How much pharma $ does he get?

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Open Secrets track campaign funds

McConnell top Contributors

Cash on hand $$8,093,464 .. debt 00

Kent Companies - construction/concrete

Blackstone Group

Kindred Healthcare

Humana Inc


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SPOT ON, Paula.

These critters have sold their soul's for loot, and LOTS of it!

Big KARMA is chasing all of these demons!

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Bitch McConnell is a shill for big pharma…and apparently worth 35 Million on a salary of $195 thousand a year….”Thank you Pfizer!”

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Bitch McConnell for the win!

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An angry, bitter old man who has completely lost sight of his duty to the nation and is now totally consumed with TDS and vindictiveness. He has no business in the Senate.

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Seems both parties have a Biden.

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Well, not accurate. You say, "polio only became a serious problem in the 20th century."

What is called polio existed long before the 20th century, and what has been covered up is the role of insecticides used in the 1800s and first half of the 1900s: Lead Arsenate. It was the most widely used insecticide in the early 1900s.

It was widely sprayed in orchards as well as urban areas on trees.

Late in the 1800s it was called "Orchard Horse Disease" and the horses and people who were heavily exposed to Lead Arsenate insecticide whether in the orchards or cities where it was sprayed on the trees developed exactly all the conditions labeled "polio."

You have to go back to the medical journals in the late 1800s and early 1900s to see it. When the insecticides that caused this condition were stopped, the "polio" outbreak stopped.

While it is true that sanitation, clean food, running water, etc stopped the spread of many contagious diseases, the polio disease/condition which is flaccid paralysis is not occurring where these insecticides are/were not sprayed and or live polio virus "vaccine" is injected into the people and has created vaccine-induced polio.

Believe what you wish, but do your research. Even 99% of medical doctors have never done the research on the lead arsenate and what was "orchard horse disease."

In addition, lead arsenate or other lead and arsenic related compounds were used centuries earlier, even in Europe, creating flaccid paralysis.


Legacies of lead & arsenic Washington State Dept of Ecology


and other sites.

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A fascinating biography of poliomyelitis was researched and written by Forrest Maready in his book "The Moth in the Iron Lung". During the Civil War cotton was not available. A researcher was studying European gypsy moths to determine if they could make silk to substitute for scarce cotton. His moths which had no local predators escaped and destroyed local forests and crops. Lead arsenate was then widely distributed to kill the moths. Also pediatricians were giving mercury to children to treat various ailments. Later DDT replaced the lead arsenate. All these metals and compounds are toxic to the gut and to the spinal nerves which in children are in close proximity to the colon. The polio enterovirus which inhabits the gut are innocuous while in the gut, but if the gut barrier is breached, they can migrate into the spinal canal where they can cause an ascending ventral motor nerve myelitis. Poliomyelitis is a good example of how epidemiologists must take historical events into context in order to understand the big picture.

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Incredibly informative and interesting!

80 pages in the book Dissolving Illusions covers a lot of ground re: the history of polio.

Suzanne Humphries-author.

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"Turtles All the Way Down" is one of the best books detailing the biography of each of the childhood vaccines. Chapter 10 titled "The Mysteries of Polio" also gives an excellent detailed biography of polio.

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Excellent research!

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Oh my gosh, he is so brave not he’s a complete and total tool. No one said Bobby Kennedy is against vaccines. His kids are vaccinated. He just wants guard rails up so these companies don’t get away with murder like they do now it’s true. Common sense is not so common.

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Exactly. I am also a polio survivor, like Mitch claims he is. Spinal Polio at age 9. Recovered with only a little stiffness, and I am almost 83. Everyone was relieved and thankful when Dr. Salk developed the vaccine. I got vaccinated again when the vaccine came out, even though I probably had immunity. My parents didn't want to take any chances. I spent 3 weeks in isolation with another victim who was confined to an iron lung. To this day I can remember the hissing thing that thing made keeping him alive. Thank God for Dr. Salk.

That said, posters are correct. Bobby Jr never said all vaccines were bad and to be very careful that we weren't mandating one that would do more harm than good (Covid)? Some have saved millions of lives, and a few have ended up dangerous. This is what Kennedy is worried about...rushing something untried, then mandating its use. We also need to examine the ones in use for the same reason.

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All vaccines ARE bad, including the polio quackcine. You are aware, aren't you, that "polio" didn't cause the injuries/illnesses you describe; but it was the advent of the spraying of pesticides that poisoned some of those who had weaker constitutions or who had the highest exposure to the poisins being sprayed. In fact, the inventor of the polio quackcine injected his twin grandchildren on stage for other doctors to see, to prove how "safe and effective" they were, only to have his grandson die the following day and granddaughter become paralyzed. People would do well to do a little research into the nonsense they've been indoctrinated to believe instead of parroting the narrative they've been indoctrinated with.

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Thanks for sharing your story. I recently read the book "The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio", which theorizes that some of the paralysis cases attributed to polio could have been from DDT exposure. I'm curious if you happened to have been exposed to DDT around the same time you got Spinal Polio?

