Cancer treatments would be far more successful today - if there wasn't a concerted effort made beginning around the 1930s to suppress or criminalize all therapies that were not patentable and to persecute successful therapists by the Medical Mafia and 3 letter agencies acting on their behalf.

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Time for me to do another "free plug" for Wade Frazier and his on-line work "The Medical Racket": https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm#germ

Althought finalized about 20 years ago it is quite germane to our situation at hand, for there's two primary themes in this short work:

1. The Vaccination Racket and

2. The Cancer Racket

𝘉𝘰𝘯 𝘈𝘱𝘱𝘦́𝘵𝘪𝘵!

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Thanks - downloaded looks like some great forgotten history - to go forward it is important to understand where we have been.

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Take the time to get acquainted with Wade's entire monumental website: The strongest single Red Pill I have ever taken!

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Royal Rife was curing cancer in the 1940s by using each unique vibration for virus, bacteria, fungus, parasite, etc... The gov broke his machine, destroyed his records. He went to Mexico and did all his work over again.

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I wish I had a Rife machine. Not clever enough to make it.

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Check out GB 4000! Just don’t get any on line, because you hav3 to be taught how to use it and need to call whomever with questions.

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It won't be turbo cancers, covid or any pathogen or virus that wipes out mankind. It will be the constant use of big pharma drugs, vaccines and mRNA poisons.

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Not to mention Big Ag modifying our food via GMO seeds, resultant crops, and livestock vaccines & feeds. Also the rise to indefensibly dangerous levels the use of glyphosate (and God knows what else) in food crop growing and harvesting processes. And all of this is just the tip of the iceberg.

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Yeah I get that. But reducing fertility to zero accomplishes the same more covertly.

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That is the third wave of destruction. First is heart and blood. Second is cancer. Third is destruction of fertility which includes deformed fetuses, babies killed by breast feeding, and the vaxxes of young children. It is a cycle of destruction of humanity.

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The first was infertility. B. Gates has been doing that for 30 plus years by using GMO foods. Starting with "Golden Rice" in India and Africa. He is a wanted man in both countries for genocide through vaccine. His father and grandfather were eugenicists. Media fails to mention this. Our own government (U.S.) is currently dropping diseases wrapped in nano-lipid particles from military and commercial jets. 340 of those drops in the last 40 years. Most didn't work. The newest ones are. You breathe it in, soon to be activated by a frequency blast. We are past the talking about it point. Fight or die.

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Pig Pharma vaccines (courtesy of Bill Gates et al) have destroyed the fertility rates of a statistically significant portion of Africa's population. (Now Gates is harming African crops by use of synthetic fertilizers. ). https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/truth-with-robert-f-kennedy-jr-episode-4/

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Not fast enough to suit them.

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Which are the cause of cancer

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We can add to that list the various forms of anthropogenic poisons in our food, water, air and minds.

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No one knows better what has occurred and what is occurring than the medical community, the front line doctors, nurses and medical professionals who cannot divert their gaze, for their patients are to their left, to their right, they are in front of them and they are behind them. They know what has changed and what hasn’t changed. They know the truth. They have chosen to keep their mouths shut and to continue to obey. It is both understandable and shameful. The medical industry is in a fulminating crisis. It could not be otherwise. We all have to live with ourselves, regardless of the size of our pay checks or the number of clubs we belong to, how many children we have in private school, how beautiful our home is, how many boards and committees we are on, how much pride we have in our position and our accomplishments, in the admiring eyes of our spouse or our children.

This, Herr Doctors, could undo it all.

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Any health professionals who are still working and still participating in the genocide have no excuse. They know what they are doing. They have no conscience and no decency. These people are disgusting examples of the absolute WORST of humanity. Karma will catch up to them in the end.

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Well I hear this a lot, "by now they MUST know".

I wonder about that. Seriously. You got your typical MD, they got a practise. I dunno say 500 patients or something. You got serious side effects occuring at a rate of 1 in 20 or 1 in 50. And all kinds, presenting as as many different syndromes as you have cases. You got death at say 1 in 500. So that MD sees what, 15 or 20 serious side effects and continuing sequelae, of say 8 different kinds, separated in time from the jab by varying amounts up to 2 years plus. Then one death. Out of 500. That can be rationalized, especially with the drumbeat of propaganda in the background.

Specialists however, that is different. Heart oncology and neurology specialists must be doing some kind of mental somersaults to avoid seeing the concentration of injury right in front of them. But your average doc? You'd think they should know by now? But what did they actually see first hand?

