Here's a hot zone report from a resident lass on the ground:
So it's just a coincidence that the police chief was the same man in charge of the Las Vegas shooting [author's note: he is also Lahaina's coroner].
And it's just a huge coincidence that property owned by millionaires and billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Oprah, and the founder of PayPal remained untouched while the land of the natives burned only a few feet away—literally.
And it's just a huge coincidence that the island had the largest system of outdoor sirens in the world, yet they decided not to sound them, or alert anybody in any way.
Annnd it's just a huge coincidence that they closed all of the schools, sent all the children home, and turned off the water as soon as the fires started so that people couldn't put them out.
And it's just a coincidence that, under orders, policemen blockaded the exits, didn't allow anyone to evacuate, and forced them to jump in the water to save their own lives.
And it's just a coincidence that the island is set to be the very first to operate on 100% renewable energy, and to do so they must significantly decrease their C02 emissions.
And it's just a huge coincidence the one month prior to the fires the mayor issued a press release highlighting his commitment to the United Nations 2030 agenda of sustainable development.
And it's just a coincidence that Hawaii is the only state to have submitted a voluntary local review which is a framework and goal-set to achieve sustainable development.
And it's just a huge coincidence that BlackRock and the United States Government are two out of the three largest land owners on the island who have been trying to buy up the land from the natives for the past few decades who refuse to sell, and both of them are part of the renewable energy agenda.
And it's just a huge coincidence that the survivors’ homes that are still standing are now being evicted.
And it's just a coincidence that the fact checkers saying that all of this is a coincidence are owned by BlackRock.
At this point if you believe that all of these are coincidences - you are the crazy one. Not me.
Google is not going to come out and tell you what's going on and even if they did a lot of you wouldn't even believe it unless it was from a government or fact checking website.
But guess what, they're not going to tattle on themselves so you need to think for yourself.
We should be absolutely enraged about these fires. We really need to stand up and do something because [if we don't] things like this are just going to keep [happening].
I'm utterly disappointed how they are presenting this as lack of organization etc...Control ops ???? WOW. This was an attack by the gvmt/globalist against the pp just like 911, potion pricks etc
I’m really disheartened to hear John Leake and even a “hero” of mine in the anti-covid “va€€ine” cover-up ( Peter) argue against “conspiracy theories” when their own explorations and discovery of govt. malfeaseance proved those conspiracy theories true! At this point of the “game” the argument could be and should be made is tell me how you can prove that this was NOT a landgrab and an attempt at getting some valuable land for 0 $. Yes , its awful, but there are AWFUL, EVIL people in the higher echeleons of power in this world!
I admit I watched only :30 of the ad nauseum blame the power co. bullshit.
John when are we going to write about the DoD's involvement into the vaccines that are
killing and maiming people worldwide? And then we can look into what terrorist group is responsible for the fires all over North America that seem to burn hotter than usual and even melt windshields.
Or the fact that our government is purposely killing it's citizens by incentivizing protocols in hospitals that lead to death all the while blocking treatments proven to work ?
Throw in the censorship and illegal mandates that crippled this society beyond repair.
But let's put the blame on the power co. and the pharma's and forget about the ones truly responsible for what's goin' down such our benevolent non-profits such as the WEF and the Rockefeller Foundation to name a few.
I'm with you. Photo ops? WITW? Then the power company's fault. This is how they get away with the murders and destruction of private property. Keep towing the line John. It's beginning to look like you both need some time off.
It s so difficult to wrap one's mind around the absolute evil that some people promote. So, let's just make up excuses for what they did.....Notice that anything BLUE did not burn? Hmmmmmm.....Explain that one away.
You are correct. It is known as DEMOCIDE. We started with acceptance of GENOCIDE for "certain" groups of people (the pre-born, the mentally challenges, the sick and/or infirm, the elderly) and now it has morphed into a DEMOCIDE for everyone who is not a member of the elite class.
Yep! Either that, or another country showing what they can and will do if our gov does not comply. Of course, they are going to blame the aliens or whatever, though.
There is no such thing as “coincidence”. Everything has a reason. This is a constructed “Butterfly Effect”.
How much more needs to happen before people wake up? We are sleepwalking into the abyss. Another day, another disaster. A distraction. Blame on Climate Change, the Pandemic, White People, Systemic Racism, the Patriarchy, Misogyny, Xenophobia, Homophobia,Transphobia, Xenophobia,Islamophobia,Trump,MAGA,Conservatives,Slaveowners, the “ Insurrection”, Zionism, Christianity,Hindu Nationalism, Antisemitism, Putin, Qanon, RFK Jr, Guns, Overpopulation, the “Unvaccinated”Fossil Fuels, Electric Fans, Gas Stoves, Cow Flatuelence, the Wet Market, Far Rightwing Conspiracy Theorists, Proud Boys, MBS, Orban, Tucker Carlson, People Not Paying Their Fair Share,Tulsi Gabbard, Giuliani… Look over there!
Just don’t look at the World Economic Forum, Great Reset,UN, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Event 201, the players are all connected. Every is deliberate.
“ The Ultimate Revolution”“ You will love your servitude” Who said it? Aldous Huxley! He was right . We are entering the post-1984 Brave New World Transhumanist Technocracy and not a single corporate media outlet, Fox included, seated politician or candidate dares mention a damn thing… aside from RFK Jr
Quite right! Very astutely stated! And Marshall McLuhan warned us in the 60s about the potential dangers inherent in an increasingly technological society; he not only emphasized the imperative need to understand what was happening but the vital importance of preserving personal identity and sovereignty and maintaining an independent sense of self; the masses have allowed all the technocratic tyranny to take root under the power and control of all the nefarious and psychopathic actors; as Detrich Bonhoeffer once observed , the root of the problem is found in mankind's "collective stupidity"-the "human defect" that prevents openness to reason or facts; ..."the inner liberation of man begins by living responsibly before God. Only then may stupidity be overcome."
Thank you, Tony. We’re floating on the same plane, albeit it feels like an alternate universe.
McLuhan and Bonhoeffer , Huxley,Santanaya,Serling,Orwell , Bradbury are favorites. Prophetic. But very view appear to have taken heed.Collectivism has replaced curiosity, insight, applied thinking and ironically, reality. Among most of my peers, factor in the complete erasure of memory. They’ve ceded their independent spirit.
When I first heard the horrific “ You will own nothing, have no privacy and be happy” attached to the Great Reset”, I was chilled to the bone. Why did the phrase seem so familiar? Later that evening, it hit me like a ton of bricks…. “ You will enjoy your servitude”. Aldous Huxley. Agenda 21, the Great Reset , Build Back Better and every despicable, ghoulish, seemingly sci-fi dystopian “ it will never happen” concept is coming to fruition , has been in play for many decades and we’ve been distracted, complacent and sleepwalking into slavery. The “ Fourth Revolution” Schwab so wistfully promises is what Huxley forewarned as the “ Ultimate Revolution” the post Industrial Revolution. Man merged with machine . Technohuman. The WEF/UN/US/EU/China CommunoFascist tyrannical NWO . The end of humanism and life in the natural order. These psychopathic megalomaniacs are using Brave New World as a playbook! But I’m the crazy one.
Welch warned of the UN in 1957 and was deigned a Conspiracy Theorist replete with all the “isms”. Huxley laid out every facet of what was coming our way in a 1958 interview with Mike Wallace in weirdly precise detail . Wallace was painfully condescending. So disrespectful he may as well have rolled his eyes. Who’s laughing now? Too many.When it’s right in front of their faces. Or should I say “ collective face”?
Mengele pales in comparison to Tony Fauci, Bill Gates, Bloomberg, Soros, Schwab, Fink and Co.
Thank you, Stefanie.Trump needs to put up or shut up. He loves to use his bully pulpit to destroy those who are undeserving of his wrath, but hasn’t done a damn thing to “ Drain The Swamp”. He filled it to overflow.
