertising. Cut government advertising that shills for big pharma (already done by RFK in his first week).
Big pharma is the largest source of advertising income for MSM. Apart from the lying the two have a symbiotic relationship where the MSM says nice things about pharma products and big pharma gives them money for advertising. USA is one of only two countries that permit pharma advertising so it is politically achievable to pass a law to prevent pharma advertising that will in turn kill off some of the lying MSM and reduce demand for big pharma products. A win-win. Sorry for the run on sentence.
Not sure I agree with that due to it being censorship. Where does he propose to draw the line between who can and can’t advertise? I’m all for truth-in-advertising regulations which ban statements that can be disproven and the presentation of opinions as facts, but beyond that you’re treading on authoritarian imposition.
Good Stuff. Neither do I. My neighbour gets all his news from MSM so it makes it hard for me to reach him and explain why he shouldn't take any more jabs.
The problem with injections is they bypass the mucosa layer that samples the antigen then passes that info up the immune system chain. When a pathogen is inhaled or eaten, a healthy microbiome in nasal and gut can combat it immediately and tap it down. Most persons have bad microbiomes in nasal and gut and skin due to chemicals like water chlorine, synthetic pesticides, and alcohol (organic red wine may not harm the microbiome in moderation due to polyphenols from grape skin).
Dan, but what about the fact that LNP's transport, contain, and isolate the mRNA strands until the jab-borne mRNA passes across a cell's membrane? It seems to me that the jab mRNA won't cause this but those mRNA strands secondarily generated by body cells WOULD bypass the immune system's prime defense. Right?
Probiotics mostly get killed in stomach acid. Spore based probiotics can survive stomach acid. Possibly active “yogurt” probiotics can survive due to the fat content protecting them. New research shows dead probiotics can still positively affect gut, so called Postbiotics.
The only reason this evil practice exists is because good scientists allow it. Stop using the corrupt journals! Our problem is that good scientists continue to use these evil journals because they like the evil brand on their resume. Step (1) recognize that the brand is evil Step (2) publish in a free online journal and thus stop allowing them to use your good name to support their evil brands. Step (3) stop citing unreliable science in the evil journals. Step (4) get your library to stop purchasing the unreliable science in the evil journals. Peer review is an ancient holdover from when it was expensive to print something, transport it, store it on shelves, and manage access to those shelves. In a digital world all these problem's disappear, you can publish your paper, get feedback from readers, and revise based on feedback that you like and ignore feedback that you don't. If your work is good, it will get cited. If it's flawed it won't - or it will get called out for being flawed so either way you get cited! :) No longer does science need to be held to ransom! I call for all the world's good scientists to get together and pledge to only publish (and cite?) open, free, digital channels. In a few weeks those open free digital channels will be the new Nature, Lancet, and so on. Problem Solved!
This is a serious issue, and has been around for decades. It came to a head with Covid-19, with a huge uptick in rejection and retraction of articles critical of the so-called Covid-19 vaccine. I have published a number of documents critical of this censorship.
The retractions have nothing to do with the power of the censors/retractors minds.....it has EVERYTHING to do with their lack of ethics and the POWER OF PHARMA MONEY!!!
My question is what drives these cartels? Money is certainly a factor but they have plenty of money. I think it’s respect. Since in their eyes they are the sharpest knives in the drawer, how dare we meaning you, go against their narrative of controlling through the fear of unproven theories or non-facts/ outright falsehoods.
I think that the tide is turning now, the blinders are coming off concerning people realizing the massive amounts of time, research, documentation, mental strength, physical endurance and effort required to get one of these papers published. And for what? To benefit the ones who are letting themselves be duped , herded like cattle being lead to their slaughter. And for all of their loyalty what do they get? A shorter life span, an empty bank account, doomed to an early grave. With all that we have to bring to God’s attention in these end times, how will any of us escape the early grave except by a miracle of God’s grace? Am I too cynical? I’m going to leave it there for now. I hope I don’t have to make a retraction!!!
This research paper should alert us that our microbiome is the target of next gen "vaccines." God help us all if they prove to be as "safe and effective" as the Covid mRNA elixirs have been:
Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses
"Such approaches might include prime-boost approaches, for example, mixing elicitation of systemic and mucosal immunity, perhaps with prime systemic vaccination followed by a boost with intranasal vaccination or vice versa. Beyond intranasal vaccination, we will need to more fully explore responses to vaccination in other respiratory immune compartments, such as eye-drop conjunctival vaccination and particularly aerosol vaccination for certain respiratory viruses, as suggested by human and animal experimental studies for influenza and other respiratory viral diseases."