EDIT I should point out why I always bring this up. I have a practical reason. Its because when viewing fellow human beings there is a large difference between assigning conscious evil and malignance, and observing brainwashing and relative innocence. Deprogramming is VERY VERY difficult, and docs are very very far down that road. Do they see a monster when they look in the mirror? What will God do with folk who committed evil but were innocent of self knowledge of that evil? Its an important question.

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No intelligent medical professional can claim ignorance. I was a pharmacist and the research was quite plentiful and available on what these shots would do. There is no excuse for any of them not doing due diligence. It’s part of their responsibility. And their Oath is first do no harm. When I saw from the beginning that all the animals died in the studies, plus an “Intentionally Blank” package insert which means NO INFORMED CONSENT WAS POSSIBLE, I knew it was a purposeful depopulation democide. Thousands of doctors and scientists and pharmacists stepped forward to warn humanity. We were immediately censored and ridiculed. We lost our jobs and licenses for warning everyone we could. I know laypeople who did the research and refused the poison. Each doctor is responsible for the patients he treats. No excuses for not doing the research. NONE.

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Well, there's ignorance and then there's ignore-ance. Ignore-ance is a deliberate decision to ignore whatever doesn't complement one's brainwashing.

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Well your position is, a little bit, has some relationship to, blaming the Koolaid drinkers at Jonestown. Its their fault they drank it. They should have know they were brainwashed....

Your average doc, are they evil?

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It is their responsibility to protect their patients. The information was there for them to find if they wanted to. All of us found it. Why didn’t they? Because they didn’t care to do the research.

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Well its a view. Are they evil?

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Most of them were almost certainly not evil when this started, but they participated in evil and in my opinion they will in no way be able to plead ignorance when the time for pleading comes, which it will. Not a chance. They are MDs and medical professionals. They got where they are by knowing the right answer when others didn’t. If you sell your soul to the devil, which is what knowing compliance in this ongoing crime against humanity amounts to, and you don’t stop, you don’t repent, well, you just might have become evil. You are treading in very dangerous waters.

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If they don’t protect their patients then yes that is evil.

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Brainwashed or not, and yes I remember Jonestown (not just read and/ or heard about it), they KNEW cyanide was going to kill them; certainly the ones further back in the line could SEE those ahead of them already suffering the effects.

As a student nurse 1 firm lesson was to NEVER administer a med to a patient unless I KNEW how it worked in the body, what it was supposed to do, possible side effects or adverse events (not the same thing), how it should be dosed, drug or other interactions (so they wouldn't be mixed), in short everything known about that drug. I still don't take meds I don't know that about, even though I'm retired now. They knew, or failed, as cited above, Todo their due diligence! Either way, yes, they are accountable.

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Agreed. No excuse is going to fly before God. He knows whether these doctors knew or should have known. They should have made every effort to research the jabs before they administered them. It is called due diligence and putting protection of patients before the doctor’s

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I apologise for arguing long past the point we had exchanged the essence of our viewpoints. I consider you and everyone on here an ally in a titanic struggle between good and evil.

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I apologise for arguing long past the point we had exchanged the essence of our viewpoints. I consider you and everyone on here an ally in a titanic struggle between good and evil.

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Graciousness appreciated. Your point about the “brainwashed” has merit—for some. But real anger is justified towards many many medical professionals who behaved very badly and recklessly—particularly against “unvaccinated” people. Too many horror stories coming out of hospitals & nursing homes.And the protocols were killing people.


Thanks for your thoughts Grant.

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Thank-you, and I apologize as well. Again, have a blessed night. Keep in mind this war was won on an hill outside Jerusalem; but, like Lee after the 1st few days of July in 1863, Satan has refused to concede he lost the war...

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Some prob want to believe it was from covid, not the vaxes.

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Yes, it helps them with their cognitive dissonance.

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It helps enormously. Not just a little. The narrative was always designed to accommodate emerging truth, 'long covid' was designated prob in 2017 behind closed doors to provide the normie with the means to 'accommodate' the truth as it emerges. Diabolical and effective.

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And THAT is precisely how 1 chooses to silence one's conscience!

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Well its clear YOU have free will! Its not clear to me that cult members still do, its not clear that is their fault either.

However we are going in circles here. People are starting to feel, or DO feel, that I am also part of the problem, so that as they say is that. There will be no meeting of minds on these issues.