Trump surrounded himself with UniParty vipers and WEF Young Global Leaders, including Ivanka, Nikki Haley, Elise Stefanik, Tom Cotton, Scott Gottlieb, Robert Kadlek,Bourla, Bancel, Bill Gates,Nuland,Fiona Hill, Zuckerberg ..Never brings to the forefront his former pals, Gavin Newsom , JD Pritzker, Klaus Schwab,Merkel,Stephanopoulis, et al
He has the greatest platform to speak out and is craven. He has been given such an opening to do the right thing. Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, Tucker,RFK Jr. , Ramaswamy, , Mike Flynn, Glenn Beck, Dave Rubin, Farage, Raheem Kassam, Sharyl Atkisson, Patrick Bet David,Russell Brand, Jimmy Dore, Jeffrey Tucker, Ian Miles Cheong, Andy Ngo, David Horowitz, Ami Horowitz, Dan Greenfield, James O’Keefe, Mike Shellenberger, Glenn Greenwald, Matthias Desmet, Bret Wenstein, Neil Oliver,Marc Marano, Frank Gaffney, Majiid Nawaz, Steven Smith, Matt , Bannon, Candace Owens, Richard Solomon, Posobiec,Mark Steyn, Lara Logan,Kash Patel,. Unless it’s to blast DeSantis, Epoch Times,Steve Kirsch,Diana West, Naomi Wolf, Lew Rockwell, Kim Iverson, Michael Malice, Drs. Ladapo, Risch, Mercola,Shiva, Atlas , Makary,Alexander,Gold, Cole, Stella,Kuldorff, Malone,Battacharaya,Yeadon, Hatfill, Smith, Oswui….many more have come out railing. The entire ideological, racial, religious, cultural spectrum… and Trump is mum.
I have no confidence that he will .He’s too vested in protecting his own cowardice , poor judgement and ego. I’m so disappointed. Furious, actually.
Trump is aware of it. He pulled America out of the Paris Climate Change Accord. He disses the UN and the WHO and NATO. Hints of a pullout if he gets in. That’s why the Globalists hate him.
I appreciate John for investigating this methodically and avoiding drawing firm conclusions until proof is there. I don’t personally have enough over arching knowledge of fire mechanics to know that the burn patterns could only have occurred due to deliberate sabotage like with DEWs.
However, the points just made above and others that I didn’t see, such as the
high fence surrounding Lahaina, not allowing non approved press from entering, nor drone shots of what they are currently doing, utter lack of any type of adequate explanation for where the missing children are extremely indicative of malicious execution of some type of plan.
Whether they caused the fire deliberately or were just ready to take Opportunistic advantage of what happened I can’t say for certain, but as with Covid, the enormous amount of advance work they did to set the psyop up in advance and the lockstep execution of the grand plan make it clear that they are not only shamelessly malicious, but shrewd and brazen at the same time.
Given the Governor’s “Build Beyond Barriers” Commission set up right after the fire, buttressed by his pre-fire executive order claiming a “housing emergency“ and suspension of property rights when invoked, and his statement on camera that they want to find a way for the government to take control of the land, I don’t see how I can conclude that this is anything but a continuation of the globalist takeover scheme, whatever the exact nature of the fire and response was.
Thanks also to Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show and Peggy Hall of The Healthy American (both on YouTube) for bringing these and numerous other points to the public square.
Dave Hodges, in the 10 years or so I listened to him, has a very poor record of accuracy, as does Hagmann. Peggy... The jury's out on her.
Research people are schooled in the Scientific Method, which dispassionately looks at facts and data, and are trained in Inductive Logic. You'll notice that Dr. McCullough always says "the data show", because you have to have all the available credible data to reach a sound conclusion. And that's what Dr. Leake is doing as well.
Is there all kinds of hinky crap going on in Maui? Yes, for sure. Is this proof of nefarious intent, DEW, and conspiracy?... Not yet. He wants to be sure. And there's nothing wrong with that. The truth will come out.
In the meantime, how many of you have donated to a Maui relief fund?
I don't agree that John Leake Is dispassionately looking at facts and data in order to use inductive logic to make a sound conclusion. I think he is making excuses for what has happened and I don't know why. Plenty of facts and data have bee presented already to show that this (as well as other) "natural" catastrophes were pre-planned. And, yes, I did donate to Maui relief and I pray that the donation goes where it is intended. I hope it is not like what happened in Haiti. In the meantime, how many will remember this tragedy in six or eight months? Who remembers East Palestine, Ohio,now? What has happened to the victims of that disaster?
I was making a general statement about the approach of people schooled in hard sciences. They collect pirces of information, of which this was one. They examine the evidence, consider the source, look for what they can find, and put it together until it makes a reasonable whole.
This was just a piece, that's all. Not the whole. There are lots of folks here who are hysterical because they're emotionally addicted to the anger and hurt, and have to have it, like a drug. They are jumping to conclusions, and damning people who given their lives and careers to find and promote the truth about the jabs, and now they should be condemned because they're not immediately jumping on the hysteria bandwagon? Have they not sacrificed enough to have earned your trust??
Or do they have to feed these people their next fix of outrage? Read the comments here, and see if they are akin to children having a temper tantrum at those who have given EVERYTHING to stand forth for truth.
You make many assumptions, one being that no one else is schooled in the scientific method, which is false. How did you come to that conclusion? Did you examine the evidence, consider the source, look for what you could find, and put it together until it makes a reasonable whole? No. C'mon, man! We are not stupid. Nor are we hysterical, emotionally addicted to anger and hurt, and have to have it, like a drug. That's a lot of malarkley! I don't think that even Dr. McCullough would make such a ridiculous claim. Also, he does not need your approval or defense. We are not attacking him. I admire him. I just do not agree with Mr. Leake's assessment. He is way too kind and I believe he is wearing blinders. He has ignored many facts which suggest this "event" was pre-planned and deliberately executed. If he can see that on the issue of the v@xxine patents and manufacture of the "viruses" to support their deployment, why can he not see this? I find it disgusting that you, Linden, cannot listen to anyone else' point of view.
Who said I don't listen? I just don't accept everything, and I don't listen to emotions-based people.
This is not my main focus in life. I haven't made a decision yet. And you have.
But your position is that it's a sin for the docs not to have already made a judgment, without all the evidence they need, and it's YOU that won't allow the undecideds to be convinced in their own minds. And then you resort to ad hominems, just like the political Left!
So, physician, heal thyself. You accuse others of what you yourself are guilty.
Now, leave me alone, and I'll do the same for you.
I view Dave Hodges as a guy who gives news on what the globalists are up to, both as daily news and analysis of their various time-scale plans. He has lots of documents to back up what he is saying (not all of it). We have to keep in mind that the globalists have been spending an enormous amount of time, energy, and enormous amounts of stolen money (see the Solari Report and put "missing money" in the search line) setting up the infrastructure for their complete takeover, and they are dangerously close to snapping the trap shut from what I can determine.
Dave also gives great background on all sorts of things that relate, like today he discussed how they can own 60% of all the assets yet control 90%. He doesn't in my view overstate things, and tries to admit where there is doubt. When events happen like all these fires, East Palestine, etc, the question always is was this preplanned, and what do they want to get out of it? Since their basic blueprint is fairly clear: get us jammed into stack-and-pack cities (he has given a lot of info on this subject), with 15 minute/C40 cities climate hysteria induced tyranny, it is clear that they have a plan to use these events to their advantage.
He doesn't discuss the shots because that violates YouTube's content rules, but he has said he can't take any vaccines at all because of a health issue.
When he talks about the CCP's plan to take over the US and leave no survivors behind, clearly we don't know for sure if and when that might come about, but there are a lot of military-aged males coming across the border thanks to our lovely government's policies, and some of them are Chinese. Does that make him "innacurate" that this has not yet happened and won't happen in the next few months? Not necessarily. He is right to warn us as it is easy to see this as a quite possible scenario.
I looked and there was a link to an article from him from 2009 about an EMP attack from China. It hasn't happened but since China has had the unrestricted warfare doctrine since 1999, they certainly might do this and worse.
You and your hot zone lass obviously don't have a clue about what your asserting.
Oprah's ranch is at 3,000' elevation in Keokea, 50 miles away on Haleakala. Bezos' little secluded getaway is at the end of a gravel road south of Makena, also 50 miles away. The Island is loaded with wealthy and ultra-wealthy landowners, but not in blue-collar working man's Lahaina Town.
Oh we have another genius know-it-all in da house. Clearly your reading and comprehension is lacking. You made false assertions about certain persons, and I "fact checked" you with reality. So in response you have to bring out another wild assertion as if it's related at all. You obviously love to live in Conspiratopia.
Stefanie stop being a fomenter, as if what you are doing isn’t the same thing as you are calling on. Teasing, insulting, it’s all the same and just like the leftists do.
That’s what I thought! Unless there is more land that I’m not aware of. Oprah’s property is by that lavender farm right? It’s the opposite side of the island. But, I do see the fire burn lines directly benefit rezoning plans in Lahaina. It certainly doesn’t look like any other wildfire in history. Too much heat & too much plastic & palm trees left.
Are you paying attention to John's running commentary? Moisture Content of the palm trees is key.
I have no idea about plastic which obviously would combust - if it was actually plastic. So what variety of plastic compound are you talking about? How do you know it's plastic? How do you know it wasn't left there after the fact?
Who flipping cares?? Thousands of people (and children home from school) are dead or homeless now, left with NOTHING and all people want to do is chase conspiracies, not address the tragedy and actually DO SOMETHING meaningful and helpful.
