SV40 was inadvertently introduced into the polio vaccines which caused an explosion of cancer cases in baby boomers that far exceeded the polio epidemic. SV40 has now been found in covid vaccines. Only this time it appears to have been done knowingly and intentionally undisclosed from regulators. That in and of itself warrants their immediate discontinuation.

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There are NO coincidences ...

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HIV was a byproduct of polio vaccine research by American fanatics mutating cancer cells to create a turbo cancer bioweapon. You’ll notice, like all viruses upon initial release it came on strong but nowadays you never hear about people, famous or otherwise, dying from it anymore. They’d like us to believe it’s because people protect themselves better and treatment improved. Thats mostly bullshit. It’s a virus and like all viruses it ran its course. Came out of the gate strong and gradually turned less lethal. But, just like covid-19, HIV was not naturally occurring. So when Fauci, Bill Gates and others say we need to prepare for the next pandemic they’re not talking about a coincidental freak of nature. Well, I take that back, THEY are the freaks of nature we need protection from.

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Dr. Peter A. McCullough is a RockStar. I watched the entire hearing, and was also completely impressed with the presentation and competency of: Mr. Aaron Siri; and Lt. Col Pete Chambers, who quoted Heraclitus speaking of the Spartans in 480 BC -

'Out of 100 soldiers, 10 shouldn't be there. 80 are nothing but targets. 9, they are the warriors, and they the battle make. And 1 is the Leader that will lead the others home.'

All three of these men are the '1'.

God Bless Them, and us all..

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Dr. McCullough is an excellent human.

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Powerful meeting for the rights and lives of the people of Arizona!

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Thank you. Thank you. Fabulous presentation, though tragic. I still cannot believe how this medical travesty was basically pushed on and accepted by the entire world, and many refuse to even consider their blindness to the dangers to this day. Horrifying.

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Perhaps before people can find courage within themselves to face the "global" holocaust that is "the poison death shots", they must 1st wrap-their-minds 'round the historical permanence of the perp, There is an eternal entity at the centre of the web that persistently pulls the string of its now animated prey. Maybe this time in a dance of mutual destruction, humanity shall depopulate the planet of all life as a sacrifice to their quadrat god , that which is named territory, hierarchy, and power-over with the finances to back it up.

During the era of the cold-war: the girl-child dreamed "last man standing", poised like a Vitruvian Man on a dead planet. Then he dies! The planet renews itself: Full of try: Consciousness re-imagines life force.

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I'm sure Katie Hobbs will get right on that...

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As an installed governor, she has to ask permission to do anything of any importance.

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Noooo Really??

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Dr. McCullough is a true hero. Depopulation is obviously the intent. If it wasn’t, there would be at least an interest to stop the program and evaluate especially given the Covid is low in numbers and is mild right now. But no- we have Travis Kelsi and Martha Stewart on commercials still pushing this toxin and college universities still requiring it. We are in a very sad and scary time my friends.

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Oct 30, 2023
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Well that’s interesting. Why is Canada investing in our depopulation program? Can you tell me your source for such a statement?

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What a heartbreaking story about Calli Varner. Just awful. I still cannot believe we’re living through this.

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Blanket immunity is legislative malfeasance…Big Pharma “in bed” with the UniParty courtesans.

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This was a phenomenal presentation and you can see from their responses and conments how some of the legislators are shaken emotionally by the enormity of the criminality that has been perpetrated.

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"Hold a meeting and compare hospital ventilator and mortality statistics for COVID-19 hospitalizations."

Since protocols account for high numbers of excess deaths it is important to see if all excess deaths were from treatment changes imposed by official claims this "novel virus" had no treatment and withholding antibiotics that treat the secondary pneumonias that commonly come from respiratory infections. Maybe the novel cause of death had nothing to do with a pathogen just human interventions that had great harms without benefit.

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An excellent presentation. We hear very little of this in Canada. Have you ever tried to do a presentation here? The National Citizens Inquiry (https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/ ) is one place we can go. Here is yesterdays' discussion. https://rumble.com/v3r5l0j-unmasking-the-truth-about-the-covid-19-injection-approval-process-in-canada.html

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Thank you for the link to Canada's approval process. Check out NHPPA.org (National Health Products Protection Alliance.org) Health Canada means to remove ALL natural health products that require intervention by medical professionals - holistic/naturopaths/integrative medicine . It is extremely important that Canadians self-educate on this matter. Also: CCCA.org (Canadian Covid Care Alliance.org) . ShineON*

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Yes, I am aware of this. NCI has also discussed this issue. It is shameful.

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Thank you, Dr. McCollough, for tirelessly educating us and those who may be able to stop the vaccines. Without your voice, and the voices of a few of your colleagues, we would never know what happened. We are so in your debt!!

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Thank you, Dr. McCullough. What an important meeting!

Btw, there’s a typo in paragraph 1; it has the date May 25, 2025. I assume it should be May 25, 2023?

Thank you.

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I noticed that with the past tense of "occured on" as well.

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Perhaps, there is/are also date typo(s) in the state-provided link: Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee

CONTACT: Michael Madden, Senate Research Staff, Ahjahna Graham, House Research Staff REPORT DATE: 12/31/23


FWIW Thank you!

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Our weighing in this corner at 185 with a record 95 TKOs, let's hear it for.....petermcculloughmd.

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Wouldn’t it be great to put Dr McCullough in a live debating match with Fauci and let the world watch? Think of the money we could raise for the vax injured or families of the folks killed by this bio weapon.

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It will be a "SHOW THE WORLD" was a retarded hubris scoundrel the NIH director is.

Invite Rand Paul to sit front row center during the Q & A. Let's watch a Fauci worm squirm.

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EUA needs to be defined as for individual cases, as evaluated for risk vs benefit, only! It should NEVER AGAIN be applied to mass use before proper testing and evaluation of ANY new drugs, and the law allowing variants of existing drugs to be approved without any testing must be rescinded!

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They cannot put out updates fast enough without using EUA, One reason why they didn't update the original 2 shots, is because they wanted to hot BLA approval first and mandate, before bringing out the boosters, but by the time the BLA approval was in place, the virus had already broken through natural immunity. And they also did the bait and switch; the BLA shots were not made available and they only released the EUA ones, which made the mandates illegal, and miraculously none of the courts or state AGs tried to call out that scam. I thought they would just do a fake BLA approval and release the BLA ones to mandate them legally, but they were too afraid to do that, that they preferred to keep liability shield amd do the mandates illegally. That right there is mindblowing.

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The whole scam, start to finish, is mind blowing.

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Makes one wonder about the flu shots. How exactly are they updating these from year to year if it takes more than a year to test them? Thankfully, I never took one of those and was never forced to take one either, and in more than 20 years I never had anything that might have been a flu except for possibly once or twice. Ridiculously enough, these are apparently mandated by some universities and some of the blue States in addition to the lethal covid Injections.

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They aren't testing them thoroughly, although many of the strains are known and have,in the past been "tested " on human "guinea pigs" taking shots containing them. Medical facilities have required them for many decades, too.

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