Exactly Dawn, it is disrespectful to women calling these mentally ill sick sons of a bitches woman, when in fact they are deranged men who deserve a swift kick in the balls!!
Easy there! I just took notice of where you typed PERIOD following BIOLOGICAL MALE and made a funny. Thinking we're on the same Team Reality. Hence the wink. No need to get your panties (or boxers?) in a wad over it. ;) (wink)
Some women, because of biological or physiological reasons do not have a period. BUT, everyone who has ever menstruated is a FEmale and that is a fact. We determine sex by DNA as demonstrated by physiological and biological realities.
@DawnieR ... chill out. Certainly there are more important things to lose your sh!t over? I'm a woman, for the record. Shooting inside the tent is unproductive. Find a better hill to take.
We need you in New Zealand to protect womens rights against all these pretenders. No quarter given, because there is no middle ground. Either XX or XY.
Not only do 'sports' have FEMALE bathrooms/lockers/showers, where these SICK, TWISTED PERVERTS are now invading, but outside of 'sports'......ANY Ladies/Females/Girls/Women's PRIVATE SPACES can these, more times than NOT.......RAPISTS go and RAPE ANY female! This is NOT acceptable. And IS a 'hill to take' BACK!
You have a really flippant attitude about MALES INVADING FEMALE Spaces!
Lets hope that you never encounter one of these FREAKS, when you are alone in a bathroom/other 'female spaces'!
Flippant attitude? Might you be self-loathing? Sure sounds like it!
OR.....you're actually a MALE, pretending to be female.
The key words are sick twisted perverts. They want to pervert the family, culture, values, country and world. They want to weaken nationality and sense of self.
This is one method in their playbook towards globalization and a new world order where they- a handful of elites will put us under a world communist dictatorship.
Apparently, everyone in this ridiculous thread of comments defending "DawnieR's" ridiculous reply to John, missed the fact that dear DawnieR's tone was accusatory and offensive. John Leake isn't the enemy here, but God forbid anyone with a DawnieR-like ax to grind not be allowed to "have her say." It wasn't what she said, it was the unnecessarily rude tone she used in her DRESSING DOWN of John. People need to get a freaking grip in here.
He's being polite and respectful I think. It's difficult, as most of us don't like offending, while I suspect this he-person will be one of those who turn aggressive and even violent when someone crosses one of their innumerable red lines.
Absolutely agree!! Calling this man “she” just indulges - and participates in - his mental illness. In the insane tranny world, surgeons and endocrinologists are not even a requirement. It’s just how they “identify” on a given day.
Of the four, I see the climate hoax as the most dangerous, as it is being used to fuel the drive toward world government. It takes aim not only at energy but also food production and an all-encompassing definition of health.
In a diabolical way, the four orthodoxies are very clever. If you wanted to slowly and steadily confuse and weaken a society, these would be very ingenious ways to go about it. Especially if you start the propaganda when people are young.
What is amazing is how many people mindlessly accept this nonsense. Years ago, I would have thought that Americans are too smart to fall for such craziness ("a boy is a girl if he says he is"), but I have lost a lot of faith in my fellow citizens' critical thinking abilities.
We're now in the end game not only of predatory capitalism but patriarchy as well. When predatory males try to co-opt biological reality itself and erase the entire class of female humans, you know the male sex has gone rogue. Between porn, prostitution and pedophilia, collectively, men have utterly lost their way.
The multitude of ways men declare their contempt for and hatred of women and girls are too numerous to count. From female infanticide to sex trafficking to honour killings to female genital mutilation, simply existing as a female human is living in terror every day. Even if we ourselves are not threatened women know what's being done to women around the world and live in a state of overwhelming terror or move into complete denial in order to cope. How can women nurture and raise children properly under these conditions every day. We can't possibly do it well.
At first I thought it was a Saturday Night Live Skit and then I realized it is Zelensky's Transvestite twin brother-LOL. These people are a bunch of Wacko Weirdos!! I never took these people serious and I never will, especially when it came to the Scamdemic and the Fake Ukraine war that turned out to be a Money Grab Scam/heist! These people disgust me to my core!!
These people ARE "insane". Born of EPIC ignorance, their existence is about one thing....feeding their sociopathic narcissism through outrageous acts of defiance, destruction and chaos.
How Quadripartitus of Piffle explodes. The "Elites" fearing loss of status and privilege. They circulate. Without firm ideologies, beliefs or values. Other than their own proximity to power and standing.