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I’m sorry, but respectfully please find me one vaccine that has verifiably saved “millions of lives.” There really aren’t much of any infectious diseases which ever took “millions of lives” since the Black Plague, Smallpox or the 1918 flu. Even at their worst, none of the common childhood diseases were ever killing “millions” of kids, so we should ideally stop talking about any vaccines saving “millions of lives” when weighing their risk/benefit ratio.

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My grandparents' firstborn died at five from diphtheria. We now have all but eliminated the disease. My mom said her mother never smiled again. I think that they would have welcomed the vaccine if it had been available.

Diphtheria vaccine is a toxoid vaccine against diphtheria, an illness caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Its use has resulted in a more than 90% decrease in number of cases globally between 1980 and 2000. The first dose is recommended at six weeks of age with two additional doses four weeks apart, after which it is about 95% effective during childhood. Three further doses are recommended during childhood. It is unclear if further doses later in life are needed. The diphtheria vaccine is very safe. Significant side effects are rare. Pain may occur at the injection site. A bump may form at the site of injection that lasts a few weeks. The vaccine is safe in both pregnancy and among those who have a poor immune function. The diphtheria vaccine is delivered in several combinations

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Diphtheria is a perfect example of what I’m talking about. Per CDC data, diphtheria deaths dropped massively in the 1920s and 30s with the introduction of effective anti-toxin—not a vaccine, which was not available until the 1940s. Whether the latter did anything additional is open to consider, but introduction and availability of penicillin and other antibiotics are as good candidates for further drop in morbidity and mortality of this bacterial illness. The organism isn’t gone. The same CDC statistics show diphtheria cases dropped from some thousands in the 1900-1920s range, but were never even close to a million in a decade. Every child’s death is an unimaginable tragedy for their parents and family, so certainly no making light of any number, but we tend to just give massive credit to “vaccines” for disproportionate benefit without looking seriously at what they really accomplish or not.

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The diphtheria vaccine was the first vaccine to have aluminum adjuvant added in 1932. You said it is “safe” but aluminum hydroxide was never properly safety tested. It’s just assumed to be safe because we’ve been using it for so long. The only study the FDA has is 4 rabbits who were injected with aluminum hydroxide. The rabbit data was horrible and it shows the aluminum stays in the body and the kidneys can’t excrete it. They just ignore their own data, because most vaccines contain this ingredient and won’t work without it. In the early 1930s we suddenly had Crohn’s disease, anaphylactic food allergies, and autism. What a coincidence that all these diseases suddenly appeared after we started injecting people with aluminum hydroxide. As the vaccine schedule exploded, autoimmune diseases, food allergies and autism rates skyrocketed. What a coincidence. Diphtheria was one of the most dreaded diseases we vaccinated against, but it was probably disappearing because of improved sanitation, hygiene and nutrition, more than the vaccine. Typhoid and scarlet fever killed even more people in the late 1800s than diphtheria, yet we never vaccinated against those bacterial diseases and they disappeared anyway. There was an enormous drop in morbidity and mortality of many infectious diseases in the twentieth century. Most of that drop occurred before vaccines were introduced, yet somehow we’re told to believe vaccines are the only thing that caused it.

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RFK jr. is not against vaccines and has stated that repeatedly. He knows that there are NOT any actual safety studies and that they are excessive. Big Pharma finances their own studies, if and when there are any, and they get the result they PAY for. These vaccines have never been safety studied, in a blind placebo group, by an independent party. This is absolutely criminal.

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Go to TheTruthAboutVaccines.com as in closed door meetings, pharma knows they do not have one safe vaccine that actually works. They know if they advertise the shots on TV news like it is truth, the tv watchers believers are easily brainwashed to go buy an injection of toxins, without once getting the ingredient list and searching each and every ingredient for the side effects. Not one safe shot for babies, children, pets, adults or the elderly. Shots actually ruin your natural immunity when injected with such toxic poisons. See why we have autistic children everywhere. Unhealthy sickly young pets. So many adults with so many health issues. Once injected, how are you going to drain all those toxic chemicals out of your body? Learn and Do Better, Stop all shots.

Avoid all MRNA shots and at that avoid all the toxic shots for babies, children, pets, adults and the elderly. Watch TheTruthAboutVaccines.com and the many doctors and scientists explain that there is not one safe shot. Why did Bill Gates say in some of his private meeting videos that he Never had his own babies or children vaccinated and Bill Gates does not believe in shots for himself. Bill Gates said the Leaders of Society would never buy into a shot, they only invest in toxic shots for the second class citizens to make billions in profits off of the low class tax payers

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The United States law banning parents from suing the pharmaceutical companies for vaccines became a law because they admitted in court / congress / to the world that all vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe”. They were supposed to use the money saved for researching new, safer versions NOT expanding the already dangerous list but this is what happens when you make it illegal to sue for damages…now they all claim LOUDLY with pride how SAFE and effective they are. Lies.

