Violation of “freedom of speech” takes many forms. There should be civil penalties for this kind of censorship. We either have a First Amendment, or we don’t.

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I’d suggest “uncivilized” penalties. You get more of the behavior you tolerate. Toleration becomes complicity.

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Well said. LONG past the time when the pathologically altruistic White Race should be allowing jews to destroy our moral fiber, integrity, and love of Liberty. Convid was predominately jewish, and censorship, is nearly 100% Authoritarian Leftist/jewish. Most expelled group in human history, and we are seeing why, both here, and in Gaza.

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I think u could change your name to anti Jewish. Yikes, I was hoping we were over that. Unfortunately this hatred is still hanging around

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Yes, it's been hanging around in every European country for the last 2,200 years. And all for no reason at all. Very strange.

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Apparently brainwashing lasts a long time 🤦‍♀️ Love is stronger than hate & wins in the end

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So, who's been doing all this brainwashing over the millennia, and why?

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Unfortunately they are still poisoning wells, and destroying once White Nations. https://www.gtvflyers.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Every-Single-Aspect-of-Mass-Migration-is-Jewish-1.jpg

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If you're seeing it in Gaza, you can't be watching the MSM. The MSM must know that it never happened at all, or else they'd be reporting on it -- just like they keep us all up to date on the latest massacres by Christian Nationalists.

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We do have the First Amendment-Censored,

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But that is not the Constitutional 1st A; it's the exact OPPOSITE of it!

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Yup, it's a paradox. Is a censorship, the type we are experiencing now, Constitutional?

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No. It is not. The 1st A was written precisely to protect the "unpopular" speech; that which is "popular" needs no protection. Our founders were wise enough to understand that unpopular commentary must be heard too, so people can make fully informed choices and decisions.

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So we are in agreement.

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this is treason!

Severest of criminal punishment for all violators of The 1ST!

The constitutional restrictions trespassers MUST be sent a LOUD TERRIBLE message.

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We don't any longer, obviously.

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Mar 2, 2024
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Check out what Turdeau is attempting in Canada with his new censorship laws. Any law that censors free speech is not Harms Reduction. It is in fact the very opposite. This is what awaits all of us in the WEF Western society they are engineering.

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'Conservatives' are useless due to their educations according to the Enlightenment theories about Human Nature (i.e., that Human Nature does not exist; every man is born as a blank slate). As this theory is totally false, everything that develops from it is also false. OTOH, Rightists operate on the basis of observed reality and the knowledge of previous generations.

'Conservatives' see Leftists working assiduously to destroy every aspect of existing, normal society and try to address each individual attack by resisting it. Opposing each new outrage by Trudeau's Government is a waste of time -- if he's stopped, he'll just try something else.

Rightists know that the problem isn't with existing institutions, traditions, or religions, but is simply the inevitable result of Leftists living in their society. Leftists are like extremely poisonous snakes -- as long as they're alive; they are deadly.

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Some are capable of killing after they are dead. The legacy of damage to our society will go on destroying long after they are gone. It's like hunting. After you down an animal always approach it with caution. Their last act could be fatal to you.

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This censorship makes me physically ill. Even in 2020 when massive censorship was just becoming obvious to any critical thinker, my liberal friends had no problem with the concept of censorship. I could not convince them it affects ALL of us ( as does lack of voter integrity) . Now 4 years later I have personally been censored for speaking the truth. Those same friends still appear to have no idea, zero curiosity, that the info they read and believe has already been censored before it hits their eyes. They are content...so frightening

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Sorry to be pedantic yet again, but they aren't "liberal"; they're illiberal!

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True. We need to stop using all their terms and properly label things in our discourse. By using their words we have conceded far too much ground in the "culture" war, and tolerated the lies behind them for too long!

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Some of my liberal friends think we need censorship!?!

It blew my mind when they said this & I realized no matter what I said they were too deeply indoctrinated to see the truth...😖

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Your liberal friends are correct. Human societies are all based on trust. Each member must be reasonably sure that other members are not trying to harm him, or to attack the entire society. In fact, normal members won't. But abnormal members (AKA "spiteful mutants", AKA Leftists) and non-members (AKA aliens) will have no attachment to normal society and will treat it as an enemy. Lying and spreading false propaganda attacking various institutions of normal society -- family, religion, traditions, education, etc., are their basic weapons. Censorship is just the defense normal society deploys against these attacks.