Just check this list of survivors seeking assistance and how little has been raised directly. And this list was/is vetted by Ed Dowd's team. But oh no, can't/won't donate thru GoFundMe coz of what they did to Canadian truckers 18 months ago.... is what many have told me... Just sick.
There is a Give Send Go fund you can give to. Go Fund Me is untrustworthy since they collaborated with government pulling an illegal political move to steal millions of raised dollars. You never know when they could do it again. Understanding conspiracy to murder and steal land is very important. It’s important to beware if you are living on land they want, that you prepare and beware. If there is evidence of planning, there needs to be calls for justice.
On evidence. I watched an interview with a forensic arborist with years of hands on experience say that in the latest fires he’s analyzed, the trees with the greatest water content, that normally singe on the outside, but remain on the inside so they regenerate, are found completely singed on the inside, while the leaves remain on the outside, like in California, like in Lahaina I predict from what we can see of what remains - until, that is, the secretive recovery crew razes it all behind those fences and destroys the evidence. He says it’s not normal at all and has the marks of microwave energy. It doesn’t look good. Not at all.
You mean, nobody's set fire to the fence fabric yet? Seems there is a problem with any cars left on the side of the highway there... they get torched. I'm surprised nobody's done it to the fabric fence.
Yeah. Move to Russia with people that know war. Broadcast to us on a multiude of different mediuams what to do. People need to be directed. WTF are the young men like the special forces and the rest. They need fucking orders to do what they are supposedly supposed to do as a special forces person? I've been disgusted since 911.
Photo op??? Do you realize one family found their child burned to a crisp hugging their dog also burned to a crisp????? And this was not from lack of preparation. It was warfare by the gvmt on it's own pp just like 911, just like the prick potion etc - DEW. Disappointed.
Yes Biden blew it etc, but I think Dr McCullough not being a journalist but a medical person kind of missed on the commentary there. It's not about a great photo op. It's about a lack of concern that's genuine, and an awareness of the extent of the tragedy. Biden is not even coherent. He may not even have known what day it was.
biden is irrelevent. We already know what he is. The photo ops comment that "would of put boots on" and talked to the pp etc/whatever is of poor taste. It is of marketing, deceit, alleging to put on an act pretending to care to get favorable approval - Disgusting. Mind of a politician. In light of the seriousness of what took place, the absolute horror, the missing children, it was highly inappropriate, insensitive at best.
It's also appropriate to acknowledge the absolute war that has been waged against Dr. McCullough for 3 years and how exhausted (and traumatized) he obviously is. Not a clear line of thought nor choice of words to be sure - but he's been attacked directly by the Global Beast (the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy that JFK warned us all about) so there's that...
Agreed. He has put himself out there to stand on truth--which is the reason I admire Dr McCullough so much. I am thankful for him and all of the other brave doctors who are putting it all on the line for truth and medical freedom .
This is such a disappointing tack for Dr. McCullough to be taking- someone who I've respected greatly for his speaking out on the vexxine and C-19 over the past couple of years. I'm sorry guys, but it's obvious to ANYone with a half a brain that this NOT some fluke of nature, atop piss-poor human error.
The evidence for a DEW event is simply overwhelming....
I'm personally not convinced about DEWs or microwaves yet, but I would like to hear more about how geoengineering may have played a role. Accelerating the winds in a very vulnerable area would be perceived as more of an act of nature, thus escaping real investigation.
You're doing good. The DEW theory falls apart on its own merit because there is still a fire. The "blue things didn't burn" theory makes no sense because even if a DEW was used and did not ignite anything blue, it still started fires and those fires would have burned the blue things.
The conditions are what should be investigated. You see, DEW is a way to get people off the track. I dont believe for a second these fires were natural or happened on their own. I believe it was planned.
But not done with a DEW. HAARP can heat the ionosphere and direct weather patterns. Hurricanes can be directed. Precipitation can be controlled. Geoengineering is real. The tech exists, it is becoming God.
Dane Wiggington has done great work and has a great archive (however I disagree with him on some fundamental points, his geoengineering work has been excellent.
What I think happened is this (and this just speculation with what we know can be done):
The area was prepared with dessicants and accelerants beforehand, this would be released by aircraft.
HAARP and/or other atmosphere manipulating tools were used to push that northern front down.
The conditions are now in place. All you need is an ignition source, or better yet, several (as we have learned from the 1970 DoD manual on Wildfire as a Weapon, multiple ignition sights forming into one fire will exponentially increase the heat and force).
Once the fire is going, unleash a calamity of (purposeful) government incompetence and the dominoes will fall where they were perfectly stacked.
I appreciate your thoughtful response. I doo am like Laurie, unsure and hearing dEW and BLEW (pun intended) without anyone clearly connecting the dots. Plus, I live a terrible fire that was caused by an arsonist across town but winds brought it to us. And there were lots of spots left untouched (bushes, trees) while others roared up and burned to crips.
I like your theory. Good rationale and detail for where my gut has been taking me. I find this more plausible than the other explanations and it better supports their climate change narrative. I hope it gets more attention. I'm familiar with Wiggington but will check out Lee -- thanks for the link..
He was also recently on the Tinfoil Hat podcast with Sam Tripoli if you can handle that, Sam's not for everyone. I dont agree with Jim's theory China pulled this off, but he still shows HOW it can be pulled off.
The other thing that bothers me about the DEW theory is how certain the proponents are about it and claim certain things prove it.
High wind fire is god blessed fright. Burns hot and fast. A few years ago we had some extremely abnormal lightening strikes here in CA in August that set off hundreds of fires and one them came through my place.
While that was a low wind fire, the damage was still there. My neighbors lost their house, the fire had already passed through, but there were roots beneath the house that had caught and two days later their historic house burned to ash.
And it looked like these other homes with the white ash. What I learned from that time talking to pros in the field, is that fire is a mystery, there are too many variables at play to make sense of it.
The truth is we have no idea what happened and can not claim certainty outside of what we know. We know about the failure of government, the failure of preparedness, the failure of any rescue attempts, and we know that certain technologies exist, DEWs included and we have to make sense of it, but it is all hypothesis once we get away from what we can prove.
Blue things survivng doesn't prove a DEW. Neither does trees surviving (and notice not all trees survived). If a DEW was used, it was not used on the town but in the outlands to create several ignition points. But a downed powerline will do that too when the embers start flying.
I saw a post on another Substack by a guy who was a lineman for 30 years for Maui Electric, and he said the locals had a name for the crazy gusting winds that come out of nowhere, very suddenly, and will even knock a fully harnessed lineman off a pole in a minute. He said that there was always huge fire danger on the West side of Maui, and that at certain times of the year, everyone was hyper aware of what the winds could do with fire.
Dr. of ALL people should not call others Conspiracy Theorists after living through the plandemic covid debacle & witnessing all the dominoes that had to fall for them to pull that off. Why would this fire land grab be any different? Several dominoes (or rather "coincidences") all lined up helped make this happen. It's not hard to see. IMHO
It is really difficult to listen to this video with any sense of seriousness. Is John Leake totally out of touch with the present reality of our lives?
The conspiracy is directed at us (normal people) by the global elites. There is plenty of evidence for this. All you have to do is look them up and see what their goals and agenda for us is. It is not rational to be in denial of what they are actually proposing.
That's not what he's doing. You may not understand the way scientists and engineers think. They are trained in Inductive Logic, which is the opposite of jumping to conclusions. They want all the evidence, properly corroborated and from credible sources, before coming to a conclusion. Coincidence is not correlation, is not causation.
It's a completely different approach from the average layperson. It's actually quite responsible and prudent for him to do so. It's WHAT MAKES HIM SO CREDIBLE.
Don't make me laugh!! I know Dr. McCullough is a credible person, but we are not dummies, either. This was no coincidence. It was pre-planned and caused by nefarious people, just as the v@zzine and the "viruses" were.
No one said you were a dummy. But I was trained as a Physical Chemist (combo of physics & chemistry, quantum mechanics, Bohr theory), and that training in the Scientific Method causes you to assess information & come to conclusions differently than a layperson. Engineers are similar. And it takes time.
There are no consequences for you professionally if what you believe is wrong, but there is for people like McCullough/ Leake. They are dedicated to going where truth takes them. But they're not going to do it on your timeline.
Again, you are jumping to conclusions and making assumptions about the backgrounds of others who are contributing here. Sorry, you are not the only starfish in the sea. Dr. McCullough already has my admiration I have been following him for some time and sharing his posts. He does not need your approval or support. I just do not agree with the conclusions of Mr. Leake. And, BTW, here were consequences for Dr. McCullough in spite of his background and stellar credential. They were unjust consequences and had nothing to so with Truth. And, also, BTW, I do not have a "Timeline". That is again, one of your fallacious conclusions.