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Your EDIT points are most balanced and very well-taken.

That some docs are still blind to the damage of the vaccine(s) is incredulous to me.

In fairness to decent doctors I make the following observations:

The culprit for the past century has been the complete and utter takeover of Medical School Education by the likes Rockefellers and Carnegies .

They commissioned The Flexner Report which became the basis for this wholesale takeover[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flexner_Report ].

Many docs have acknowledged the absolute PALTRY Education they receive in Vaccinology.. 1-2 days at best !!!!. The overwhelming message to young docs is Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate..ad nauseum following the CDC/FDA (aka Pharma) Vaccine Recipe Schedule which has killed and mutilated innumerable patients of all ages.

Moreover this is cruelly enforced by the Insurance Companies who rate and incentivize HMO/PPO and health systems based upon compliance with vaccination schedules (ie. what % of your patient population received vaccine A, B, C etc.).

They are bound, gagged and/or tagged and dumped if they cut loose with the truth.

They are hobbled by the obscene loans to go to medical school - forever an albatross around their necks. I know some docs who did not pay off their med school loans til they were in their 50s or 60s.

Starting in the 90's most doctors began to give up private practice for a whole host of reasons.

They became corporatized and proletarianized within vast health systems thus undercutting their ability to act independently and professionally. Then came EHR/EMR systems -- don't even get me going. IMHO -Some of these EHR systems should be sued for medical malpractice for screwing up patient records.. sometimes massively.. The doctors were often hapless as well as strangled by hospital administrations, insurance and pharma.

I jokingly refer to hospitals as "Factories of the Future" (i.e. move 'em in, move ,em out when the insurance runs out). BTW this is tracked in great specificity by hospital "Utilization Review Boards.

If the docs/rns ever wake up they will need to take collective action while protecting the most vulnerable patients.

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I don't believe there is any "innocent" past the age of accountability, in Yhwh God's economy. That's why we have a conscience, and it must be deliberately silenced, does not happen by accident. It requires repeated quelling to do so.

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I discussed this very point with three deeply religious folk, to simplify 'is Evil is as Evil does?' 3 of 3 after some pondering and waffling said 'yes'. No excuse for evil regardless of self knowledge. So they agreed with you, is my interpretation.

It still feels harmful and useless, as a practical matter, to blame victims who continue to jab themselves. For me it was lucky circumstance I am here arguing this and not suffering heart failure or who knows what. Its sobering, I am not superior, I am LUCKY.

Of course some are culpable, those who have come to consciously realize some variation of what is true. Im not talking about them.

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I suppose, by that definition, you'd class means"lucky", too. I disagree. I made a choice, even when I was very young (preschool age) to not stop listening to that little voice telling me something was not right. I remember doing so, for all I was young. School, even in the '50s, was already twisting science and history. But I also must credit Yhwh God for His protection, and truths He insured came into my knowledge over the yrs of my life, by

a variety of methods, from very early in childhood. I also have the capacity and willingness to look at things I have in the past believed to be true, in the light of new information, and change my views of them accordingly. But that, too, is a choice.

We each have free will, which Yhwh God will not cross, even to save innocents from bad choices of others, or the person making the bad choice from hell, quite literally. Each of those you keep trying to excuse had free will to choose too. They made bad choices. No one forced them to do so. The information was there.

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General Strike keeping emergency services (ALL) operating

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It’s becoming increasingly difficult - with turbo cancers now joining the ovary and testes accumulation of the spike - to see the entire exercise, both the engineered virus and the “vaccine” as other than a depopulation strategy. As other have noted, nowadays a “conspiracy theory” is a “spoiler alert.”

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For nefarious reasons the spike mRNA vaccine will be the poisoned gift that will keep on giving a variety of unexpected diseases and ailments for years to come. With all the available evidence of harm that this vaccine has caused, I am of the opinion that the powers-that-be who keep on foisting this spike on their citizens, can be accused of premeditated murder.

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"can be accused of premeditated murder"? 🤣🥰 .. you're beginning to see the light..🤔 You should tune into the work of such as Del Bigtree, William Makis MD, Christiane Northrup MD, Betsy Eads MD or Mike Adams.. there's plenty more but my wretched brain won't cough them up: "Covid-19" and The Lethal Injections were and are, nothing but a scam designed to profit from premeditated mass murder.

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Thanks 😊. I saw the light from the get-go so avoided the spike.

