I posted this at Peter McCullough’s site today and now yours because it Is such important information for all to unite behind!
Thank you for your continuing great work educating Americans, presenting solid TRUTHS before it is too late to ‘cut the snake off at the head!’
We ALL want the global psychopaths prosecuted, right?
HOW? Unity!
WHY? This is what your enemy fears most!
Is it past time for ALL patriotic Americans to have UNITY in a serious Freedom Movement to support these 2 critical issues necessary for America’s survival….
John and all,
I posted this at Peter McCullough’s site today and now yours because it Is such important information for all to unite behind!
Thank you for your continuing great work educating Americans, presenting solid TRUTHS before it is too late to ‘cut the snake off at the head!’
We ALL want the global psychopaths prosecuted, right?
HOW? Unity!
WHY? This is what your enemy fears most!
Is it past time for ALL patriotic Americans to have UNITY in a serious Freedom Movement to support these 2 critical issues necessary for America’s survival….
2. DEPRIVATION OF YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW statute…ALL our rights were crushed the past 3 years, right?
Do you know your rights? If not, then you have NO rights!
Aren’t these 2 critical issues highest priority to get right for America AND future generations!
Good always wins over evil…ONLY if you UNITE and do something!
P.S. I pray for ALL brave persons like you AND Gideon’s Army of 300 (Judges) everyday!