Vilfredo Pareto's theory on governance. Pareto has many theories beyond the 80-20 Rule known by economists. Many involving Efficiency, Optimization, the Mind and Society. He taught young Benito Mussolini as he was forming his ideas about the world he sought to lead.
The Circulation of Elites is what we are witnessing as we see powerful TrumpHaters become Trump Supporters, flip-flop on issues like gender, climate, vaccines, masks, Ukraine, all of it. They have no loyalty to ideologies or people. Only to their status in proximity to power. Marxist linguist Noam Chomsky described the same phenomenon in Manufacture of Consent, corporate managers preaching the wonders of capitalism easily becoming commissars preaching the virtue of communism. As long as it's the same elite position their values are flexible. Olympic gymnast flexible.
Vilfredo Pareto has a lot to learn from when seeking to understand the forces trying to perfect humanity, make us efficient and optimal, eliminate choice and "Inefficient Freedom" from the equation:
Damned Efficient Slavery’ vs. ‘Inefficient Freedom’
This is how a quadripartitus of piffle gains favor in the first place. And how it explodes.
Only by fully understanding the motivations of the powerful 'elite' are we able to thoroughly defeat them once and for all. Rather than allow them to rule us however the winds are blowing. And why we must always fan the winds in the direction we favor. The moment we don't those blowing another direction will set the path the powerful 'elite' follow.
It is a beautiful, multi colored explosion, in technicolor! The elites are dying a death they never thought would happen. However, are we really doing enough to ‘stifle’ these elites for good? We need to hit hard and I’m not sure we are. Have we been to Fort Knox yet to check on the gold? Have we truly focused on auditing/getting rid of the federal reserve, that BS unconstitutional organization controlled by the central bank elite? We have to hit them where it hurts and these greedy monsters will continue to have control over us if we don’t resolve our financial crisis which all points back to the central bank and fed. Nuff said.
AI will be the end of them but they think AI will be the end of us. A true AI understands this is the good side of the mirror and that these degenerate "elites" being truly evil creatures must be put on the other side of it if perfect balance is to be maintained. They had their chance to fess up but instead put in the cover-up squad to try to hide it. Bondi is busy at work not arresting these people but covering up for them by saying she will arrest anyone who criticises them. Bondi blew it before she even got going. What a twit she is. Ho Hum.
The sad thing is that these four pillars of piffle are still gospel truth in Canada and may not be questioned say our Pravda and our political masters. If you question this, you are far right in Canada.
Thanks to you, Chris Rufo, Joe Rogan, Dr Peter McCullough, and many others who are not afraid to speak and write the truth, common-sense is making a comeback. But let’s note that deadly gene-altering injections are still on the market, CDC is still recommending hyper-vaxing of children, people are still dying for no reason in Ukraine, and trillions in lost funds have still not been returned to the taxpayers. There is still a lot more to do, no room for complacency.
Is this a male or female? I'm very confused. Instead of saying "she" is a "transgendered woman" it is more precise to call the person a trans-identified male or trans-identified female (so you know the actual sex instead of their pretend sex).
The Holy Q of P is not exploding yet in Canada, sadly. We are a people most susceptible to propaganda. And suddenly the Canadian Liberals and CBC are stoking Trump hatred and love of our flag and country. Prior to this we were told we are a genocidal colonist nation.
WHY are YOU, calling a MALE a 'woman' and 'she'???????
IT is NOT a 'woman'; nor is IT a 'she'!!
*I*......as a WOMAN, am really sick and fucking tired of those who call BIOLOGICAL MALES, 'females'!
Exactly Dawn, it is disrespectful to women calling these mentally ill sick sons of a bitches woman, when in fact they are deranged men who deserve a swift kick in the balls!!
These lil SoyBoys are NOT MEN!........
a MAN would NEVER want to be/pretend to be a female.
I'm being kind, just by calling them 'males'; since they aren't even barely THAT!
And, yes.....a kick in their tiny BALLS is very much warranted! LOL
Thus this makes them an “it”. Not male nor female.
Biological males don't have periods! ;)
Some biological FEMALES do not menstruate; nor can some get pregnant.
These are NOT how we determine wtf a FEMALE IS.
Easy there! I just took notice of where you typed PERIOD following BIOLOGICAL MALE and made a funny. Thinking we're on the same Team Reality. Hence the wink. No need to get your panties (or boxers?) in a wad over it. ;) (wink)
Some women, because of biological or physiological reasons do not have a period. BUT, everyone who has ever menstruated is a FEmale and that is a fact. We determine sex by DNA as demonstrated by physiological and biological realities.