This censorship has been going on for decades. I published a groundbreaking article in the jouranl Cancer in 2002 identifying 13 types of cancer for which solar UVB and vitamin D reduced the risk. The critics pointed out that I had not included other cancer risk-modifying factors. I revised the analysis and submitted impoved versions to a total of nine mainstream medical journals during the next four years. Each time the manuscript was reviewed and rejected. Finally, in 2006, the final version of the manuscript was accepted as a conference proceedings paper from a German UVB/vitamin D conference and published in a Greek journal, Anticancer Research. This paper now has 395 Google Scholar citations. Evidently the mainstream medical journals act as part of the advertising arm of Big Pharma and they saw no reason to advertise that UVB and vitamin D reduced risk of cancer. Fortunately, there are journals not controlled by Big Pharma that do publish research findings supporting vitamin D in reducing risk of many types of conditions and diseases.
Fight fight fight, maintain your rage
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/ioSfLhAseI
another good anecdotal example to provide RFK, Jr-- directly.
The whole medical system including big pharma and scientific journals needs to be overhauled.
It is a monumental task and I am hoping RFK can handle the overhaul during his term in office.
There will be huge push back however by using Trumps successful techniques and the truth I think creative methods will bring the medical community back in line with peoples real needs.
Start with the Federation of State Medical Boards. Ban big pharma advertising. Cut government advertising that shills for big pharma (already done by RFK in his first week).
You want to censor Big pHarma? How will that help?
Big pharma is the largest source of advertising income for MSM. Apart from the lying the two have a symbiotic relationship where the MSM says nice things about pharma products and big pharma gives them money for advertising. USA is one of only two countries that permit pharma advertising so it is politically achievable to pass a law to prevent pharma advertising that will in turn kill off some of the lying MSM and reduce demand for big pharma products. A win-win. Sorry for the run on sentence.
Not sure I agree with that due to it being censorship. Where does he propose to draw the line between who can and can’t advertise? I’m all for truth-in-advertising regulations which ban statements that can be disproven and the presentation of opinions as facts, but beyond that you’re treading on authoritarian imposition.
Straight from Google:
"Direct-to-consumer (DTC) pharmaceutical advertising is banned in most countries because it can lead to:
DTC ads can overstate benefits and understate risks, and promote drugs over healthy lifestyles.
Inappropriate prescribing
DTC ads can lead to patients being prescribed the wrong drugs or taking more than they need.
Increased drug costs
DTC ads can increase demand for certain drugs, which can increase drug prices.
Adverse patient outcomes
Drugs promoted through DTC ads can sometimes have serious harms, leading to market withdrawal."
Don't watch MSM!
Good Stuff. Neither do I. My neighbour gets all his news from MSM so it makes it hard for me to reach him and explain why he shouldn't take any more jabs.
Probably actually watches it. The brainwave-frequency color modulation steers people to actually believe what they hear at the time.
I think I see where you are going with this. . . those who don't wish to be censored, should not therefore, censor others. . .
However, there is admittedly a big problem with Big pharma monopolizing ads in MSM(Fox too), in them leveraging their power in the FDA and academia.
Censoring may not be the "tool" but restricting their leverage to prevent monopolistic control . . . might be a better wording.
The problem with injections is they bypass the mucosa layer that samples the antigen then passes that info up the immune system chain. When a pathogen is inhaled or eaten, a healthy microbiome in nasal and gut can combat it immediately and tap it down. Most persons have bad microbiomes in nasal and gut and skin due to chemicals like water chlorine, synthetic pesticides, and alcohol (organic red wine may not harm the microbiome in moderation due to polyphenols from grape skin).
Dan, but what about the fact that LNP's transport, contain, and isolate the mRNA strands until the jab-borne mRNA passes across a cell's membrane? It seems to me that the jab mRNA won't cause this but those mRNA strands secondarily generated by body cells WOULD bypass the immune system's prime defense. Right?
Probiotics mostly get killed in stomach acid. Spore based probiotics can survive stomach acid. Possibly active “yogurt” probiotics can survive due to the fat content protecting them. New research shows dead probiotics can still positively affect gut, so called Postbiotics.
OK, yet another question for you:
Wont' probiotics inside protective capsules bypass the stomach acids and "work"?
I have found they do this with my limited experience.
The Independent medical alliance formerly known as FLCCC has started their own journal and are free from corporate bias/pharmaceutical kickbacks .
Thank you for writing this extremely informative article. You are both heroes to humanity.
Finally! Some cause for hope in medical journals.
