Shame on an OPENLY bought and sold, courtesan-congress.

Turning tricks for "murderous-donors".

Shame on We the people, if we leave them slopping at the money-laundering, pig trough.

Flood their offices. Turn them OUT.

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Very good interview Doctor. My only point of disagreement is that you are being entirely too kind to Dr. Fauci by saying that his homicide was only negligent.

At some point, you pass beyond negligence to intent to murder and I think the Dr. Fauci did that a long time ago!

As far as the craziness of the RFK Jr. confirmation circus, you can read my take on it if you click through to my Substack, “Thinking the unthinkable.“

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Excellent briefing of an enormous corruption played out on the world. You will forever be my hero, Dr Peter McCullough!

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One thing: PRESIDENT Trump’s base is not the MAHA collation. They have joined MAGA. Since the 2020 installment of a lifetime plagiarizer and sociopathic liar, Obiden, MA GA immediately retreated to regroup four years ago. President Trump’s first administration was made up of many recommended bureaucrats by uniparty members he thought he could trust that not only undermined his desire to give America a vaccine, but Trump like 95% of us had no idea there were so many nefarious that would put themselves before the people. Even Dr. McCullough took the Jab on the advice of the CDC.

Many of the new MAHA supporters, some of whom still boohoo Trump because they still deny being propagandized for ten years by the uniparty under the Democrat banner’s media that falsely slandered Trump, so there’s still some TDS out there.

The important thing is the “Left” is made up of people who have done well with big Pharma, the WEF (circa 1971), China’s rising threat as they have colluded for six decades and counting since the 1960 hating America and anyone in uniform service to America and the ideal of freedom and especially body autonomy. They have worked with the WEF (DAVOS) and China and many home grown American corporations using the deep tentacles of ESG to capture and system that tries fighting back. Even office workers thinking they are doing good work did not understand how these internal algorithm’s would kick out anything that interfered with making people complicit without their full knowledge, and those who did realize were now afraid because they might be in trouble so kept quiet, except for a few brave whistle glowered who were attacked by weaponized governments. This is incredibly complex, mean time China and the WHO unleashes Covid on Trump and America and when Trump tried to talk about it they slandered by media parroting. Since the 2008 Trojan horse of Socialist Medicaid that wanted to kill body sovereignty by mandates (ordered lockdowns and Jab demands), and eventually replace Medicare once they homogenize middle America into a serfdom with illegals MAGA was working to figure it out no less than Dr’s like McCullough.

Many of those radicals backed by Communist in the 1960’s are still carrying water for them because China made them wealthy and they now they are retiring. They are the 30% support for the Democrat banner that is a uniparty. But their globalist minded offspring who hate middle America except to use their taxes are still out there. Much of the inflationary spending $7 trillion is still being spent going out the door as their offspring make millions running NGO’s connected in deep webs to: traffic homelessness/drugs, illegal transport and settlement (Buttigieg), child/women sex trafficking, and climate scams, skimming hundreds of millions off the top.

I told people when the were putting that filthy face diaper on their screaming toddler (who knew better than propagandized mommy and daddy), that they should enjoy their $1,600 check to set them up as complicit, that they should enjoy it because it was gonna cost them a 5000% more in the coming years and all I got in return was propagandized blank stares.

MAGA never stopped working since before the Trojan horse “gift” to America showed up from basically nowhere.

MAGA has just begun, with MAHA on our flank, like all good medics.

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Trump recently said he would consider rejoining the WHO. Lets see how this all plays out.

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Blaze TV is asking me to sign up to watch the video….???

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Excellent summary of where we have been and where this may go.

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TODAY it is a well-known and easily demonstrable fact that the members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not read, evaluate or debate any of the particulars of the Legislation they vote on.

They cannot read or debate the issues because, on average, NINE THOUSAND new bills are introduced each year at a rate of fifty-five per day and each Bill can approach 2000 pages of content or more.

Since no one can evaluate ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND pages of Law Speak per day, the elected representative is forced to vote “as per the suggestion of staff”.

Our Constitutions call for ‘representative government of the people, by the people and for the people’. They do not call for ‘government by staff recommendation’.


In order to remedy the UNCONSTITUTIONAL WORKING OF THE GOVERNMENT, it is time to use the available technology of computers for the distribution of the text, and artificial intelligence (AI) for the aggregation of the decisions of up to FIFTY THOUSAND interested, responsible and qualified Citizens per Congressional district, herein referred to as AMPLIFIED VOTERS (AV) to give The People and all of Humanity the opportunity to solve their Governmental problems.


A Constitutional Amendment to Accommodate at Least 10 Thousand Citizen Representatives per Congressional District Who Will Actually Read and Evaluate the Existing and Proposed Laws for the Purpose of Ratification or Annulment of Each and Every Line of Law and the Accompanying Enabling Legislation for the Purpose of Perfecting The Law for and in Behalf of The Citizens of the Country.

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🔥 FYI!!! Dr. David Martin’s recent interview on the Robert Scott Bell Show is excellent regarding “The Fauci Pardon”. He shows the crimes he committed prior to 2014 and the ways he believes he could be prosecuted. He has given quite a lot of thought to this!

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To my knowledge, and I am not a lawyer, he could be still prosecuted under state law. Would you know if this is true?

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America has been so insidiously demoralized over decades, now it expects it. We have been so propagandized by the “painting” of and to slander Trump 24/7 for ten years by 92% of the uniparty’s lying media parrots, that even as the overwhelming choice for change, as soon as he picks up a pen, or says something MAGA has planned for the Left to out itself, like Ellison, or suggesting rejoining the WHO many people still think, “see he’s not really gonna do what he said”, instead waiting for the outcome. People don’t realize the Left is still out there as bots, making comments to still get the people to attack him. Sad, that we Americans have allowed ourselves to be abused and nearly lose America because we watch China’s TV, Fakebook, and TikTok rather than question by doing our civic duty doing homework on alternate info sites for our children’s future.

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Denial runs deep when it comes to evaluating vaccines, but the value of vaccines is based on hearsay, not evidence, because the evidence is very thin and shallow.

People dont want to admit they were gullible and just believed what people said.

Those people preaching about vaccines were mostly doctors.

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