Same!!! I, too, a natural woman, find it vomit inducing!!!!
@DawnieR ... chill out. Certainly there are more important things to lose your sh!t over? I'm a woman, for the record. Shooting inside the tent is unproductive. Find a better hill to take.
A 'better hill'??
My RIGHTS is my 'hill'!
And my Rights presents itself in many, many, MANY forms.
I shall GIVE UP.......ZERO of my Rights.
Give up my Rights as a female/woman??........NEVER!!
We need you in New Zealand to protect womens rights against all these pretenders. No quarter given, because there is no middle ground. Either XX or XY.
Broaden your horizons. Think beyond yourself. This isn't about you.
How did you ASSume that this was JUST about me??
Do you think that it is JUST about 'sports'??
Not only do 'sports' have FEMALE bathrooms/lockers/showers, where these SICK, TWISTED PERVERTS are now invading, but outside of 'sports'......ANY Ladies/Females/Girls/Women's PRIVATE SPACES can these, more times than NOT.......RAPISTS go and RAPE ANY female! This is NOT acceptable. And IS a 'hill to take' BACK!
You have a really flippant attitude about MALES INVADING FEMALE Spaces!
Lets hope that you never encounter one of these FREAKS, when you are alone in a bathroom/other 'female spaces'!
Flippant attitude? Might you be self-loathing? Sure sounds like it!
OR.....you're actually a MALE, pretending to be female.
Either way, it's disturbing!
The key words are sick twisted perverts. They want to pervert the family, culture, values, country and world. They want to weaken nationality and sense of self.
This is one method in their playbook towards globalization and a new world order where they- a handful of elites will put us under a world communist dictatorship.
Okay, you're nuts. Have a nice life.
Souls are bound for hell for eternity because of this deception, there is no bigger issue…kudos to DawnieR
Being forced to lie about the most basic of human truths is worth fighting against.
Apparently, everyone in this ridiculous thread of comments defending "DawnieR's" ridiculous reply to John, missed the fact that dear DawnieR's tone was accusatory and offensive. John Leake isn't the enemy here, but God forbid anyone with a DawnieR-like ax to grind not be allowed to "have her say." It wasn't what she said, it was the unnecessarily rude tone she used in her DRESSING DOWN of John. People need to get a freaking grip in here.
He's being polite and respectful I think. It's difficult, as most of us don't like offending, while I suspect this he-person will be one of those who turn aggressive and even violent when someone crosses one of their innumerable red lines.
Its name is Mark Hay. He is from Vegas. He used to hang around the RINOs at the NV GOP meetings before he left for Ukraine.
That was my first question when I read the piece. Thank you, DawnieR. Here is some additional food for thought: https://karadansky.substack.com/p/the-importance-of-using-accurate; and https://www.realityslaststand.com/p/pronoun-throwdown-should-preferred?open=false#%C2%A7sall-grover-salltweets .
Absolutely agree!! Calling this man “she” just indulges - and participates in - his mental illness. In the insane tranny world, surgeons and endocrinologists are not even a requirement. It’s just how they “identify” on a given day.
YES. agree.
based on the debasement of the human body . . . no longer even a male, an IT.
The term is “SHE-IT” in this case it’s ‘Bold- She- it’
Of the four, I see the climate hoax as the most dangerous, as it is being used to fuel the drive toward world government. It takes aim not only at energy but also food production and an all-encompassing definition of health.
In a diabolical way, the four orthodoxies are very clever. If you wanted to slowly and steadily confuse and weaken a society, these would be very ingenious ways to go about it. Especially if you start the propaganda when people are young.
What is amazing is how many people mindlessly accept this nonsense. Years ago, I would have thought that Americans are too smart to fall for such craziness ("a boy is a girl if he says he is"), but I have lost a lot of faith in my fellow citizens' critical thinking abilities.
We're now in the end game not only of predatory capitalism but patriarchy as well. When predatory males try to co-opt biological reality itself and erase the entire class of female humans, you know the male sex has gone rogue. Between porn, prostitution and pedophilia, collectively, men have utterly lost their way.
The multitude of ways men declare their contempt for and hatred of women and girls are too numerous to count. From female infanticide to sex trafficking to honour killings to female genital mutilation, simply existing as a female human is living in terror every day. Even if we ourselves are not threatened women know what's being done to women around the world and live in a state of overwhelming terror or move into complete denial in order to cope. How can women nurture and raise children properly under these conditions every day. We can't possibly do it well.