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You and me both. Lost my job in November 2021 (got it back) and was looking at arrest and imprisonment but for The Candian Truckers.. now it looks like Reichsführer-SS Adrian Dix" is setting British Columbia up for "Covid-19 V.2.0"

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Happy to hear you got your job back! I live on Vancouver Island and despise Henry and Dix - real Marxists. My husband (who died in 2020) was a scientist, BVSC, M.Med.Vet/Physiology, ZA qualified, and who knew everything about vaccines, warned us of all the evils associated with spike/mRNA vaccines. I used ‘horse wormer prophylactically and have started again since we are being threatened again.

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From here in the UK, Canada, with its upcoming internet controls, and it's 100% standing ovation for a Nazi - looks to be a leader in horror. I imported Ivermectin from India and it worked an absolute treat on Covid symptoms - within a few hours. There is mounting evidence it also has great anti-cancer properties (search twitter for links). I will continue to take it once a month. I live in a poorer area of London - Vax rates were maybe 60% in my local area, richer adjacent areas scored 95% rates. Very interesting as to how and why more of the disadvantaged tended to dodge this bullet. I guess they are far less trusting of authority.

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IVM and any imported are ‘verboten’ in this Trudeau pathocracy. Canada is indeed a horror show and all I can say is that the devil looks after his own. The medical system is very draconian and has caused great division in the population, so people are reluctant to talk about the status of their vaccines. From now on I avoid vaccines of any kind because one can’t trust “Hitler” and his henchmen!

I have a niece who lives in Bracknell. We are all part of the South African diaspora. My best to you 😊

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I refer to them as Reichsführer-ᛋᛋ Adrian Dix and Camp Physician Henry... the positions are realistically quite similar, as Reichsführer-ᛋᛋ Heinrich Himmler was responsible for "Race Hygiene" -- The Scamdemic being every bit as bogus, and as for Camp Physician Joseph Mengele? Well.. he was a piker in comparison to "Butcher Bonnie"... 😡

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I love it 'butcher bonnie'. It seems folk in like positions have been exposed to so many alternate views, for them there is no excuse.

I burnt up a lot of ether bandwidth elsewhere arguing whether a typical MD now is culpable. Not going there again, but rest assured when you get to the butcher bonnies of the world I cut no slack.

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Cancer is a very profitable mega business scam. Why on earth would the psychopathic medical industry want a successful treatment??? They want cancer to proliferate so they can make more money on the toxic and deadly “treatments”. And in the end they accomplish their most treasured goal: annihilation of humanity.

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“When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked leaders”. (John Calvin)

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Oct 2, 2023
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History repeats itself! But I think we are now beyond the pale?

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They are gonna make an effing fortune....

Hate to ask, but are places like Dana Farber, etc. on the stock market?

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When the weight of anecdotal evidence and observation is massive, action not investigation is more than appropriate. An example is what is happening at the borders of western nations. Is it invasion or immigration. The evidence now supports invasion supported by government policy.

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While in France in 2015, I recall well on their news the massive immigration from Africa and other nearby countries pouring in. It was intentional to mess up the sovereignty of countries with outsiders and other problems it caused to stable societies. Just another tactic to breakdown countries and weaken them to take them over.

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So many elements to what seems a global plan, replacement theory is moving in my mind to the 'yah that seems obvious'.

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Oct 2, 2023
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Yes. This is all being done on purpose.

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Dr. Blome admitted to crimes that should have sent him to the gallows. But U.S. officials intervened and he was interviewed by reps from Camp Detrick. (Camp da trick)

Dr. Blome worked for the “Plenipotentiary for Cancer Research” (title deceptive)

Blome wasn’t interested in curing cancer, but in causing it via viruses and in military use of carcinogenic substances. He had conducted deadly experiments on prisoners at Auschwitz. Dr. Blome was sent to the U.S. in 1951, via Operation Paperclip.

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How typical. It's one of the conundrums of recent history, how Adolf Eichmann was kidnapped by the Mossad from Argentina in 1961 -- but Joseph Mengele lived openly in Brazil and Paraguay, finally drowning on vacation at the beach in 1979 -- and no-one ever touched him...🤔

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Mossad tried, but the grim reaper got to him before Mossad could.

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That's interesting.. Mossad's usually pretty damned effective -- but then, they learned their lessons from a brutal master.. But on a moment's reflection, possibly Joseph's mishap on the beach may not have been a complete accident..

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You might find Mossad’s search for Mengele if you search on the internet.

