If it is a govt lab leak, they should also have to replace every single chicken that dies (naturally) and subsidize egg prices. Stop culling altogether and let the survivors propagate to reproduce their hardy genetics. Paying restitution should apply to all parties, govt included. Those labs should be shut down and all frankenbugs incinerated immediately.

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yep, the most obvious logical solution.

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I agree with most of what you said. Unfortunately "they" usually means "us" who have to pay. These deranged maniacs need to be PERSONALLY responsible, not just "the government" which means "us".

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Insanity…they manufacture viruses then wipe out on the healthiest food supplies on earth! These people belong in a ward somewhere but now they have earned a prison cell instead. Will they ever see justice!?!

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I seem to remember, that years ago, Bill the philanthropist, and lover of humanity, was publicly speaking about the inefficiency of egg proteins and eggs in general and that they should be replaced and manufactured as imitation in a lab. And that he was investing in this technology for the betterment of all humans? Does my memory fail me? Does anyone else remember this and if it’s true is this culling of chickens just another marketing scheme from you know who, the great Monopolist?

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Where the rubber meets the road is the analytical method being used to validate an active bird flu infection warranting mass culllings. We must demand to see the quality control data that validates the accuracy and precision of the test and validate that its measuring an active infection and not some minuscule piece of genetic information that has nothing to do with an active infection.

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PINK EYE is a symptom of the victim's DEFICIENCY of Vit A..

Get your defenses up, cod liver oil or even fermented cabbage... ditto on your animals..


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It must end so we don't starve to death with bugs for dinner (they hate us with all their might). This is an engineered global holomodor happening right in front of us using fake disease contagion threats (the master of all terror) as the vector to kill off mankind.


Never before has fear been so effective at stripping our freedoms. The threat of terrorism was mild by comparison and no where near quite haunting enough to so inspire the populace to voluntarily deliver their liberty to the nearest politician. But the threat of bioterrorism: an invisible contagion? Something you can neither see nor combat, and that transforms you into a destructive missile locked, loaded, armed, unleashed, and aiming directly at those you cherish the most? That is a different animal altogether.

Oh yes, the powers that should be drawn and quartered revere their bio-terror idol with all of their hearts (do they have hearts?) hatred, as no other type of conjured-up-hobgoblin in history has so easily given so much control to so few over so many. And on a silver platter, at that.

Much more on this here: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/signs-and-symbols-predictive-programming

Get prepared for famine or prepare to starve. It is coming.

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last year we bought chickens.

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Why cull at all when you are leaving non domestic live stock off the hook? Don't they also have the lab created virus... So you either kill all animals that can get the flu or you just let them develop natural immunity. But there is another alternative that everyone ignores.

EGCG from green tea and Theaflavin from black tea both block any HxNx virus from infecting cells. In fact there was actually a patent on this: https://patents.google.com/patent/US8916211B2/en

And while this patent is about treating poultry EGCG/theaflavin does the same thing in humans - blocks any HxNx virus from infecting cells.

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are you offering the idea to "innoculate" chickens by feeding them green or black tea?

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Of course it did. Is it just me, or is this story starting to rhyme? If it happens again, I might think the USG has it in for us.

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Is it safe to eat eggs and chickens?

Do they have mRNA in them now that will alter our DNA?

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why no genome sequence exam to see if synthetic insertions, in the bug? such as ferin cleavage site , and related rna insertions in sars cov ii? otherwise just spouting...

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After the Peet reviewed WHO to Stop by RFK Jr's legal buddies, settlement:


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check out a page called the expose/dr vernon coleman

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potential? one question then... does it have a patent number?

if it does, you already have your answer.

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Why are we not surprised?

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Ah yes, the federal government. Another incompetent agency and it's employees.

When will it end, Nicholas.

Please continue your excellent revelations.

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Dear Mr. Robert Malone,

If gain of function research has been such an outstanding success,

Where is the science?

It is a serious question.

Where are all the lab studies?

And all of the published papers?

Clearly, if you are the type of person who is convinced that they pulled a rabbit out of a hat, ( I mean really pulled a rabbit out of a hat) you’d want to see how they did it.

And, Scientists being Scientists, they would be screaming from the rooftops, wanting to show you what they did, and to take credit.

But no.

Instead …

You sit and clap.

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confused? THIS is not Malone's substack!

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