Faith in "the marketplace of ideas" is right up there with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Strange nobody seems to support a 'marketplace of food' as a reason why we shouldn't have meat inspectors and health departments. Hey, people will figure out that X is selling poisoned meat soon enough -- no need to censor butchers. After all, spoiled food doesn't cause a fraction of the harm that false propaganda does. Notice I say "false propaganda". There's nothing wrong with yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater if there IS a fire. It's only a crime if there is no fire -- i.e., if it's a lie. If you're sitting next to this guy and see no fire, do you get his name and report him to the police (if you both live) or do you drop him like a bad habit to shut him up?

You can usually spot the differences between intellectual theorizing as opposed to reality-tested experience by the language they employ -- just compare the vaporous mist of the "marketplace of ideas" and 'truth eventually prevails" with the rock-like "a Lie is halfway around the world before Truth can get his boots on."

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Censorship is the way the tyrants are using to rewrite & erase history as we speak.

Those in the most powerful places are & have been banning the truth on every platform possible.

They have banned the truth on TV, radio & newspapers before the internet & now the are banning & deplatforming & debanking & lying about truth warriors 24/7.

Censorship will only hurt those who are not rich & corrupt.

Truth will always be out there for those who are wise enough to look for it, but unfortunately since they are indoctrinating our children their whole lives & banning the truth everywhere they can & now actively trying to ban Christians, truth will be harder to find the more censorship prevails.

It’s why our founding fathers gave us the Right to Free Speech.

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At the time I followed your email links and sent emails to Amazon and Jeff Bezos threatening to cancel my Prime membership. I actually got a favourable reply that they reinstated the book. Perhaps all those who did likewise helped to overturn a wrong decision. Campaigns to right a wrong do sometimes work.

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I actually canceled my Prime. However I admit I still use Amazon sometimes. You don’t need to pay for Prime in order to get free shipping. Just organize your purchases to be $35 or more & no shipping fee. They offer this.

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We live out in a remote area so don't mind paying for prime membership. Many of my orders are for less than $35 and I can't find something else I want in the same order to boost if over $35.

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I’m beginning to wonder if it’s more than pharma behind all of this censorship. Whatever is going on is a very powerful entity.

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Yes, Satan IS still quite powerful, and he is the entity behind all of it!

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There are many Satanists in the world, Sandra. But also worshippers of the false god Molech; people sacrificing children for their own benefit in the form of killing healthy preborn babies to dissect out their organs to grow their tissues in cultures from which to research and manufacture new medical and nonmedical products. Drugs like Paxlovid, most antivirals (not ivermectin as far as I am aware) and most “vaccines.”

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Like Yhwh God has many names, so has Satan; Molech is just another, as are Baal, Chemosh Astarte, Ishtar, Allah, etc, many quite ancient, but so is he. As a retired RN, the use of fetal tissues in pharmaceuticals is hardly "news", I knew it back in the'60s, when I started reading the PDR before administering any med to a patient.

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Thank you for persisting in your endeavors. I know it can be taxing, but your work is vital to righting this ship. Blessings to you and yours.

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Well you know what that means???? Time for doctors & scientists to start a truth medical journal! You started The Wellness company so I know you can delegate some intelligent people to start a medical journal. This is what we need to do to get out of the government’s corrupted system! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

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I agree.

Grassroots new parallel systems and let the market decide where people wanna put their money.

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What they’ve done after so long and so many views is giving you even more legitimacy! This couldn’t have worked out better to convince anyone sitting on the fence that there are things being deliberately covered up. Use it to your advantage it’s a gift!!

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This is the real meaning of “transhumanism”.

It is not about technology. It is only about shifting decisions from human factors (public needs, reader views, sales results) to “trans” factors, where trans stands for “transition to agenda-driven decisions”.

Your needs and wellbeing are no longer valid. Data, verifiability, common sense reasoning, safety, actual benefits vs. risks, scientific rationales are all no longer valid.

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This happens easier when they remove any & all morals from everything.

With no morals protecting life, Liberty & the pursuit of happiness then the majority will be moral less & too lazy to educate themselves or their children what is or isn’t truth & happy to live off of the government scraps in a 15 minute concentration camp???

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I agree. A transition from common sense to stupidity. Did they get drugged, or hypnotized to become this way?

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The best mainstream story is that we are evolving. The evolution from the skill of making fire on a dead winter night to “where is the switch”. Or from a monkey, which is basically indestructible, into a master smartphone operator who loses consciousness after reading a dissenting opinion. Or from Shakespeare or Whitman to “lol u 4 real”.

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Well said!