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I'm overloaded as it is.. 😥

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God, we sure know how to pick em/s.

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We are in a time when science fiction becomes reality. Scientists are owned by the elite (the demonic) few who think they are God. They believe they are insulated from accountability because they control Governments, NGO’s, Corporations and most human institutions.

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Barn door still wide open. Tragedy.

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Cancer would stop if vax stopped. All meds are toxic. Let food be the only medicine.

SV-40 in all vax since 1950's. DDT caused polio=GuillenBarre=neuromyelitis=etc. Now caused by vax.

Turbo-cancers. Heart disease. MadCow. Deaths. They know what they do and they continue.

We know that they know. Mass murder for money. Destroying the health of the unborn. Destroying the health of the newborn. Destroying the health of all children.

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This - the Pharmafia (of which regulatory capture is a part) - is, for me anyway, the biggest reason to vote RFK. The climate hoax zealots (of which he unfortunately is one) may make life less efficient and more costly and less-free, but the Pharmafia will kill us and sterilize our children.

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Don't kid yourself: The "Global Warming" scam and the Covid-19 Scamdemic are equally important parts of the same murderous agenda: Mass depopulation, digital IDs, CBDCs, Social Credit, lab-made frankenfoods and 15-minute cities.


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For me - 9/11, the war on terror (or the creation of terror) and the Ukraine debacle are all from the same storybook as the above, the same people....KM?

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KM = "Khazarian Mafia"? 🤔

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I'm gonna swtich to dem for primary...I can in my state, and then unaffilate directy after.

Voting for RFK Jr. just to tweak the Dem feathers....but I think for the presidential election I will put in VA shiva. Best of the bunch. Smart. And the Chinese need Indian's now (they have 4 candidates running for Pres) and I am gonna write him in.

Do you remember the states that said you could look up your vote online and be sure it was who you voted for?


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FTA: “We quantify the overall all-ages vFDR [Vaccine-dose Fatality Rate] for the 17 countries to be (0.126 +/- 0.004)%, which would imply 17.0 +/- 0.5 million COVID-19 vaccine deaths worldwide, from 13.50 billion injections up to 2 September 2023. This would correspond to a mass iatrogenic event that killed (0.213 +/- 0.006)% of the world population (1 death per 470 living persons, in less than 3 years) and did not measurably prevent any deaths.

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That is not enough for them. I think they hoped to kill at least 2 Billion.

That is (I am sorry this is harsh) a drop in the bucket. Won't effect much.

I wonder if coupled with declining births...and maybe a lot of people enjoying "Universal Basic Income" on disablity...or welfare...the tipping point for a failed state (i.e. goodby the nation state) will be the end of Western democracies with any semblance of any kind of government besides Global.

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You’re underestimating them. If you read WEF literature and the various comments their leadership makes, they think the ideal global pop is about 500M, or about 7.5B fewer people than today. I’ll listen to them when they prove their belief by offing themselves.

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Oh I know...that's why they blew up the Georgia Guidestones probably.

But as Sage Hana says "killing the wold is hard".

Gotta take it one step at a time...otherwise people will notice.

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Most institutions, especially the medical field, and the military, operate under one principle:

"If you know what's good for you"

Fortunately, I do know what's good for me, better than anyone else.

1. I like sauce on my food.

2. We own these motherfuckers.


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John Leake, I am Legend was a good movie...even great.

We tried to find a vaccine not for measles, but for something they called SARS 2.

We rolled out a gene therapy "vaxxine".

People are dying now in droves.

The movie had a really good point. When was the last time you read the Greek playrights?

Hubris.When you think you know everything there is to know, the Gods will laugh at you.


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I still have over the air TV or antenna TV, I watch day time TV until about 5 pm. Then I go and do things in the evening, usually just have a bunch of old rerun shows and movies from the 70's and 80's on. Anyway, I notice all the commercials are for all kinds of medicines and vaccines for everything conceivable or what they say exists. I take none of them and if I did I guess I would be sick or dead, it's insane that people believe all that crap, I would believe more the crappy old shows on TV more than the commercials. Also I don't actually watch any of that stuff on TV, it's more just filler so the house wont be so quiet and I feel better with background noise. I work on the PC all day and just have it on to make up for the odd minutes that I am without work. They really are trying hard to thin out the herd with all that shit poison they want everyone to be on.

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Brainwashing is easier than we think. Repetition (they say about 6-10 times, is all it takes).

And if you watch MSM, its more tlike 30 per night.

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