"I believe that law enforcement should examine the possibility that murders have been committed"-What law enforcement? The same people who have to answer to a corrupt and control bar established by this same evil system/controlling lizards masquerading for generations as a free, republic or democratic even but pulls the strings from the shadows and now not so much from the shadows...That coordinated this globally and controlled the response of every industry? .....Let's stop with the theater and we need to get real solutions. Nothing, nothing stopped the hell unleashed on man, women , children 4 yrs ago.

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Bingo. ‘Merica is run by criminal gangs. Your best bet is to stay armed and out of crowds.

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So well said Tan!

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Leake’s first book, Entering Hades, about Unterweger is terrific, highly recommend it. Putting this new one on my reading list also.

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Will do John, and I'll purchase the book but not sure I have the courage to read it. The older I get the more adverse I am to violence and sad things. Always happy to help you and Dr. McC....

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Well, it’s a shame no one is going to be held responsible for Covid 19, ever.

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True crime is not my genre, but I enjoy your other writing, John! I forwarded this to a friend who does enjoy it and she's already read one of your books and "The Courage to Face Covid-19" - which I thoroughly enjoyed and have recommended to others.

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The "Black Widow" story is a paradigm of how evil works, a precursor to the rampant homicidal mindset among the woke in our society. I thoroughly enjoyed the read, and would recommend it to others, especially to others in the Dallas metroplex. Deceivers who prey on the selfish interests of others are people we need to understand.

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I just finished reading the Meaning of Malice and I can testify that it is a fantastic read. I have never been a true crime book fan but this is so well written and documented that I just ordered and am now reading Entering Hades. Do yourself (and John) a huge favor and get your hand on this book!

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I read it as well, a very good read. This psycho was free in society and committing heinous crimes.

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Thank you John! Dr. McCullough is one of the Most Courageous Good Guys in History.

Your book looks very interesting.

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I, too, believe that Dr. McCullough has demonstrated much courage, putting his career and livelihood on the line speaking truth to the medical establishment. I just wish he would use the same courage to disassociate himself from healthcare providers at The Wellness Co. who continue to recommend COVID jabs, people like Dr. Drew Pinsky. I also wish that he had the courage to call for the conspicuous labeling of all products that have made use of cell cultures derived from aborted healthy babies in their development, testing and/or manufacture; drugs like Paxlovid which is part of the McCullough protocol. I believe that I have a right to this information as part of informed consent.

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I thought Paxlovid was just Remdesivir in pill form. That maybe, maybe a day or so would help you if you did get virus but you are messing with your kidneys and why mess with your kidneys when you are already sick. Plus I think a lot of people already have weakened kidneys.

I thought Paxlovid was bad news like Remdesiviring and venting someone for a viral illness. Is this true. Does McCullough recommend Remdesivir in pill form?

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No, Dee, Paxlovid is not remdesivir in pill form. Paxlovid is a combination of 2 antivirals, nirmatrelvir with ritonavir given as a pill and remdesivir is a different antiviral given intravenously. Dr. McCullough does not recommend remdesivir. It is true that remdesivir can be toxic to the kidneys.

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what has this to do with McCullough?

totally off-topic, not why I subscribed.

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John is a deep researcher who can analyze to often get to the Truth of a single murder or a Mass Murder like Covid and the Bioweapon Jab.

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he's a writer, I get that. I read his book about a serial killer years ago. I understand where he hails from & what his role is. he's becoming a pundit. he's not why I subscribed ; 7)

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John, is there anything more forth coming on the Maui/Lahaina fire?

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I gave my husband your new book for Christmas, which he enjoyed very much. Your research is meticulous, and summary reasonable. This is the first book we have encountered where the probable guilt of a person (currently living) under suspicion, is exposed (with courtroom quality evidence) before they are convicted. Is there any risk associated with this genre for the author?

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Fantastic book. I literally couldn’t put it down. I gave it to several of my reading buddies for Christmas.

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Are there any posts here any more that aren’t advertisements?

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Ok - book is ordered!

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I agree with you Allie. I signed up for The Wellness Co. because of Dr. McCullough but have not been active because of what you note. Dr. McCullough will get there, tough to fight a war on too many fronts and the energy gets dissipated and then is not effective.

Keep up the Exposure and the Good fight!

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