You DO NEED to address the arguments the arborist makes in his video whether you believe his theories or not he has ignited a whole firestorm of fresh outrage.
To address the suspicions of foul play these questions need answering: Why the solid fences around the scene of the fire in Lahaina town? Why no news crews? No photography allowed ? No drone photography allowed? Why aren’t residents allowed back to inspect their homes?
The residents ARE being allowed back. I saw a video today by a resident whose house wasn't touched, right in downtown Lahaina, filming his neighborhood. He was only allowed back for a certain time period. He said non-residents were not in. It was on Mchael Yon's SS.
I have a feeling MASERs were used and that is why the fire spread so quickly. Evidence seems to show that this was most likely planned, similar to the Canadian fires. Furthermore, where are the thousands of people who have disapeared? Were the people incinerated in their homes/cars? Is that why the burned area is off limits? Were the 2,000 children trafficked? Have the local people taken a census on the missing?
I lived on Maui on Lahina in 1971. Also Oahu and the Big Island.
By now we all realize “ they” are killing and incarcerating us. Once you have a preponderance of evidence stop looking for more and take action. You can still read about 9/11 where 3000 were sacrificed. It does not get the job done. We have found a way. There may be other ways but this works. People are assembling on every state. Many are do-gooders; agent provocateurs; controlled opposition; charlatans and the like. We need Jural Assemblies with one goal returning to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023. We flipped Oregon from de facto to de jure November 2022. It took us 4.5 years at 1 step at a time to go from 6 founders to several hundred on Oregon. There may be other ways. However, this works and it can be done in 30 days. Everyone that reads this already knows 50% more than you need to. It is time to take action. Keep it in your state as the feds look for people that cross pollinate in others states.. Charlie prepared a packet to get you started. Each state, commonwealth and territory is different. Remember we are dealing with over 160 years of organized crime and they do not want to let this go. Every state from Kansas on is color of law. The perpetualUnion was broke the second time December 24 1860 when South Carolina seceded. We lost "original jurisdiction" and got color of law then and martial law/Lieber code March 1861. DJT added FEMA. Ex parte Milligan removes those issues. With full faith and credit governing law is established in this document at this time to be: Declaration of Independence; Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union; Oregon’s Original Constitutions circa 1859, and The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859. And ORCP 20A; Clearfield Doctrine; Accardi Doctrine; ex parte Young; ex parte Milligan; McCarran Walters Act 1952; Judiciary Act 1789-Sec 32; Judgment Nihil Dicit are all specifically called into this document. They are all governing law, which must be accepted. The current 13th and 14th amendments are bogus and must be rejected. Take Heed of the Blackstone Commentaries. The DOJ is agent to the entity responsible for the enumerated requirements of Article III, the one supreme Court that must claim original jurisdiction to be a court I would consider to have jurisdiction when found in conjunction with Amendment VII Court… The DOJ has failed miserably in their responsibility. ..We must do it ourselves. We define the words we use. We decide our method of communication. Each of the 33 states were flipped after 1906. Oregon was flipped into de facto November 8, 1910. If you are just a reader or one that needs a seminar or to buy a membership and be part of a larger group where someone else carries the load and you pay dues or follow along. This is not for you. You come later when it is time to climb on the band wagon and ride.;; 503 641 8375
WE ARE AMERI CANS AND WE OWN THE TREASONOUS CONMMUNIST CORRUPT GOVT, #DONOTCOMPLY TO THESE EVILS ITS OUR JOB. WE THE PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE TO ADHERE / #DONOTCOMPLY TO AN ILLEGAL DEMENTED USURPER joe OR ITS CONMMUNIST DEMONICRAT REGIME OF MEDICAL FRAUD ETC,,,,. PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP. NOW ALL governmentally ill liars are UNTRUSTABLE -- UNITE WITH LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WE THE PEOPLE, FOR OUR GOD GIVEN AMERICAN JUSTICE,,,, CONSTITUTIONAL SHERIFFS STEP UP, DEPUTIZE WE THE PEOPLE UNITED WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS UNITE WITH LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WE THE PEOPLE, FOR OUR GOD GIVEN AMERICAN JUSTICE,,,, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, , it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS STAND YOUR GROUND , PRAY AND PREP - THE globalist nwo etcs., ARE MURDERING ALL OUR LIFE FORMS ITS TIME TO DISMANTLE / DISASSEMBLE ALL OF THE EVILS... UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS SODIERS FOR CHRIST, REPENT AND PRAY / PREP IS WINNING - WE ARE ALL GODS David Against all Evil Goliaths
Reporting you. You're uncivilized, and definitely NOT a Christ follower. You're a disgrace to Him. It's because of people like you that people hate Christians.
Courageous discourse? Not on the Maui fire at any rate. This whole discussion reminds me of the garbage I see constantly in the msm that purport to raise questions and provide possible explanations to atheletes dropping dead, turbo cancer, excess deaths, myocarditis etc. without ever mentioning the experimental injections. I don't even know how I got subscribed to this bs.
What a shit show! Is this guy for real?? And WTF was McCullough talking about presidents taking the opportunity!!! I had to turn this shit off It would appear someone has been compromised Shit! I think everyone is turning into lizards!! If the thunder don’t get you then the lightning will ! Time to turn off all the shit! Can’t trust anyone anymore
He, of all people, doesn't deserve your scorn. You can't stay or trust? Good. You're contributing nothing but foul language. BTW, have you donated anything to help the people of Lahaina?
I have reason to believe that the author of this post and video is either controlled opposition, or was bought, to sell people the idea that this was a “natural phenomena - when DESTRUCTION ENERGY WEAPONS (DEW) ARE RIGHT ON EVERYONE’S FACES; no mention of lasers, carbonized aluminum, blue structures soared, and ABSOLUTELY NO MENTION OF MISSING CHILDREN????
He claims to have gone to Lahaina one day after the Dement-in-thieif’s disastrous and offensive appearance, and also that he talked to a “lot of people”, and yet he hadn’t heard about the missing children?
So he might as well quit this useless report and be quiet on his own myopic corner
As someone very familiar with that area, I can say that with the increasing drought years, and PG&E's aging infrastructure (destroyed by enviro whackos in the gov't there), the behavior of that fire wasn't a surprise. CA has been known for terrible fires, for many years. I lived there 26 years.
I completely appreciate this kind of investigation here. I do not want to believe in my heart that this could all be coincidental and criminal but evidence is stacking up and those “leaders” in charge here, well, their answers are not adding up. I pray you continue your investigation and the truth can be revealed to us here on the Island. We are being treated like fools out here, and being lied to.
We feel it, we know it. Mahalo for taking your time for our island community 🙏🌿
Here's a hot zone report from a resident lass on the ground:
So it's just a coincidence that the police chief was the same man in charge of the Las Vegas shooting [author's note: he is also Lahaina's coroner].
And it's just a huge coincidence that property owned by millionaires and billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Oprah, and the founder of PayPal remained untouched while the land of the natives burned only a few feet away—literally.
Excerpt from:
And it's just a huge coincidence that the island had the largest system of outdoor sirens in the world, yet they decided not to sound them, or alert anybody in any way.
Annnd it's just a huge coincidence that they closed all of the schools, sent all the children home, and turned off the water as soon as the fires started so that people couldn't put them out.
And it's just a coincidence that, under orders, policemen blockaded the exits, didn't allow anyone to evacuate, and forced them to jump in the water to save their own lives.
And it's just a coincidence that the island is set to be the very first to operate on 100% renewable energy, and to do so they must significantly decrease their C02 emissions.
And it's just a huge coincidence the one month prior to the fires the mayor issued a press release highlighting his commitment to the United Nations 2030 agenda of sustainable development.
And it's just a coincidence that Hawaii is the only state to have submitted a voluntary local review which is a framework and goal-set to achieve sustainable development.
And it's just a huge coincidence that BlackRock and the United States Government are two out of the three largest land owners on the island who have been trying to buy up the land from the natives for the past few decades who refuse to sell, and both of them are part of the renewable energy agenda.
And it's just a huge coincidence that the survivors’ homes that are still standing are now being evicted.
And it's just a coincidence that the fact checkers saying that all of this is a coincidence are owned by BlackRock.
At this point if you believe that all of these are coincidences - you are the crazy one. Not me.
Google is not going to come out and tell you what's going on and even if they did a lot of you wouldn't even believe it unless it was from a government or fact checking website.
But guess what, they're not going to tattle on themselves so you need to think for yourself.
We should be absolutely enraged about these fires. We really need to stand up and do something because [if we don't] things like this are just going to keep [happening].
