The Novelty of mRNA Viral Vaccines and Potential Harms: A Scoping Review
mRNA Off to a Bad Start but Future May be Brighter
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
We all have the tendency to paint issues with a broad brush. That is to see things one way for intellectual simplicity. “All pharmaceuticals are bad” or “I don’t trust any vaccine.” It is even more tempting to take a negative view on all new technology when the product launch in humans fails to a large degree.
These old mental saws could apply to mRNA vaccines. Halma et al have published a scoping review of lipid nanoparticle-mRNA products with fair balance causing the reader to consider future possibilities. The COVID-19 vaccines are known to be unsafe for several reasons: 1) the Wuhan Spike protein damages cells, tissues, organs, and causes blood clotting, 2) the lipid nanoparticles may have toxicity from the PEG or polysorbate 80 or from syncytia formation, 3) the mRNA appears to be resistant to ribonucleases and is not broken down in the body. As some point the mRNA or fragments could interfere with gene function or alter other microRNAs that are managing the human genome.

The Halma paper points out that safe mRNA products are possible. For example, properly designed mRNA coding for normal proteins that are deficient or ones that are sufficiently humanized and not recognized by the body as foreign could indeed become part of the future pharmacopeia. But there is no doubt that the first use of mRNA on a mass, indiscriminate scale has been a disaster with the COVID-19 vaccine campaign.
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Even though what you are saying is technically correct, I cannot trust any company that has been involved with medical fraud to produce newer, safer mRNA vaccines. Even if they did make genuinely safe mRNA vaccines, why should they get any money? They have blood on their hands! So, while I enjoy your fair and balanced view on this, I'm more interested in justice at this time.
"Off to a bad start"? A flawed "product launch"? I beg to differ. It is not tarring a technology with a broad brush to say that mRNA is a uniformly bad idea that was malevolently forced on the broadest possible population of people as guinea pigs. It was a fraudulent, reckless and willfully harmful experiment. I feel I am describing the crime in the softest possible terms. "Safe mRNA products are possible". Well I suppose safer gas chambers and concentration camps are also possible but I will never have any use for them.