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No surprise here. Anything (or anyone) that pulls back the curtain on all of the malfeasance that has occurred over the last 4-years, (& the last 3-years in particular, since the covid "vaccines") is censored, dismissed, disparaged, de-platformed, or otherwise silenced. Between not wanting anyone to know the truth about anything, & the now very evident harms associated with the injections, this type of censorship will continue. It is like a very evil game of "Musical Chairs", whereby every time the music stops, the "powers that be" have successfully eliminated tens of thousands of ignorant or compliant people.

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I agree. But vaccine corruption has been going on for DECADES. Long before covid!

And they’ve gotten away with harming kids with the pediatric vaccine schedule… (through all these same tactics!) and it worked so ‘well’ they decided to deploy it on all of humanity…

See… vaccine injury is a very lucrative business too… so it’s win-win for them. Through vaccine injury they can create long term users of the medical system… so, there was never any motivation to make them ‘safe’.

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You are correct. Now that we have highlighted the crimes of commission, (the deadly "vaccines"). we also need to highlight the crimes of omission (supressing/withholding early out-patient/effective treatment). Pay particular attention to the data from India in this article, as compared to the other named countries....https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/03/more_proof_that_covid_killed_medical_ethics.html

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They made their move too soon. There were still enough of us who were aware to start reawakening people. A few more years and it would have been too late. Their insatiable greed got the better of them.

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I noted with interest your comparison with the "Holy Office of the inquisition". It reminded me of the following passage in the book, The Great Controversy p59.

In the thirteenth century was established that most terrible of all the engines of the papacy--the Inquisition. The prince of darkness wrought with the leaders of the papal hierarchy. In their secret councils Satan and his angels controlled the minds of evil men, while unseen in the midst stood an angel of God, taking the fearful record of their iniquitous decrees and writing the history of deeds too horrible to appear to human eyes. "Babylon the great" was "drunken with the blood of the saints." The mangled forms of millions of martyrs cried to God for vengeance upon that apostate power.


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The truth is the enemy of the "we must follow the science" community.

How much you wanna bet Fauci's fluff book will not be banned from Amazon? With the full support of the media, Fauci's lies became the truth for the sheople who continue to head toward the cliff.

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Mar 2, 2024Edited
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I may purchase a copy and then promptly use it in my wood burning fireplace.

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That exactly what I plan to do!

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Enjoy the flames while sipping your favorite beverage, Jacalyn!

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They did the same thing to Andrew Wakefield.

Same shxx. Different day. This is not a new tactic. It’s a recycled tactic that’s worked historically.

Narcissists aren’t creative. They keep doing the same thing over and over and over again until it doesn’t work anymore.

Anyone new to this issue of vaccine corruption needs to read some history. Read about Hannah Poling …and Andrew Wakefield.

This has all happened before.

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A prominent normie doctor went public with her red pill story. The criminal conspiracy had to discredit the study that woke her up.

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Global fascism.

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I just went to Amazon and I can still order your book

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He said they reinstated it when challenged

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Did you read past the first paragraph? He said it was reinstated!

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A free society depends on a free exchange of ideas. In the marketplace of ideas, the most sound ideas will rise to the top in the light of the judgments of rational individuals. As I have written several times, reason hasn't disappeared despite this is what those upholding the official line tell us, such that we now need to be protected from mis-dis-mal information.

The foundation of reason is logic, and the foundation for logic is the real-world "the logic of," as in the logic of writing coherent sentences. Or, the logic of computer programming, of fixing a car, of preparing a meal. We all know what this is and use it every single day; logic really isn't mysterious or academic. When we discover that the logic of certain things isn't what we were told it was but is something different-- Covid comes to mind-- then those protecting the official narratives accuse us of being conspiracy theorists, or say we need to be protected from misinformation.

Any thinking departing from the official consensus narrative is a "conspiracy theory."

Censorship of "the logic of" certain narratives is the beginning of totalitarianism, and this is a political condition. It has nothing to do with one's personal psychology-- a private affair-- or even with social psychology, but exists within the political realm, with the intent to censor political thought or thought that justifies political thought, such as how we now use medical pseudoscience to justify political action. It has nothing to do with psychological mass formation as a cause; instead the mass formation is produced as a result of the censorship and propaganda campaign when the masses are subjected to the logic of producing fear and anxiety in society. High Covid comes to mind.

We've been subjected to a massive and ongoing censorship and propaganda campaign and to turn it back requires turning back the censorship campaign, and in so doing this will help illuminate the propaganda campaign. This, then, is how we turn back totalitarianism and prevent the mass formation that's the result of the censorship and propaganda campaign.

To regain free speech is to regain a rational society, free of rule by factions who seek to deceive. Free speech is the light that illuminates their deeds, and this is why it's always the first casualty of totalitarianism.

The fight against censorship isn't a side affair. It's the main fight.

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