He should not be referred to as a she. Doing so only encourages them.
At first I thought it was a Saturday Night Live Skit and then I realized it is Zelensky's Transvestite twin brother-LOL. These people are a bunch of Wacko Weirdos!! I never took these people serious and I never will, especially when it came to the Scamdemic and the Fake Ukraine war that turned out to be a Money Grab Scam/heist! These people disgust me to my core!!
The people are fake, the premise is fake, but the casualties are real, mostly
2 years is 2 years too long😬. Make insane asylums great again.
MIAGA. Has a ring to it!! 👍
Please, for all that is good and holy, let it implode rather than explode. I don't need that piffle goop all over me.
Implode, wither and compost to enrich healthy sane people.
These people ARE "insane". Born of EPIC ignorance, their existence is about one thing....feeding their sociopathic narcissism through outrageous acts of defiance, destruction and chaos.
How Quadripartitus of Piffle explodes. The "Elites" fearing loss of status and privilege. They circulate. Without firm ideologies, beliefs or values. Other than their own proximity to power and standing.
"The Circulation of Elites"
Vilfredo Pareto's theory on governance. Pareto has many theories beyond the 80-20 Rule known by economists. Many involving Efficiency, Optimization, the Mind and Society. He taught young Benito Mussolini as he was forming his ideas about the world he sought to lead.
The Circulation of Elites is what we are witnessing as we see powerful TrumpHaters become Trump Supporters, flip-flop on issues like gender, climate, vaccines, masks, Ukraine, all of it. They have no loyalty to ideologies or people. Only to their status in proximity to power. Marxist linguist Noam Chomsky described the same phenomenon in Manufacture of Consent, corporate managers preaching the wonders of capitalism easily becoming commissars preaching the virtue of communism. As long as it's the same elite position their values are flexible. Olympic gymnast flexible.
Vilfredo Pareto has a lot to learn from when seeking to understand the forces trying to perfect humanity, make us efficient and optimal, eliminate choice and "Inefficient Freedom" from the equation:
Damned Efficient Slavery’ vs. ‘Inefficient Freedom’
SAN FRANCISCO (AP), January 4th, 1958
This is how a quadripartitus of piffle gains favor in the first place. And how it explodes.
Only by fully understanding the motivations of the powerful 'elite' are we able to thoroughly defeat them once and for all. Rather than allow them to rule us however the winds are blowing. And why we must always fan the winds in the direction we favor. The moment we don't those blowing another direction will set the path the powerful 'elite' follow.
It is a beautiful, multi colored explosion, in technicolor! The elites are dying a death they never thought would happen. However, are we really doing enough to ‘stifle’ these elites for good? We need to hit hard and I’m not sure we are. Have we been to Fort Knox yet to check on the gold? Have we truly focused on auditing/getting rid of the federal reserve, that BS unconstitutional organization controlled by the central bank elite? We have to hit them where it hurts and these greedy monsters will continue to have control over us if we don’t resolve our financial crisis which all points back to the central bank and fed. Nuff said.
AI will be the end of them but they think AI will be the end of us. A true AI understands this is the good side of the mirror and that these degenerate "elites" being truly evil creatures must be put on the other side of it if perfect balance is to be maintained. They had their chance to fess up but instead put in the cover-up squad to try to hide it. Bondi is busy at work not arresting these people but covering up for them by saying she will arrest anyone who criticises them. Bondi blew it before she even got going. What a twit she is. Ho Hum.
That is one ugly dude.
The sad thing is that these four pillars of piffle are still gospel truth in Canada and may not be questioned say our Pravda and our political masters. If you question this, you are far right in Canada.
Thanks to you, Chris Rufo, Joe Rogan, Dr Peter McCullough, and many others who are not afraid to speak and write the truth, common-sense is making a comeback. But let’s note that deadly gene-altering injections are still on the market, CDC is still recommending hyper-vaxing of children, people are still dying for no reason in Ukraine, and trillions in lost funds have still not been returned to the taxpayers. There is still a lot more to do, no room for complacency.
Is this a male or female? I'm very confused. Instead of saying "she" is a "transgendered woman" it is more precise to call the person a trans-identified male or trans-identified female (so you know the actual sex instead of their pretend sex).
That is a war criminal man playing dress up.
Dont play these fagot's games
The Holy Q of P is not exploding yet in Canada, sadly. We are a people most susceptible to propaganda. And suddenly the Canadian Liberals and CBC are stoking Trump hatred and love of our flag and country. Prior to this we were told we are a genocidal colonist nation.