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I wonder what's worse, looney bin WH, or people who actively support this craziness. Can a reasonable person on Dem side please stand up!

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There aren’t any.

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Beat me to it. :)

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I agree!!!!

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Robert F. KennedyJr.

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I support and agree with RFK, Jr’s stand on vaccines and pharma.

But Kennedy is in the wrong party with the wrong crowd. RFK must withdraw from the evil Democratic party in order to do real work for the United States. There is absolutely no reason for him NOT to join the “#Walk Away” movement. Since he shows no sign of doing that, we must consider he is not trustworthy.

I also say this seriously: do you want to go to jail for not believing in Climate Change lies? Kennedy says it clearly. That’s a fact HE himself cannot deny.

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RFK Jr is not as a environmentalist a member of the climate cult. He doesn't think Carbon is the great Satan and he wants to focus on real ecology, cleaning the air and water, restoring the topsoil managing the forests

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The uniparty will never let Kennedy be president. He’s too smart and he’s “awake”to their dirty politics. His suspicion of the CIA regarding his uncle -they’d rather see him dead. I just Hope something horrible doesn’t happen to him 🙏🏼

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@Steven S Lamb Watch this short video and let us know what RFK said. You really don’t know RFK, do you?


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Yeah no. Not everyone who disagrees with me on an issue is evil. RFK Jr is working through the Dem party If he is the nominee he will be President. If he runs third Party he will be Americas first third party President.

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Maybe. The climate scam is a pretty huge issue, after all.

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Sorry, but I have to disagree with you on this one :)

RFK Jr is a liberal Democrat. Other than his Covid vax and individual freedom positions, his policy positions are the same as those of Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and all the rest of the democrat nut jobs that are ruining the country.

RFK Jr ran as a Democrat because he IS a Democrat. He believes what they believe (mostly).

He picked Dennis Kucinich as his campaign manager.

I see no reason to replace one Democrat with another Democrat.

Nothing will change, and may actually get worse.

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Have you read his book on The Real Anthony Fauci? Quite an eye opener!💕

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I haven’t finished it yet but I got the gist of it.....

Fauci is a very bad man who belongs in prison.

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Perhaps he’s playing a different role: showing a stable democrat in contrast to all the loonies!!

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He’s a climate nut. All in with the globalists on taking YOUR MONEY to fund it.

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Agree on that one

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I think you’re wrong--similar to those who call him anti-vaxxer. But will try to ask that question of him next week.

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