Many 'scientific' journals have been bastardized into agenda organs for years. As a scientist, I am saddened by the ruin of these once-fine journals.

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You should see this from the inside. It made me lose trust in anything "academic". And that was 20 years ago!

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One of the things Robert Yoho, mentions in Butchered by Healthcare, and Government. THEY PUSH THE LATES EXPENSIVE DRUGS. That haven't been accurately tested. And they use AI to put out false info. Deny treatment. Medicare/Tricare Life has been gutted. Community Pharmacist are being driven out of business. HR9060 addresses that, not gotten out of the House yet.

My DIL had a 2nd C-Section on May 20, 2040. Baby is a FFT baby born at 38 weeks due to supposed heart complications, idiot Pediatrician doesn't know how to treat. Mom has a Pancreas that doesn't process sugar, which hypes her body up. Put her on that Junk drug Metformin. First it was Pancreatitis. Now the dr. doesn't know, more test.

The Democratic Party’s war on science is harming children


As an OB-GYN, I delivered a baby a day for more than 25 years. I never would have imagined I would have to fight harder to save children as a U.S. senator in the halls of Congress than I did in the delivery room.

Democratic leaders, including their presidential candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris, push for transgender surgeries and hormone treatments for minors. As a doctor, I always weigh the risks and benefits. These irreversible surgeries are complex, often requiring multiple operations and often resulting in long-term pain. Administering testosterone to young girls often results in permanent, irreversible changes, such as a deepened voice, increased body hair, shortened bone growth, and suppressed fertility, while also posing cardiovascular and liver risks. Testosterone therapy in biological women and estrogen therapy in biological men are linked to fertility loss, cognitive decline, and severe developmental problems.

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Love you all immensely…please keep doing what you are doing…ITS THE GOOD FIGHT….and we need you.

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Thank you for the brave efforts of yours and the likes of P.McCullough - R.Cole - J. Thorpe - P. Kory - P. Marik - A. Burkhardt (RIP) and so many others that I would never have heard of, if it were not for that disgusting crime of the century that bothers us all for the last five years now. May truth prevail ... (or else we're doomed)

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My last article in a cartel journal was in PEDIATRICS 2005. A paper that would probably never get published there today. It was a landmark case study showing hyperbaric oxygen can cure Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. That was really before that journal was swallowed up by the cartel. Since then I publish outside the cartel in obscure journals operating outside the cartel. Here is my latest…https://primerascientific.com/pdf/pssrp/PSSRP-04-145.pdf

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And they are still pushing boosters. Get your worthless Flu shot, And kinds vaxes which we know are causing higher Autism.

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because it was and still is a democide

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Why are journals even a thing? Journals do not do the research, they simply publish, correct? Journals seem as relevant today as albums and cassette tapes. Surely, anyone interested in making decisions based on information does not require that the information come via carrier pigeon in order to be considered accurate. Something is missing in this picture and, to me, it is self-accountability, honesty and integrity. Any doctor claiming they cannot use information unless it comes down from the journal on high is at the very least a scoundrel and at the worst case a psychopath.

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In medical journals at least. Most BigPharma conduct all their studies, get the results they desire, and hand it off to an institution for an "unbiased, independent, study". It's all rigged. Ask Marcia Angell MD, she blew the whistle and was gone in one day.

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agree 100%

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What an eye opening read. TY for explaining and exposing….

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And good riddance to all of them. I don't even bother reading them any more. I previously would read JAMA articles frequently, but now most of them are about "equitable" this or that rather than giving any kind of relevant medical information.

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After the nazi regime took over, all academics within a short 100 day window were flipped on their head and had to fold into their courses 'arayan' science. If a professor refused they were fired or wound up in concentration camp. All books that departed from this new science were burned up (a foretelling of worse things to come). I recommend watching this 1940s movie with Frank Morgan and a young Jimmy Stewart called The Mortal Storm of what happens to the academy when it gets turned on its head.

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RFK Jr. says Trump has 'promised' him 'control of the public health agencies'; CDC & NHS in order to force vaccines off the market as Election officials (The Ministry Of Truth) are outmatched by Elon Musk’s misinformation machine - CNN https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-says-trump-has-promised-him

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Thank-you Dr. McCollough. So many unseen people follow you and find hope for humanity as you continue to fight for the survival of humanity. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

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Well done...and just in time for me to use to settle some arguments I've been engaged in regarding scientific fraud and malfeasance by "professors", who, working from "respected universities", provide false data, for pay, to support the governments multiple false and otherwise unsupportable, sick agenda(s). Thank you for providing this information.

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Thanks for sharing. I have hard copies of those papers, even the one that was retracted in one day : ) Got it before it was gone.

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The killer for me was "59% of peer-reviewers for major medical journals received more than $1 billion from drug companies from 2020 to 2022."

This really redefines conflict of interest.

How on earth can they be impartial ?

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Thank you for this news, complete with scientific analysis, of the collapse of the academic cartel supporting hierarchical Rockefeller medical system. The reductionist determinism resulting in entropy is no longer holding back the quantum (r)evolution with this zeitgeist represented by the MAGA/MAHA Unity Party.

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Wolters Kluwer is the publisher for many, if not all. When I worked for them anyway.

And, yes, they do exercise control over all their subsidiaries. You can have all the ice cream flavors you like, as long as it's vanilla.

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Brilliant, thanks

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