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Indeed. Very sadly enough, RFK isn't opposed to vaccines. If we were REALLY interested in changing the health status of the country (we're not, as the depopulation agenda is in full force), not another vaccine OF ANY KIND would be dispensed until such time as liability protection for them is removed, ALL ingredients are made public and explained to consumers, and all the REAL data is made public so customers can decide for themselves if they want to inject themselves and/or their kids with p0is0n.

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I do think that's the point…what you wrote…they don't intend to introduce any more vaccines unless properly tested. That's a great thing. Give Kennedy time…there is much evil to undo. There will be mistakes made, as happens by all people, but overall this man, i believe, is a good man, who cares for his citizens.

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Yours is the best comment I’ve read-thank you for sharing some common sense and positivity!

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Isn't it odd that he's not against them, knowing they're not safe?

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He wants people to make their own choice about all vaccines, after they can make an informed decision. He doesn’t want them mandated, by corrupt money grubbing Government Agencies.

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Aside from not mandating vaccines, how about restoring Pharma's liability for them? Remember, the excuse for waiving liability was Pharma's claim that producers faced financial ruin due to an increase in vaccine-related lawsuits, and that vaccines are necessarily unsafe?

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Knowing what he knows he should ban them.

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I would agree, as I’m sure he does, but people are free to make their own choices.

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I guess, but we should steer them away from obvious dangers. I also believe if the rx companies came out and told the truth, there would still be those that take them.

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He is appealing to people's common sense...to acquire informed consent before permitting any injection into the children's bodies. He respects free choice.

Regarding all medical interventions, we are entitled to full disclosure of risk/benefit analysis. He is promoting TRANSPARENCY. He announced on FOX last night that his department intends to begin with a trustworthy, transparent vaccine adverse event reporting system. Once people can access such information they will be able to decide if taking that vaccine is worth any of the risks listed.

An especially fine press conference on this subject was on X today with Sen. Ron Johnson and Del Bigtree. Start at the 10 minute mark.


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Ron and Del, two other big fans of poisons!

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Isn’t this the guy who has an on/off switch? 🤣

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They don't call him "Glitch" McConnell for nothing.

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He was coached by Big Pharma!

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"Dangerous conspiracy theories" is code for "my palm wasn't greased."

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The sheer ignorance regarding vaccines is so overwhelming that books could be written. Vaccines are NOT safe, and most are not even slightly effective. And ironically, it was the polio vaccines that were among the worst back when they were first developed. It is well known to the medical profession but not to the general public that, when the polio vaccines were first used in the 1950s, many thousands of the recipients developed polio FROM the vaccines; many of them died and many times that number were left crippled. The smartest thing anyone can do for their health is to stay far away from ALL vaccines.

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And that most cases of "polio-like illness" in India today are the result of the Bill Gates-pushed polio vaccine.

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That is correct. And I believe Gates is under criminal indictment in India.

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How about a citation?

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The collective knowledge of mankind is on the internet. Look it up - it's all there.

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Not to mention literally hundreds, if not thousands, of books, studies and documentaries on the topic. But the "stupids", steeped in their brainwashed narrative, ask for "references" ("citation"), which they neither care to see nor would they bother to peruse. They think their "references?" comment somehow negates the truth being spoken because someone doesn't provide them pages, and pages, and pages of links (which they could easily find for themselves if they were so inclined -- which they're not).

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Childish copout.

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No. Just a dose of reality.

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Ah, your highly recommended vaccine of reality. Well played, Mitch 😘

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Very well written John and completely on point. This issue of the loss of maternal immunity to previously relatively benign childhood diseases as a result now largely of vaccination, is resulting in a shifted disease profile and more serious disease later in life: or the need for recurrent vaccination to 'prevent' breakthrough, along with all the concomitant and mounting side effects. Polio is one of many enteric 'polio-like' viruses - and like many other things, definitions, diagnosis and case criteria have been shifted to suit the required dialogue.

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Time for Cocaine Mitch to retire under his turtle shell!

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Or back a Tesla into a pond.

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McConnell is treasonous-scum.


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Imagine, a politician lying…who woulda thunk it?

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Regardless of whether he actually had polio, and regardless of whether polio vaccines work or not, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with honestly investigating the safety and effectivity of ANY medical treatment. I mean, what honest person in their right mind would ever be against such a thing?

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What luck for the two year old senator? That a massive increase in pesticide spraying and the use of chemicals in agriculture happened in the 1940's, especially the use DDT? Put the use of such chemicals against the outbreaks of paralysis and see what you see. That food crops including cereal crops with a rise in breakfast cereal consumption provided another vector for an illness to develop? That the idea that a pathogenic 'something' floating about in the air somehow unluckily made its way into the Senator's two year old body to reek havoc.? Maybe we all need to reprogram our thinking processes and look through different lenses at the illness processes. One size DOES NOT fit all - illness.

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Amen! Nice to see some people who deal in reality instead of narratives and BS. Kudos!

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