"The Journal was co-founded by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford University and Dr. Martin Kulldorff, formerly of Harvard University."
The only reason this evil practice exists is because good scientists allow it. Stop using the corrupt journals! Our problem is that good scientists continue to use these evil journals because they like the evil brand on their resume. Step (1) recognize that the brand is evil Step (2) publish in a free online journal and thus stop allowing them to use your good name to support their evil brands. Step (3) stop citing unreliable science in the evil journals. Step (4) get your library to stop purchasing the unreliable science in the evil journals. Peer review is an ancient holdover from when it was expensive to print something, transport it, store it on shelves, and manage access to those shelves. In a digital world all these problem's disappear, you can publish your paper, get feedback from readers, and revise based on feedback that you like and ignore feedback that you don't. If your work is good, it will get cited. If it's flawed it won't - or it will get called out for being flawed so either way you get cited! :) No longer does science need to be held to ransom! I call for all the world's good scientists to get together and pledge to only publish (and cite?) open, free, digital channels. In a few weeks those open free digital channels will be the new Nature, Lancet, and so on. Problem Solved!
This is a serious issue, and has been around for decades. It came to a head with Covid-19, with a huge uptick in rejection and retraction of articles critical of the so-called Covid-19 vaccine. I have published a number of documents critical of this censorship.
The first is an Op-Ed in Trial Site News, which should be Open Access for the first ten articles one accesses (https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/retractions-are-the-tip-of-the-censorship-iceberg-d16ae28b).
Second was a book chapter in the book "Controversies in the pandemic" titled "Censorship of the Biomedical Literature during the COVID-19 Era".
Third was an Op-Ed in Trial Site News describing in detail the retraction of our paper showing the harm caused by the Covid-19 vaccine (https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/anatomy-of-a-retraction-ea3c16b1).
Finally! Some cause for hope in medical journals.
"The Journal was co-founded by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford University and Dr. Martin Kulldorff, formerly of Harvard University."
Something IMPORTANT that Dr. Lee Merritt had discovered, within the past few years.......
DID YOU KNOW........
That the MAJORITY of the Medical and Science Journals/Publications are OWNED BY the
USSA/UK/Khazarian State (aka 'Israel') 'INTEL' 'AGENCIES'???
THIS is why we have FAKE medical/*cough* 'health' care, and
FAKE science!
People need to come to grips with the FACT that MOST of what they'd been told, all of their lives.........IS A LIE!
The retractions have nothing to do with the power of the censors/retractors minds.....it has EVERYTHING to do with their lack of ethics and the POWER OF PHARMA MONEY!!!
Well, again, this seems the perfect opportunity to address this by utilizing one of over 300 Executive Orders from Trump in the last 3 weeks.
TRULY, I suggest Nicolas and Sabine meet with RFK, Jr.
It just seems like such obvious low hanging fruit.
Nicolas , Dr. Sabine. You Are Driven.
My question is what drives these cartels? Money is certainly a factor but they have plenty of money. I think it’s respect. Since in their eyes they are the sharpest knives in the drawer, how dare we meaning you, go against their narrative of controlling through the fear of unproven theories or non-facts/ outright falsehoods.
I think that the tide is turning now, the blinders are coming off concerning people realizing the massive amounts of time, research, documentation, mental strength, physical endurance and effort required to get one of these papers published. And for what? To benefit the ones who are letting themselves be duped , herded like cattle being lead to their slaughter. And for all of their loyalty what do they get? A shorter life span, an empty bank account, doomed to an early grave. With all that we have to bring to God’s attention in these end times, how will any of us escape the early grave except by a miracle of God’s grace? Am I too cynical? I’m going to leave it there for now. I hope I don’t have to make a retraction!!!
Re: Microbiome
This research paper should alert us that our microbiome is the target of next gen "vaccines." God help us all if they prove to be as "safe and effective" as the Covid mRNA elixirs have been:
Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses
Cell Host & Microbe, January 11, 2023
David M. Morens
Jeffery K. Taubenberger
Anthony S. Fauci
"Such approaches might include prime-boost approaches, for example, mixing elicitation of systemic and mucosal immunity, perhaps with prime systemic vaccination followed by a boost with intranasal vaccination or vice versa. Beyond intranasal vaccination, we will need to more fully explore responses to vaccination in other respiratory immune compartments, such as eye-drop conjunctival vaccination and particularly aerosol vaccination for certain respiratory viruses, as suggested by human and animal experimental studies for influenza and other respiratory viral diseases."
Nicolas, I hope you guys can continue to win against the lying, mass-murdering insane!