I'm utterly disappointed how they are presenting this as lack of organization etc...Control ops ???? WOW. This was an attack by the gvmt/globalist against the pp just like 911, potion pricks etc
Yes. But we dare not say it out loud.
???? What good does that serve ?????!!
TRUTH. Otherwise we wander ONLY in darkness. WE NEED THE TRUTH.
No good, except we self-censor so no is offended.
Isn't it odd that some people can see nefarious motives in designing and pushing v@zzines, but nowhere else? As if there is no connection?
Well said.
Well then grab a chair next to them. Guess it's ok for 5 yrs old to want a sex change too. Let's not offend
It's not OK in my book. I am just reflecting the general mind-set. After all, "at THIS point, WHAT DIFFERENCE does it make?" (HRC)
I’m really disheartened to hear John Leake and even a “hero” of mine in the anti-covid “va€€ine” cover-up ( Peter) argue against “conspiracy theories” when their own explorations and discovery of govt. malfeaseance proved those conspiracy theories true! At this point of the “game” the argument could be and should be made is tell me how you can prove that this was NOT a landgrab and an attempt at getting some valuable land for 0 $. Yes , its awful, but there are AWFUL, EVIL people in the higher echeleons of power in this world!
I admit I watched only :30 of the ad nauseum blame the power co. bullshit.
John when are we going to write about the DoD's involvement into the vaccines that are
killing and maiming people worldwide? And then we can look into what terrorist group is responsible for the fires all over North America that seem to burn hotter than usual and even melt windshields.
Wonder how they do it ?
Or the fact that our government is purposely killing it's citizens by incentivizing protocols in hospitals that lead to death all the while blocking treatments proven to work ?
Throw in the censorship and illegal mandates that crippled this society beyond repair.
But let's put the blame on the power co. and the pharma's and forget about the ones truly responsible for what's goin' down such our benevolent non-profits such as the WEF and the Rockefeller Foundation to name a few.
They didn't just incentivize death protocols. They incentivized DEATH! Hospitals were paid per covid death.
Dr. McCullough has talked and written about EXTENSIVELY, and paid a high price for doing so. Where have you been?
I'm with you. Photo ops? WITW? Then the power company's fault. This is how they get away with the murders and destruction of private property. Keep towing the line John. It's beginning to look like you both need some time off.
Did you read their book? Most everything you mentioned is in it. " The Courage to Face Covid-19".
My initial comment is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND HERE
And it's just a huge coincidence that the train keeps roll'n down the tracks uninhibited leaving leaving death, disaster and destruction in it's wake.
Aaallll Aboooooaaaarrrrrdddd !!!!
It s so difficult to wrap one's mind around the absolute evil that some people promote. So, let's just make up excuses for what they did.....Notice that anything BLUE did not burn? Hmmmmmm.....Explain that one away.
Does that sound about right? I'm guessing you know this already. Sane people do.
You are correct. It is known as DEMOCIDE. We started with acceptance of GENOCIDE for "certain" groups of people (the pre-born, the mentally challenges, the sick and/or infirm, the elderly) and now it has morphed into a DEMOCIDE for everyone who is not a member of the elite class.
Yep! Either that, or another country showing what they can and will do if our gov does not comply. Of course, they are going to blame the aliens or whatever, though.
There is no such thing as “coincidence”. Everything has a reason. This is a constructed “Butterfly Effect”.
How much more needs to happen before people wake up? We are sleepwalking into the abyss. Another day, another disaster. A distraction. Blame on Climate Change, the Pandemic, White People, Systemic Racism, the Patriarchy, Misogyny, Xenophobia, Homophobia,Transphobia, Xenophobia,Islamophobia,Trump,MAGA,Conservatives,Slaveowners, the “ Insurrection”, Zionism, Christianity,Hindu Nationalism, Antisemitism, Putin, Qanon, RFK Jr, Guns, Overpopulation, the “Unvaccinated”Fossil Fuels, Electric Fans, Gas Stoves, Cow Flatuelence, the Wet Market, Far Rightwing Conspiracy Theorists, Proud Boys, MBS, Orban, Tucker Carlson, People Not Paying Their Fair Share,Tulsi Gabbard, Giuliani… Look over there!
Just don’t look at the World Economic Forum, Great Reset,UN, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Event 201, the players are all connected. Every is deliberate.
“ The Ultimate Revolution”“ You will love your servitude” Who said it? Aldous Huxley! He was right . We are entering the post-1984 Brave New World Transhumanist Technocracy and not a single corporate media outlet, Fox included, seated politician or candidate dares mention a damn thing… aside from RFK Jr
Quite right! Very astutely stated! And Marshall McLuhan warned us in the 60s about the potential dangers inherent in an increasingly technological society; he not only emphasized the imperative need to understand what was happening but the vital importance of preserving personal identity and sovereignty and maintaining an independent sense of self; the masses have allowed all the technocratic tyranny to take root under the power and control of all the nefarious and psychopathic actors; as Detrich Bonhoeffer once observed , the root of the problem is found in mankind's "collective stupidity"-the "human defect" that prevents openness to reason or facts; ..."the inner liberation of man begins by living responsibly before God. Only then may stupidity be overcome."
Thank you, Tony. We’re floating on the same plane, albeit it feels like an alternate universe.
McLuhan and Bonhoeffer , Huxley,Santanaya,Serling,Orwell , Bradbury are favorites. Prophetic. But very view appear to have taken heed.Collectivism has replaced curiosity, insight, applied thinking and ironically, reality. Among most of my peers, factor in the complete erasure of memory. They’ve ceded their independent spirit.
When I first heard the horrific “ You will own nothing, have no privacy and be happy” attached to the Great Reset”, I was chilled to the bone. Why did the phrase seem so familiar? Later that evening, it hit me like a ton of bricks…. “ You will enjoy your servitude”. Aldous Huxley. Agenda 21, the Great Reset , Build Back Better and every despicable, ghoulish, seemingly sci-fi dystopian “ it will never happen” concept is coming to fruition , has been in play for many decades and we’ve been distracted, complacent and sleepwalking into slavery. The “ Fourth Revolution” Schwab so wistfully promises is what Huxley forewarned as the “ Ultimate Revolution” the post Industrial Revolution. Man merged with machine . Technohuman. The WEF/UN/US/EU/China CommunoFascist tyrannical NWO . The end of humanism and life in the natural order. These psychopathic megalomaniacs are using Brave New World as a playbook! But I’m the crazy one.
Welch warned of the UN in 1957 and was deigned a Conspiracy Theorist replete with all the “isms”. Huxley laid out every facet of what was coming our way in a 1958 interview with Mike Wallace in weirdly precise detail . Wallace was painfully condescending. So disrespectful he may as well have rolled his eyes. Who’s laughing now? Too many.When it’s right in front of their faces. Or should I say “ collective face”?
Mengele pales in comparison to Tony Fauci, Bill Gates, Bloomberg, Soros, Schwab, Fink and Co.
BINGO !!!!!
Thank you, Stefanie.Trump needs to put up or shut up. He loves to use his bully pulpit to destroy those who are undeserving of his wrath, but hasn’t done a damn thing to “ Drain The Swamp”. He filled it to overflow.
Trump surrounded himself with UniParty vipers and WEF Young Global Leaders, including Ivanka, Nikki Haley, Elise Stefanik, Tom Cotton, Scott Gottlieb, Robert Kadlek,Bourla, Bancel, Bill Gates,Nuland,Fiona Hill, Zuckerberg ..Never brings to the forefront his former pals, Gavin Newsom , JD Pritzker, Klaus Schwab,Merkel,Stephanopoulis, et al
He has the greatest platform to speak out and is craven. He has been given such an opening to do the right thing. Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, Tucker,RFK Jr. , Ramaswamy, , Mike Flynn, Glenn Beck, Dave Rubin, Farage, Raheem Kassam, Sharyl Atkisson, Patrick Bet David,Russell Brand, Jimmy Dore, Jeffrey Tucker, Ian Miles Cheong, Andy Ngo, David Horowitz, Ami Horowitz, Dan Greenfield, James O’Keefe, Mike Shellenberger, Glenn Greenwald, Matthias Desmet, Bret Wenstein, Neil Oliver,Marc Marano, Frank Gaffney, Majiid Nawaz, Steven Smith, Matt , Bannon, Candace Owens, Richard Solomon, Posobiec,Mark Steyn, Lara Logan,Kash Patel,. Unless it’s to blast DeSantis, Epoch Times,Steve Kirsch,Diana West, Naomi Wolf, Lew Rockwell, Kim Iverson, Michael Malice, Drs. Ladapo, Risch, Mercola,Shiva, Atlas , Makary,Alexander,Gold, Cole, Stella,Kuldorff, Malone,Battacharaya,Yeadon, Hatfill, Smith, Oswui….many more have come out railing. The entire ideological, racial, religious, cultural spectrum… and Trump is mum.
