Regrettably, the spread of measles has been far too limited. Ideally, we would want tens of thousands of infections, with zero mortality. Widespread supplementation with Vitamin A and the use of well established homeoprophylactic medicines for measles would almost certainly prevent a single death from occurring. The health benefits of catching measles in terms of decreased incidence of downstream health problems would be enormous on a population wide basis. We need more measles, not less, if the public health interests of the population are to be truly considered.

I do understand the value of promoting measles vaccination. It helps to distract from the myriad of far more consequential preventable health problems children suffer from due to vaccination, such as autism, ADHD, asthma, allergies, S.I.D., myocarditis, and learning disabilities. Who wants to pay attention to the massive toll vaccination takes on our youth when we can prevent 2 measles deaths? Oh, right, RFK Jr. Almost forgot, Big Pharma hasn't yet been able to shackle or evict him. Well, they're working on it.

Also mass vaccination helps keep our children sick, which further enriches big Pharma, its investors, and the government officials who have been payed off to enable the bad science to rule. If you want big Pharma to stay financially healthy, promoting measles vaccination makes a lot of sense.

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What goes around comes around.

What comes around goes around.

It's Human Nature.....welcome it for the well lived life of natural immunity.

Raise your hand if it has been working for you so far! I'm on that list of lists! Hahaha

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In both deaths, how did they die? Was it due to hospital negligence? Kidney failure? Positive with measles doesn’t equate to death by measles.

Also, as I stated in my article, “According to his (RFK Jr) piece, 79 cases did not receive the MMR.

So, what does that mean for the other 67 (46%) cases? Sure, 5 were vaccinated, but what about the other 62?

Why isn’t the narrative that 146 people have measles:

- 54% were unvaccinated,

- and 46% were vaccinated?

Why is unknown requiring a leap in conclusion to “unvaccinated” ?”


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When they "dish out" mis-info Franklin, they can serve it up any way they want.....

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Dr McCullough, before you go suggesting immunoglobulin, please know that there are consequences of the use of it. It is not necessary.

With measles you don't just need vitamin A - cod liver oil is preferable because vitamin D is also part of the equation here.

Vitamin C is also necessary and where measles becomes confluent IV vitamin C as Dr Marik may know, could be a symptom-breaker. People also need to know how to treat the rash as well. A spray made up out of 5% powdered ascorbic acid + 95% H20 sprayed all over takes the inflammation out of the rash.

Please read this medical article and ask yourself why it is that nothing has been said about this since. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2856946/

"The presence of measles specific antibodies is usually taken as evidence of typical measles in the past; in the present study it was regarded as evidence of infection with measles virus, but not necessarily of the common disease accompanied by a typical rash. The association between a negative history of measles in childhood and certain diseases later in life was investigated by a historical prospective method, based on school health records combined with self-reporting in adulthood, and tests for specific IgG measles antibody. There was evidence of association between a negative history of measles, exposure in early life (possibly injection of immune serum globulin after exposure), and development of immunoreactive diseases, sebaceous skin diseases, degenerative diseases of bone and cartilage, and certain tumours. It is suggested that the presence of measles virus specific antibodies at the time of acute infection interferes with development of specific cytolytic reactions, and enables intracellular measles virus to survive the acute infection. If this hypothesis is verified, use of immune serum globulin after measles exposure has to be reconsidered."

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I recall as a kid it felt good to sit by a window that was letting the sun shine on it.

Especially on the trunk and tummy!

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Dr Jack Kruse says we all need more sunlight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq3tDpoFVL0

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Many persons don’t efficiently convert Beta Carotene to active retinol.

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"Cup of carrot juice as a home remedy is very preventative against measles." I cannot believe I heard those words come out of the mouth of a highly esteemed physician trained in the folds of the medical establishment! Thanks for the nod in the right direction. "Health" does not come from needles and syringes. It comes mainly from our food choices. This has been my life long experience. Thanks for the validation of something my gut literally tells me is true!

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We know nothing about the patients who died. Were they healthy before or on cancer treatment or frail etc? Age, sex, health conditions. This smacks of the " covid deaths" when young men died in a motorcycle wrecks but tested positive after death, and were listed as covid deaths.

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Thanks Peter! Good morning to you! That was good quick info.

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If Japan stopped the MMR combination in 1993 and reviewed it once again in 1999 and has not re-started it. What is this far superior and more robust healthy nation doing that we, in the US, the sickest nation of all wealthy nations are not doing? We spend more money than any nation and yet we are the sickest. I reject her outrageous claims that the MMR is "safe and effective". We need to stop using these buzz words when it comes to ALL vaccines

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Transparancy is needed here!!!

Dr. McCullough makes a great point, this man knows what he is talking about.

Complete B S. Media fed horse manure coverup hysterical feeding veiled Big Money driven drama.

How unfortunate that the passing of an innocent person gets dragged through the media like this. That poor family.

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Please listen to Jon Rappaport’s podcast on how RFK and docs like you can flood the zone and overcome big pharma https://substack.com/@jonrappoport/note/c-99635959?r=10q5g4&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=notes-share-action

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Here is a report from a reporter on site in Texas where the first child died. In his opinion the source was illegal migrants who brought measles into the town. The child apparently died "with measles" rather than from measles.


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I know there are tests that can determine whether someone has measles antibodies from either a prior immunization or from a prior infection. Can they determine where the antibodies come from by looking at the type of measles? I know they can tell the type of measles currently active from a blood test. It seems like testing people for vaccine-created antibodies might not be too hard.

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This same practice of selective reporting led to mass panic, flawed public health policies, and the suppression of critical medical data during COVID-19. It continues today with mRNA vaccines, where severe adverse reactions and underlying vulnerabilities are routinely dismissed instead of being properly studied and addressed.

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Something is simple as carrot juice, who would have thought such a thing would cure the measles or at least limit its negative potential.

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