Yeah, it was demonstrated to me at a club event in June of 22 when another member and I got talking and he complained that he had taken 3 jabs and had had Covid 3 times. I replied " I am unvaccinated and have never had Covid. The vax depresses the immune system". He was shocked by my revelation. I thank God my wife figured out the vax was no good in the spring of 21.
truth is - having the knowledge of just how untrustworthy our government has and has been especially since the Clintons and the obvious truth of 9/11, and having been free of TV since 1999, I was never going to trust them with an injection ESPECIALLY if it was mandated. And I married well too. Neither of us even entered a discussion about taking it. Of course here in CA the state forced my employer to lay me off relative to my age .. in march of 2000
Yes, I realize that many like yourself were more aware than I was in 2020. Thank goodness my wife and her BFF dug into the vax and figure out it was no good. Neither of them had formal schooling beyond high school but they have excellent street smarts.
Sorry to hear about your job. There are a lot of bad employers out there who treat employees badly. I do hope you have survived the pandemic issues and come out the other side feeling you did the right thing.
Maybe I should send this to my multiple jabbed sister who has had covid at least 4 times. 🤔 At least she stopped two years ago. But her immune system is shot.
Studies are great but it's almost "well duh" conclusion when mRNA TRANSFECTION was proposed to create immunity to airborne element that is combated by T-cells and there's no way a puncture wound to deliver replicating foreign proteins has any mechanism for effectiveness.. this is biological insanity and discovering it doesn't work.. well duh!
My wife and I have been following Dr Peter McCullough since the early days of Covid because he is and has been a source of truth. We are grateful for him and pray, without ceasing for him and the work he is doing.
We are therefore so pleased that you have joined his team and are grateful for your reporting. I’m writing you to thank you for summarizing the information from four studies about the negative efficacy of the jab. I’m curious though, what was the sample size in each of the four studies? I hope it was more than a handful.
Many of those against Robert F Kennedy Jr are the same individuals who are paid for, have Stocks etc in the Drug Companies and have knowingly covered up and lied to the American People and threaten their jobs - you hate it that Robert Kennedy Jr isn’t supporting the Drug Companies when they coverup side effects etc of their Medicines and look at Coronavirus Vaccine that the Drug Companies want the documents etc from being released for 10 Years - because of the Drug Companies pushing Hospitals to only take those with the Coronavirus many lost Family Members like me because they were unable to go into Hospital for required Cancer Treatment etc - the WHO, Fauci, etc should be investigated what they knew and covered up and then Prosecuted for all the deaths of those blocked from Medical Treatment and died
My hunch is that these mRNA injections have absolutely no effect o Covid. They are designed to diminish human health, reduce Life Expectancy, cause many illnesses and diseases to become more easily contacted. After all, these POISONS are Gene Altering and Depopulating by design.
Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer by refusing all new medicines, particularly the injections that come with ZERO LIABILITY! I wonder why?
Nicholas, in my email notification, I notice that I have a chunk of information about the Japanese Small and Medium Enterprises employees' result and the interpretation of the numbers published in Cureus. But in this actual article, this whole chunk of information is gone?
The Cleveland Clinic study was of healthcare workers. They list several possible confounding factors, but it occurred to me that they did not analyze the results by the actual jobs and likely exposure of the individuals. A nurse or physician in ER or ICU would likely have been most conscientious about getting repeated shots but also most likely to be exposed to and infected by the new variants. The workers with the lower number of infections had initially been fired for refusing the vaccine and then some of them acquiesced and got vaccinated. Obviously during the time they were unvaccinated they were not working in healthcare and would not have had the kind of exposure as an ICU nurse! Most likely they were in positions with less exposure when they did start working. Our daughter, who is an ICU nurse, brought us home our first symptomatic COVID infection in June. The study is strong in the sense of having accurate data, but the results could have been affected by differences in exposure to COVID between those with more vaccine exposure and those with less.
I never got a vaccine and my floor was turned into the med/surg covid floor and our single rooms were turned into double. I didn't get covid until omicron rollled around and I am 99% sure I got it from a vaccinated coworker. She started to become symptomatic during the afternoon and I got sick 3-4 days later and then my husband got it a few days later. I don't know of any of my coworkers who didn't get covid and I am the only unvaxxed one. One of my coworkers and her husband have had covid at least 3 times each.
"Safe and Effective" was not a lie, it was two.
Right on !
Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.
Thank you. There's nothing better than an invisible 'enemy' fought with invisible weapons for invisible results.
That many drugs are murder substances has been established yet the drug party goes on and on and on.
Ahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! And WE were the one's "killing granny". I think NOT.
