The Hazards of Promoting Ineffectuality
Democrats holding signs at Trump's address raise pressing question: How did they get elected to Congress?
A friend just sent me the following image:
Upon looking at it, I was instantly reminded of the scene in the film Animal House when the endearing but hapless Larry Kroger and Kent Dorfman attend a party at the snobby and sadistic Omega House and are promptly shuffled to a side room and introduced to Muhammed, Jugdish, Sidney, and Clayton.
Back when Harold Ramis and Douglas Kenney wrote the script in 1978, we all understood that Douglas Neidermeyer and Greg Marmalard were terrible guys and that Larry Kroger, Kent Dorfman, Muhammed, Jugdish, Sidney, and Clayton were something like “the meek who shall inherit the earth.”
However, at some point over the last 20 years, the pendulum of the American Zeitgeist swung to the other extreme, resulting in silly, ineffectual people like Representative Nydia Velázquez being elected to high office. The ineffectual resent Elon Musk because he is so effective.
Now, in Trump’s second term, the ineffectual are losing the support structure that has propped them up in power. Being ineffectual, they are flailing about looking for some means of resisting their acceleration towards irrelevance and obscurity. It seems that holding up lollipop-shaped protest signs during the President’s address is the best they can do.
The Democrats appear to lack a sound leader who can warn them when they appear silly and unhinged. They seem to have a total lack of self-awareness. Is someone being paid to advise them on optics? If so, they are failing miserably. It is almost as if someone decided the Democrats are finished and they are hastening the process of their elimination in the public square.
Actually, Elon can likely clearly see which Dems are doing the stealing. Thank you Elon.