I have no confidence that he will .He’s too vested in protecting his own cowardice , poor judgement and ego. I’m so disappointed. Furious, actually.
Gail, I did not mention Trump at all. Not once. I am puzzled by your reaction.
Trump is aware of it. He pulled America out of the Paris Climate Change Accord. He disses the UN and the WHO and NATO. Hints of a pullout if he gets in. That’s why the Globalists hate him.
He should have taken out the WEF. Time for “ hinting” has expired.
3 words: Direct Energy Weapons
TriTorch comment is wonderful. But should be completed with this:
16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet
If we don’t succeed, they’ll succeed with their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:
I appreciate John for investigating this methodically and avoiding drawing firm conclusions until proof is there. I don’t personally have enough over arching knowledge of fire mechanics to know that the burn patterns could only have occurred due to deliberate sabotage like with DEWs.
However, the points just made above and others that I didn’t see, such as the
high fence surrounding Lahaina, not allowing non approved press from entering, nor drone shots of what they are currently doing, utter lack of any type of adequate explanation for where the missing children are extremely indicative of malicious execution of some type of plan.
Whether they caused the fire deliberately or were just ready to take Opportunistic advantage of what happened I can’t say for certain, but as with Covid, the enormous amount of advance work they did to set the psyop up in advance and the lockstep execution of the grand plan make it clear that they are not only shamelessly malicious, but shrewd and brazen at the same time.
Given the Governor’s “Build Beyond Barriers” Commission set up right after the fire, buttressed by his pre-fire executive order claiming a “housing emergency“ and suspension of property rights when invoked, and his statement on camera that they want to find a way for the government to take control of the land, I don’t see how I can conclude that this is anything but a continuation of the globalist takeover scheme, whatever the exact nature of the fire and response was.
Thanks also to Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show and Peggy Hall of The Healthy American (both on YouTube) for bringing these and numerous other points to the public square.
Dave Hodges, in the 10 years or so I listened to him, has a very poor record of accuracy, as does Hagmann. Peggy... The jury's out on her.
Research people are schooled in the Scientific Method, which dispassionately looks at facts and data, and are trained in Inductive Logic. You'll notice that Dr. McCullough always says "the data show", because you have to have all the available credible data to reach a sound conclusion. And that's what Dr. Leake is doing as well.
Is there all kinds of hinky crap going on in Maui? Yes, for sure. Is this proof of nefarious intent, DEW, and conspiracy?... Not yet. He wants to be sure. And there's nothing wrong with that. The truth will come out.
In the meantime, how many of you have donated to a Maui relief fund?
I don't agree that John Leake Is dispassionately looking at facts and data in order to use inductive logic to make a sound conclusion. I think he is making excuses for what has happened and I don't know why. Plenty of facts and data have bee presented already to show that this (as well as other) "natural" catastrophes were pre-planned. And, yes, I did donate to Maui relief and I pray that the donation goes where it is intended. I hope it is not like what happened in Haiti. In the meantime, how many will remember this tragedy in six or eight months? Who remembers East Palestine, Ohio,now? What has happened to the victims of that disaster?
I was making a general statement about the approach of people schooled in hard sciences. They collect pirces of information, of which this was one. They examine the evidence, consider the source, look for what they can find, and put it together until it makes a reasonable whole.
This was just a piece, that's all. Not the whole. There are lots of folks here who are hysterical because they're emotionally addicted to the anger and hurt, and have to have it, like a drug. They are jumping to conclusions, and damning people who given their lives and careers to find and promote the truth about the jabs, and now they should be condemned because they're not immediately jumping on the hysteria bandwagon? Have they not sacrificed enough to have earned your trust??
Or do they have to feed these people their next fix of outrage? Read the comments here, and see if they are akin to children having a temper tantrum at those who have given EVERYTHING to stand forth for truth.
It's disgusting.
You make many assumptions, one being that no one else is schooled in the scientific method, which is false. How did you come to that conclusion? Did you examine the evidence, consider the source, look for what you could find, and put it together until it makes a reasonable whole? No. C'mon, man! We are not stupid. Nor are we hysterical, emotionally addicted to anger and hurt, and have to have it, like a drug. That's a lot of malarkley! I don't think that even Dr. McCullough would make such a ridiculous claim. Also, he does not need your approval or defense. We are not attacking him. I admire him. I just do not agree with Mr. Leake's assessment. He is way too kind and I believe he is wearing blinders. He has ignored many facts which suggest this "event" was pre-planned and deliberately executed. If he can see that on the issue of the v@xxine patents and manufacture of the "viruses" to support their deployment, why can he not see this? I find it disgusting that you, Linden, cannot listen to anyone else' point of view.
Who said I don't listen? I just don't accept everything, and I don't listen to emotions-based people.
This is not my main focus in life. I haven't made a decision yet. And you have.
But your position is that it's a sin for the docs not to have already made a judgment, without all the evidence they need, and it's YOU that won't allow the undecideds to be convinced in their own minds. And then you resort to ad hominems, just like the political Left!
So, physician, heal thyself. You accuse others of what you yourself are guilty.
Now, leave me alone, and I'll do the same for you.
I view Dave Hodges as a guy who gives news on what the globalists are up to, both as daily news and analysis of their various time-scale plans. He has lots of documents to back up what he is saying (not all of it). We have to keep in mind that the globalists have been spending an enormous amount of time, energy, and enormous amounts of stolen money (see the Solari Report and put "missing money" in the search line) setting up the infrastructure for their complete takeover, and they are dangerously close to snapping the trap shut from what I can determine.
Dave also gives great background on all sorts of things that relate, like today he discussed how they can own 60% of all the assets yet control 90%. He doesn't in my view overstate things, and tries to admit where there is doubt. When events happen like all these fires, East Palestine, etc, the question always is was this preplanned, and what do they want to get out of it? Since their basic blueprint is fairly clear: get us jammed into stack-and-pack cities (he has given a lot of info on this subject), with 15 minute/C40 cities climate hysteria induced tyranny, it is clear that they have a plan to use these events to their advantage.
He doesn't discuss the shots because that violates YouTube's content rules, but he has said he can't take any vaccines at all because of a health issue.
When he talks about the CCP's plan to take over the US and leave no survivors behind, clearly we don't know for sure if and when that might come about, but there are a lot of military-aged males coming across the border thanks to our lovely government's policies, and some of them are Chinese. Does that make him "innacurate" that this has not yet happened and won't happen in the next few months? Not necessarily. He is right to warn us as it is easy to see this as a quite possible scenario.
Well, It's been maybe 5 years since I have listened to Dave, I might go visit his site again.
Why didn't the blue cars and the blue roofs of the elites burn? Why did the elites make the roofs of their palaces blue?
Ernie, search “ Peter Pry/ Geoengineering/EMF/Atomic”
I looked and there was a link to an article from him from 2009 about an EMP attack from China. It hasn't happened but since China has had the unrestricted warfare doctrine since 1999, they certainly might do this and worse.
You and your hot zone lass obviously don't have a clue about what your asserting.
Oprah's ranch is at 3,000' elevation in Keokea, 50 miles away on Haleakala. Bezos' little secluded getaway is at the end of a gravel road south of Makena, also 50 miles away. The Island is loaded with wealthy and ultra-wealthy landowners, but not in blue-collar working man's Lahaina Town.
Okay inspector gadget. Explain these melted cars with melted glass in the middle of a barren field far removed from the fires in question: [11mins[
Oh we have another genius know-it-all in da house. Clearly your reading and comprehension is lacking. You made false assertions about certain persons, and I "fact checked" you with reality. So in response you have to bring out another wild assertion as if it's related at all. You obviously love to live in Conspiratopia.
Ooooh, an insult to rectify the situation!
Nah, just calling it like it is. Get over it, little trollette.
Well, you are very kind, indeed.
Stefanie stop being a fomenter, as if what you are doing isn’t the same thing as you are calling on. Teasing, insulting, it’s all the same and just like the leftists do.
Dr. Leake said that random arson in Maui is very common. It could easily explain such a car.
No. He obviously does not know the temperature and conditions under which aluminum and glass melt.
What does the positioning of the car have to do with the melting Temps involved?
What a thoughtful and erudite response. Not. But about what I'd expect from you.
That’s what I thought! Unless there is more land that I’m not aware of. Oprah’s property is by that lavender farm right? It’s the opposite side of the island. But, I do see the fire burn lines directly benefit rezoning plans in Lahaina. It certainly doesn’t look like any other wildfire in history. Too much heat & too much plastic & palm trees left.
Are you paying attention to John's running commentary? Moisture Content of the palm trees is key.