Yeah, it was demonstrated to me at a club event in June of 22 when another member and I got talking and he complained that he had taken 3 jabs and had had Covid 3 times. I replied " I am unvaccinated and have never had Covid. The vax depresses the immune system". He was shocked by my revelation. I thank God my wife figured out the vax was no good in the spring of 21.
truth is - having the knowledge of just how untrustworthy our government has and has been especially since the Clintons and the obvious truth of 9/11, and having been free of TV since 1999, I was never going to trust them with an injection ESPECIALLY if it was mandated. And I married well too. Neither of us even entered a discussion about taking it. Of course here in CA the state forced my employer to lay me off relative to my age .. in march of 2000
Yes, I realize that many like yourself were more aware than I was in 2020. Thank goodness my wife and her BFF dug into the vax and figure out it was no good. Neither of them had formal schooling beyond high school but they have excellent street smarts.
Sorry to hear about your job. There are a lot of bad employers out there who treat employees badly. I do hope you have survived the pandemic issues and come out the other side feeling you did the right thing.
I did not have your level of conviction prior to Covid. But once you learn -you can never go back.
3 for 3! Did he ever suspect a relationship? Are you still a member of this club?
Maybe I should send this to my multiple jabbed sister who has had covid at least 4 times. 🤔 At least she stopped two years ago. But her immune system is shot.
And yet some people are continuing to take the shots!!
The devil is laughing.
Studies are great but it's almost "well duh" conclusion when mRNA TRANSFECTION was proposed to create immunity to airborne element that is combated by T-cells and there's no way a puncture wound to deliver replicating foreign proteins has any mechanism for effectiveness.. this is biological insanity and discovering it doesn't work.. well duh!
Hello Nicholas,
My wife and I have been following Dr Peter McCullough since the early days of Covid because he is and has been a source of truth. We are grateful for him and pray, without ceasing for him and the work he is doing.
We are therefore so pleased that you have joined his team and are grateful for your reporting. I’m writing you to thank you for summarizing the information from four studies about the negative efficacy of the jab. I’m curious though, what was the sample size in each of the four studies? I hope it was more than a handful.
God bless you and the Courageous Discourse team!
Gary Hazard
Paid Subscriber from Maine
Many of those against Robert F Kennedy Jr are the same individuals who are paid for, have Stocks etc in the Drug Companies and have knowingly covered up and lied to the American People and threaten their jobs - you hate it that Robert Kennedy Jr isn’t supporting the Drug Companies when they coverup side effects etc of their Medicines and look at Coronavirus Vaccine that the Drug Companies want the documents etc from being released for 10 Years - because of the Drug Companies pushing Hospitals to only take those with the Coronavirus many lost Family Members like me because they were unable to go into Hospital for required Cancer Treatment etc - the WHO, Fauci, etc should be investigated what they knew and covered up and then Prosecuted for all the deaths of those blocked from Medical Treatment and died
My hunch is that these mRNA injections have absolutely no effect o Covid. They are designed to diminish human health, reduce Life Expectancy, cause many illnesses and diseases to become more easily contacted. After all, these POISONS are Gene Altering and Depopulating by design.
Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer by refusing all new medicines, particularly the injections that come with ZERO LIABILITY! I wonder why?
Nicholas, in my email notification, I notice that I have a chunk of information about the Japanese Small and Medium Enterprises employees' result and the interpretation of the numbers published in Cureus. But in this actual article, this whole chunk of information is gone?
So it seems the COVIDians have given a lot of people V-AIDS and we haven't even seen the beginning of the mortality that will result.
The Cleveland Clinic study was of healthcare workers. They list several possible confounding factors, but it occurred to me that they did not analyze the results by the actual jobs and likely exposure of the individuals. A nurse or physician in ER or ICU would likely have been most conscientious about getting repeated shots but also most likely to be exposed to and infected by the new variants. The workers with the lower number of infections had initially been fired for refusing the vaccine and then some of them acquiesced and got vaccinated. Obviously during the time they were unvaccinated they were not working in healthcare and would not have had the kind of exposure as an ICU nurse! Most likely they were in positions with less exposure when they did start working. Our daughter, who is an ICU nurse, brought us home our first symptomatic COVID infection in June. The study is strong in the sense of having accurate data, but the results could have been affected by differences in exposure to COVID between those with more vaccine exposure and those with less.
I never got a vaccine and my floor was turned into the med/surg covid floor and our single rooms were turned into double. I didn't get covid until omicron rollled around and I am 99% sure I got it from a vaccinated coworker. She started to become symptomatic during the afternoon and I got sick 3-4 days later and then my husband got it a few days later. I don't know of any of my coworkers who didn't get covid and I am the only unvaxxed one. One of my coworkers and her husband have had covid at least 3 times each.
Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.
Another well known and highly discussed fact from since before the rollout of the clot shots.