Wherein did either of us even suggest that. I simply pointed out that all the "voting" and political gaming is pointless because there is only 1 solution, and it's not of human works. Gerry covered more of the details. I have been presenting Yhwh God's truth for many yrs now, as He instructed me to do.
Wherein did either of us even suggest that. I simply pointed out that all the "voting" and political gaming is pointless because there is only 1 solution, and it's not of human works. Gerry covered more of the details. I have been presenting Yhwh God's truth for many yrs now, as He instructed me to do.
As for the churches, in answer to a concern I took to Him, back in the '80s, Yhwh God spoke to me just 5 words, straight out of Scripture, "The Glory has gone out!". At the moment, I took it to mean just the specific congregation about which I had been praying, but it wasn't long before I understood His meaning was much broader. The churches of today are indeed apostate largely, by design; their leaderships colluded with the PTB to bring us to this time and place, 90 yrs ago!
We CANNOT save America! that's not part of Yhwh God's plan, and never was! America has died! It was mortally wounded by Congress in 1871, and the coup de grâce came in 1913, and it was replaced by the imposter USA! Neither can we save this cesspool called the USA; else Yhwh God would owe Sodom and Gomorrah was apologies and reparations! Trump was put into office to gather religious leaders and lead, with them, a national repentance; instead he tried to do it the world's way, and was removed from office by Yhwh. He will not get back in, neither will any other who might act on that now. We have the gov't the US deserves. The judgment of Daniel's 70th week of years and Revelation IS coming on this world as prophesied, indeed we have been seeing the birth pangs of that for several years already. Had Trump done what he was put in office to do, he might have staved it off for a time, as happened under Hezekiah and a few others in the past, but not prevented it.
Wherein did either of us even suggest that. I simply pointed out that all the "voting" and political gaming is pointless because there is only 1 solution, and it's not of human works. Gerry covered more of the details. I have been presenting Yhwh God's truth for many yrs now, as He instructed me to do.
As for the churches, in answer to a concern I took to Him, back in the '80s, Yhwh God spoke to me just 5 words, straight out of Scripture, "The Glory has gone out!". At the moment, I took it to mean just the specific congregation about which I had been praying, but it wasn't long before I understood His meaning was much broader. The churches of today are indeed apostate largely, by design; their leaderships colluded with the PTB to bring us to this time and place, 90 yrs ago!
Only TRUTH I know is it will ONLY be TRUE Christians who will be able to save America!
How will you know them?
By what they say and do! Good luck finding that group and uniting with them!
Merry Christmas!
We CANNOT save America! that's not part of Yhwh God's plan, and never was! America has died! It was mortally wounded by Congress in 1871, and the coup de grâce came in 1913, and it was replaced by the imposter USA! Neither can we save this cesspool called the USA; else Yhwh God would owe Sodom and Gomorrah was apologies and reparations! Trump was put into office to gather religious leaders and lead, with them, a national repentance; instead he tried to do it the world's way, and was removed from office by Yhwh. He will not get back in, neither will any other who might act on that now. We have the gov't the US deserves. The judgment of Daniel's 70th week of years and Revelation IS coming on this world as prophesied, indeed we have been seeing the birth pangs of that for several years already. Had Trump done what he was put in office to do, he might have staved it off for a time, as happened under Hezekiah and a few others in the past, but not prevented it.