I have no idea about plastic which obviously would combust - if it was actually plastic. So what variety of plastic compound are you talking about? How do you know it's plastic? How do you know it wasn't left there after the fact?
Who flipping cares?? Thousands of people (and children home from school) are dead or homeless now, left with NOTHING and all people want to do is chase conspiracies, not address the tragedy and actually DO SOMETHING meaningful and helpful.
Just check this list of survivors seeking assistance and how little has been raised directly. And this list was/is vetted by Ed Dowd's team. But oh no, can't/won't donate thru GoFundMe coz of what they did to Canadian truckers 18 months ago.... is what many have told me... Just sick.
There is a Give Send Go fund you can give to. Go Fund Me is untrustworthy since they collaborated with government pulling an illegal political move to steal millions of raised dollars. You never know when they could do it again. Understanding conspiracy to murder and steal land is very important. It’s important to beware if you are living on land they want, that you prepare and beware. If there is evidence of planning, there needs to be calls for justice.
On evidence. I watched an interview with a forensic arborist with years of hands on experience say that in the latest fires he’s analyzed, the trees with the greatest water content, that normally singe on the outside, but remain on the inside so they regenerate, are found completely singed on the inside, while the leaves remain on the outside, like in California, like in Lahaina I predict from what we can see of what remains - until, that is, the secretive recovery crew razes it all behind those fences and destroys the evidence. He says it’s not normal at all and has the marks of microwave energy. It doesn’t look good. Not at all.
You mean, nobody's set fire to the fence fabric yet? Seems there is a problem with any cars left on the side of the highway there... they get torched. I'm surprised nobody's done it to the fabric fence.
GoFundMe is an extortion site that rakes off at least 10% of whatever you donate.
So, where's the investigation into this experts take on the fires?
you rock. thank you. dropping subscxription to mccullough and subscribed to your stack. good work.
I agree with much of what you write. The schools below high school were closed for the last day of summer vacation..
Good to see you're still tellin' it like it is Tri! Nice coinkidink!
Yeah. Move to Russia with people that know war. Broadcast to us on a multiude of different mediuams what to do. People need to be directed. WTF are the young men like the special forces and the rest. They need fucking orders to do what they are supposedly supposed to do as a special forces person? I've been disgusted since 911.
Photo op??? Do you realize one family found their child burned to a crisp hugging their dog also burned to a crisp????? And this was not from lack of preparation. It was warfare by the gvmt on it's own pp just like 911, just like the prick potion etc - DEW. Disappointed.
Yes Biden blew it etc, but I think Dr McCullough not being a journalist but a medical person kind of missed on the commentary there. It's not about a great photo op. It's about a lack of concern that's genuine, and an awareness of the extent of the tragedy. Biden is not even coherent. He may not even have known what day it was.
biden is irrelevent. We already know what he is. The photo ops comment that "would of put boots on" and talked to the pp etc/whatever is of poor taste. It is of marketing, deceit, alleging to put on an act pretending to care to get favorable approval - Disgusting. Mind of a politician. In light of the seriousness of what took place, the absolute horror, the missing children, it was highly inappropriate, insensitive at best.
It's also appropriate to acknowledge the absolute war that has been waged against Dr. McCullough for 3 years and how exhausted (and traumatized) he obviously is. Not a clear line of thought nor choice of words to be sure - but he's been attacked directly by the Global Beast (the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy that JFK warned us all about) so there's that...
Agreed. He has put himself out there to stand on truth--which is the reason I admire Dr McCullough so much. I am thankful for him and all of the other brave doctors who are putting it all on the line for truth and medical freedom .
Blah blah blah..too many coincidences that aren't
biden is another dog king
he is meant to demoralize both sides of arguments
I find the photo ops at the scene of disasters to be totally disgusting.
This is such a disappointing tack for Dr. McCullough to be taking- someone who I've respected greatly for his speaking out on the vexxine and C-19 over the past couple of years. I'm sorry guys, but it's obvious to ANYone with a half a brain that this NOT some fluke of nature, atop piss-poor human error.
The evidence for a DEW event is simply overwhelming....
I'm personally not convinced about DEWs or microwaves yet, but I would like to hear more about how geoengineering may have played a role. Accelerating the winds in a very vulnerable area would be perceived as more of an act of nature, thus escaping real investigation.
You're doing good. The DEW theory falls apart on its own merit because there is still a fire. The "blue things didn't burn" theory makes no sense because even if a DEW was used and did not ignite anything blue, it still started fires and those fires would have burned the blue things.
The conditions are what should be investigated. You see, DEW is a way to get people off the track. I dont believe for a second these fires were natural or happened on their own. I believe it was planned.
But not done with a DEW. HAARP can heat the ionosphere and direct weather patterns. Hurricanes can be directed. Precipitation can be controlled. Geoengineering is real. The tech exists, it is becoming God.
Jim Lee has done great work on this
Dane Wiggington has done great work and has a great archive (however I disagree with him on some fundamental points, his geoengineering work has been excellent.
What I think happened is this (and this just speculation with what we know can be done):
The area was prepared with dessicants and accelerants beforehand, this would be released by aircraft.
HAARP and/or other atmosphere manipulating tools were used to push that northern front down.
The conditions are now in place. All you need is an ignition source, or better yet, several (as we have learned from the 1970 DoD manual on Wildfire as a Weapon, multiple ignition sights forming into one fire will exponentially increase the heat and force).
Once the fire is going, unleash a calamity of (purposeful) government incompetence and the dominoes will fall where they were perfectly stacked.
Good post.
I appreciate your thoughtful response. I doo am like Laurie, unsure and hearing dEW and BLEW (pun intended) without anyone clearly connecting the dots. Plus, I live a terrible fire that was caused by an arsonist across town but winds brought it to us. And there were lots of spots left untouched (bushes, trees) while others roared up and burned to crips.
I like your theory. Good rationale and detail for where my gut has been taking me. I find this more plausible than the other explanations and it better supports their climate change narrative. I hope it gets more attention. I'm familiar with Wiggington but will check out Lee -- thanks for the link..
He has done some good interviews with Reinette Senum
He was also recently on the Tinfoil Hat podcast with Sam Tripoli if you can handle that, Sam's not for everyone. I dont agree with Jim's theory China pulled this off, but he still shows HOW it can be pulled off.
The other thing that bothers me about the DEW theory is how certain the proponents are about it and claim certain things prove it.
High wind fire is god blessed fright. Burns hot and fast. A few years ago we had some extremely abnormal lightening strikes here in CA in August that set off hundreds of fires and one them came through my place.
While that was a low wind fire, the damage was still there. My neighbors lost their house, the fire had already passed through, but there were roots beneath the house that had caught and two days later their historic house burned to ash.
And it looked like these other homes with the white ash. What I learned from that time talking to pros in the field, is that fire is a mystery, there are too many variables at play to make sense of it.
The truth is we have no idea what happened and can not claim certainty outside of what we know. We know about the failure of government, the failure of preparedness, the failure of any rescue attempts, and we know that certain technologies exist, DEWs included and we have to make sense of it, but it is all hypothesis once we get away from what we can prove.
Blue things survivng doesn't prove a DEW. Neither does trees surviving (and notice not all trees survived). If a DEW was used, it was not used on the town but in the outlands to create several ignition points. But a downed powerline will do that too when the embers start flying.
I saw a post on another Substack by a guy who was a lineman for 30 years for Maui Electric, and he said the locals had a name for the crazy gusting winds that come out of nowhere, very suddenly, and will even knock a fully harnessed lineman off a pole in a minute. He said that there was always huge fire danger on the West side of Maui, and that at certain times of the year, everyone was hyper aware of what the winds could do with fire.
It was likely both...
From Mark Crispin Miller's substack-
More on DEWS from R.A. Bows substack-
Wake up!
Oh stop! I'm so sick of that insulting phrase. People wouldn't even be here if they weren't awake and aware.
Dr. of ALL people should not call others Conspiracy Theorists after living through the plandemic covid debacle & witnessing all the dominoes that had to fall for them to pull that off. Why would this fire land grab be any different? Several dominoes (or rather "coincidences") all lined up helped make this happen. It's not hard to see. IMHO
It is really difficult to listen to this video with any sense of seriousness. Is John Leake totally out of touch with the present reality of our lives?
No, he's just very rational and very thorough. He doesn't buy into the conspiracy jamboree without solid evidence.
The conspiracy is directed at us (normal people) by the global elites. There is plenty of evidence for this. All you have to do is look them up and see what their goals and agenda for us is. It is not rational to be in denial of what they are actually proposing.
That's not what he's doing. You may not understand the way scientists and engineers think. They are trained in Inductive Logic, which is the opposite of jumping to conclusions. They want all the evidence, properly corroborated and from credible sources, before coming to a conclusion. Coincidence is not correlation, is not causation.
It's a completely different approach from the average layperson. It's actually quite responsible and prudent for him to do so. It's WHAT MAKES HIM SO CREDIBLE.
Don't make me laugh!! I know Dr. McCullough is a credible person, but we are not dummies, either. This was no coincidence. It was pre-planned and caused by nefarious people, just as the v@zzine and the "viruses" were.
No one said you were a dummy. But I was trained as a Physical Chemist (combo of physics & chemistry, quantum mechanics, Bohr theory), and that training in the Scientific Method causes you to assess information & come to conclusions differently than a layperson. Engineers are similar. And it takes time.
There are no consequences for you professionally if what you believe is wrong, but there is for people like McCullough/ Leake. They are dedicated to going where truth takes them. But they're not going to do it on your timeline.
Plus, you've already made up your mind.
Again, you are jumping to conclusions and making assumptions about the backgrounds of others who are contributing here. Sorry, you are not the only starfish in the sea. Dr. McCullough already has my admiration I have been following him for some time and sharing his posts. He does not need your approval or support. I just do not agree with the conclusions of Mr. Leake. And, BTW, here were consequences for Dr. McCullough in spite of his background and stellar credential. They were unjust consequences and had nothing to so with Truth. And, also, BTW, I do not have a "Timeline". That is again, one of your fallacious conclusions.
Thank you for this. It sets the scene so well.
You DO NEED to address the arguments the arborist makes in his video whether you believe his theories or not he has ignited a whole firestorm of fresh outrage.
To address the suspicions of foul play these questions need answering: Why the solid fences around the scene of the fire in Lahaina town? Why no news crews? No photography allowed ? No drone photography allowed? Why aren’t residents allowed back to inspect their homes?
The residents ARE being allowed back. I saw a video today by a resident whose house wasn't touched, right in downtown Lahaina, filming his neighborhood. He was only allowed back for a certain time period. He said non-residents were not in. It was on Mchael Yon's SS.
I have a feeling MASERs were used and that is why the fire spread so quickly. Evidence seems to show that this was most likely planned, similar to the Canadian fires. Furthermore, where are the thousands of people who have disapeared? Were the people incinerated in their homes/cars? Is that why the burned area is off limits? Were the 2,000 children trafficked? Have the local people taken a census on the missing?
3 words: Direct Energy Weapons
TriTorch comment is wonderful. But should be completed with this:
16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet
If we don’t succeed, they’ll succeed with their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:
I lived on Maui on Lahina in 1971. Also Oahu and the Big Island.
By now we all realize “ they” are killing and incarcerating us. Once you have a preponderance of evidence stop looking for more and take action. You can still read about 9/11 where 3000 were sacrificed. It does not get the job done. We have found a way. There may be other ways but this works. People are assembling on every state. Many are do-gooders; agent provocateurs; controlled opposition; charlatans and the like. We need Jural Assemblies with one goal returning to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023. We flipped Oregon from de facto to de jure November 2022. It took us 4.5 years at 1 step at a time to go from 6 founders to several hundred on Oregon. There may be other ways. However, this works and it can be done in 30 days. Everyone that reads this already knows 50% more than you need to. It is time to take action. Keep it in your state as the feds look for people that cross pollinate in others states.. Charlie prepared a packet to get you started. Each state, commonwealth and territory is different. Remember we are dealing with over 160 years of organized crime and they do not want to let this go. Every state from Kansas on is color of law. The perpetualUnion was broke the second time December 24 1860 when South Carolina seceded. We lost "original jurisdiction" and got color of law then and martial law/Lieber code March 1861. DJT added FEMA. Ex parte Milligan removes those issues. With full faith and credit governing law is established in this document at this time to be: Declaration of Independence; Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union; Oregon’s Original Constitutions circa 1859, and The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859. And ORCP 20A; Clearfield Doctrine; Accardi Doctrine; ex parte Young; ex parte Milligan; McCarran Walters Act 1952; Judiciary Act 1789-Sec 32; Judgment Nihil Dicit are all specifically called into this document. They are all governing law, which must be accepted. The current 13th and 14th amendments are bogus and must be rejected. Take Heed of the Blackstone Commentaries. The DOJ is agent to the entity responsible for the enumerated requirements of Article III, the one supreme Court that must claim original jurisdiction to be a court I would consider to have jurisdiction when found in conjunction with Amendment VII Court… The DOJ has failed miserably in their responsibility. ..We must do it ourselves. We define the words we use. We decide our method of communication. Each of the 33 states were flipped after 1906. Oregon was flipped into de facto November 8, 1910. If you are just a reader or one that needs a seminar or to buy a membership and be part of a larger group where someone else carries the load and you pay dues or follow along. This is not for you. You come later when it is time to climb on the band wagon and ride.;; 503 641 8375
Wish we had similar mechanisms in the UK / England. Magna Carta Article 47 is one of the few being adopted by a small community.
WE ARE AMERI CANS AND WE OWN THE TREASONOUS CONMMUNIST CORRUPT GOVT, #DONOTCOMPLY TO THESE EVILS ITS OUR JOB. WE THE PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE TO ADHERE / #DONOTCOMPLY TO AN ILLEGAL DEMENTED USURPER joe OR ITS CONMMUNIST DEMONICRAT REGIME OF MEDICAL FRAUD ETC,,,,. PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP. NOW ALL governmentally ill liars are UNTRUSTABLE -- UNITE WITH LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WE THE PEOPLE, FOR OUR GOD GIVEN AMERICAN JUSTICE,,,, CONSTITUTIONAL SHERIFFS STEP UP, DEPUTIZE WE THE PEOPLE UNITED WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS UNITE WITH LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WE THE PEOPLE, FOR OUR GOD GIVEN AMERICAN JUSTICE,,,, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, , it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS STAND YOUR GROUND , PRAY AND PREP - THE globalist nwo etcs., ARE MURDERING ALL OUR LIFE FORMS ITS TIME TO DISMANTLE / DISASSEMBLE ALL OF THE EVILS... UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS SODIERS FOR CHRIST, REPENT AND PRAY / PREP IS WINNING - WE ARE ALL GODS David Against all Evil Goliaths
It's been a common standard of courtesy in writing, since the internet began. Please try to keep up.
You also compromise your witness of Christ by shouting. He never did, and He was God. You're not.
Reporting you. You're uncivilized, and definitely NOT a Christ follower. You're a disgrace to Him. It's because of people like you that people hate Christians.
Courageous discourse? Not on the Maui fire at any rate. This whole discussion reminds me of the garbage I see constantly in the msm that purport to raise questions and provide possible explanations to atheletes dropping dead, turbo cancer, excess deaths, myocarditis etc. without ever mentioning the experimental injections. I don't even know how I got subscribed to this bs.
Then go away.
Gladly U stay and listen to the BS
What a shit show! Is this guy for real?? And WTF was McCullough talking about presidents taking the opportunity!!! I had to turn this shit off It would appear someone has been compromised Shit! I think everyone is turning into lizards!! If the thunder don’t get you then the lightning will ! Time to turn off all the shit! Can’t trust anyone anymore
He, of all people, doesn't deserve your scorn. You can't stay or trust? Good. You're contributing nothing but foul language. BTW, have you donated anything to help the people of Lahaina?
Yeah, I thought not.
Actually I did
I have reason to believe that the author of this post and video is either controlled opposition, or was bought, to sell people the idea that this was a “natural phenomena - when DESTRUCTION ENERGY WEAPONS (DEW) ARE RIGHT ON EVERYONE’S FACES; no mention of lasers, carbonized aluminum, blue structures soared, and ABSOLUTELY NO MENTION OF MISSING CHILDREN????
He claims to have gone to Lahaina one day after the Dement-in-thieif’s disastrous and offensive appearance, and also that he talked to a “lot of people”, and yet he hadn’t heard about the missing children?
So he might as well quit this useless report and be quiet on his own myopic corner
What about the burning of the Paradise Valley in California?
As someone very familiar with that area, I can say that with the increasing drought years, and PG&E's aging infrastructure (destroyed by enviro whackos in the gov't there), the behavior of that fire wasn't a surprise. CA has been known for terrible fires, for many years. I lived there 26 years.
This was the date of the fire….
808 is Hawaii’s area code……
I completely appreciate this kind of investigation here. I do not want to believe in my heart that this could all be coincidental and criminal but evidence is stacking up and those “leaders” in charge here, well, their answers are not adding up. I pray you continue your investigation and the truth can be revealed to us here on the Island. We are being treated like fools out here, and being lied to.
We feel it, we know it. Mahalo for taking your time for our island community 🙏🌿
8/8 in Hawai is 8/9 in Japan (1 day ahead). 8/9 is anniversary of Nagasaki bombing